Joanne Quinn

Executive Director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine


Joanne Quinn

Joanne Quinn, PhD, RMA

Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., R.M.A., has an extensive background in science with a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has studied both allopathic and alternative approaches to health care, studying alternative therapies since 1989.

These include:

  • Neurotransmitters and Brain Chemistry with Apex
  • Iridology with Bernard Jensen and with the Institute of Natural Therapeutics and with the International Iridology Research Association
  • Rayid with Dennis Johnson
  • Dark Field Microscopy with Gaston Naessons and the International Academy of Somatidian Orthobiology
  • Herbology with Total Health and Research
  • Homeopathy with Jeremy Sherr and with The National Center For Instruction in Homeopathy and Homeotherapeutics at Johns Hopkins
  • AgriHomeopathy with Camilla Sherr
  • Wise Traditions with the Weston A. Price Foundation
  • Functional Endocrinology with Datis Kharazian
  • Nutrition with Bernard Jensen
  • Kinesiology with Total Health and Research
  • One Brain with One and Three Concepts
  • Blood Chemistry with Datis Kharazian
  • Touch for Health with the Touch for Health Foundation
  • Aromatherapy with Young Living
  • Meridian balancing and Chakras with Total Health and Research
  • Brain Gym with the Educational Kinesiology Foundation
  • Food Sensitivities with the American Academy of Environmental Medicine
  • Advanced Nutritional Therapeutics with Michael Dobbins
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy with the Upledger Institute
  • Subliminal Dynamics
  • Nutritional Evaluation of Lab Analysis
  • Alternative and Complementary Pharmacy in Small Animal Practice with Susan Howell
  • Biomagnetism with Isaac Goiz
  • BioGeometry at Vestica Institute

In addition, she is a Registered Medical Assistant.

Quinn is also the Executive Director of the ELS Foundation which disseminates information to help in the elimination of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) based on research done in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Previously, she has been involved with Peace Links, Women Against Nuclear War, and Children's Response to Conflict.

Articles by Joanne Quinn

News Caps for March 2025

Research studies that show heavy metals are found in almost half of the protein powders studied, benefits of elderberry, fiber and gut health, and the definition of a "plant-based" diet.

Micronutrients and Phytonutrients

Five important nutrients for health, phytonutrients, nutrient dense foods, health tips for supplements, and how to eat the rainbow.

News Caps for February 2025

What you need to know about the ban on Red Dye No. 3 from the FDA

Red Dye No. 3 is officially being phased out of foods in the U.S.

While this is good news for anyone who cares about clean and nontoxic foods, there are some things you should...

Heart Health Tips

Are women more at risk for heart disease? See how you can take steps to stay heart healthy.

News Caps for January 2025

Flavanol-rich cocoa can protect the vascular system; Stress Hormones affect diabetes risk; Many prenatal vitamins lack 2 essential nutrients; and the dangers of microplastics in the body.

Nervous System Regulation

A healthy nervous system is vital for good health. Learn the signs of a stress nervous system and how simple daily routines can be impactful.

News Caps for December 2024

Read a summary of the latest research on the gut microbiome, exercise and hunger control, the impact of placebos, and the importance of sleep.

Immune Support for Winter

Protect your immune system with herbs, teas, low stress, and an old-school naturopathic remedy.

Skin Health

Learn how to have clear and healthy skin, combat breakouts and rashes, and nutrition suggestions for aging skin.

Holistic Health Tips for November 2024

Tips to stop stress, keep your energy up, take a shake break, and practice gratitude.

News Caps for October 2024

Read about the latest research about metabolism, brain aging, pesticides and pasture raised beef.

Creamy Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce

A fresh and nutritious tomato sauce for pasta.

Female Hormones

Female hormones start with estrogen and progesterone, but they don’t end there. If you’re dealing with period problems, PMS, mood swings, painful breasts, no libido, hot flashes, night sweats, brain fog, or anything else you suspect *might* be your hormones, this article is for you!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts Salad

Enjoy this delicious Roasted Brussel Sprout Salad. A wonderful fall treat.

News Caps for September 2024

News caps about how light at night boosts diabetes risk, brain health depends on whole body health, and recommitting to self-care.

Brain Health Tips

Learn all the ways a healthy brain impacts life and how you can support your brain with lifestyle choices.

Ulcerative Colitis NOT for Life: A Healing Journey from Overwhelmed to Self-Empowered

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are autoimmune diseases and are becoming increasingly common, especially in the industrialized Western world. Learn how Caro Beth and her son found success in reversing the supposedly incurable IBD.

Thyroid Health

Your thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the front of your neck that regulates metabolism (how your body uses energy) but also influences metabolic rate, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, gut motility, mental function, mood, menstruation, and fertility. Learn how to optimize your thyroid function.

Blood Sugar

Learn about the myths, truths, and signs of blood sugar. See how it impacts your health and well being.


The microbiome is those trillions of microorganisms inhabiting the gut that keep our digestion and immune systems happy. But that's not the only microbiome in the human body! We actually have 5 microbiomes.

The Autoimmune Cure

Dr. Sara Gottfried reveals how trauma can rewire your body to trigger autoimmune diseases and provides a comprehensive plan to reset your immune system and finally heal.


There are scientific theories on how to have successful relationships by analyzing each person's attachment style, whether it is "secure," "anxious," or "avoidant." Learn how to determine your style and overcome the challenges of past relationship issues.

Gut Health

It’s a common misconception that the only signs of poor gut health are digestive problems, like gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea. Problems in the gut can also cause or aggravate: food sensitivities, skin irritation, food cravings, mood changes, and brain fog.

Healthy Detoxification

Here’s how to know you have healthy detoxification: Fresh breath (without needing gum or mints!), clear skin (without rashes or outbreaks), easy bowel movements (every day), sound sleep (without waking at 3 a.m.), mental clarity (without brain fog!).

Annie Appleseed Cancer Conference 2024

The Annie Appleseed Conference was geared for patients with a cancer diagnosis. Learn the latest in therapies from the experts.

News Caps for March 2024

Low carb quality matters, Dangers of endocrine disrupting chemicals, the effects of protein consumption, and the benefits of berries.

Best Answers For Cancer Conference 2024

The Best Answers for Cancer Conference included presentations from Chilkov, Saupe, Marolia, Williams and Desauliniers. Learn the latest in cancer therapies.

News Caps for February 2024

The latest research regarding blood pressure and couples, the importance of diversity in the microbiome, blood sugar and the immune system, and the importance of exercise.

Vagal Tone

Vagal tone affects heart health, metabolic health, mood, digestion, and healthy aging. There are simple ways to increase vagal tone through several modalities.

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit October 2023

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit offered a multitude of cutting edge therapies for patients to consider for cancer. Read brief summaries of many of the presenters.

News Caps for January 2024

Learn the latest research on how sodium can influence blood pressure, the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, how supplements can help acne, and the facts regarding estrogen and weight gain.


Does mindset matter? Your mindset is a set of deeply rooted beliefs. It shapes how you make sense of the world. It determines how you think, feel, and behave. Which means it inevitably influences whether you succeed or fail.

News Caps for December 2023

Brain changes during menstruation, prescription drugs, banned food additives, and intermittent fasting.

Stress Hormones

Learn what your body does with stress.

Immune Support Myths and Tips

Immunity: Learn the myths, threats, and tips on how to best support your own immune system.

News Caps for November 2023

What is the latest research on gratitude, depression, happiness and exercise?

Mitochondrial Function

Mitochondrial Health: how to support your mitochondria for health and wellness.

News Caps for October 2023

Benefits of coffee, breast health, fall superfoods, fall reflection, Halloween ideas, and the latest regarding the microbiome.

The Brain: Do You Have Curious vs. Urgent Thinking?

Duke University found that people in a curious state of mind remembered things better the next day than those in an urgent state of mind. This is amazing because we have the power to shift our mindset!

Home Made After-School Snacks and the Dirty Dozen

Life is happier when the kids are fed. If you think that’s easier said than done, try these build-your-own snack ideas to calm that ravenous after-school hunger. Plan the snacks using organic fruits and vegetables outlined by the Environmental Working Group.


Ever feel like your brain is keeping you stuck? Neuroplasticity is equivalent to rewiring the brain. You can teach the brain to form new connections, to strengthen pathways that serve you and weaken pathways that don’t.

Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us About Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom

Fred Provenza's research has focused on the complex interactions between animals and their environment, with an emphasis on how animals learn to make dietary choices that optimize their nutrition. His work has challenged traditional views of animal feeding behavior by highlighting the role of learning, memory, and social interactions in shaping dietary preferences.

News Caps for August 2023

Get the latest updates on sucralose, chicken lab meat, the relationship of muscle fat and dementia, and the benefit of saunas.

PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Learn about the myths behind Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and how to improve outcomes with foods, vitamins, exercise, mindfulness, decreased stress and improved metabolism.

News Caps for July 2023

Updates on the latest research regarding probiotic safety, junk food, indoor plants, and flavanols.

Holistic Health Tips for July 2023

Learn the benefits of Reishi, Eggplant, Belly Breathing and Journaling.

Fatigue: Signs, causes and what can be done about it

Follow along and learn what might be causing fatigue and what you can do to regain your energy.

Men's Health and Hormones

In the natural health space, women’s hormones get a lot more attention than men’s. But guess what? Men can struggle with hormonal imbalances, too! Learn the signs and what can be done.

Understanding Biofield Science

Biofield science is an emerging field of study that seeks to explain the subtle energy fields that surround all living organisms. Take a deep dive to advancing your understanding through the investigation of five research studies.

Can Sleep Make It Easier to Lose Weight?

New research confirmed when people get regular and uninterrupted sleep they did a better job of sticking to their diet and exercise goals over a 12 month weight loss study.

Root Causes of Bloating

Bloating is one of the most aggravating symptoms because of how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be! When attempts to avoid beans and broccoli fail, it’s time to get to the root cause. Here are some driving factors to consider.

Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

Endometriosis is a painful condition in women where tissue that is similar to uterine tissue lives outside the uterus around other pelvic organs. Learning the cause can open up many options for therapy.

The Nobel Adventures of Beryl and Carol

The Noble Adventures of Beryl and Carol is a story that combines adventure, an introduction to homeopathy and a life story of two best friends.

Best Diet for 2023?

The results are in for the Best Diets in 2023 and the Mediterranean Diet wins again. U.S. News and World Reports released its annual rankings of the best diet plans.

6000 Steps per Day Reduces Heart Disease Risk

A new study found that between 6000 and 9000 steps per day is linked to a dramatically lower risk of heart disease in adults over the age of 60.

Study Finds Red Food Dye May Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Problems

Through research, scientists have just discovered that chronic exposure to red food dye may lead to inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and colitis.

Chronic Inflammation

Three out of 5 people worldwide die because of chronic inflammatory diseases, and the World Health Organization ranks these diseases as the greatest threat to human health.

Mood Dragging You Down?

Lots of people think mood only relates to serotonin levels in the brain, but that’s only part of the story. Think of it this way:

Your brain is connected to the rest of your body. So your mood depends on the right balance of nutrients, hormones, and other chemical messengers throughout your entire body – including your gut, thyroid, and immune system.

Five Steps to Better Periods

If you struggle with period problems, you are not alone. Whether you dread the discomfort of menstrual cramps, can’t manage the mood swings of PMS, or struggle with erratic and irregular cycles, this guide is for you.

Ten Superfood Snacks

If you strive to be healthy but struggle when it comes to snacks, this guide is for you.

Gut Health Checklist

If you struggle with digestion – bloating, constipation, loose stools or reflux, there are several steps you can take on your own to support gut health.

What is Circadian Disruption?

Do you know what happens when we eat, exercise, sleep, or stare at our phones at times that are out of sync with our internal clock? It is called Circadian Disruption.

Your Brain Responds to a Walk in Nature

A new study found that a one-hour walk in nature decreased activity in a part of the brain called the amygdala – which translates to a better ability to deal with stress.

Could It Be My Hormones?

Estrogen dominance is a pattern in the body where estrogen levels are too high in comparison to progesterone levels. Learn what causes it and how to address it.

Intention Essentials Introductory Course with Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart's Intention Essentials class teaches how to set intentions for a variety of aspects in life whether it is health, happiness, relationships, career, or just about anything you desire.

Alzheimer's World Summit

30+ experts and world-class leaders discuss how help to prevent Alzheimer’s and slow the progression of the disease by offering holistic and complementary options from diet, mindset, and caregiver support.

Dental Health Connection Summit 2021

The 2021 Dental Health Connections Summit was a week of expert presentations describing the latest in biological dentistry. Learn vital information on the best practices for maintaining and repairing the teeth, gums and mouth microflora.

Get Well with Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart hosted an informative webinar entitled Get Well. She included three guest speakers, Rob Verkert, Dr. Sarah Myhill and Jeremy Sherr.

Cognitive Decline and Dementia: Clinical Strategies and Treatment Application

Cognitive decline is a complicated process and it is important to realize that treatment must be personalized taking into account all aspects of the patient. By using all of the principles that Dr. Kharrazian outlines in this course it is possible to help patients achieve the most optimal outcomes.

Become a Better Healer with the Power of Eight

Learn how to help others heal through the Power of Eight group healing. The importance of mind, body and spirit must be considered when helping others heal. Through group intention this powerful approach to healing has remarkable history and success.

2021 Ozone Convention

The 2021 Ozone Convention was an online event diving into wellness with oxidative and supportive therapies. It was the largest online gathering of professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts working with oxidative therapies. The importance of therapies like these is becoming greater as our world is addressing bacteria, virus and mold.

50th Anniversary of Orthomolecular Medicine Conference

The International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine Society celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference on May 28-19, 2021 with a dynamic fact-filled conference highlighting presentations from twelve experts in the field. Orthomolecular integrates diet and nutrition for prevention and treatment of disease.

Holistic Dental Care

“Holistic Dental Care” by Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence is a mind, body, and spirit guide to helping people obtain optimal dental health. The book addresses the whole body and offers a thorough holistic approach.

Body Electric 2.0 2021 Summit

Forty nine experts in frequency medicine presented scientifically proven tools and cutting-edge research on a multitude of energy, frequency and vibrational healing modalities that promote and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. Here is a summary of several of the presentations at this year's Summit.

Review of the 2020 A4M World Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine

The Science of Longevity: Exploring the Limits of the Human Lifespan. Learn from summaries of several of the presentations delivered at the 2020 A4M World Congress. Rooted in a forward-focused mission to redefine modern medicine, The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is the established global leader for continuing medical education in longevity medicine, metabolic resilience, and whole-person care.

The Pegan Diet

“The Pegan Diet” explains how to take the best aspects of the paleo diet (whole foods, good fats, limited refined carbs, limited sugar) and combine them with the best aspects of a vegan diet (a plant-rich diet with loads of colorful, disease fighting phytochemicals) to create a delicious diet that is not only good for your brain and your body, but also good for the planet. This book is inclusive. It’s for meat eaters, vegans, keto folks, beginners, seasoned dieters who are looking for balance, and anyone in between.

The Best Answer for Cancer: Notes from the 2020 Virtual Conference

The Best Answer for Cancer Conference was held virtually in 2020. It included three days of insightful presentations pertaining to cancer, COVID-19, chronic disease, DNA methylation, viral and fungal infections, ozone, and case studies. The information shared was cutting edge and beneficial to practitioners and to patients.

Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?

Nutrition, finally explained. Dr. Hyman breaks through the diet wars, sharing what the science really says on everything from meat and dairy to grains, legumes, seafood, and more, and explains how we can eat to truly thrive. For a look at all his favorite recipes using food as medicine, check out his companion cookbook, “Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?

Dog Care On Air

Dog Care On Air provides education from leading animal experts aimed at keeping your best friend healthy and happy. Content features practical advice on training, nutrition, health care, innovative products and services.

COVID-19: IV Vitamin C is Officially Recommended by the Shanghai Government

How do you determine fact from fiction when it comes to the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Look at the research. Handwashing, nutrition, and other natural approaches can help you stay healthy. In addition, the Chinese government has been studying the impact of using IV vitamin C to treat the virus. Learn more about the studies and about natural ways to stay healthy.

Acres 2019 Eco-Ag Conference

The Acres Conference, now in its 44th year, sets the standard for innovation and learning. It is where you find farmers and consultants from every facet of eco-farming who come together to share their experience and expertise with beginning and generational farmers running sustainable farms, as well as those who are in transition from conventional to organic.

Ouabain/Strophanthus and Heart Disease

Ouabain, also called strophanthin or strophanthus, comes from the seeds of a plant in Africa. It has been used in Germany for decades to successfully treat heart disease.

Remembering Berkley W. Bedell, FAIM Founder

Berkley Warren Bedell, age 98, passed away on December 7, 2019, three days after suffering a massive stroke in Naples, FL.

He is the founder of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) and spent his life focused on making the world a better place.

Cannabis: The History and Potential

FAIM has investigated cannabis to help educate people on its medicinal properties. The history of cannabis helps explain and hopefully dispel the fear and misunderstanding of cannabis.

The Importance of Dental Decisions and Your Health

FAIM has learned there are so many aspects to dental health that affect our entire body. Many professionals say disease begins in the gut and colon, but it is quite possible it begins in the mouth, as well. Infected teeth, gums, tonsils and sinuses are responsible for many heart attacks, breast cancers, and chronic degenerative diseases.

Energy Medicine Overview

One of the most exciting areas of research at FAIM involves energy medicine. This is an area of medicine that will likely be the future. There are so many facets and I will try to share information about three of the therapies FAIM finds most promising.

Colorado Association of Naturopathic Doctors: November 16, 2019 Conference

The 2019 Colorado Association of Naturopathic Doctors Conference covered topics including multi-systemic illness, gut dysbiosis, treatment for men and boys and ADHD.

Age Management Medicine Group AMMG Conference 2019

AMMG shares the latest research findings, eye-opening presentations, and engaging, interactive panel discussions with experts to introduce and update physicians on the latest science-based clinical information and sophisticated clinical applications. The 2019 conference covered topics including dementia, hypothyroidism, dysbiosis, hormone health, genetics, and more.

Lyme Disease Treatment Options

Lyme disease is personal at FAIM. After our founder, Berkley Bedell, was bitten by a tick in Maryland, his life changed dramatically. Over time he became extremely ill. He received conventional treatments including oral and IV antibiotics and received no benefit, so he began to look outside the box.

Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine AIHM 2019 Conference

The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) is an inter-professional membership association of diverse health professions working together to transform health care globally - body, mind, spirit, community and planet. The 2019 conference had an incredible line up of speakers.

ICIM 2019 Conference Summary: Healthy Parents, Healthy Children

This ICIM conference looked at integrative approaches to prenatal optimization, infertility and childhood disorders. The conference was designed to pinpoint specific types of intervention that presented new ideas and effective tools to help patients enjoy a lifetime of well-being and prevention of chronic conditions.

Nanosilver for Bacteria, Virus and Fungus

FAIM has been interested in the technology of nanosilver to eliminate virus, bacteria, and fungus. Our research reveals that the use of nanosilver which has much smaller silver particles is superior to the original colloidal silver.

How Environmental Toxins and Genetic Weakness May Be Impacting Our Health

How can practitioners effectively help patients with high inflammation, anxiety and depression, mold sensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivity, EMF sensitivity, Lyme Disease, fibromyalgia and other modern day health challenges? Environmental toxins, genetic variants, and nutrient deficiencies all play a role.

USPA Conference 2019: Focus on 5G

The United States is in a race with China to roll out 5G. Learn how 5G differs from 4G, the concerns of possible public health implications and how you can protect yourself.

SOPMed Annual Conference 2019 San Diego, California

The Society of Progressive Medical Education (SOPMed) held it’s annual conference in San Diego, California. There was an incredible array of speakers covering a multitude of topics, including dental health, detoxification, cardiac health, a vision for the future of health care, improving animal health with ozone and fecal transplants, breast cancer prevention, healing the blood brain barrier, deuterium depleted water and curing chronic disease.

A4M 2019 27th Annual Spring Conference Orlando, Florida

A4M curated a program that highlights the ways in which practicing clinicians and thought-leaders are changing the field of modern medicine. Presentations during the conference concentrated on Longevity, Fasting, Regenerative Medicine, Medical Cannabis, Anti-Aging, The Brain, Individualized Patient Care, Mitochondrial Function, 3D Printing and Medicine, Stress, Cardiovascular Health, and Cancer Prevention and Treatment.

Nanosilver Technology

FAIM has investigated the field of nanosilver technology for the treatment of virus, bacteria, and fungus. Much research has been done to confirm safety and efficacy for humans and animals. With the discovery of diseases caused by drug resistant "bugs" the technology of nanosilver is timely and essential.

ICIM 2019 Conference Summary: A Message from Your Heart

The 2019 ICIM Conference offered a complete education on cardiovascular disease, new ways to address atherosclerosis, risk factors, metabolic markers, and new ideas for treatment. ICIM offers education to practitioners and patients who want to learn the latest in preventative, alternative, and innovative treatments.

Annie Appleseed 13th CAM for Cancer Conference Review

Each year the Annie Appleseed Project hosts a CAM Conference for Cancer: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies. It is an opportunity for practitioners and lay people to learn more about options in the treatment of cancer. Each year new speakers report on what has changed in the world of cancer.

The Plant Paradox

Lectins are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and dairy as well as in grains, seeds, skins, rinds and leaves of plants. They are designed to protect plants from predators. Once we eat lectin-containing foods, a chemical battle begins causing inflammation leading to weight gain and other serious health issues. Dr. Gundry tells you everything you need to know about lectins and how to improve your health by avoiding them.

Review of 19th Annual Weston A. Price Conference

The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is a source for accurate information on nutrition and health. Each year WAPF sponsors a conference to share cutting edge information. Following is a review of the 19th Annual WAPF conference in 2018 including articles on children's health, autism and learning disorders, and vaccines.

ICIM 2018 Conference Summary: An Orthomolecular Approach to Cancer

The International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM) is a not-for-profit medical organization that seeks to teach the latest research in preventative, alternative, and innovative treatments. FAIM is reporting on several of the presentations given at their 2018 conference in Minneapolis entitled An Orthomolecular Approach to Cancer.

European Treatment Centers

European clinics offer effective integrative and complementary therapies for a variety of illnesses. FAIM has reviewed the literature and brings you information on the following clinics that we have investigated but have not personally visited.

The Biology of Belief

Dr. Bruce Lipton investigates all aspects of a new biology where our thoughts impact our health and wellness more than our genetics. The implications of his research radically changes our understanding of life.

Cancer Control Society Conference 2018

The Cancer Control Society held their 46th Annual Conference in September 2018. Learn about the topics and more specifically the presenters who shared cutting edge information on the latest in cancer treatment and prevention.

Cannabis in Medicine with Dr. Joseph Maroon

Phytocannabiniods from marijuana and hemp can help reset the endocannabinoid system in the body and bring about healing. Opioid addiction in America is real and can be addressed with the help of these cannabinoids.

United States Psychotronic Association (USPA) Conference 2018

The United States Psychotronic Association (USPA) defines psychotronics as the science of mind-body-environment relationships, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy and consciousness. Psychotronics involves the study, research, and applications of the physics and technology of the mind, brain, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature – hence the term psychotronics.

Society of Progressive Medical Education SOPMed Conference 2018

SOPMed is a unique organization that unites physicians and medical practitioners from many different fields, teaches using the best instructors and cutting edge techniques, and reaches out by touching lives of so many through their humanitarian work.

Dental Ozone Day Training Report

The Society of Progressive Medical Education (SOPMed) sponsored a day of Dental Ozone Training as a pre-conference option during their June 2018 conference. Dr. John Augspurger, DDS, NMD, IBDM, the instructor, trained extensively in Switzerland using ozone for dentistry and uses it consistently in his practice. The practice, called BioDentist, is a part of the Human Universal Health Institute (HUHI), creating a new vision for health and wellness.

Holistic Oral Health Summit with Jonathan Landsman

Dental practices can be detrimental to health in ways never imagined. See what 35 professionals shared to help you make educated dental decisions.

The Best Answer for Cancer: Notes from the 2018 Conference

The Best Answer for Cancer Conference in 2018 had an emphasis on the Ketogenic Diet and Cannabis with their role in the treatment of cancer. Here is a summary of the presentations.

How Cannabidiol (CBD) Can Impact Your Health

Confused about the healing effects of hemp and marijuana? Learn about the differences between the cannabinoids THC and CBD and how cannabidiol (CBD) can impact so many diseases and imbalances in the body.

Longevity Now Conference 2018

The Longevity Now Conference (LNC) is the brainchild of David Wolfe, well-known author and American entrepreneur who believes in superfoods. Read the main takeaways and "pearls" from the presenters at the 2018 LNC Conference.

Know the Enemy: Identifying Dementia with Advanced Medical Imaging

Physicians can use a SPECT scan to measure blood flow through the brain. The location of where blood flow is diminished will determine if it is simply dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Body Dementia, depression, or obsessive compulsive behavior.

Review of the 2018 A4M World Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine

The A4M Congress emphasized Brain Awakening at the 2018 Spring gathering. Topics included Alzheimer's, Cannabis, Autism, Hormones, Cancer, Regenerative Medicine, and Aesthetics. Read some presentation summaries.

The Metabolic Mind: Rethinking the Ketogenic Diet and Neurodegenerative Disease

Ketone bodies derived from fats represent an alternative energy source to restore brain metabolism. Our capacity to use ketones increases with age.

Forever Young: Maintaining a Youthful Brain to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Many things can impair memory: stress, parasites, urinary tract infections, Parkinson’s, and Lyme disease to mention a few. Dr. Smith talks about testing and therapy.

Feet, Forks, Fingers: Lifestyle as Medicine in the War on Alzheimer's

Dr. Katz believes the key to maintaining a healthy brain seems to be lifestyle – good diet that is mostly plants, no tobacco, plenty of exercise, adequate sleep, low stress, and a good supportive sense of community.

Steve's Story: Dr. Mary Newport's Personal Triumph Over Early Onset Alzheimer's

Dr. Newport became interested in dementia when her husband showed signs of early onset dementia in his 50’s. His response to coconut oil was remarkable. Learn about coconut oil and the magic of MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil.

How Sleep Affects Memory and Cognition

Sleep quality and quantity play an important role in the prevention and treatment of cognitive issues. Learn about sleep issues that affect brain health, sleep cycles, and how to improve your sleep.

Colloidal Nanosilver: An Introduction

Silver has been used throughout the ages to address virus, bacteria and fungus. Current technology produces colloidal nanosilver solutions that help address a multitude of illnesses more effectively in many cases than prescription drugs.

An Army of 100 Trillion: Unleashing Your Body's Natural Defenses Against Alzheimer's and Dementia

We know for the most part, Alzheimer's is preventable – low carb diet, higher good fats, exercise, proper vitamin levels, managing stress and getting sleep. In addition to these, our health and our longevity, our ability to resist disease, including Alzheimer's is absolutely dependent upon the health of our gut bacteria.

Use It or Lose It: Reversing Alzheimer's with the TEAM Protocol

Dr. Fortanasce has developed the DEAR program for the treatment of mild Alzheimer's disease. D stands for changing one’s diet, E for changing one’s exercise, A for accentuating the brain’s reserve and R for rest and recovery. Learn more about Dr. Fortanasce's eight week program.

The Benefits of Rhodiola Rosia

Learn how Rhodiola addresses Alzheimer's and also helps the heart, protects against radiation, enhances the chemo therapy effect for cancer, protects bone marrow and liver, and gives more energy.

The Bredesen Protocol and Metabolic Profiling

Treating Alzheimer's requires a multifaceted approach. Dr. Dale Bredesen has determined three reasons the brain develops amyloid plaque and then tests to find out what are the "drivers." The protocol is developed for each individual patient.

A4M World Congress 2017 Celebrating 25 Years Redefining Medicine

The A4M 2017 Congress was an opportunity for all the participants to learn about a wide variety of anti-aging topics from an incredible pool of experts.

Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Seyfried believes that cancer is not a genetic mutation but rather the result of metabolic dysregulation involving many aspects including mitochondrial function. Learn more about his suggested treatment protocol.

Review of the 2016 A4M World Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine

The A4M World Congress offers an opportunity for practitioners and laypeople alike to become educated on the latest research and protocols for the health issues that are common place today. Review some of the topics and presenters from the 2016 conference and learn how you may participate in the 2017 A4M World Congress in December.

Grain Brain

David Perlmutter, renowned neurologist, goes into great detail to educate the reader on the impact of wheat, sugar and carbs on the brain. He includes a 30-day plan to achieve proper brain health. Many people believe it is only unhealthy carbs that are devastating for the brain, but the facts...

Remembering Elinor Bedell

It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of Elinor Bedell. She was instrumental in the creation of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine in 1998. She passed peacefully at home on March 2, 2017 just one week shy of her 94th birthday.

Stop Alzheimer's Now!

Dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders are disease processes that can be prevented and successfully treated with programs using ketone therapy and diet. Learn how you can treat and even prevent dementia in your life before it is too late.

Introduction to Oxidative Therapy

Oxidative Therapy involves treating the body with extra oxygen. Many believe that the use of oxidative therapy is the wave of the future in the treatment of resistant bacteria which have resulted from the overuse of antibiotics in people and animals.

EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution

Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde have published the 3rd Edition of EMF Freedom to help educate the growing numbers of families whose lives have been drastically altered by electromagnetic fields (EMF) and toxic chemicals. If you were ever wondering if EMF radiations are affecting your life and wanted to know what to do about it, this is a must read book.

Put Your Heart in Your Mouth

Heart disease and other manifestations of atherosclerosis show no signs of declining. All the efforts of our medicine, our governments, our pharmaceutical industry and our food industry are not making any difference whatsoever. The “War on Heart Disease” that they declared decades ago is being lost. Read this book to find out what we are doing wrong and how you can prevent heart disease.

Kaqun: The Life Element

Water. It is essential for our survival, but it can also contain healing properties that go far beyond simple sustenance. One of these waters is called Kaqun (pronounced “Cocoon”).

A New Fighting Chance: Silver Solution

Dr. Gordon Pedersen has put together a chronicle on the cutting edge ability of structured silver solution's ability to safely destroy bacteria, viruses and yeast. Learn the application of silver for many chronic and acute illnesses.

Eat Fat, Get Thin

In his new book, Eat Fat, Get Thin, Mark Hyman, MD debunks the biggest myths about fat – starting with the myth that dietary fat makes us fat and sick. This book is going to change the way you eat and change the way you feel.

Welcome to the FAIM website

Jo Quinn introduces the resources available on the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine website.

Whole-Body Dentistry

Whole Body Dentistry sheds a new light on how we all should approach dental health and the consequences that result from the use of old dental practices. Some belief systems regarding health care need to be revisited and looked at in a new way. Dentistry is one of the areas that need to be reassessed. Dr. Breiner presents these new insights in a substantive way with many examples, facts and references.

The Great Cholesterol Myth

Learn how to look at cholesterol and heart disease differently. This book is vital for anyone with heart disease, high cholesterol, taking statins, or if you simply want to protect yourself from heart disease in the future.

The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook

In The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how to take an assessment of your own health status and how to prepare your kitchen to follow the principles of eating healthy for life. Best of all, it has more than 175 recipes to fill your kitchen with the enticing aroma of world-class meals.

The Blood Sugar Solution

The Blood Sugar Solution has a bold central goal: to address and begin to reverse a global epidemic of diabesity. It is a personal guide and plan, as well as a program for helping people get healthy together, based on functional medicine, and it is a blueprint for us to take back our health as a society.

Autoimmune Thyroid

Statistics show that almost 80% of all hypothyroidism is actually the autoimmune disease of Hashimoto's. Often times Hashimoto's does not get diagnosed if the practitioner fails to run the proper antibody test. If the correct diagnosis is determined, then the treatment is actually for immune dysfunction more than thyroid dysfunction.

The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Orthopedics

Dr. Christopher Centeno has written a chapter on "The Use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Orthopedics" in Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Volume 1.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Crib

Research done over the last 22 years in Great Britain and New Zealand indicates that Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is an environmental poisoning in the crib.

Spiraling Through the School of Life

Diane Ladd's book, Spiraling Through the School of Life, is an inspiration about life and folk wisdom. She has a keen sense about healthy living mentally, physically and spiritually from which everyone can benefit.

Earthing: The most important health discovery ever?

It is now well established that the energy on the surface of the Earth is mainly electrical. The central theme of this book is that we draw this electrical energy into our body in the form of free electrons through our bare feet. These electrons resonate at a variety of frequencies and the frequencies reset our biology, providing the body with electrical energy and behaving as anti-oxidants.

There is a Cure for Diabetes

There is a Cure for Diabetes has been an interesting collective effort of over thirty-five years of input from clients and pioneers of the live-food movement to heal diabetes naturally.

Introduction to the Byron White Formulas and Their Use in Lyme Disease

Dr. Anderson uses formulas known as the Byron White Formulas to address not only Lyme disease, but the co-infections which typically are present in most Lyme cases.

EECP for Angina and Heart Failure

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is a non-invasive procedure for patients with angina or known coronary artery disease.

Alternative and Complementary Medicine Slide Presentation

FAIM created a slide presentation to introduce readers to complementary and alternative medicine with a brief discussion about various therapies.

Adrenal Health Solutions: Fatigue and Insomnia

Koren Barrett, N.D., describes the role of the adrenals, hormones, and adrenal fatigue/exhaustion and offers alternative and complementary treatments to return the adrenal to a healthy balance.

Devil in the Milk

FAIM is always on the lookout for interesting concepts in health. It has come to our attention that there is a possible issue with milk. Since the public consumes so much dairy we felt it was important to share Keith Woodford's research.

Fourfold Path to Healing, Raleigh, North Carolina

At a time in history when strongly held nutritional beliefs are beginning to be questioned, information shared at the Fourfold Path to Healing Conference shed new light on healthy living, eating and movement.

Articles related to Joanne Quinn

Insulin Resistance: The Invisible Condition That Comes Before Diabetes

Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond to insulin (the hormone that allows sugar to enter cells). That means sugar cannot effectively enter the cells to be burned for energy.