
The Cancer Control Society Conference was held in early September, 2018. This was the 46th annual conference. The beauty of this gathering is the incredible amount of cutting edge information that is shared in our continued fight to eradicate cancer.
This year, rather than discuss all the topics, FAIM has decided to share with you the bio and contact information of all the presenters, knowing that people from all over the country may be looking for a practitioner or an authority in their area. This gives you information about their background and how to contact them directly. If you would like to order the DVD presentations go to: 46th Annual Cancer Control Society Conference Order Form.
Ferre Akbarpour, MD
Nutraceuticals & Stem Cells of Cancer
Dr. Akbarpour received her MD degree at Pahlavi University in Shirz, Iran. She completed an Externship at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Medical School and subsequently participated in a research program in the UCI Nephrology Department. She completed her Residency at the Long Beach Veterans Administration Hospital, California, in the Department of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine.
She has published numerous Journal articles and is an internationally respected expert on Women’s Medical Issues, Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), Immune Diseases and Anti-Aging. She is also co-author of Anti-Aging: The Quest to End Aging and Longevity – Alternative Medicine Guide.
Dr. Akbarpour is Board Certified American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine, Diplomate of the American Board of Holistic Medicine and Past Adjunct Clinical Research Associate Professor of the Institute for Molecular Medicine, which conducts clinical research in Cancer, Neuro-Degeneration, ALS and MS. Also, she is a member of the American Federation for Clinical Research and an FDA approved Investigator of the drug Ampligen, an immune modulator on a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome FDA-Trial.
Dr. Akbarpour is Medical Director of the Orange County Immune Institute located in Huntington Beach, California. At this Clinic she approaches cancer with proven non-toxic, natural immune boosting therapies with a thorough understanding of how the biochemistry and genetics of cancer cells differ from normal cells using these differences to promote healing.
She may be contacted at her clinic by phone 714-842-1777, website Orange County Immune Institute - Integrative Cancer Treatment Center, and email
Gilberto Alvarez, MD
Laetrile Therapy & Hyperthermia for Breast, Brain & Prostate Cancers at Stella Maris Clinic
Dr. Alvarez received his Medical Training from the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico 1969-73 and his Internship Practice at Hospital Fray Junipero Serra, Tijuana, Mexico 1973-74 followed by Social Service to the Community at Mulege Hospital, BC, Mexico 1975-76.
He then went into Medical Practice at the Ernesto Contreras MD Hospital 1977-83. He also did Proteolytic Enzymes training in Munich, Germany in 1991 with Karl Ransberger, PhD He became the Medical Director at the Manner Clinic 1983-93, working with Harold Manner, PhD.
He has been the Medical Director at the Stella Maris Clinic, located in Tijuana, Mexico, since 1993 and he has been a Member of the International Clinical Hyperthermia Society in Florence, Italy since 2005.
He can be contacted by phone 619-405-5199, from outside the U.S. 001 52 664 634-3444,
website Stella Maris Clinic, and email
Paul Anderson, NMD
Alternative Therapies That Treat and Prevent Cancer Outside the Box
Dr. Anderson is a graduate of the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland and practices as a Naturopathic Medical Doctor in Seattle, Washington and Rosarito, Mexico. He is CEO of the Anderson Medical Group which includes the clinic Advanced Medical Therapies, a state of the art medical center providing fully compliant IV, Hyperbaric and Mild Hyperthermia Therapies. He brings over four decades of medical training and experience together to allow his clinical and educational presence to grow and serve patients and physicians in the best way possible.
He is a well-known Continuing Education Presenter in the Allopathic, Naturopathic, Acupuncture and Nursing CME arenas. He speaks in North America and internationally to broad based health care audiences.
Dr. Anderson is former Chief of IV (Intravenous Therapy) Services for Bastyr Oncology Research Center and a past Professor at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington where he continues to consult in research design and holds the rank of Full Professor. Additionally he is a medical author with a forthcoming book (Hay House Publishing) Outside the Box Cancer Therapies published in April 2018.
He is extending his medical education mission through the Anderson Medical Group CE site Consult Doctor A a web based educational platform.
Sylvie Beljanski
Winning the War on Cancer Naturally
Ms. Beljanski was born in New York City after her father, Mirko Beljanski, PhD, came to New York to pursue a two-year fellowship with Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Severo Ochoa, known for his DNA research on living cells.
Raised and educated in Paris, she completed her undergraduate studies at The Sorbonne. After receiving her law degree, she was admitted to the French Bar.
In 1996, Ms. Beljanski founded Natural Source International, Ltd., a company that brings together science and nature to create innovative natural/organic health and beauty products. These well known products are now used around the world.
In 1999, Ms. Beljanski founded The Beljanski Foundation, a registered non-profit, whose mission is to further Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s research within a network of high-profile research institutions. Since then, she has been serving as Vice President of the Foundation, relentlessly spreading the word and educating the public about the effects of environmental toxins on our health.
Ms. Beljanski is a sought-after speaker at health and wellness conferences globally, where she has educated thousands of people about the importance of detoxification as a defense against harmful toxins that can cause serious disease and infections. She recommends The Beljanski Approach to Wellness as a practical means to avoid environmental toxins, remove them, and repair the cellular process.
In 2018, Ms. Beljanski opened the doors to Maison Beljanski, a new building in the heart of Manhattan, dedicated to the legacy of her father, Dr. Mirko Beljanski. The second floor, home of The Beljanski Foundation, will also serve as a site for hosting numerous conferences on different aspects of health and wellness.
Ms. Beljanski has previously produced two movies and authored one book. Her movies are The Beljanski Legacy, 22-minute documentary in both French and in English, available on YouTube, and Politiquement Incorrecte, mais Scientifiquement Exacte, L’Histoire Beljanski: des Molécules et des Hommes©, 53-minute documentary in French, available on YouTube. Her books are Beljanski: Cancer, Santé et Prévention and Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure.
Ms. Beljanski has been featured by select media, including articles with USA Today, Marie Claire, Townsend Letter, The American Chiropractor, Men’s Health, The Doctor’s Prescription for Healthy Living. She was also interviewed on NBC News TV Channel 4 in New York City.
A sample of her recent conference presentations includes Navel Expo NYC, Navel Expo Long Island, New Life Expo, Annie Appleseed Project, European Council of Integrative Medicine, MEDNAT Expo (Switzerland), Integrative Healthcare Symposium, Primevere Exhibition at EUREXPO (France), ADNO (Association for the Development of Orthomolecular Nutrition, France).
She is an active member of National Association of Professional Women; French-American Chamber of Commerce; Greater New York Chamber of Commerce; The Fashion Group International; and The Luxury Marketing Council.
She resides in New York City. Her blog can be found at The Beljanski Blog. For more information, please consult The Beljanski Foundation, Inc. or Winning the War on Cancer.
Lászó G. Boros, MD
Deuterium Depletion & Cancer
Dr. Boros is a Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA and the Co-Director of the Stable Isotope Research Laboratory at the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute (LABIOMED) at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center with a primary focus on studying cancer cell metabolism with the use of a specifically designed 13C-glucose tracer and mass spectroscopy. Born and educated in Hungary, Dr. Boros’ medical background includes three years of gastroenterology and pancreatology, focusing on chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. He spent two years as a visiting scholar in Essen, Germany, studying various animal models of chronic pancreatitis. In 1990, he moved to Columbus, Ohio, where he joined the history-making laboratory of Drs. Zollinger and Ellison, who described hormonal regulatory mechanisms involved in pancreatic cancer growth with a primary emphasis on diagnostics and treatment.
In 1995 he became the lead investigator to clinically apply stable isotope technologies to study diabetes and cancer growth in vitro and in animal models at UCLA. He is an expert in using metabolic profiling and mitochondrial nanomechanics to further understanding of particularly aggressive cancers. Dr. Boros also participates in research projects targeting population metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity, and is involved in discovering the underlying mechanisms of rare metabolic disorders arising from genetic mutations affecting vitamin transport. Dr. Boros is an internationally proclaimed expert of metabolic water biochemistry as well as deuterium mediated kinetic isotopic effects in health and disease.
Dr. Boros is the recipient of the C. Williams Hall Outstanding Publication Award from the Academy of Surgical Research of the USA 1997, the Richard E. Weitzman Memorial Research Award from the University of California 2001, the Excellence in Clinical Research Award from the General Clinical Research Center at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center 2004, Public Health Impact Investigator Award of the United States Food and Drug Administration 2011 and received a Best Publication Award from the Metabolomics Society and Springer Nature publisher 2014.
For more information, read the full Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Boros.
T. Que Collins, PhD, MA, MS
Cancer Hacking and Deuterium Depletion
Dr. Collins is a leading scientist when it comes to developing and applying nutrition and metabolic therapies to treat cancer in people and pets.
- PhD, Clinical Immunology
- MS, Oncotherapeutics
- MA, Experimental Pathology
- BS, Poverty Health Care and Cancer Epidemiology
He is the Co-Founder and Principal Investigator of Cignature Health Metabolic Clinic, the first clinic in the world to use deuterium and tracer technologies to describe and follow the health status of patients with metabolic disorders such as cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.
He is also the Principal Investigator at Epigenix Foundation, a not-for-profit organization created by the founders of Quest Nutrition which promotes research to prevent and ameliorate disease, maximize quality of life and/or improve personal performance.
In addition, Dr. Collins is the Co-Founder and Principal Investigator at Ketopet Sanctuary, a 53-acre ranch outside Austin, Texas that uses the ketogenic diet and other metabolic therapies with and without standard of care to treat dogs with naturally occurring cancers.
Tsu-Tsair Chi, PhD
Angiostop for Cancer Management
Dr. Chi was born in China, came to the US and earned his PhD in Biochemistry from the Waksman Institute of Microbiology at Rutgers State University, New Jersey in 1978.
Since then, he has been involved in Infectious Disease work at E.R. Squibb and Sons, Inc. in New Jersey and Cancer Screening at Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Co. in Michigan. He was also the Laboratory Director at Omicron Incorporated in Redlands, California where he worked in the fields of cancer and atherosclerosis. In 1988, Dr. Chi developed a California state-licensed Neostop Anti-Tumor Vaccine for poultry. He has also received a patent for the detection of antibodies against a chronic gonadotropin-like substance.
Dr. Chi has published articles on his herbal formulas in Journals such as the International Journal of Integrative Oncology and Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. Some of his herbal formulas include Myomin, an aromatase reducer for estrogen-dominant conditions and Angiostop, a sea cucumber extract that blocks new blood vessel formation from tumors and induces cancer cell death by activating caspases. Additional clinical cancer research on Angiostop are published in the International Journal of Cancer and Cancer Biology & Therapy.
For over 30 years Dr. Chi has been the President of Chi’s Enterprise, Inc. located in Anaheim, California and he may be reached by phone 714-777-1542, fax 714-777-7186, email and website Chi's Enterprise, Inc.
William Cadwallader, MBA, EMRS
Exposed: The Electronic Sickening of America and How to Protect Yourself From Harmful Radiation Through the Air and From the Wires
Mr. Cadwallader is a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. These trained specialists measure electromagnetic radiation and consult for detection, protection, and solutions in homes, schools, and businesses.
He is the author of the new book Exposed – The Electronic Sickening of America and How to Protect Yourself which was #1 in New Releases in Health, Fitness, Safety on Amazon. He has spent his adult life working around technology, from the time he joined the U.S. Marine Corps until he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel (Reserves), as a postgraduate student at Pepperdine University, as a Project Manager in the Aerospace Industry in California, as well as working in the Information Technology Department for Clark County, Nevada.
He has presented at the Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles and has taught at the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology (IBE). He serves as a coach for IBE’s Apprentice Program. He also speaks extensively on solutions to harmful electromagnetic radiation. He will be featured in the upcoming International EMF Health Summit in November, 2018.
Before becoming a consultant in the field of electromagnetic radiation, Mr. Cadwallader was concerned about the amount of radiation he and others were being exposed to in their daily lives.
When a co-worker was diagnosed with brain cancer, he was shocked. He recalled that he always saw his co-worker on his cell phone, before meetings and after meetings, in the parking lot, walking down the hall. The brain tumor was located at the exact place where the man held his cell phone. The man later died, in spite of massive medical treatment, leaving a wife, who had become a widow, and seven fatherless children.
Mr. Cadwallader realized that the way we use our cell phones and other electronic devices produced harmful side effects. After another acquaintance developed a tumor in his abdomen, right where he held his tablet computer every night while reading in bed, he knew he had to do something.
As a Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist, Mr. Cadwallader has completed advanced studies in electromagnetic radiation. Since then, he formed the consulting firm Stop Dirty Electricity.
At Stop Dirty Electricity, he detects and reduces the electromagnetic radiation threats to your workplace, school, and home—your family, children, and even your pets.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Cal Poly Pomona, in Pomona, California, and a Master’s degree from Pepperdine University, in Malibu, California.
He was born and raised in Bakersfield, California, and now lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, with his wife, Lois.
Contact Bill Cadwallader: or call 877-783-6465 or 702-845-5794, Website: Stop Dirty Electricity or Facebook: Stop Dirty Electricity Now or YouTube: StopDirtyElectricity.
Francisco Contreras, MD
53 Years of Metabolic Therapy
Dr. Contreras graduated with honors from Medical School at the University of Mexico. He continued his education at the University of Vienna, Austria, where he specialized in Oncology Surgery and again graduated with honors.
He is the General Director of the internationally acclaimed Contreras Oasis of Hope Hospital located in Playas de Tijuana, Mexico. Oasis of Hope is a member of the American Hospital Association.
The Contreras doctors have dedicated the last 48 years to treating patients with non-toxic Alternative Therapies. Oasis of Hope Hospital is a full Medical/Surgical Facility and has treated over 100,000 patients.
Therapies offered at the Oasis of Hope include Laetrile, Autohemotherapy, Ozone, Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation, Chelation Therapy, Detoxification and others. They are administered according to the specific needs of the patient. These non-aggressive treatments combined with Emotional and Spiritual Counseling Programs have attracted patients from all over the world to the Contreras Hospital, which is the largest Alternative Medical Facility in the Northern part of Mexico.
Dr. Contreras may be contacted by phone 888-500-4673, website Oasis of Hope and email Daniel Kennedy: or Mario Jacobo:
James W. Forsythe, MD, MD(H)
The Latest Clinical Study of 1,000 Stage IV Cancer Patients Over 6 Years Showing 71% Survival Rate
Dr. Forsythe is retired as a Full Colonel received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Physiology from the University of California, Berkeley, 1960. He received his medical degree from UCSF in 1964. Dr. Forsythe did one Residency in Pathology in Hawaii and one in Medicine at Children’s Hospital, San Francisco, 1971. Dr. Forsythe received a Fellowship in Oncology-Hematology at the Cancer Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, General Hospital in 1973. He received his Subspecialty of Medical Oncology in 1982. Dr. Forsythe studied under the British Institute of Homeopathy and received his Homeopathic Certificate in 1996.
Since 1986 Dr. Forsythe became interested in combining Conventional and Complementary Medicine. He was the only Medical Oncologist in the Reno, Nevada area that would treat cancer patients who were under the care of an Alternative Physician. He noted that patients who were integrating cancer therapies were doing far superior and had a better quality of life than patients who were under conventional cancer care alone.
Dr. Forsythe became interested in carrying out Clinical Out-come-based Survival Studies in order to validate the efficacy of Integrative Cancer Therapies. He has completed and continues his studies on Paw-Paw, Poly-MVA and nutrients. Dr. Forsythe is now using Genomic Testing followed by IPT in an out-come based investigation on all Stage IV adult cancer patients.
Dr. Forsythe presented his data on his Forsythe Immune Protocol (FIP) which contains a proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and herbs. In 2010 Dr. Forsythe added Poly-MVA to his FIP proprietary mixture, to conduct a clinical outcome based investigation. The study, as of September 2018, includes 1400 Stage IV adult cancer patients over an eight year period. The eight year results will be presented showing a 70% overall survivorship rate.
Dr. Forsythe has been highly regarded as one of the leading Medical Oncologist in the United States. He is internationally recognized for his cancer treatments and known for his courageous fight against the FDA to allow all physicians nationally to treat Adult Onset Human Growth Deficiency. He is a renown author and was the only Board Certified Medical Oncologist to be featured in Suzanne Somers’ best seller, Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer And How to Prevent Getting It In the First Place. Dr. Forsythe has published over 24 books and just completed his most recent book Essential Oils in the Treatment of Cancer.
Dr. Forsythe may be contacted at the Forsythe Cancer Care Center located in Reno, Nevada, by phone 775-827-0707, website Forsythe Cancer Care Center and email
Lynn Fraley, BA, RN, DrPH
A Nurse Looks at Cancer Therapies
Dr. Fraley is a licensed registered nurse who mentors women who seek better health, vitality, and confidence to make lifestyle choices that produce positive results.
A graduate of Wayne State University, with a degree in nursing and a minor in Natural Sciences, Lynn discovered early in her career severe deficiencies in health care, and a lack of creativity in treatment, particularly for cancer. Recognizing the importance of emotional health, its role in illness and the significance of prevention, she pursued further education, attending UCLA, earning a Masters in Community Mental Health Nursing. She taught psychiatric nursing at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles and continued to work clinically, again identifying the limited, narrow scope of care practices available to patients.
Looking for more answers, Lynn sought additional education at UC Berkeley, School of Public Health, receiving a doctoral degree in public health, completing dissertation research on the effectiveness of acupressure as a treatment in women’s health. Her clinical practice continued in a wide variety of settings, allowing her to observe the efficacy of complementary care methods, which she used with hundreds of patients.
Motivated by a drive to educate the broader pubic about lifestyle choices and their profound effect on health and wellness, Lynn became a professional speaker to audiences nationwide. Her topics include the healing power of touch, nutrition, stress management, energy enhancement, detoxification and self-empowerment. She rose through the ranks to serve as President of the National Speakers Association, Northern California Chapter.
Lynn coauthored a book on nutrition, with Betty Kamen, PhD, titled Nutrition in Nursing: The New Approach (Keats Publishing), which has an emphasis on nutrient density and healing with food.
When invited to present a program at the Cancer Control Society’s Annual Conference thirty years ago, Lynn was excited and gratified to discover the breadth and depth of options for healing cancer and other illnesses, in work being done globally.
Lynn is an in-demand speaker, with an active practice mentoring clients. She understands that consumers are too often left in the dark, fearful, reluctant to challenge or engage in discussions with authority figures, not encouraged to question proposed treatments, or to even explore natural healing. Lynn believes everyone should have the support they need to transform their lives, exploring options around health and lifestyle.
She can also be contacted at, or 510-843-8894, PST. Be sure to look on her website, Lynn Fraley, for information about her course on breast wellness.
Peter Goodgold, BA
Molecular Hydrogen: A Healthy Protocol for Cancer Prevention
Mr. Goodgold has a B.A. degree in filmmaking from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC).
As a visionary documentary filmmaker he has blended his artistic talent with his ground-breaking healthy alkaline water products to assist people to live healthier lifestyles without prescription drugs.
He created one of the first raw food macrobiotic restaurants in Southern California known as The Pyramid Restaurant in Santa Monica, California in 1973. Following this accomplishment, he went on to create the famous Healing Waters Hot Springs Healing Center in 1976. This raw foods alternative healing center located in Eden, Arizona is still in existence today.
Peter combined his artistic side with his commitment to the healthy benefits of a plant-based alkaline diet, which has culminated in his present passion of creating alkaline water products to help people heal their bodies with pH balancing.
Peter has spent his life working toward methods of healing the body naturally. Over the course of the last 10 years he has developed and designed a complete line of revolutionary electronic and non-electronic water ionizers, portable water ionizers, water filters and shower filters that are more health oriented than any found in the market today. These are all available through his website WaterWorks4U.
He is producing the documentary feature film called The Wisdom of Water.
Peter Goodgold may be contacted through his office in Royal Palm Beach, Florida by phone
561-790-2004 and email
Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH
Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach
Dr. Helvie graduated from St. Lawrence School of Nursing, Ogdensburg, New York and passed the national certification for registered nurse in 1954. He completed a bachelor’s degree in nursing from New York University in 1958, a master’s degree in public health nursing from the University of California, San Francisco in 1961, a master’s degree in public health in 1966 and a doctorate in public health in 1969 both from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
He has over 60 years experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author, and researcher including staff positions at the Monroe County Hospital, Rochester, New York, and the V.A. Hospital in San Francisco, California and staff and head nursing positions at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. He was a Staff Public Health Nurse at the Oakland and San Francisco, California Health Departments. He later held teaching positions at the University of California, San Francisco, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, and the University of Applied Sciences, Frankfort, Germany.
He has published 10 books and chapters in 4 additional ones, and has published over 100 articles and research papers presented internationally He has been host of the Holistic Health Show on BBS Radio Network, Paradise, California since July 2008. His show broadcasts every other Saturday at 12 noon PST on Station 1 and includes series on natural and integrative interventions for health concerns such as arthritis, diabetes, seasonal allergies, cancer and other chronic illnesses. Guest include Integrated Physicians, Homeopathic and Naturopathic Physicians, Researchers and others. All shows are archived on the Holistic Health Show website. In the past five years he has been interviewed on over 150 radio and television shows about his books on cancer and one, You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions, was a best seller.
Dr. Helvie is a 44 year lung cancer survivor who was given 6 months to live by traditional medicine and subsequently used all natural, holistic interventions. Continuing with a modified holistic lifestyle following recovery he has avoided a recurrence of cancer and until recently at age 86 avoided other chronic illnesses. In addition to being host of his radio show, Dr. Helvie is President and Treasurer of the Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation and is marketing his 10th book to make money for the foundation.
He has an office in Hampton, Virginia and can be reached through his websites Carl O Helvie Holistic Cancer Foundation or Holistic Health Show.
Jose Henriquez, MD
Toppling the Cancer Castle With Veritá Life’s Comprehensive Treatments
Dr. Henriquez is the Medical Director Veritá Life Mexico. Throughout 23 years of professional practice in treating cancer he has handled over 1,100 cases and earned international recognition in this field. Moreover, he has also made contributions to the medical field including many article publications and being a featured speaker at the 12th Annual Convention of the Cancer Control Society.
He can be reached by phone toll free 888-449-0849 and email
Ricardo James, MD
The Good Samaritan Medical Center
Dr. James graduated in 1981 from one of the most prestigious Medical Schools in Mexico, the University Autonoma in Guadalajara, which also receives students from the USA & many other countries.
He spent a couple of years in the conventional field but even then he was interested in the more natural ways of treating patients without drugs and using nutritional methods to heal.
In 1983 Dr. James started working at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. The Clinic was founded by the late Harold Manner, PhD, who was a pioneer in Metabolic Therapy. This provided Dr. James with a wide experience in treating cancer and arthritis, as well as multiple sclerosis. In total, Dr. James spent seven years with Manner, treating patients in the USA as well as Mexico.
In 1989, Dr. James became the Assistant Medical Director at the International Medical Center in Juarez, Mexico. This Center was founded by the late Ray Evers, MD, who was known as the “Grandfather of Chelation Therapy” and a leader in Alternative Therapy.
After these many years of experience with Manner and Evers, utilizing different and effective protocols, Dr. James opened his own clinic called “The Good Samaritan Medical Center” in Juarez, Mexico.
The Center features Chelation Therapy, Metabolic Cancer Therapies, Immune System Therapies and other Therapies such as Rejuvenation, Live Cell, Hyperbaric Oxygen, Ozone and Detoxification.
Dr. James’ dedication to his patients has resulted in many patients lovingly referring to him as their doctor who “Heals with His Heart.”
He may be reached at his office in El Paso, Texas by phone/fax 866-229-3720 and at his website, The Good Samaritan Medcial Clinic.
Antonio Jimenez, MD
Hope 4 Cancer Institute, Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy
After completing undergraduate studies at the University of Dallas in Texas, Dr. Jimenez earned his medical degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara Faculty of Medicine in Mexico. In addition to his academic medical education and training, Dr. Jimenez travels extensively and continues to explore Integrative Medicine and Oncology. He has attended workshops and symposiums, many as a speaker, in Europe, Canada, China, Thailand, Singapore, Africa, the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean and South America.
An accomplished Practitioner and Clinical Researcher, Dr. Jimenez’ priority is aimed at preventing and reversing the adverse impact of cancer and degenerative disease. He is considered a leading authority in Alternative Cancer Therapies and implements specialized treatments including Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT). Dr. Jimenez is one of very few physicians trained worldwide in SPDT and has provided this unique protocol to hundreds of cancer patients.
As the Medical Director and Founder of Hope4Cancer Institute, Dr. Jimenez brings 20 years of hard work and dedication to Alternative and Conventional Medicine. In addition to offering his multidimensional treatment approach to cancer, he promotes health and good healing in the deepest levels of the body, mind and spirit.
Hope4Cancer Institute is located in Playas de Tijuana, Mexico and can be reached by phone
1-888-544-5993 and the Hope4Cancer Institute website.
Britt Lind
People for Reason in Science and Medicine
Ms. Lind, the Co-Director of People for Reason in Science and Medicine (P.R.I.S.M.), opened her talk with her experience last year when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. They refused chemo and radiation and instead chose natural, non-toxic therapies. He is now healthier than ever.
Britt will briefly describe the mission of P.R.I.S.M. and how animal experimentation enables the pharmaceutical/petrochemical industry to foist its poisons on an unsuspecting public, while doing everything possible to quash natural therapies and practitioners. She will expose the disease charities and fund raising walks.
For more information, visit the People for Reason in Science and Medicine website.
Gregory Melvin, DC
Thermography: The New Mammography
Dr. Melvin received this Chiropractic degree in 1977 from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Los Angeles. He then went on to continue his education with over 300 hours of Spinal Column Stressology in Long Beach, California. After attending the International Academy of Clinical Thermology, he became the Thermography Reader for Thermal Vision in San Diego.
After he received his Chiropractic license from the California State Board in 1977, he immediately started practicing. In 1985 Dr. Melvin designed a patented spinal device for IVD stress. He is also the originator of Color Enhanced Radiology, with over 600 studies read. He reads thermal imaging and does reporting for over 30 technicians across the United States and trains and certifies other doctors and technicians on how to read and perform functional infrared, known as Integrated Thermography – “point of view of the body as a whole.”
Dr. Melvin is practicing at Total Thermal Imaging Wellness Center in La Mesa, California. He can be contacted by phone 619-303-5884 or website Total Thermal Imaging Wellness Center.
Earl Mindell, RPh, MH, PhD
CBD & Cancer
Dr. Mindell received his R.Ph. degree in 1963 at the North Dakota State University, Fargo; his M.H. degree in 1985 at the Dominion Herbal College, Surrey, BC, Canada and his PhD degree in 1985 at Pacific Western University in Los Angeles, California.
Dr. Mindell is the author of The New Vitamin Bible, an international best seller, with over 11 million books in print in 34 languages. This book was written originally in response to the countless questions he received as a nutritionist and lecturer.
In addition to outlining basic nutrition, his book also explains how specific employment, sports and life experiences can affect the body’s supply of vitamins and minerals. He describes each nutrient from A to Zinc, telling what each can do to help maintain the body at maximum energy. Also included is up-to-date information on a vitamin program for retarding the aging process and how to handle smoking withdrawal symptoms.
He has conducted nutritional seminars around the world, condemning dependency on sugar, salt, white flour and junk foods which he calls the “Twinky, Ding Dong, Pizza, Prozac, Pepsi, Plavix Diet.”
His book Prescription Alternatives (4th Edition) gives people alternatives to the prescription and over the counter drugs that are being advertised as the only way to treat a condition.
Dr. Mindell is listed in Who’s Who In America and is a member of numerous professional societies. He has been seen on Good Morning America, CNN, The David Letterman Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Live With Regis and hundreds of radio interviews across the country.
Earl’s 55 books include The New Herb Bible, The Nutrition Bible, Nutrition and Health for Dogs, Prescription Alternatives, the 30th Anniversary Edition of The New Vitamin Bible and The Allergy Bible.
More information on Dr. Mindell’s monthly Total Health Resource Newsletter can be found on his website. He can be contacted at his office, called Adanac Management Inc. in Beverly Hills, California, and website Dr. Earl Mindell.
Michael Nelson, DC
Sulforaphane, Broccoli’s Secret Weapon Against Cancer: Your Mom Was Right
Dr. Nelson received his undergraduate degree in 1985 in Respiratory Therapy and began his clinical journey working in the Neonatal Intensive Care unit in Reno, Nevada. He was certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support for the Neonate, Advanced Ventilator Management and Resuscitation of the High Risk Neonate. He was the youngest member of the fixed wing transport teams at both Medical Centers in Reno, and was responsible for stabilization and transport of critically ill newborn.
He went on to get his doctorate degree at the University of Western States in Portland, Oregon in 1993. He is a National Board Certified Chiropractic Physician and licensed in the state of Nevada. He holds numerous certificates in Functional Medicine that include advanced training in Metabolic Therapies for chronic degenerative conditions. He has over 21,500 hours of post-graduate training and has been in private practice for over 23 years.
Dr. Nelson is the only physician-owned practice in Northern Nevada to offer advanced breast cancer screening using High Definition Infrared Imaging. His patient population includes individuals with advanced cancer of the breast, prostate and brain, as well as patients suffering from post-chemotherapy and radiation therapy damage. He offers a systems biology metabolic approach to help the chronically ill regain their health.
Dr. Nelson is also a multi-patent holder and has set up and run many health related companies to serve the needs of individuals suffering with chronic illness. He serves as the Medical Advisor for Viratech, a cancer screening company using advanced metabolomics, and for CS Health, a sulforaphane-based raw material company. Sulforaphane, a derivative of broccoli, has been shown to target cancer stem cells, suggested to be responsible for initiating and maintaining cancer.
Dr. Nelson may be contacted at Sierra Tahoe Wellness Center in Reno, Nevada by phone 775-622-1822, fax 775-345-3562, or website: Sierra Tahoe Wellness Center.
Tony O’Donnell, ND, PhD
Plant Based Super Foods for Cancer Prevention
Dr. O’Donnell was born into a family of 11 children in Donegal, Ireland. He lost his father to heart disease when he was 21 and four other members of his family (including his fiancé) to cancer. These traumatic experiences motivated him to take charge of his own health and to help others lead healthier lives. His mission in life is to love, care, share and to help others understand what quality living is all about.
He graduated with a B.A. in Engineering from the University College in Galway, Ireland. Later, he studied at the British Homeopathic College in London, England and received two degrees, one as a Certified Herbalist and the other as a Naturopath. He also received a degree in Ireland as a Certified Nutritionist.
He came to the United States and became the Vice-President of a major nutritional corporation. Additionally, he has been the formulator of leading vitamin products. including the top seller Radiant Greens. He has also written articles on health for many publications and his first book called Miracle Superfoods That Heal has been recently updated. His latest books include Miracle Diabetes Secrets and Miracle Heart Health Secrets.
Dr. O’Donnell has a Masters and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a PhD. in addiction.
He can be contacted at his office in Agoura Hills, California by phone 818-575-7558 and website Radiant Greens.
Catie Wyman Norris, CNC, ND
Plant Based Super Foods for Cancer Prevention
Dr. Norris is a best-selling author and highly respected researcher and formulator of university and hospital-studied high vibrational plant superfood supplements to support rejuvenative, regenerative and overall daily body balance and healing processes.
Known as the Nutrition Guru to the Stars, Dr. Norris is the host of the online show The Cures in the Kitchen. She speaks on the College Holistic Health Education Circuit and has been featured in many publications including The L.A. Times, People, Us, Harper’s Bazaar, Men’s Health, and on TV including Fox News, CNN, Good Morning AZ, and Good Day LA.
Born in Omaha, Nebraska to a poor family, Dr. Norris suffered from a rare genetic blood disease, overall malnutrition and severe Lyme Disease. It was the blessings of these challenges that shaped her desire to seek natural healing remedies through plants, pursue a healthy lifestyle, and develop her never-give-up spirit.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Nebraska, Omaha and Trinity College, is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and has completed a doctorate in Natural Medicine. She specializes in the study of healing and renewal through plants and herbs and continues to share her research in Functional and Integrative Medicine through her podcasts, newsletters, social media, websites, blogs, webinars, online summits and special health updates on National TV and Radio.
Her research and work was greatly inspired early on by her late mentors, Dr. Norman Cousins and two-time Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Linus Pauling at the USC Norris Cancer Center.
You can connect with Dr. Norris at 818-575-7558,, at Catie's Organics on Facebook or at her Catie’s Whole Plant Foods website.
Tim O’Shea, DC
The Carcinogenesis of Vaccines: The War on Children
Dr. O’Shea is the author of Vaccination Is Not Immunization.
What is the #1 cause of nonaccidental death among children today? Give up? It’s cancer, according to C.D.C. Before 1960, cancer in children was unheard of. What happened? How many vaccines did kids get in the 50s? Answer: 2. And today: 69 vaccines before age 18.
Worse news: it will soon be impossible to opt out of vaccines in California. The only place on earth where they will be de facto mandatory: this state. How did that happen? By careful and thorough scientific debate? Or by abolishing medical freedom by draconian new legislation?
Come and learn the facts, the science that corporate media is not permitted to air. And your remaining legal options.
Dr. O’Shea may be reached by phone 408-753-9830 or at his website The Doctor Within.
Martin L. Pall, PhD
EMF Health Effects: How EMFs Impact Our Bodies, Cancer & All About 5G
Dr. Pall has a B.A. degree in physics, Johns Hopkins University, Phi Beta Kappa with Honors, 1962; graduated with 180 semester hours of credit in four years. PhD degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, Caltech, 1968. Asst. Prof. Reed College, 1967-72. Asst., Assoc., and Full Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology and Biochemistry/Biophysics, later Professor of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 1972-2008. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, 2008. Received nine international honors for research in Environmental Medicine. Author of 102 professional publications.
His research since 1998 has focused on mechanisms of chronic disease; oxidative/nitrosative stress; inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, other mechanisms; environmental stressors causing chronic disease; regulatory systems acting to prevent chronic disease; chemicals acting to trigger chronic disease via excessive NMDA activity; mechanism of action of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs).
Dr. Pall has eight publications on the EMF VGGC mechanism. The first of these, published in 2013 was placed on the Global Medical Discovery website as one of the most important medical papers of 2013. It has been cited 180 times (as of August 2018). These eight papers collectively show that:
- Most non-thermal microwave frequency EMF effects are produced by EMF activation of the VGCCs.
- A large number of effects are produced by such EMF exposures including: Many reproductive effects; many neurological/neuropsychiatric effects; attacks on the DNA of our cells; oxidative stress/free radical damage; increased apoptotic cell death; widespread endocrine (hormonal) effects; excessive intracellular calcium and cancer.
- Each of these effects and in addition six other probable effects can be explained as being due to VGCC activation.
- In my 2018 EMF-cancer paper, I discussed 15 distinct mechanisms by which VGCC activation causes cancer initiation, promotion and progression.
- I have extraordinary concerns about 5G which are impossible to outline, so I will not try to outline them here.
For more information, visit Dr. Pall's Research site.
Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, NCMP, PhD
How Sunscreens & Cell Phones Promote Cancer
Dr. Plourde is a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and North American Menopause Society Certified Menopause Practitioner, on the Advisory Board of the American Anti-Cancer Institute and on the Honorary Advisory Board of the Charitable Giving Foundation.
She received her BS in Biological Science from California State University located in Hayward; MA in Psychology from Pepperdine in Malibu, California and PhD from San Diego University for Integrative Studies, California with a dissertation titled: The Impact of Hysterectomy Versus Oophorohysterectomy On Women’s Sexuality. Her training in the fields of both medicine and psychology is augmented by invaluable experience gained while working at Dianon Systems in Connecticut, a cutting-edge Cancer Research laboratory specializing in pathology for diagnosing and monitoring cancer.
As professor, she has taught at San Diego University for Integrative Studies and Concordia University in Irvine, both in California.
As a specialist in the complexity of how hormones function in the body, she has authored several books specializing in hormone health. Her 2013 publication EMF Freedom: Solutions For The 21st Century Pollution highlights how the electromagnetic fields of smart meters/wifi/cell phones that are now radiating our bodies 24 hours a day can be connected to the increasing incidences that are being seen in cancers including brain cancers, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, anorexia, obesity and allergies. The electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) symptoms of exposure include vertigo/dizziness, nausea, brain fog, blurred vision, tinnitus, fatigue, irritability and nerve and muscle pain. The book includes the biochemistry behind the EMS symptoms of headaches/migraines, skin rashes/tingling, shortness of breath, food allergies, heart palpitations and insomnia that many experience. It also highlights how EMF radiation can lead to infertility, as lab animals demonstrate irreversible infertility, altered fetal development and sperm morphology, as well as a reduction in testosterone. Research studies tracking the levels of EMF exposure of pregnant mothers clearly show that the amount of EMF during fetal development is directly correlated with the incidence of obesity and asthma seen in the children.
Today it is the electromagnetically sensitive individuals that are seeking help for unexplained illnesses. However, with the number of wireless devices worldwide surpassing the number of people on the planet, the cumulative effect of radiation will increasingly impact more and more people needing to find relief from their symptoms. Dr. Plourde’s book also includes the protective practices she needed to implement to be able to work again, as she could not once smart meters were installed in her city.
Her other three books include Sunscreens Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste; Your Guide to Hysterectomy, Ovary Removal & Hormone Replacement; and Hysterectomy? The Best or Worst Thing that Ever Happened to Me?
Dr. Plourde may be contacted through her office New Voice For Health located in Irvine, California, by phone 949-551-3397, fax 949-552-9041, email and website EMF Freedom.
Gerred Popejoy, DC
The Health Benefits of Nordic Walking for Cancer Patients
Dr. Popejoy majored in biology at Point Loma College, San Diego in 1975 and later received his B.S. and D.C. degrees at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1978. He served his internship there that same year.
From 1980 to 2001 he practiced with the Roseville Chiropractic Group. He then moved to Roseville Integrated Heathcare/Lifestyle Medicine and worked there from 2001 until 2006.
Dr. Popejoy founded Nordic Walking Nations in 2015 and is director of that organization. He previously belonged to the American Chiropractic Association and is a member of the California Chiropractic Association and the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
He can be contacted by phone: (916) 765-4119, by email or via his Nordic Walking Nations website.
Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD
International Bio Care Hospital (IBC) Answer to Cancer
Dr. Rodriguez obtained his medical degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and did his post-graduate and fellowship in the United States, Canada and Mexico. He is a postgraduate in Nuclear Medicine.
In 1976, Dr. Rodriguez joined the group that co-founded what is now known as International Bio Care Hospital and Medical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. He is the Medical Director and is an internationally recognized pioneer in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine.
Dr. Rodriguez has implemented innovative medical protocols sharing information with numerous consultants and research institutes around the world and has participated in symposia and workshops in the USA and foreign countries. He has undertaken collaborative research projects in Mexico and foreign institutions in the use of Cellular Therapy, Childhood Retardation, Ozone, Gene Therapy, Whole-Body Hyperthermia and Intravenous Hyper Alimentation in cancer and degenerative diseases. Physicians and patients from around the world seeking information on the latest advancements in Metabolic Nutritional Therapy regularly consult him.
Dr. Rodriguez is involved with supplementation for optimum health performance and Anti-Aging Protocols, Innovative Cancer Programs and Oxidative Therapies for chronic infectious processes.
Contact International Bio Care by phone 800-701-7345, e-mail, or website BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center.
Marc Rose, MD
Dry Eyes, Microcirculation & Other Eye Disease Problems
Dr. Rose graduated from Ohio State University, Columbus in 1967 with a B.S. degree, Cum Laude and Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan in 1971 with an MD degree and did his Residency in Ophthalmology at University of Illinois, Chicago in 1975.
Dr. Rose had Board Certification and is a Member of California Association of Ophthalmology, American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Society of Cataracts and Refractive Surgery and National Eye Research Foundation.
Memberships and recognitions include an appointment by Governor Edmund Brown, Jr. as Member of the 11th District Medical Quality Review Committee, Board of Medical Assurance’s; Certificate for Outstanding Contribution to the City of Los Angeles awarded by Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles; and Missionary Trips to Mexico with Flying Doctors carrying surgical equipment and treating the rural population with eye health problems.
Medical appointments and training include Assistant Professor of Surgery & Ophthamology at Western University of Health Science Pomona, and Photorefractive Keratectomy, Dept. of Ophthalmology at Jules Stein Institute, UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles, both in California.
Dr. Rose has developed many of the guidelines used to prevent and even reverse various age and lifestyle induced diseases of the eye that are in his book Save Your Sight! This 1998 bestseller contains these protocols, which have helped thousands of those afflicted with diseases of the eye.
Some of the chapter headings include "The Nutritional Care and Feeding of Your Eyes;" "Preventing and Healing Cataracts, Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration;" "Keeping Your Blood Vessels Strong;" "Are Your Prescription Drugs Making You Go Blind?;" and "Exercise Your Way to Clear Vision" with an "Appendix: A Summary of Nutritional Prescriptions for Eye Diseases."
Geronimo Rubio, MD
Reversing Cancer With Stem Cells & Immunotherapy
Dr. Rubio has been the Medical Director of his own hospital for over three decades. He received his MD degree from the University of Autonoma de Baja California Medical School in Mexico. His research at Rubio Cancer Center specializes in immunology, customized cancer vaccines and adult stem cells for regenerative medicine for the treatment of cancer and chronic diseases. As a Medical Director and Research Director for over 30 years, Dr. Rubio’s specialties include: Oncology, Hematology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Bacteriology, Parasitology and Biomedical Engineering.
Dr. Rubio is certified by the FIMBR, the International Federation of Regenerative Medicine and in 2013 he received his diploma from the University of Puebla in Regenerative Medicine.
For the last 30 years, Dr. Rubio has researched and developed a process of RNA transference in lymphocytes, and polypeptide formulas for cancer cells and developed the formula for the blocking factors in tumor cells. He is the Medical Director of Rubio Cancer Center, located in La Mesa, Mexico, where his special immune vaccines are combined with Rife technology and herbal medicines.
Rubio Cancer Center is one of the top ten hospitals in the country of Mexico, certified by the Mexican government to manufacture and apply adult stem cells and cancer vaccines.
In 2015 Dr. Rubio received a certificate of recognition from the State of California, Senator Joel Anderson’s Office for his outstanding community service in Health Education. He is also the co-author of Breaking The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary Approach To Reversing Cancer, and is a popular lecturer at U.S. health and medical conferences. His reputation in reversing cancer is confirmed by health authorities and written about by bestselling authors, who call him “The Tijuana Tumor Terminator.”
Dr. Rubio may be contacted by phone 866-246-0462, and website Rubio Cancer Center.
Emil Schandl, PhD
The Cancer Profile Test – for True Early Detection
Dr. Schandl received a BA degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (Analytical Biology), MS from a San Diego State University, San Diego, California (Biochemistry and Enzymology) and a PhD from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University, Tallahassee (Molecular Genetics). He pursued training in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Laboratory Medicine at a Humana Hospital in Hollywood, Florida.
He is a Clinical Laboratory Director in the specialties of Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Serology and Immunohematology in the states of Florida, New York, California and a number of others.
Dr. Schandl is a Fellow of the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, registered by the National Registry in Clinical Chemistry and past Consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Toxicology Department. He has been a professional staff member of two acute care hospitals in Hollywood, Florida. Dr. Schandl has published numerous articles in scientific refereed journals and has written news articles on cancer, multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity, anti-fluoridation of drinking water, etc.
Emil served on Florida Senator Hon. Mack’s U.S. Senatorial Cancer Advisory Committee for 10 years to advise on national cancer policies.
Since 1977, Dr. Schandl has been the Director of the Center for Metabolic Disorders, CA Laboratory and currently is the Director of American Metabolic Laboratories, Metabolic Research, Inc. and Immuno Laboratories. He is the inventor/designer of the blood tests Cancer Profile©, (CA Profile©) for early detection and follow-up of malignancies and also of the Longevity Profile©, an expansion of the Cancer Profile. These blood test panels can foretell cancer, heart disease, bone loss and lack of longevity factors, years before a diagnosis can be made by any other methods.
Dr. Schandl is working on the development of cancer specific antibodies and the applicability of stem cells in various diseased conditions.
He can be reached at the American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida by phone 954-929-4814 and e-mail
Archie Scott
DMSO in the Treatment of Cancer, Brain Injuries & Other Problems
Mr. Scott has become one of the foremost authorities on the medical use of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). He is perhaps best known as the developer in 1975 of the original protocols for the use of the DMSO/Laetrile combination by the intravenous slow drip technique for the treatment of cancer. This treatment is still used by many cancer clinics around the world. In April of 2011 he wrote the protocol for the treatment of radiation poisoning by the use of DMSO.
He is a 1959 graduate with a BS degree in Science from Oregon State University. A basketball knee injury in his senior year of high school prevented him from obtaining a college track scholarship, but this injury along with a later football injury to his other knee resulted in his becoming interested in the use of DMSO for the treatment of athletic injuries. After meeting with Stan Jacob, MD at Oregon Health Sciences University, he became interested in the use of DMSO for a wide range of conditions.
Mr. Scott has been a consultant for Clinics in California, Oregon, Nevada, Florida, New York and Mexico for many years. He was also a consultant for a 6-month research program using DMSO in the treatment of brain damaged children at the Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, California. He is involved in the treatment of brain damage in former football players.
He is the author of DMSO Handbook For Doctors, which was published in 2018.
Mr. Scott may be contacted by phone 213-481-0473, e-mail and website Archie H. Scott.
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD
The Holistic Control of Cancer
Dr. Shealy is Founder and President of International Institute of Holistic Medicine, President of Shealy Wellness, LLC and Holos Energy Medicine Education. He is editor of Journal of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine.
He was founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978. He has 14 patents in Energy Medicine, has published 35 books and over 350 articles. Dr. Shealy’s innovations include Spinal Cord Stimulation, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), the RejuvaMatrix® for rejuvenating telomeres, and Transcutaneous Acupuncture, which also rejuvenates telomeres. His clinical work includes comprehensive holistic management of pain, depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular problems.
He received his medical degree from Duke University, Durham, North Carolina in1956. He later became a neurosurgeon, trained at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston in 1963. He received his PhD degree from Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, California in 1977.
Dr. Shealy introduced the concepts of Dorsal Column Stimulation and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, both now used worldwide. In 1971, he founded the first comprehensive, Holistic Clinic for management of pain and stress management called The Shealy Institute, which became the most successful pain clinic in the U.S., with 85% success in over 30,000 patients. The Shealy Protocols for management of depression, migraine, fibromyalgia and back pain are increasingly being integrated into hospitals and individual practices.
In 1978, Dr. Shealy was instrumental in creating The American Holistic Medical Association located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which continues to emphasize the spiritual component of healing. He was the Founding President for its first two years.
Dr. Shealy holds nine patents for innovative discoveries and has published over 300 articles including 22 books, the latest of which is Life Beyond 100—Secrets of The Fountain of Youth. This book presents a detailed road map to achieve healthy aging from the physiology of stress and its effect on the human mind and body to the importance of DHEA; from the proven techniques of photostimulation and biofeedback training to groundbreaking suggestions for alleviating depression and from Shealy’s electromagnetic framework of life to his recommendations for optimal health.
Dr. Shealy is President of Holos University Graduate Seminary, located in Fairgrove, Missouri, which offers Doctoral Programs in Spiritual Healing and Energy Medicine. His current research emphasizes the potential for using spiritual energetics in reversing DNA damage, to enhance health and longevity.
Dr. Shealy can be reached at Shealy Wellness, 5607 S. 222nd Road, Fair Grove MO 65648, phone 417-467-2124, toll free 855-329-2124, fax 417-267-3102.
Tullio Simoncini, MD
Cancer Is a Fungus: The Sodium Bicarbonate Treatment
Dr. Simoncini received his degree in 1976 from La Sapienza University, Rome Italy, majoring in surgery. He followed this with specialized studies in diabetes and metabolic illnesses at the Sacro Cuore University, also in Rome, in 1983. In 1996 Dr. Simoncini received his PhD in Philosophy from La Sapienza University. From 2000 to 2004 he devoted his focus to oncology, also at La Sapienza University.
Throughout his medical career, Dr. Simoncini pursued his personal theories regarding cancer. His first terminal patient, who went into remission in 1981, is still alive and well today.
Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. He has been developing techniques aimed at eradicating the fungus utilizing sodium bicarbonate.
Because of his unorthodox approach, Dr. Simoncini has been disbarred from the Italian Medical Order, and at the same time he has endured a massive, concerted attack by the Italian media, promoted by the Italian Medical Establishment. Despite these obstacles, Dr. Simoncini has managed to advance his theories at medical conferences in Italy and abroad. Among the venues where he has presented are the International Oncology Convention, Treviso, Italy (2000); Convention on Holistic Medicine in Oncology, Udine, Italy (2006); International Anti-Aging Convention, Paris, France (2008) and the Convention on Natural Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona (2008).
Dr. Simoncini is the author of Cancer Is A Fungus, a book in which he details both his theory and different protocols for different tumor types.
He may be contacted in Rome, Italy via his website Cancer is a Fungus and e-mail
Sydney Ross Singer, MS
Bras & The Breast Cancer Cover-Up
Mr. Singer is a Medical Anthropologist. After receiving his graduate training in Biochemistry and being awarded his MS degree in Anthropology in 1981 from Duke University, Sydney Ross Singer decided to pursue a career in the new and emerging field of Medical Anthropology. To better understand how culture and environment affect human health, he went on to complete three years of Medical School at the University of Texas to become one of the first medically trained anthropologists in the United States.
In 1994, he founded and currently serves as Co-Director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease with his wife and co-researcher Soma Grismaijer. This pioneering organization is dedicated to discovering the culture-based causes of disease. Using an integrated approach from the fields of Biochemistry, Anthropology, Medical Humanities and Medicine, Mr. Singer has made medical discoveries into the cultural causes of various common diseases.
Mr. Singer and Ms. Grismaijer rocked the world with their ground breaking 1991-93 U.S. Bra and Breast Cancer Study, published in Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (1st edition in 1995; 2nd edition in 2018) which has now been confirmed by numerous international studies linking wearing tight bras with breast cancer, pointing to the role bras play in impairing the lymphatic system. In 1998, Mr. Singer and Ms. Grismaijer did a follow-up breast cancer study in Fiji, confirming their findings.
Peter Starr
The Latest on Prostate Cancer
Mr. Starr was born in Coventry, England and came to the United States in 1978. During his long and eclectic career in the entertainment business he has been honored with 14 major international awards for filmmaking, including the Chicago (Gold) and Houston (Silver) International Film Festivals and the Silver and Gold Awards at the International Radio Programming Awards, New York, and has been inducted into the Trailblazers’s Hall of Fame.
His entertainment career came to a screeching halt in June 2004 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Since then he has concentrated on learning about restoring his own health while reversing his disease. His journey took him to eight countries on three continents where he learned from and interviewed 56 doctors and other health practitioners and researchers. This intense schooling and its practical application lead to the production of his landmark documentary Surviving Prostate Cancer Without Surgery, Drugs or Radiation, which will soon be seen in truncated form on PBS (Public Broadcasting Station).
To further his desire to educate men similarly diagnosed, he formed the Healing Arts Education Foundation, a 501c3 charity, charged with communicating to men and their wives, the full story of the disease and its cause, while sharing the need for an understanding of natural, but life changing opportunities to reverse the disease.
In addition to the completed documentary, available in a three DVD set with a 40 page resource guide including a doctor’s list from the Foundation’s website, Mr. Starr is soon to offer a book called Supplements For A Healthy Prostate and a larger volume Prostate Cancer, Why We Get It & What to Do About It. He is a regular contributor to Healthcare Weekly Review, writing about natural health issues.
He can be reached at his Healing Arts Education Foundation at 310-312-0012 or through his website Surviving Prostate Cancer.
David Steenblock, MD, DO
The New Science of Youngering
Dr. Steenblock was born and raised on a farm in northern Iowa. His BS degree was in Zoology and Chemistry from Iowa State University, Ames and his MS degree in Biochemistry and his Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) degree both from Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Steenblock did a rotating Internship at Providence Hospital in Seattle, Washington and then for two years practiced in a rural logging town as a Solo Practitioner, Surgeon and Gerontologist. He did residences at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center in Portland, Oregon.
In 1978, Dr. Steenblock founded The Health Restoration Medical Center which evolved into The Brain Therapeutics Medical Clinic in Mission Viejo, California. He has been a medical editor of Total Health, Let’s Live, and a contributor to a variety of other scientific and health publications. In April 2002, Dr. Steenblock was awarded the Charles Farr Pioneer Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research and Development in Oxidative Medicine for his use of Hyperbaric Oxygen in his comprehensive rehab programs for stroke and other brain injured patients.
Dr. Steenblock uses Hyperbaric Oxygen, Intravenous Glutathione, Magnetic Therapies, Acupuncture, External Counterpulsation, Intermittent High Altitude Therapies, Physical Therapy (RPT), Nutrition, etc. for the prevention and treatment of stroke, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, intestinal disorders, diabetic complications, etc.
Dr. Steenblock is working internationally with other scientists studying the application of umbilical cord stem cells for the treatment of a variety of health conditions. His clinic phone is 949-367-8870 and his website is David A Steenblock DO, Inc.
Paul Ling Tai, DPM
Breakthrough Research in “V.D.B.P.” for Cancer
Dr. Ling is President of Brasil American Academy of Aging & Regenerative Medicine, Double Board Certified Surgeon and an international renowned speaker on cancer early diagnosis and treatment in Europe, Russia, Japan & South America.
He is a medical consultant to thousands of doctors worldwide earning him the title of “Doctor’s doctor.” He has been featured in renowned medical newsletters, international television appearances and radio health talk shows nationwide, is a best-selling author of 14 books and holds U.S. patents.
Contact Dr. Tai at Health Secrets USA, 24141 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 or e-mail
Preventing Melanoma & Other Skin Cancers Without Surgery
Dr. T is a holistic scientist who educates doctors and the public about nutritional and environmental medicine, functional medicine (science-based holistic approaches to diagnosis and therapy), and disease prevention via truly natural lifestyle and dietary modification.
He is a sought-after lecturer and expert in skin health and longevity (and the connection between objective measurable skin parameters and whole-body anti-aging), skin lesions treatment and prevention, clinical nutrition, functional medicine, and laboratory tests. He is introducing non-invasive precision instruments for clinical diagnosis of skin aging with powerful treatment protocols, available to all types of practitioners.
Dr. T is President Emeritus and Professor of Medical Sciences, Clinical Nutrition, and Functional Medicine at the University of Natural Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico and San Dimas, California (specializing in distant learning).
Dr. T was born in Jerusalem, Israel, and had an extensive career in music before switching to medicine, as a result of long-term interest in health and nutrition stemming from witnessing severe illness and tragedy in his family. He obtained his first doctorate, in Chiropractic Medicine (DC), from Northwestern Health Science University, graduating at the top of his class. After several years of successful practice as a Nutrition and Functional Medicine Physician, he returned to school and received his Medical Diploma (MD) at the prestigious Pirogov Medical University (Russia’s flagship Medical Institute, which placed 3rd in UNESCO’s competition for the world’s best medical schools, ahead of world-renowned Oxford and Cambridge Universities).
He then became certified by the American Boards of Functional Medicine (DABFM), Clinical-Nutrition (DABCN), Disability Analysis (FABDA), and the American Board of Chelation and Oxidative Therapy. He has also obtained his Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) Diploma with the IAACN (International & American Association of Clinical Nutritionists), where he is also serving as professor for the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. He is a Licensed Nutritionist (LN) in Minnesota since 1997.
In the past 15 years, Dr. T has lectured world-wide to doctors, health practitioners, and the public. He founded the “Tel-Oren Muco-Cutaneous Lesion Therapy” and trained many physicians who now offer this treatment in several countries and many states (including California, Arizona, Washington & Oregon). This is a highly effective non-surgical, non-medical, non-scarring approach to eliminating skin and mucous lesions of all types and preventing risky developments.
Dr. T is the founder of several humanitarian projects in several countries, including the Ecopolitan Eco-Health Community, the Everest Learning Academy in Nepal (a network of schools, community centers, and orphanages that educate, nurture, and protect 10,000 disadvantaged Nepali children from child trafficking, prostitution, and slavery). He guides Healthy Humanitarian Holistic Trekking Expeditions in Nepal’s Himalayas twice a year and runs retreats in Thailand, foraging weekends in Wisconsin, a gluten-free Green Bakery, and a healthy restaurant in Minneapolis. He has created the BioActive Plant Fraction(R) Formulas and built a factory in Nepal that makes the best, healthiest Himalayan Sulfur Rich Black Salt, both available via NutriDyn. All these products, projects, events, and services support the Ecopolitan Communities Humanitarian efforts in Nepal and children’s health worldwide.
For Ecopolitan skin clinics appointments in your area, to join a trek, or to learn about Ecopolitan’s exciting Skin Science & Anti-Aging Seminars, please visit the Dr. T Events website.
Marlene Veltre
7 Basics for Simple Health
Breast cancer survivor, Marlene Veltre, is the author of 7 Basics for Simple Health and Feel Good, Do The Method. She is a health educator and facilitator of her stress management technique, The Method.
At the height of her professional career, spanning 30 years, Marlene was an executive vice president at a global Fortune 500 company in New York City. Today, she lives in Venice, CA. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science.
Marlene’s books are available on Amazon and For more information, you can visit The Simple Seven website.