
The 2023 Cancer Summit, available through, was moderated by Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD and Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc.
Following are brief summaries of many of the presentations to help illuminate the current therapies addressing various cancers. There are so many options available today that offer the patient a new way of returning to health after an unexpected diagnosis. Please feel free to learn more at the Dr. Talks website.
Devin Stone, ND – Unlock Fermented Soy’s Power Against Disease
The right form of soy can be very powerful in the treatment of disease. Many of us are aware that soy is high in phytic acid. However, phytic acid is broken down in soy that is fermented. It is also beneficial to obtain soy that is grown at high altitude, organic and has not been cross pollinated.
The benefits of soy include anti-inflammatory aspects, rich probiotics, stops blood vessel formation in metastasis, apoptotic, helps with radiation, activates NK killer cells, beneficial for estrogen positive cancers, and is a complete protein. Stone pointed out that this is not a stand-alone therapy, but is very effective when used in conjunction with other modalities. He recommends a soy product called Halean 951.
William Pawluk, MD – Discover PEMFs: The Untapped Secret for Cancer Care
PEMF or pulsed electro magnetic fields have shown to be very effective in the treatment of cancer. These are fields that are in a closed loop in contrast to EMFs which are an open loop. PEMF waves are able to move in and out of the body effectively charging the tissues as with Faraday’s Law.
In the case of cancer, the tissue environment is abnormal with typically low levels of oxygen. PEMF drives oxygen into the cancer, increasing circulation, lowering inflammation, flooding the area with white blood cells, pushing the mitochondria in the cancer cell to overwhelm and destruction, opening the membrane channels of the cancer cell and distributing voltage across the cell wall (ultimately stressing the diseased cell to a point of apoptosis), to mention a few. With PEMF the cancer cells become radiation sensitive and normal cells become radiation resistant. This can also help the action of chemotherapy.
PEMF is beneficial before and after surgery. Prior to surgery it supports the tissue and after surgery it aids in wound healing. Again, Pawluk shares this is not a stand alone therapy but can be used as an adjunct with ozone, vitamin C, etc.
Mary Hardy, MD – Boost Your Mitochondria to Counteract Cancer
Hardy presented many ideas to consider including a diet rich in protein, low in sugar, and free of toxins. She recommended spacing meals as well. She stressed the importance of support groups, meditation, acupuncture, and supplements. Among the supplements discussed several were highly recommended. These include Metatrol, a fermented wheat germ, mushrooms and vitamin D.
Metatrol by American Biosciences impacts cancer cell metabolism and is a super concentrated supplement. It interferes with the cancer cell’s ability to use sugar, ultimately starving it. It normalizes mitochondrial function helping with chronic fatigue and long covid. With Metatrol NK killer cells increase and strip the cnacer’s ability to hide. As you can see it operates on multiple pathways including apoptosis and rejuvenating the mitochondria. It has low toxicity and even though it is a fermented wheat germ, it is gluten free. Metatrol works well with chemotherapy. It has been shown to be effective with oral cancers, melanoma, ovarian cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, prostate, cancer, solid tumors, and colon cancer.
Catharine Arnston – Algae’s Power: The Key to Cancer Prevention
Arnston’s presentation shared the benefits of algae, specifically chlorella. For cancer her recommendation is to use it in larger doses initially at night using a micro form which has no fiber and is highly concentrated nutrition. Spirulina would be considered nourishing where as chlorella is immune enhancing. Chlorella pulls out toxins and expels them from the body. The cancer fighting element is phycocyanin which stops cancer growth, stops the growth of blood cells and enhances the mitochondria.
Leigh Erin Connealy, MD – Get Updated: The Latest Technologies in Integrative Cancer Care
Connealy runs the Oasis of Hope Cancer Center for Healing. The first approach to cancer is prevention. Bruce Lipton’s approach to healing in changing the mind first resonats with her. It is important to look at diet, fasting, plant based and keto options. She looks at blood work including CRP for inflammation and blood sugar A1C. Many things play a part so she includes coffee enemas, EAV testing, energy medicine, testing pancreatic enzyme production, investigating virus, immune dysfunction, toxins, vascularity, and deficiencies. Various other treatments include Red Light, PEMF, IV therapies, supplements, hyperthermia, emotional work, live blood cell analysis, and Jerry Tennants voltage therapy with the Biomodulator.
Joseph Antoun – How Fasting Can Enhance Cancer Treatment
Antoun explained how the Longo Longevity Diet called Prolong can benefit cancer patients. Fasting actually decreases growth factors. It is ideal to use along with chemo therapy four or five days prior to the chemo as it will allow the patient to do more cycles without side effects. Fasting helps starve the cancer and raises immunity. Other forms of fasting such as intermittent fasting (only eating daily during an 6-8 hour window) is beneficial. High fat diets decrease growth factors.
More information is available at Create Cures Foundation.
Akbar Khan, MD, IMD, DHS, FAAO, DCA – Uncover Dichloroacetate’s Role in Metabolic Cancer Therapy
Khan is affiliated with Medicor Cancer Centers in Canada where they use low dose Naltrexone, ozone and sauna wellness.
He discussed the benefits of Dichloroacetate (DCA). It blocks the pathway for glucose to get to the cancer cell but doesn’t poison healthy cells. It is a long word but when broken down it simply means salt (sodium chloride) and vinegar (acetate). It inhibits pyruvate dehydrogenase (pdk) enzyme thus shutting down anaerobic function triggering apoptosis. This also blocks vessel development. By reducing lactate production the body is alkalized. This is valuable because cancer typically uses anaerobic metabolism making lactic acid. This lactic acid interferes with the immune system’s ability to recognize the cancer. By neutralizing the lactic acid, the immune system can perform its job more readily.
This immune therapy can cause swelling so as a result the tumor becomes larger in the beginning before the shrinking begins. In the first few months it would appear the cancer is worse, but shortly after that the benefits are evident. By observing live blood, the strong immune response is clear. A main mode of action is to kill off the daughter cells of the stem cells helping to retard metastasis. DCA boosts the impact of radiation and chemo (especially Platinum Chemo). Research has shown that Boswellia (frankincense) with DCA is even more effective. So what are the concerns of this therapy? Some side effects are possible including nerve damage, hallucinations, and rare rise in liver enzymes. However, all of these have been reversed with the use of ALA, B1, and Acetyl-carnitine. If dosing by mouth creates stomach upset, the DCA can be delivered IV.
Khan also uses low dose Naltrexone as a preventative. By temporarily blocking endorphins, The body is able to accumulate more, having an anti-cancer effect for many cancers. It is best for early-stage cancers and has no dangerous side effects. It is not as strong as DCA but can be combined with it along with natural agents such as Vitamin D. Some patients experience strange dreams or loss of sleep.
Patrick Vickers, DO – Delve Into the Advanced Techniques of Gerson Therapy
The Gerson Therapy Clinic is in Rosarito, Mexico. The therapies implemented have many benefits for cancer but also for migraine headaches (25-30% efficacy), metabolism, gut healing, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cardiovascular health, high blood pressure and cell membrane repair.
In the case of the cell membrane, the cell wall is composed of fat. Saturated fat, which is high in hydrogen, tends to limit the transport of oxygen across the cell wall. However flax oil, which is unsaturated, actually draws oxygen into the cell where it is needed. Healthy transport in this fashion allows for salts to be removed and potassium to be available.
Fruits and vegetables that are juiced are high in potassium and aid in healthy cell function. Twenty pounds of organic fruits and vegetables are juiced and combined with probiotics, unadulterated aloe, and spirulina. This is consumed hourly. The patients combine this with coffee enemas, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ozone blood irradiation, rectal ozone and near infra-red saunas combined with chlorophyll. The coffee enemas, done 5 times per day for 6 months, are a detox therapy. All aspects of the therapy are practiced at the clinic and then can be continued at home.
Jennifer Simmons, MD – Decipher the Link Between Breast Cancer and Hormones
Simmons looks at breast cancer through the eyes of a functional medicine practitioner. She is interested in the why and uses functional medicine testing to determine what is out of balance in the body. She believes in hormone replacement when needed, exercise, plant based diets, and lowering environmental toxins.
The hormone metabolizing pathways are key, as exogenous hormones (xenoestrogens) can cause cancer. These xenoestrogens, found in plastics and other toxins, can lock onto the receptor site and over stimulate it. In addition, once the xenoestrogen has taken over a receptor it doesn’t leave, creating a vicious cycle.
Many practitioners prescribe Tamoxifan for cancer patients. This drug must be converted in the liver but the CYP3A4 enzyme inhibits this conversion and thus is ineffective in these patients. Detox pathways must be kept clear as with the colon, liver, lungs and kidneys.
Gut health is essential and can benefit from cruciferous vegetables, B6, B9, B12 and magnesium. The type of breast cancer will determine the therapy. Triple negative breast cancer benefits from chemo and aggressive biological therapies. HER2 postive benefits from anti-HER2 postive therapies. In the long run it is essential to look at each person and come up with a patient specific plan.
Ron Hunninghake, PhD – Impact of Vitamin C on Your Cancer Journey
Hunninghake is involved with the Riordan Clinic using IV Vitamin C therapies. Hugh Riordan, MD, who developed the therapy, followed the research of Linus Pauling. A study done in Scotland found improvement in quality of life, diminished oxidative stress and inflammation, improved immunity, pro-oxidative action, and reduction of iron in the cell.
Jeanne Drisko at the University of Kansas has found pre-chemo hydration with IV vitamin C to be very beneficial. This is done a day or two before and after the chemotherapy having a pro-oxygen effect. She found sixteen quality of life benefits including less pain, reduced fever, less bleeding, increased breathing, improved sleep, increased appetite, better bowel action, increased well being and improved brain function.
Therapeutic treatments are available at the Riordan Clinic.
Dan Rubin, MD, FABNO, OncoNP – Your Personalized Strategy in Cancer Care
Rubin has the Honor Health Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona. He feels the immune system is the first and last defense against cancer. He uses integrative testing determining action, looking at issues, following up with testing and trying new actions. This approach allows the doctor/patient relationship to continually observe where the patient is in the therapy and what changes need to be made. He believes the addition of meditation, microcurrent and oxygen therapy is beneficial and has found that patients with a blood type of A+ benefit from a plant based diet. Rubin is recognized as one of the best naturopathic doctors for cancer care.
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAC – Navigating the Survival Paradox for Cancer Success
Eliaz gave a brief presentation about the benefits of Modified Citrus Pectin. Galectin-3 is a cancer driver and can be held at bay very effectively with Modified Citrus Pectin. This is a powder that is added to water and consumed several times per day. Eliaz has written “The Survival Paradox.”
More information is available at
Andrew Serafini – Learn the Role of Cannabis in Cancer Treatment
Cannabis drives homeostatic balance and is an anti-inflammatory. The body produces cannabinoids naturally with anandamide being similar to THC and 2AG being similar to CBD. There are 114 cannabinoids and terpenes in raw juice. He has found that a ratio of THC/CBD 1:1 is the most effective. He also uses ivermectin, goji berry, hemp, reshi mushrooms, beta glucans, and turmeric. He has found that medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil, an alkaline diet and cannabinoids help with the side effects of chemo and radiation.
More information is available at
Antonio Jimenez, MD, ND – Navigate Your Cancer Treatment With an Integrative Approach
Jimenez runs the Hope 4 Cancer Clinic in Mexico. They use non-toxic therapies to restore the immune system and the gut. They address issues with the teeth, skin, gut and thoughts. It is clear that nutrition can help detox the body and the mind. The clinic looks at stomach dysregulation, emotional and spiritual imbalances, habits, behaviors, nutritional imbalances, sleep, and forgiveness.
An example of the forgiveness activity involves writing a letter to the person involved (however this is not sent). Read the letter aloud privately to the person in a relaxing state. Burn the letter and let it go. Statistically, the clinic has a 2-4 times longer survival rate. Seventy percent of the patients experience improved quality of life in a month. One main premise is the key to cancer is prevention.
Kevin Conners, DPSC, FICT, FAARM – Debunking Myths: The Truth About Cancer Diets
It is important to have a diet with no sugar, as cancer survives on sugar. Keto diets cause the cancer to look for other fuel with could be proteins so it is good to change things up in and out of ketosis. Intermittent fasting, where the patient eats during a 6-8 hour window daily, is helpful as well as eating a varied diet.
Remove foods that stimulate growth including dairy, processed foods, gluten, sugar and foods that the patient is allergic to. It is helpful to take dietary changes in steps. First, test for food antibodies to discover sensitivities and allergies and avoid these foods. Secondly, introduce intermittent fasting. Juice for a while. Keep making changes in the diet to keep it varied.
Doug Kaufmann – Dive Into the Connection Between Fungus and Cancer
Many people suffer from invisible disease from poisons made by fungus. These poisons are all different and cause different cancers. As examples, TB and jungle rot are fungal diseases. Research has found that cancers respond to antifungal drugs. However, these fungal issues can be tricky. For instance, aspergillus can look like cancer in the lungs. It is in a sac, is anaerobic, eats sugar and responds to antifungal drugs. One must be very careful when determining when the issue is true cancer or not. It is important to eat a diet free of fungus. Patients who cannot do penicillin often have a lot of fungus in their system. People who cannot drink beer have gut issues, Alzheimer’s or skin issues may also be dealing with systemic fungus. If the patient does have fungus, eat no sugar and no carbs as this feeds the fungus.
Fungus gives off toxins in the body. Thirty five different cancers all have fungal DNA when tested. For these cases, antifungal drugs for two weeks has shown great efficacy. Antibiotics can be a vicious cycle. The patient feels better to begin with, but the infection recurs, inducing cancer and impeding the immune system, finally creating fungus infection. Better options than antibiotics include Beta Glucan, goldenseal, echinachea, and nebulized silver. Diets can include fermented foods, some berries and green apples, carrots, grass fed beef, grapefruit, eggs, cabbage, fish, chicken and green vegetables. Several other practitioners have investigated the fungal theory including Hulda Clark, Hanna Krueger and Dr. Tulio Simoncini.
Michael Weber, MD – Photo Dynamic Therapy: Explore This Innovative Cancer Therapy
Weber has three clinics in Germany. He uses lasers for wound healing and micro circulation issues. Low level lasers of red, green and blue are healing and regenerating. Full spectrum lasers benefit the mitochondria. Since blue and green cannot penetrate far, these frequencies can be delivered to the blood via fiberoptics called photobiomodulation.
Light can be used to rebuild or destroy. In the case of cancer, the photodynamics are used to destroy as well as stimulate the immune system. Cancer is targeted by using substances that bind to the cancer called photo sensitizers. These are introduced into the blood stream through irradiation using lasers. The sensitizers bind to the cancer. The laser attacks the cells that are sensitized. This action creates antigens that stimulate even more attacks.
Needles have been developed that can penetrate deeply into the body to reach difficult tumors. This delivers the photo sensitizer directly to the tumor, becoming light sensitive. Then light is used as above to attack the tumor.
Weber has found that green light improves oxygen therapy. Blue light kills bacteria and increases nitric oxide and the length of telomeres. Yellow light is anti-inflammatory. UVA light kills micro-organisms and inhibits metastasis. Red light enhances proliferation of stem cells. IV laser therapy can increase telomere length and increase cytokine activity.
Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD, ABAAM – Impact of Ozone in Your Cancer Journey
Shallenberger uses low dose chemo with ozone therapy. Three weeks prior to chemo administration, systemic ozone and IV Vitamin C is used two times a week. This drives the NRF2 enzymes that are anti-oxidants into the system. He uses ozone once a week during chemo. Ozone attacks the cancer along with the chemo.
Using ozone directly can be accomplished by injecting the gas within 3 cm of the tumor. Prostate cancer can be treated by also injecting ozone near the tumor 1-2 times a week. The blood can be treated with ozone. Shallenberger uses a therapy called EBOO which takes less time, filters the blood of clots and bacteria, and treats 4 liters at a time. Three to four treatments detoxifies the patient. Rectal ozone can be done at home. Ozone can be bubbled through olive oil creating terpenes. This can be inhaled and is very healing for the lungs. In the case of cancer, once it is diminished then ozone will go even further to stop the growth. He has found that cancer cells, when treated, can return to healthy cells.
More information is available at the American Academy of Ozonetherapy (AAOT).
Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD – Embrace 10 Healing EFT Affirmations for Cancer
EFT is called the Emotional Freedom Technique. It is used to deal with stress, post traumatic stress syndrome, and emotional healing. It is a technique of tapping acupuncture points on the body while stating positive affirmations. A brief explanation follows. You can also find information about this therapy on the website.
In the beginning tap the sides of the hands together and state “Even though I have this diagnosis, I deeply and completely accept myself and trust in my body’s ability to heal.” Repeat this three times. After that, tap between the eyes, the sides of the eyes, under the eyes, below the nose, on the chin, each side of the breast bone, and on the side below the arm pit. While tapping on these locations repeat the positive affirmation that is appropriate. These are the affirmations options:
- Strength and Resilience : I am strong, resilient and capable of facing this challenge. Every cell in my body is working toward my healing. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Love and Nourishment: I surround myself with love and support. Every tap nourishes my body and soul. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Gratitude and Positivity: I am grateful for the strength I find within myself everyday and the love that surrounds me. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Faith and Hope: Every moment brings new hope. I have faith in my journey and the healing process.
- Release and Let Go: I release all fear, uncertainty and stress. I invite peace and calm into my heart. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Trust and Patience: I trust in the wisdom of my body. Healing is a process and I am patient with myself. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Growth and Learning: The journey teaches me more about myself. I grow stronger and wiser each day. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Harmony and Balance: I bring balance and harmony to my mind, body and spirit. Together they work towards my wellbeing. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
- Support and Unity: I am not alone on the journey. I am supported, loved and guided every step of the way. I still love and accept myself fully and completely.
Donald Yance Jr., CN, RH – Mederi Care: Your Guide to Managing Cancer With Botanical Medicine
Yance has a clinic in Ashland, Oregon. He uses many approaches to determine the appropriate botanical combination. He takes a thorough history of the patient and observes them. He believes that developing a relationship with the patient is most important. Lab tests are analyzed, as is the disease (pathology, molecular composition, etc.).
He uses Chinese medicine and ayurvedic therapies. His six main tool boxes include botanicals, supplements, diet, life style, low dose pharmaceuticals, and spiritual care. His goal is to shift the focus away from the tumor. Surgery is the last resort. If systemic treatment is shrinking the tumor then once it is 50% diminished surgery can be used to remove it.
The best option is to freeze the tumor which is not invasive. However, before surgery is considered, all blood markers must be great. He doesn’t use the Greek testing for tumor sensitivity but rather looks at LDH, urine pH, heart rate variability, vagal nerve health, breathing, chanting, sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system states.
For more information go to
Steven Johnson, DO – Mistletoe in Integrative Oncology: Uncover Its Immunologic Benefit
Johnson considers this approach to be Anthropasophic Medicine. Mistletoe is used often in Europe in many hospitals. It is a parasitic plant that blossoms in the winter. It doesn’t harm the tree. This therapy heightens the immune surveillance and can be used during all stages of cancer.
There are various host trees including oak, apple, poplar, birch, and hawthorn. Mistletoe from the apple tree addresses cancers of the reproductive organs. Mistletoe from the oak tree addresses digestive organ cancers. Mistletoe can stimulate a fever and thus making hyperthermic therapies more effective. It can be delivered slowly through the mouth or fast using IV applications.
Fevers are vital in treatment, but many people have weak immune systems and cannot produce a fever. A healthy controlled fever is very detoxifying.
However, there are specific contraindications. Do not use if there is an acute infection, acute autoimmune activity, or chronic allergy. The protocol includes subcutaneous injection three times a week. IV can also be used for higher doses. It can also be injected directly into the tumor. Once the patient is in remission, it can be used 1-2 times per week or 4 times per year.
Veronique Desaulniers, DC – Survive and Thrive: Conquering Breast Cancer With Natural Medicine
Veronique’s book is entitled “Heal Breast Cancer Naturally.” She incorporates Heart Rate Variability and Heart Math. Other aspects of importance are food (nutritional DNA testing), toxicities, energy balance considering hormone balance and xenoestrogens, emotions, biological dentistry, therapeutic plants and herbs, early detection with ultrasound and thermography, the Greek test and Gallery test looking for cancer DNA in the blood. The herbs and supplements she considers include selenium, mushroom therapy, Poly MVA, Vitamin D, curcumin, and Vitamin C to mention a few.
For more information go to
Eric Schoen, ND – Combine Natural Therapies With Your Oncology Plan Safely
Schoen incorporates many modalities including photobiomodulation, laser therapy, antioxidants during radiation, supplements for terrain balancing, Modified Citrus Pectin for detoxing, and nervous system support. These include magnolia extract, honokiol, vit D, trace minerals, mushrooms, fermented wheat germ (Metatrol or Avemar), modified citrus pectin, saunas and exercise. He recommends working with an integrative practitioner, taking time to come up with a plan and being confident with the plan you want to do.
Kent Holtorf, MD – Boost Your Immune System With Peptides to Fight Cancer
Holtorf is from Belgium and uses peptide therapy to treat cancer, congestive heart failure and Lyme Disease. These are natural isomers that are more bioavailable. They modulate the immune system including the TH1 side for infections enhancing natural killer cell and the TH2 side when autoimmunity is an issue. The thymus gland is the grand regulator of both sides of the immune system. As we age, the TH1 side become less active and the TH2 side becomes more active. The threat of cancer increases under this scenario. Modulating both sides helps maintain a state of health. There are various peptides that address specific issues and should be used accordingly. Peptides can be used along with chemo therapy once a month as it helps rid the body of senescent cells. He offers training and monthly lectures for those who would like to learn more.
Henning Saupe, MD – Grasp Non-toxic Treatments, Personalized Chemosensitivity, and Low Dose Chemo
Saupe is from Bad Amstel, Germany. He uses testing and individual specific therapies that are less toxic and amplified by using hyperthermic treatments and addressing the terrain. He uses insulin potentiation as well. This approach lowers the blood sugar by 50% to make the cancer cells hungry. When the channels are open a poisonous sugar is introduced. Poisonous sugars can be high dose Vitamin C, Chinese wormwood, turmeric, oil of ginger, lectins from mistletoe, or synthetic chemo determined by sensitivity testing.
He uses Chemo Sensitivity Testing to determine which of the 20 chemo drugs is best. Using a solid biopsy, a complete gene analysis can be done. France, United Kingdom, and the Scandinavian countries cannot use these tool but clinics in Germany can. His chemo therapy is considered low dose, using 10-15% of the normal dose. In metastatic cancer cases he uses 20% and in resistant cancer cases 25%.
John Kortum – Uncover Your Body’s Natural Language for Health and Healing
Kortum has written “The Kortum Technique” which explains his approach to therapy. He can notice textures in people and pinpoint the organ and level of disease. For instance, if the person looks ashy the issue is most likely in the repiratory system. If they look dense it is digestive. If there is a veneer to the skin the it is a blood issue. If they look moist the issue is cancer.
He also has found common traits with disease states. For example, issues with the liver indicate a person has high expectations and desires perfection from themselves and those around them. In cases of prostate issues there is fear and the person sees the world as a dangerous place. With breast cancer there are nurturing issues and self criticism. When there are digestive issues the individual has problems digesting experiences, suffers from regrets, has patterns bad experiences. Respiratory cases have a problem with justice, equality, and feelings of lack of fairness.
More information is available at
Terry Wahls, MD – Link Between Cancer and Autoimmunity: What You Need to Know
Autoimmune drugs suppress the immune system making the patient more susceptible to cancer. The key is getting to the root cause of autoimmunity by looking at lifestyle including diet, sleep stress and exercise. It is best to address autoimmunity naturally instead of with drugs to protect against the long term side effect of cancer.
For more information go to
Linda Isaacs, MD – Learn About Enzymes Role in the Fight Against Cancer
Cancer is composed of primitive cells and is caused by toxins as explained in the Tropoblast Theory. Carcinomas such as breast, lung, and prostate as well as lymphoma and leukemia can be treated with diet and pancreatic enzymes. In all cases, implement coffee enemas two times a day.
Pancreatic enzymes do two things. First they digest food and secondly they control the behavior of the stem cells. Beneficial pancreatic enzymes come from pigs and are freeze dried. She recommends 15-45 grams in divided doses over the day and in the middle of the night. Take the enzymes for consecutive days and then break to let the toxins clear out. Detoxifiers such as psyllium, chia, bentonite, saunas and skin brushing is recommended.
Read “The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer” by Nicholas J. Gonzalez and Linda L. Isaacs, “Enzyme Nutrition” by Edward Howell, and go to
Tom O’Bryan, DC, CNN, DABCN, CIFM – How Your Gut Health Directly Influences Disease
In chronic inflammatory diseases, where is the inflammation coming from? Check the immune system for IgA, IgG, and IgM for food sensitivity and allergies. Keep in mind that the weakest link in the body will be symptomatic first. Evaluate the patient’s lifestyle and determine how they are fueling the fire of inflammation. Work on the weakest link to avoid metastasis.
Cancer is the immune system attacking the tissue. For example, BPA is a chemical that affects the thyroid. It changes the cell so the body cannot recognize it as self. As a result the body creates antibodies to eliminate these bad cells. The result? Autoimmune thyroid.
There are many other sources of inflammation such as food that has been sprayed with chemicals like glyphosate. FODMAPS in wheat can cause symptoms. Interestingly, wheat grown in Europe does not contain this.
There are many things that can light the fire including environmental toxins in food, thalates, flame retardants, and formaldehyde. The end result is leaky gut where large molecules of undigested food can cross the gut barrier and get into the bloodstream. The brain doesn’t recognize these substances and instructs the body to fight them with antibodies. Inflammation is the result. The most important first step is to heal the gut with good bacteria, organic vegetables and fruits.
For more information go to and look at his book “You Can Fix Your Brain.”
TJ Hills – Estrogen: Lifesaver or Toxin?
Estrogen metabolism is key. People break down estrogen differently and if you have mutations where you don’t metabolize estrogen then there can be consequences. It is always best to test Estrogenmetabol. Xenoestrogens do not break down if you also do not metabolize estrogen. Xenoestrogens can be found in laundry soap, dish soap and plastics. Estrogen metabolism can be improved by keeping a lower Body Mass Index, DIM, Vitamin C and Fish oil. There are many companies that do testing such as the Dutch Test and Genova Tests.
For more testing information go to
Michael Karlfeldt – Utilize Light to Target Cancer Cells and Viruses
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is the use of light in healing and can go even deeper with the use of laser lights. When PDT is used with an IV it treats the blood as it passes by the light source. Therapies can also go directly into the tumor with light.
Red activates the immune system. Green is therapeutic for the cardiovascular system. Blue kills virus and bacteria especially when Riboflavin, B2 is used as a sensitizer. The immune system creates a response to the broken up pieces with a direct kill, education of the immune system and killing vessels that feed the tumor. After the use of PDT, the use of oxidative therapies is beneficial.