
2021 Ozone Convention
The 2021 Ozone Convention was an online event diving into wellness with oxidative and supportive therapies. It was the largest online gathering of professionals, practitioners and enthusiasts working with oxidative therapies. The importance of therapies like these is becoming greater as our world in addressing bacteria, virus and mold.
This year the convention was broken down into two groups. One set of presenters had content geared for the public. Another set of presenters offered information about oxidative therapies and how to apply them in a practice setting. Following is a quick overview of some of the presentations.
David King, CEO, Healthy Wild And Free
Amplifying The Connective Potential Of Oxygen & Oxygen Pathways in The Body
Oxygen is the #1 most essential nutrient for life, spirit, and emotion. We can modulate the nervous system, lymphatic system, our emotional state and more simply by engaging our breath in different ways. In this presentation the importance of breath, breath work, oxygen absorption and transportation throughout the body was discussed. The benefit of learning to have a better relationship with your breath is that it's the fastest and most readily available tool for your health, state and mindset anytime, anywhere. Arm yourself with the powerful capacity of oxygen to thrive in our modern day world!
Paul Harvey, Gnosis Wellness Centre Inc, Gnosis Wellness Centre Inc
Ozonated Oils Information
Paul presented a brief description of how ozonated oils are made, what they can be used for and the benefits of their use. This included applications for gum health, skin health, wound healing, nail health, to mention a few.
Dr. Clayton Hansen, Director, Hansen Health Solutions
A New Healthcare System To Deliver a New Wave of Healthcare
More and more we recognize what the content of healthcare should be; more natural treatments, less pharmaceuticals, less invasive approaches, more holistic, preventative therapies, etc.
But, trying to deliver real healthcare through a conventional model is forcing a square through a round hole. Dr. Hansen proposed a new healthcare delivery model to go with the real healthcare content practitioners are eager to provide.
Dr. Hannah Grushkowsky, Director, Dr. Ozone
The Future of Preventative Medicine: Ozone Therapy
This presentation touched on some of the basic benefits of direct IV ozone therapy, preventative protocols for direct IV ozone with testimonials and case studies from patients.
Hal Blatman, MD, Blatman Health And Wellness
Fascia – A New Paradigm for Understanding and Treating Pain
That which we once thought nothing of and discarded in anatomy class as trash, provides a treasure of information that can teach us better ways to understand and treat pain. Fascia is the most important generator of pain and proprioception in the body. Muscle, fascia, radiating myofascial pain, prolotherapy, trigger point injections, ozonotherapy, PRP injections, acupuncture, and the use of compounding pharmacy take on new meaning with a more up-to-date understanding of anatomy that is based on new techniques of fascia sparing dissection. Contrary to the way pain practitioners have been taught, there is now a need to deemphasize medication and promote non-pharmaceutical treatment options for patients. Specific qualities and symptoms of pain blur as we reconsider our understanding of neuropathic and sympathetically mediated pain. Changing this perspective will allow the medical community to rethink the circle of injury, pain, and healing in a way that could revolutionize medical practice and better the lives of patients.
Joy Kong, MD, President, American Academy of Integrative Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy as An Antiaging Tool
Aging is the prequel to chronic diseases. Stem Cell Therapy can be utilized as a powerful tool to prevent and even reverse the declines associated with aging. Is there clinical evidence for such claim? This presentation helped to answer that question. Scientific support and case studies were presented.
Dennis Mihalka, DDS, Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products
Ozone Delivery Options: Emphasis on Ear Insufflation
With experience of 10 years of Ear Insufflation including major design enhancements, ear insufflation is an important tool to use in delivering Ozone. This presentation discussed ozone proof equipment designed for Ear Insufflation. This therapy may not come to mind for a systemic therapy, but in reality, it is a direct approach to the blood stream.
Dr. Margo Roman, Microbiome Restorative Therapy, Microbiome Restorative Therapy
Empowering the Veterinary Practice
Empower the animal caretaker to motivate their veterinarian to get into ozone. Dr. Roman has used ozone therapies for her client's pets for years with remarkable results. The addition of a well-rounded diet, ozone is a marvelous inclusion for successful treatment. Dr. Roman also uses Microbiome Restorative Medicine Therapy (fecal transplants) in her practice and has done this for years as well. She is a true pioneer in the field of veterinary science.
Tom Lowe, BSc, Physicians UBI Awareness Center
A Novel Clinical Application of Light, Ozone and Blood
The ten pass high dose ozone has been around for a number of years. The process is somewhat difficult, time consuming and expensive. A new therapy called HD O3UV combines the positive and synergistic benefits of ozone and UV light into one seamless and less expensive therapy. The combination of 70,000 mcg of ozone and UV to a much smaller amount of blood has shown success in over 13,000 treatments.
Dr. William Cowden, Academy of Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Oxidative Therapies Tailored to the Patient
Dr. Cowden covered a plethora of applications for ozone including autohemotherapy (MAH) which can include the use of ultraviolet light, ozone cupping, bagging limbs with ozone application, ear insufflation, vaginal insufflation, rectal insufflation, joint injection, ozone oil, ozone water, and ozone sauna. He shared the cases for contraindication including all cases of blood coagulation failure, bleeding organs, thrombocytopenia, ozone allergy or intolerance, hemorrhagic or apoplectic stroke, recent myocardial infarction, alcohol intoxication or very low red blood cell G6PD levels. Dr. Cowden included information on other oxidative therapies including the use of food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide through spray or nebulization.
Dr. Joseph Purita, The Institute of Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Regenerative Medicine
The EBO2 Protocol
A marriage of intravenous ozone, dialysis filtration, and photo-modulation of the circulatory system. Dr. Purita presented the basic science of ozone and how it relates to clinical practice.
Dr. Antonio Jimenez, Founder and Chief Medical Office, Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers
Oxygenation in Integrative Cancer Treatment Protocols
Dr. Jimenez discussed the application of ozone therapy as part of the 7 Key Principles and Hope4Cancer's Treatment regimen.
David Minkoff, MD, Medical Director, Lifeworks Wellness Center
How to End Chronic Disease by Improving Metabolic Health
All patients with chronic illness have significant abnormalities in their metabolic health. The physician can very simply and easily help the patient to improve their metabolic state with the combination of continuous glucose monitoring, targeted supplementation and diet control. When this is done successfully many patients will improve their overall condition, have decreased pain, improved sleep and cognition and overall quality of life.
Dennis Mihalka, DDS, Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products
Tubing Makes a Difference
Material compatibility with ozone is critical from an equipment point of view. Also the significant impact of ozone on ozone "resistant" materials on delivered concentration was shown. Recommendations were made for system design and materials to optimize utilization as well as patient care.
Research showing the difference between silicone vs Teflon and other materials diameter and length clarified the benefit of Teflon and narrow tubing. Dr. Mihalka pointed out common mistakes and made recommendations.
Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, Total Care Dental & Wellness, Total care Dental
Ozone Use in a Health-Based Dental Practice
Dr. Jorgenson gave a fascinating presentation on how to use ozone in hygiene, restorative dentistry, surgery and preventative therapies.
The presentation clarified how to equip a dental office to improve case outcomes, saving teeth from needing root canals and help treat and prevent disease. After this presentation, it was apparent that finding a biological dentist is paramount for good health.
Dr. Jason West, West Clinic
How To Make Millions With Ozone!
Implementation of ozone generates patient outcomes but if not managed right the provider does not cover the bills. This presentation showed how to successfully use ozone in a dental practice.
Paola Dziwetzki, The Power of Ozone
DIV Ozone Injections - Are they the most misunderstood and the most powerful ozone treatment?
Paola presented the history of intravenous oxygen/ozone gas injections, explaining why DIV ozone injections have a bad reputation. She clarified the safety and the advantages and then compared DIV ozone injections with other intravenous ozone therapies.
Dr. Mandy Lagreca, Founder, IC Healer
New Hope For Bladder Pain Patients
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a chronic condition causing bladder pressure, bladder pain, and sometimes pelvic pain. Other symptoms can manifest including high urinary frequency and painful urination. The pain ranges from mild discomfort to severe pain that can prevent people from having a normal job and leave them in a debilitative state. The condition is a part of a spectrum of diseases known as Bladder Pain Syndrome or BPS
Dr. Jordan Axe, Axe Holistic Medicine, Axe Holistic Medicine
Uprooting the True Cause of Disease
Dr. Axe reviewed the role of ozone in thyroid and autoimmune conditions, pointing out the relationship to gastrointestinal issues, adrenals and hormones, and toxicity.
Tom Lowe, BSc, Physicians UBI Awareness Center
Ozone and Ubi Work Synergistically Together: A Novel Clinical Application of Light, Ozone and Blood
A recent Harvard Medical School review discussed the potential of UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) as an alternative approach to current methods used to treat infections, as an immune-modulating therapy and as a method for normalizing blood parameters. More than a decade ago the bio-company Vasogen invested more than $ 225 million to prove the efficacy of combining therapies. Their 24 process patents validate that UV light and ozone are synergistic in the fighting of chronic disease. This is documented in the recent book on the therapy called Invisible Cure.
Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, Total Care Dental & Wellness, Total Care Dental
Ozone for a Healthy, Cavity Free Mouth
Dr. Jorgenson presented principles on how to use ozone to keep gums and teeth healthy. She showed how to heal teeth and how to treat and prevent gum disease, root canals and more.
Robert (Bob) Dennis PhD, Micro-Pulse LLC
PEMF - The Ultimate Adjunct
PEMF can be used as both an adjunctive modality and as an intervention of first resort. He presented past and present limitations to the use of PEMF as well as current and future developments and applications.
Caspar Szulc, Innovative Medicine
An Innovative Solution to Our Healthcare Crisis
Why healthcare is a broken system of disease management.
Personalization as the future of medicine.
Changing from specializations to an integrative and worldly approach.
What does this new model look like?
Making innovative therapies more accessible - A look at NAD+ and bridging the gap from the doctor's office to personal use.
David Brownstein, MD, Director, Center for Holistic Medicine
A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies
Dr. Brownstein described his approach to treating viral illnesses using oxidative therapies including ozone and hydrogen peroxide. Other therapies utilized include vitamins A, C, D and iodine.
Dennis Mihalka, DDS, Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products
Ozone Water
With nine years of experience monitoring dental offices water lines, he has not witnessed any system that consistently passes FDA/CDA Standard of 500 CFU/ml...except for ozonation of distilled water. He explained the problem of dental unit water lines and why they must be treated continuously. A number of office results were presented, as well as proven effective designs and materials.