
Lynne McTaggart and FAIM
FAIM participated in a recent Intention Essentials Course with Lynne McTaggart. This is the foundational course that goes over the fundamentals of intention. It is perfect for those who have not taken any other intention courses with Lynne. Her technique is unique and has shown through scientific study to have proven success. One of the keys to this success is to observe closely the protocol and adhere to it without integrating other aspects from other methodologies such as meditation.
This introductory course is the initial step necessary to move forward with more in-depth study with Lynne in her second level course called The Power of Eight Intention Masterclass.
The course started off meeting once a week for five weeks. Each session was two hours, was live and interactive. Since people were not meeting in person, Zoom was used which turned out to be adequate for interactive questions and small group participation. Each week we were taught new skills to improve our understanding of how to frame an intention statement, important steps to visualize the intention, the use of all of the senses, seeing it as reality, and sending it out from the heart. At the end of each session, we were given homework activities to practice our newly developing skills over the course of the coming week.
The first session included an opportunity to ponder how our thoughts affect our lives. It was made clear that thoughts can not only influence ourselves but also those around us. Thoughts are powerful and it behooves us to be cognoscente of the fact they are not in our “brain” but rather outside of ourselves. However, interestingly, research and case studies confirm the brain cannot distinguish between an action and a thought. We were taught about the power of a focused thought and how at all moments our thoughts and emotions are impacting us. We practiced identifying intentions that we wanted to set as we moved deeper into the course.
The second session addressed the essential practices that are required to use intention correctly. There are many masters of intention, but the key to Lynne’s program is to stick with simply her seven practices. Some intentions are best done in stages. It is a matter of putting the mural of your desires into steps that are attainable. The art of rehearsing helps make the development and implementation of an intention more powerful.
The third session clarified that being specific with the intention is vital, leaving nothing to chance. Again, the art of stating the intention appropriately, practicing the steps, and embodying the outcome helps in the achievement of the goal.
The fourth session pointed out the downfall of unconsciously preparing for failure. We must not sabotage our intention. It is helpful to look at core beliefs and psychological baggage which can stimulate negative thinking. It is all about establishing confidence in oneself.
The final session concentrated on the importance of community. The power of intention is magnified by groups, what Lynne calls the Power of Eight Group. During this session we practiced in groups. One reason the Power of Eight groups are so impactful is that the action requires a person to get over oneself and send out an intention for someone else. Lynne shared that 13 years ago after working on international intention experiments, she realized that smaller intention groups of just eight could create healings. When people come together in a group of just eight and think the same intention together, they quickly enter what can be described as a mystical experience according to Lynne.
Lynne’s delivery and instruction was direct, understandable, easy to implement, and inspiring. Not only were the fundamentals explained simply, but there were many opportunities to practice the skill. In doing so, many questions arose and were answered by Lynne in detail. The group was composed of both men and women who were participating from around the globe. It was an incredible experience and a course that holds the promise of being life changing.
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