
Image courtesy of GetWell
Lynne McTaggart hosted an informative webinar entitled Get Well. She included three guest speakers, Rob Verkert, Dr. Sarah Myhill and Jeremy Sherr. Much of the information related to how to protect yourself from viral attack in this day and age of COVID-19.
Rob Verkert confirmed that it is helpful to minimize exposure and support the immune system. He has been following the research done by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) including their suggestion to consider the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic. This is a widely prescribed drug that is anti-parasitic and anti-viral. It is being used in Africa and India. Specifically, the states of India, including Delhi, which are using this approach are seeing remarkably lower rates of infection and serious illness. Rob is the head of the Alliance for Natural Health International.
Dr. Sarah Myhill discussed the importance of energy delivery methods in the body via the gut, mitochondrial function and the thyroid. Patients who suffer from chronic fatigue and inflammation are often concurrently fighting infection, have allergies and autoimmune issues. The side effects that are coming to light from COVID, whether from the illness or the injection of the spike protein, are resulting in long hauler’s syndrome. This can include, but is not limited to, brain inflammation and vascular damage including blood clots. Dr. Myhill suggests supporting the body by addressing existing underlying viral issues including Epstein Barr, etc.; eat a Paleo ketogenic diet; and take nutritional supplements including Vit D, Vit C and iodine. She suggests going to UK Medical Freedom Alliance for more information and to her website: Dr. Sarah Myhill.
Jeremy Sherr is originally from Israel and is a well-known specialist in homeopathy. For the last 12 years he has lived in Tasmania furthering the use of homeopathy in the area. Homeopathy redirects the immune system using the principle that like kills like. Typically the minimum dose brings the greatest change. He is using homeopathy with COVID-19 and is having a 92% success rate with his patients. He lists 15 remedies on his website, Dynamis, that have proven effective but must be used in an individual manner for the best results. He also suggests using curcumin, Vitamin C, and artemisinin.