
Photo by Stanislav Shahurin /
The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) has an annual conference sharing the latest developments. This article is a summary by Dr. Joanne Quinn of the presentation given by Dr. Beverly Rubik and Harry Jabs at the 2019 conference.
The history and update on 5G
In order to understand the progression of 1G to 5G technology it is good to start from the beginning.
- 1977: personal computers — 1G
- 1992: personal computers and broadband — 2G
- 1996: personal computers, broadband, cell phones and towers
- 2001: all of the above plus Wi-Fi — 3G
- 2007: all of the above plus smart phones — 4G
- 2019: faster download speeds, self-driving cars, virtual and augmented reality — 5G
The 5G infrastructure will include fiber optic cables and millions of small cell antennas which are being developed by three companies: SpaceX, One Web, and Amazon. This will effectively create the wireless world wide web: wwww. With the use of these small antennas and the thousands of satellites, the entire planet will be bathed in 5G radiation.
There is a race between the U.S. and China to roll out 5G. Huawei, the Chinese company, is well underway in China. Already, they are seeing health issues in China where 5G has been rolled out and in use.
The U.S. is trying to fast-track this technology as it could be a major financial boon. There are a couple of relevant laws in the United States. 1: Wireless Communications Act of 1996: prohibits local government from considering health impacts when considering proposed wireless installations. 2. FCC ruling of September 2018: Federal government is in complete control of the 5G rollout.
It is hard to know what citizens can do. Some communities are considering an Emergency City Ordinance for Wireless to bring it into the hands of the citizens as a possibility. With the fast-track rollout, there is a 60-90 day “shot clock” mandated by the Federal Government preventing adequate local review. There is no environmental review of 5G, although the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 would require one.
There are many cities that are suing the Federal Government proclaiming that the jurisdiction has been wrongly secured by the FCC and other laws regarding the fast-track roll out. However, considering 2020 is the target date for roll out including 5G antennas, 5G satellites, 5G routers, and 5G smart phones, there is not a lot of time to deal with these complicated government issues.
How does 5G compare to 4G and what are the differences?
5G is planned to cover the entire earth. There will be no safe zone from the frequencies. There will be millions of antennas and thousands of satellites beaming 5G frequencies. The moving focused beams will have higher power. This includes high frequency millimeter waves used by the U.S. military for radar and weapons. Considering that only very expensive military grade instruments can measure the highest frequencies of 5G at this time, it is very difficult for the public to determine the personal impact. It will be relatively impossible to monitor your personal space for hotspots as the meters for measuring these frequencies cost tens of thousands of dollars or up to $1,000 per month to rent.
Another difference of 4G from 5G is that the 4G beam is a sector beam with a broad wide-angle broadcast. With 5G the beam is a phased-array antenna with a narrow-angle pencil beam. This is necessary as the power must be focused as a narrow beam in order to bounce from one user to the other. The user will be receiving the beam for a small percentage of time, but it will be an intense beam. The problem is that the energy from the antenna is concentrated on the user. This is biologically relevant. Statistically, one can say that the impact is averaged, and claim it cannot be harmful. However, biologically the high intensity beam, although short in duration, can have definite biological impacts. The main beam is created as well as side lobes. Even if you do not tap into the 5G network you will be impacted by the side lobes that are emitted.
Why does the industry feel 5G is necessary?
5G serves more consumers with higher capacity. There can be signal interference by third party interference with the 4G system. The 5G narrow beam eliminates this interference. If there is line of sight interference, 5G uses reflections of beams. This can only be accomplished by increasing the power of the beam.
What is the power of the beam?
We are naturally exposed to the wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum at a level of 1. There are slight anomalies at 100,000 times greater than our natural exposure. There are severe anomalies at 10,000,000 and extreme anomalies at 1,000,000,000 times greater than natural background. Currently China, Russia, and Switzerland are legally allowed to operate at 30,000,000,000 and the USA and Canada will be operating at 3,000,000,000,000.
In the electromagnetic spectrum includes all levels of frequencies: broadcast, radio waves, microwaves, infrared and ultraviolet including the visible wavelengths, x-ray, hard x-ray and finally gamma. We have learned that waves in the higher range can cause free radical damage as with x-rays. We have also learned that this free radical damage can occur in the microwave length of the spectrum with destruction of biomolecules and disruption of DNA causing mutations. We have learned that there can be health promotion with certain frequencies and health damage with other frequencies. The natural fields such as sunlight offer analog and continuous waves, whereas the artificial fields of wireless in the radio wave category including 5G are digital and pulsed. This impact is new to life on earth since we are only used to the natural fields that are not pulsed.
When a cell phone is put next to the head there is much more penetration in the skull of a 5 year old since their skull is not as thick as an adult. Developing organisms have the most biological effects from an externally applied electromagnetic field. There is also the impact of heating as the cell phone is placed near the ear. Wireless frequencies together with chemical toxins in the body can damage the brain. They have found that microwaves damage the blood-brain barrier allowing chemical toxins to enter the brain including glyphosate (Roundup).
There are no safety standards for wireless. Only guidelines are offered, set by the industry according to what they want. Age, pregnancy and years of exposure are factors. Individual dosage is unknown and radiation doses are cumulative and relevant. It is unnatural and impossible to adapt to pulsed digital signals in comparison to the natural analog continuous waves of nature. Little is known about the long-term exposure effects making the safety question complex.
The official view on exposure guidelines and safety begins with the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) of handheld wireless phones and is based only on heating and is not to exceed 1.6 watts per kilogram. Non-thermal effects are ignored in the United States. Russian guidelines for exposure are approximately 100 times lower than the United States. Austria guidelines for exposure are approximately 1,000 times lower than the United States. U.S. insurance companies do not insure cellphone providers due to the potential health risks. The U.S. high levels are not necessary as transmission is adequate at much lower levels. There are many non-thermal effects that are not considered. These include DNA damage, mutations and altered gene expression; reduced sperm count and fertility; detrimental effects on fetal and child development; neurological changes including brain degeneration and cognitive impairment, learning and memory deficits; oxidative stress and death of cells; cardiovascular disease; metabolic and immune system disruption; eye and skin damage; and evidence of Class 2B human carcinogen. These non-thermal effects of wireless radiation are well documented with thousands of studies including unclassified U.S. military studies. One can find 1,800 references at The BioInitiative 2012 Report, Europa EM EMF has 308 references. There are also references at the Glaser Report, U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute, 1971.
Studies and concerns
With 5G the digital pencil thin beams and the high doses over microseconds has not been studied. The intensity pulsation and carrier frequencies, for example, need to be researched and addressed compared to past research on analog radiation. Since this has not been researched currently the only option is to look at what possible mechanisms by which microwaves damage our bodies.
- They open the voltage-gated calcium channels on cell membranes, allowing calcium to enter our cells at higher levels than normal. This can effect human behavior and performance.
- Calcium is a “second messenger” and can change the course of numerous biochemical pathways in the body.
- Multiple effects from biochemical biogenetic levels.
You can learn more about this by reading publications by Dr. Martin Pall.
Electro sensitivity is another problem with microwaves. Common symptoms include headache, anxiety, irritability, sleep problems, restlessness, brain fog, difficulty concentrating, memory issues, ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, depression, fatigue and others. 3-6% of the population experience this.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield reported in 2019 that the first generation to grow up using wireless has seen a sharp decline in health starting at age 27. These are the children born after 1980. As an example, young adults aged 34 to 36 had 21% more cardiovascular conditions and 15% more endocrine conditions in 2017 than in 2014. There was a huge increase in depression, hyperactivity, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension during this same time period. There are multiple factors that must be considered but also the heavy use of wireless is most certainly a factor.
With 4G there have also been many studies showing a reason for concern. Dr. Rubik did a study with 10 subjects aged 30-74. Their blood was observed under a dark field microscope before 4G cell phone exposure, after 45 minutes of having the cell phone in a backpack near the person, and then after two 5 minute conversations on the cell phone. In each case the blood looked normal away from cell phone exposure. In most cases of close exposure to the phone as in the back pack there was a stacking of the red blood cells which impedes oxygen delivery. Then after two five minute calls the red blood cells were often shaped like bottle caps with spikes on the interior which shows a change of shape and degradation. Overall results showed that 9 out of 10 subjects showed unhealthy blood changes following cell phone exposure. This is just an example of one study that shows there is concern even with the use of 4G let alone the additional impact that 5G could bring. This research paper is available at the Weston A.Price website.
The human body is an energy being and is sensitive to energy from other living beings, the earth, the sun, and from our technology. Our biofield is effected by electromagnetic energy. There are also environmental effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with the discovery of stress-related biochemical in tomato plants, the collapse in insect population and especially pollinators, and the growth stimulation of microbes including the rise in antibiotic resistance.
Action steps
There are growing health and environmental concerns regarding 5G deployment. There was an international 5G appeal that was lunched by at least 231 scientists and MDs. See The 5G appeal. People can sign the appeal to stop 5G by going to An Emergency Appeal to the World’s Governments by Scientists, Doctors, Environmental Organizations and Others. 100,000 individuals and organizations from 187 countries have signed it so far.
In addition there is a moratorium on 5G in Brussels, parts of Switzerland and parts of Rome and Germany. There are several federal lawsuits to stop 5G. Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety filed a lawsuit in December of 2018. Many cities have recently sued the federal government over jurisdiction issues.
How does a person stay healthy with 5G exposure?
- First and foremost is to be able to measure your exposure. Dr. Rubik and Harry Jabs are developing an affordable meter which will hopefully be available in the near future.
- Secondly, keep your cell phone at least 1 inch away from your body. Keep it on airplane mode as much as possible.
- Use a computer rather than a tablet or cell phone, if possible.
- Use wired Ethernet-DSL rather than Wi-Fi. Use other wired technology whenever possible.
- Use protective devices for your environment including shielding. Faraday cages are helpful. There is interior paint for your home that can offer protection.
- Use protective devices for your body such as pendants that have been independently evaluated. Beware of marketing schemes suggesting stickers, etc. can be protective for cell phones. There has not been adequate studies done in this area.
Additional options include opting out on smart meters, wearing shielded clothing (Less EMF: The EMF Safety Shop), use an EMF bed canopy, turn off electric power at night, and use only wired versions of baby monitors.
Children should not use wireless devices. Ban Wi-Fi in schools. Interestingly, China mandates the use of an EMF shielded apron for pregnant women. It is also suggested to not wear bras with an underwire as the wire acts as an antenna for this radiation. Rubik and Jabs hypothesis for protection suggests creating a higher personal vibration may offset negative health effects of EMFs. This can be reached by enduring a positive state of love and joy.
In summary, Dr. Rubik shared the following:
- Radiation from wireless technology poses hazards to our health, and we are all at risk due to the extent it will blanket the earth
- 5G is expected to be more hazardous than 4G or 3G because it will be much more extensive and involves higher frequencies.
- We need to take personal action through advance self-care to protect ourselves.
- Reduce your wireless exposure and use proven protective measures to improve your overall well-being.
For more information go to the Institute for Frontier Science and Dr. Rubik's website.