Most of us pay little attention to EMFs, and assume they are harmless. But are they really? And what about the new and more powerful generation of EMFs known as 5G?
WiFi and EMR Safety

Image by Krish Dulal, 2011 / CC BY-SA 3.0
WiFi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. Radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves (EMR or electromagnetic radiation) that differ from each other in wavelength. The potential risks of EMR are still being debated.
Discussing the 5G Experiment
This video presents some of the biological and health effects that are possible with the rollout and activation of 5G technology and mmwaves.
Doctors Call for Delaying Deployment of 5G Due to Health Risks
5G – 5th generation technology – promises faster download speeds and conveniences that most of us have never dreamed of. But we'll also be blanketed with a new type of radiation called “millimeter waves.” Health experts are warning about the rising risks with a 5G rollout.
USPA Conference 2019: Focus on 5G
The United States is in a race with China to roll out 5G. Learn how 5G differs from 4G, the concerns of possible public health implications and how you can protect yourself.
Are Your Wireless Headphones Causing Cancer?
Do AirPods and other Bluetooth devices pose health risks like cancer? Where’s the evidence? Read on to find out!
EMF Radiation? Should You Really Be Concerned?
Electromagnetic fields are energy areas created by electronic devices. The fields are created in two parts: electric and magnetic. The electric field is created by differences in voltage and the magnetic fields are created when there’s electric current running to a device. These EMFs affect us because our bodies have their own electric and magnetic functions. Consider your nervous system, heart, brain, and digestion – electric energy plays a role in each of these important bodily functions.
EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution
Drs. Elizabeth and Marcus Plourde have published the 3rd Edition of EMF Freedom to help educate the growing numbers of families whose lives have been drastically altered by electromagnetic fields (EMF) and toxic chemicals. If you were ever wondering if EMF radiations are affecting your life and wanted to know what to do about it, this is a must read book.
Wireless Warning
Wireless technologies, including cell phones and cordless phones, aren't totally safe for everybody says Stephen Sinatra, M.D. Some people "are being adversely impacted" by electromagnetic frequency (EMF, the fields emitted from household wiring and appliances) and radio frequency (RF, the fields emitted by microwaves and wireless technology).
4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi: Is it safe?
Many people are still unperturbed by the possible consequences of exposure to mobile phones, wireless networks and other radiation producing apparatuses. With the exception, of course, of those people who have acute complaints and are quite aware of their effects. That is, however, a small group. Ultimately no living being escapes the influence of unnatural radiation on the cell structures of the body.
Know the Evidence: Help Safeguard Your Family from Electro-pollution
Human bodies are more sensitive than wireless devices, so if your laptop, cordless phone or mobile phone can pick up a signal, your body and brain cells are receiving those waves as well. Many hundreds of studies strongly support the view that this type of radiation is responsible for a range of adverse health effects.
Questioning WiFi Safety in Schools
Is WiFi hazardous to children's health? Eliminating wireless technology in schools is a growing trend in Canada and Europe.
The Dangers of the Digital Era
Dr. Susan Lark explores how electropollution (including cell phone exposure) affects us. It has been linked to such diseases as leukemia, brain tumors, inner ear tumors, Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, accelerated aging, and depression.