
Photo by DodgertonSkillhause / Morguefile
If you haven’t already heard about the concerns surrounding electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure I believe you’re about to start reading about them more and more in the news. Studies continue to come out showing us how we have created an invisible electromagnetic smog with our electronic devices that now covers nearly every living space.
In fact, you’re probably blanketed in EMFs at this very moment.
If you’ve heard of EMFs you might have been wondering if it’s a bunch of bogus – but I can assure you, EMFs are very real and impacting our health at an unprecedented rate.
In 2012, a 650-page report by the BioInitiative group titled, A Rationale for Biologically-based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation compiled over 2,000 scientific studies that outline the effects of EMFs from all sources on human health.
They found that low-level radiation (as emitted by your cell phone) can contribute to cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and autoimmunity.
Just because we can’t see EMFs does not mean we aren’t affected by them – they are much like pollution. Let’s look a little closer and find out what EMFs are and how you can protect yourself and your family from their harmful effects.
What are electromagnetic fields (EMFs)?
Electromagnetic fields are energy areas created by electronic devices. The fields are created in two parts: electric and magnetic. The electric field is created by differences in voltage and the magnetic fields are created when there’s electric current running to a device.
These EMFs affect us because our bodies have their own electric and magnetic functions. Consider your nervous system, heart, brain, and digestion – electric energy plays a role in each of these important bodily functions.
How does EMF radiation harm us?
While we need more research on the impacts of low-frequency EMFs on the body, scientists have found they are able to affect plasma membranes in living cells, which can influence important channels in the body. Your cells communicate with the rest of your body by passing chemicals across cell membranes. This communication pathway is a major concern of EMFs.
Current concerns surrounding EMF radiation in the body include:
- Altering protein expression in the skin
- Damaging DNA
- Causing cognitive impairment
- Increasing blood pressure
The concerns surrounding EMFs are amplified by the fact that the number of sources producing these harmful fields are skyrocketing.
Remember, some people are more sensitive than others and knowing about the impacts of EMFs could help those who feel like they are suffering from some mysterious illness.
What are the main sources of electromagnetic radiation?
Some of the sources of EMFs include:
- Cell phones
- Cordless phones
- Microwaves
- Computers
- Smart TVs
- Power lines
- Fitness trackers
- Routers
- Headphones
- Ultraviolet waves
- X-rays
- Cell phone towers
- Airplanes
Most electronics emit EMFs but the biggest culprits are Wi-Fi devices, such as your cell phone, laptops, and smart TVs.
Does this mean you should go ‘off the grid’?
Definitely not! I don’t intend to over worry you with EMFs because there are ways to reduce their impacts.
That being said, cellphones are one of the most concerning EMF sources – you should consider the potential impacts of cellphones and take a few simple precautions to protect yourself.
Do cellphones cause brain cancer?
Cell phones were only introduced in the 1980s and it took about 10 years before they were widespread. Now they’re considered the norm. What most people don’t realize is The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified cellphones as a possible carcinogen.
Then the Center for Disease Control recommended caution against cell phone use but then backpedaled. The New York Times investigated this and compiled over 500 pages of internal records that indicate serious debate among the scientists and health agencies.
While researchers concluded there isn’t sufficient evidence suggesting there’s a risk of brain cancer, the European agency suggests “there is sufficient evidence of risk to advise people, especially children, not to place the handset against their heads.”
Here’s the thing about EMFs: there’s a lot you can do in your own home to reduce your exposure. Due to EMF free headsets and Bluetooth devices, it’s relatively easy to avoid using cellphones in the traditional way. You can also keep your cell phone on airplane mode to reduce EMFs and avoid keeping them directly against your body.
Symptoms of EMF sensitivity
Some people are much more sensitive to EMFs than others, an estimated six percent of the population. Symptoms associated with EMFs include:
- Fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Heart palpitations
- Digestive issues
- Red skin
- Tingling
- Burning sensation
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches and pains
- Depression
What’s surprising to me is that many physicians don’t consider EMF sensitivity when they are working with a patient. The symptoms of EMF exposure and sensitivity are non-specific in nature and can cause the affected individual to feel confused and at a loss for what’s wrong with them.
If you or a family member have experienced these symptoms or have been chronically ill, it could be time to consider the EMFs in your home.
Protecting yourself and your family from EMFs
You can reduce the impact of EMFs in your life in several ways. It’s a good idea to get an EMF meter so you can assess the prevalence of EMFs in your home – though they aren’t cheap, I recommend the Acousticom 2RF EMF meter. Getting an EMF meter is especially a good idea if someone in your home is dealing with a chronic illness.
Other options for reducing EMFs in your home that you can implement with or without the help of a meter include:
- Get your own BioElectric Shield personal energy pendant ...I didn’t believe it until I tried this device to protect me with frequent travel and EMF/emotional energy protection.
- Get rid of cordless phones
- Get rid of Wi-Fi by using Ethernet cords or turn your router off when you aren’t using it
- Unplug Smart TVs or don’t use TVs with Wi-Fi ability
- Eliminate transformers – these convert high voltage to low voltage through emitting unneeded energy and can be large (like your homes transformer) or small (like those commonly found in bedside clocks.
- Don’t use digital baby alarms
- Consider the cell phone tower, power lines, transformers, your neighbor’s Wi-Fi and other EMF sources and protect yourself from these with shielding paint, fabric, and other shielding solutions.
- Try the xZubi for your cell phone or iPad – simple device that sticks right on your iPhone!
While we can’t see EMFs, they are everywhere and we are only beginning to learn about their impact on our health. It’s my hope as research and protective technology develops we will be able to reduce the impacts of EMFs and clean up the electromagnetic pollution we’ve created.
Share this article with a friend who probably isn’t aware of the potential impact of EMFs on their health. The more we know, the better we can protect ourselves and improve our health!
Pall ML. Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects. J Cell Mol Med. 2013;17(8):958–965. doi:10.1111/jcmm.12088
Karinen A1, Heinävaara S, Nylund R, Leszczynski D. Mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin. BMC Genomics. 2008 Feb 11;9:77. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-77.
Phillips JL1, Singh NP, Lai H. Electromagnetic fields and DNA damage. Pathophysiology. 2009 Aug;16(2-3):79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2008.11.005. Epub 2009 Mar 4.
Szmigielski S1, Bortkiewicz A, Gadzicka E, Zmyslony M, Kubacki R. Alteration of diurnal rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate to workers exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Blood Press Monit. 1998;3(6):323-30.
Teimori F, Khaki AA, Rajabzadeh A, Roshangar L. The effects of 30 mT electromagnetic fields on hippocampus cells of rats. Surg Neurol Int. 2016;7:70. Published 2016 Jun 29. doi:10.4103/2152-7806.185006
Electromagnetic fields and public health. World Health Organization.
Hakim, Danny. At C.D.C., a Debate Behind Recommendations on Cellphone Risk, New York Times, January 2, 2016.
EMF Radiation? Should You Really Be Concerned? was originally published on Dr. Jill Carnahan's website, October 29, 2017. Used with permission.