According to the Alliance for Natural Health USA, "a well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on. Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements." Here is how you take action.
Healthcare Rights

Photo by Kurhan, Copyright 2010 /
Healthcare rights issues in the news.
Medicine’s Fundamentalists
Are Randomized Control Trials (RCTs) the gold standard, especially when considering possible COVID-19 therapies? One of the implications of this approach in the current COVID-19 situation is that we cannot simply, as so many are insisting, rely only on the long-awaited RCTs to decide how to treat COVID-19. That is because physicians in the end don’t treat illnesses, they treat patients with illnesses, and these patients differ.
Remembering Berkley Bedell
Few people have influenced me as much as the late Congressman Berkley Bedell, who passed away at age 98 in December 2019.
Remembering Berkley W. Bedell, FAIM Founder
Berkley Warren Bedell, age 98, passed away on December 7, 2019, three days after suffering a massive stroke in Naples, FL.
He is the founder of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) and spent his life focused on making the world a better place.
WeToo: Medical Assault and Battery
Sub-populations vulnerable to fluoride toxicity include pregnant women and their fetuses, bottle-fed babies and young children, ethic and low income groups, the elderly and those in fragile health. It is time for Schools of Public Health, Schools of Nutrition, and credentialed individuals to go on record with statements of opposition to water and food fluoridation schemes as public harm policies. It is time to abandon misguided good intentions and dated dental dogma. It is time to take action based on evidence of harm.
USPA Conference 2019: Focus on 5G
The United States is in a race with China to roll out 5G. Learn how 5G differs from 4G, the concerns of possible public health implications and how you can protect yourself.
Our Food System: An Invisible Form of Oppression
As a doctor, Dr. Mark Hyman took an oath to do no harm. Now he speaks out about the oppression and invisible form of racism that is mostly the result of our toxic food system which leads to chronic disease.
Remembering Elinor Bedell
It is with great sorrow that we report the passing of Elinor Bedell. She was instrumental in the creation of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine in 1998. She passed peacefully at home on March 2, 2017 just one week shy of her 94th birthday.
Help for Flint Water Crisis: Chelation Therapy
The Flint Water crisis brought lead levels to the forefront but the problem goes beyond Flint. Unsafe levels of lead have been found in nearly 2,000 communities across the country and many of the most dangerous levels have been found in schools and day care centers. Toxicity can also occur long after exposure has ended. Read about what can be done.
FDA Proposing Rules That Could Cripple Small Scale Farms
The FDA is proposing rules that would make it very easy for the agency to force even small-scale farmers to comply with the onerous FSMA regulations, and all but impossible for these vulnerable farmers to protect themselves.
In practical terms, under the agency's proposed rules, the FDA will be able to target small farms and food producers one-by-one and put them out of business, with little to no recourse for the farmers.
Please sign on to a joint letter by December 12, 2014 to tell FDA to implement the Tester-Hagan exemption fairly!
Moms Across America educating the world about GMOs and dangerous chemicals on our food
Once upon a time, all food was organic. Then a war ended and the chemical companies that supplied toxic chemicals to the military no longer had a market. They declared war on bugs and weeds. “Let’s make farming EASIER for the farmers,” they said. “Let’s give them chemicals to spray on the land, the seeds, and the food crops.” They didn’t say “Let’s make the food more nutritious, or safer.” They didn’t test the combination of chemicals on human blood cells. They claimed that testing these chemicals on humans was unethical.
Is GMO Worse Than Nuclear Radiation?
GMO is DNA inserted into living organisms. It does not decay over time but rather the opposite. In Europe GMO is scarce, but there is evidence that the USA has conspired to punish Europe for its stand on GMO. Read more to see what you can do to protect your family.
FDA Sharing Patients' Private Medical Records in Order to Harass Integrative Doctors
ANH-USA has learned that the FDA is working with state medical boards behind the scenes launching investigative actions against integrative physicians – sometimes in violation of the law.
Will Integrative Medicine Be Driven Out of Washington State?
There is a clear pattern of bias by the Medical Quality Assurance Commission (MQAC) against integrative doctors in Washington State. This seems to be a clear case of the discriminatory application of Washington's laws in order to drive integrative physicians out and protect conventional medicine's treatment monopoly.
And For My Summer Vacation I Had an Operation in India
Many people are finding it is cost effective to travel abroad for medical care and procedures. FAIM takes a look at this alternative.
Lyme Disease: Misdiagnosed, Underreported, and Epidemic
Lyme disease is an epidemic larger than AIDS, West Nile Virus, and Avian Flu combined with 325,000 new cases reported each year.