
Annie Appleseed Conference
Each year the Annie Appleseed Project hosts a CAM Conference for Cancer: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies. It is an opportunity for practitioners and lay people to learn more about options in the treatment of cancer. Each year new speakers report on what has changed in the world of cancer.
The good news is that in France, 70,000 women were followed for five years and the study found that those who ate more organic produce, dairy, and meat had 25% fewer cancer diagnoses over all, especially lymphoma and breast cancer.
Environmental exposures, genetics and lifestyle all seem to intertwine and all must be reviewed with a diagnosis of cancer. Medical cannabis (marijuana) is now legal in 33 states. It holds the potential to be a broad-based complementary therapy. There is much misinformation about marijuana and this must be reversed. The CAM conference covered the science, history, and benefits of CBD and THC in an effort to dispel the myths.
Following is a brief summary of the messages from all of the presenters at this year’s 13th conference.
Linda Sheele
Breath Movement and Mediation for Healing
The number of times you breathe per minute determines how long you will live and how healthy you will be. This is typically 16 breaths per minute. The body, mind, and soul are vital in healing. It is important to breathe through the nose. The air is filtered and Nitric Oxide is produced. It is important for the cancer patient to get the lymph system circulating freely. This is done through movement and through yoga postures.
Wendi Saggese
Hope, Disease, and State of Mind
In order to heal, it is important to quiet your mind so you can hear your inner self for direction. The quiet voice will help guide you in treatment. Live from a calm place with good feeling.
Lise Battaglia
Gut Health for Enhanced Immune Function a Homeopathic Perspective
Homeopathy heals many gut related issues and catalyzes self-healing. Homeopathy means “same suffering.” A substance can be diluted to stimulate the healing. The microbiome detox pathway must be open and effective. Unfortunately, glyphosate in Roundup disrupts this pathway. Homeopathy can support the liver and gall bladder which are stressed from the side effects of chemotherapy. When we are ill we lose photons. Homeopathy reintroduces the light back into the body. It has been found that Ruta Graviolans and Calc phos helps stop tumor growth. These products are available from the National Center for Homeopathy.
Dr. Charles Bens, PhD
Preventing and Treating Cancer Naturally: Some New Developments
There are 5 stages of cellular deterioration: 1) stress, 2) weakness, 3) dysfunction, 4) mutation, and 5) disease. They have found that the enzyme behavior will predicts future illness. Supplements that help include selenium, Vitamin D3, Omega 3s, and magnesium. Cancer stem cells must be identified. CBD, blueberries, selenium, curcumin, ginger, quercetin, D3, lycopene, etc. all help address eliminating cancer stem cells. Helpful activities include Vitamin D3, exercise, magnesium, proteolytic enzymes, homeopathy, modified citrus pectin, sono photo dynamic therapy, and fenbendazone. Dr. Bens’ web site is Healthy@Work.
Dr. Henning Saupe, MD
The Cancer Field
Dr. Saupe comes from the Arcadia Clinic in Germany. He shared many comments regarding cancer and how it is treated in Germany. The fact is the body is always producing cancer cells, but the immune system is always keeping them under control, keeping us in homeostasis. Cancer is a disease caused by changes in the “biofield.” In these days, the medical system has quit looking at the power of life in the body.
The biofield and bioterrain have 12 factors that cause healthy cells to transform into cancer. The cell’s energy field gets damaged causing the body’s natural immune system to be blocked against cancer. In a healthy body, when cancer cells appear, the immune system turns on the switch in the cancer cell to die. If the immune system is not successful, 2-3 years later the individual will be diagnosed with cancer. Often the psycho-neuro- immunology comes into play. There is no difference between our feelings and thoughts and our immune system. The 12 factors of the development of cancer include:
- Psycho mental stress often causing people to eat more sugar.
- High blood sugar and increased insulin.
- Changes the gut flora, affecting the microbiome.
- If there are genetic impairments dehydration in the cells occurs.
- Chronic infections.
- Nutritional deficiencies and oxygen deficiency.
- Mitochondrial dysfunction.
- Increase in toxin accumulation and over acidity.
- Silent inflammation (which is different than acute inflammation).
- Silent inflammation drives the immune system into the wrong path from tumor attack to maintaining tumor cells.
- The macrophages protect the cancer cell.
- Cell death gets switched off and the cell becomes immortal.
So how do we make changes once this has happened?
- Detox is the first issue to address through breath, urine, sweat and stool. This includes colonics and infrared saunas
- Address the nutritional deficiencies with Vit D3, selenium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, Omega 3, to mention a few.
- Hydration. Drink pure water, typically two liters a day. Gerald Pollock has a great book called “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life.”
- Increase Oxygen. Breathe deeply, get exercise, and use ozone therapies.
- Repair the gut flora. Check with stool analysis. Support the microbiome. Use probiotics (eat fermented foods). There is a definite connection between the gut flora and the immune system which is dynamic and vital. A good microbiome means long life.
- Psycho mental stress. Spend time in nature, deepen your spiritual roots, have no guilt or inner conflict, and practice forgiveness.
- Balance the blood sugar by using a low carbohydrate diet. Some people benefit from a ketogenic diet but not everyone. It is best to have a balance rather than go to extremes.
- Sometimes it is helpful to check genetics to learn about variations that may impede nutritional absorption.
- Mitochondrial damage must be addressed. Take supplements like CoQ10, selenium, magnesium, as well as hypoxia training. He believes that mitochondrial science is the medicine of the future.
- Balance alkalinity and acidity.
- Address chronic infections including dental infections.
- Address the silent inflammation with green tea, water and a good diet.
Dr. Saupe’s clinic in Germany uses a variety of therapies including anti-inflammatory protocols, detox programs, non-toxic therapies, oxygen and breathing therapies, microbiome protocols, mental awareness, IV therapies with many protocols, infrared saunas, and pulsed electro-magnetic frequencies (PEMF). You can learn more at Arcadia-Praxisklinik and
Al Sanchez
Metabolic Medicine and Super Energy Sources
The mitochondria is instrumental in the whole metabolic process. Often the first issues can be:
- Fatigue. It isn’t that we have less energy, but the body is calling for extra energy so it drains the mitochondria.
- Biochemical reactions require energy from the mitochondria. It produces cytokines (messengers) and antibodies.
- Diet is paramount. Eat whole food and eat the rainbow.
- Inflammation is also a risk factor for cancer. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
- Cancer cells don’t actually proliferate, but rather they do not die so they accumulate and spread. This happens due to diet, toxins, emotions, hormones, oxygen, deficiencies, cell terrain, and free radicals affecting the mitochondria.
- Hypoxia meaning low oxygen can trigger cancer. What is involved is the Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF). This can be addressed with Lipoic Acid Mineral Complex with thiamine (PolyMVA). This helps shuttle electrons. PolyMVA can be used oral and IV.
Yvette Whitton, ND
Naturopathic Approaches in Optimizing Immune Health
There are theories that cause cancer: trophoblast, viruses, fungus, genetics, and metabolic factors with the drivers being mitochondrial dysfunctions, inflammation, toxicity, hormone imbalance, nutrient deficiencies, diet, dehydration and emotions. First look at the gut. Make sure you get sleep, exercise, release trauma and stress, increase Vitamin D, clean up dental and oral health issues, and heal the microbiota.
So what to do? Do mitochondrial rescue; promote apoptosis of the cancer cells; do detox such as colonics and infrared saunas; do immune therapy including mistletoe; address gene modulation; use ozone; regulate glucose; change your diet; eliminate inflammation; and heal the microbiome.
Mary Hardy, MD
Supporting the Immune System During Cancer Therapy
The body has two immune systems: the innate system which creates antigens and generally addresses acute attacks, and the adaptive, or humoral system that addresses chronic conditions. If a person gets a cancer diagnosis, their immune system is depressed due to an exposure either from within or external.
In general, in order to combat the cancer the body needs sleep, nutrition, micro nutrients, mushrooms, fermented wheat germ, Vitamins A, B, C, D, E and iron. Low vitamin D is typical for breast cancer patients.
The use of mushrooms as medicine goes back to Neolithic times and are broadly used in China, Asia and Russia. The entire mushroom is used including the fruiting body and the mycelia. It is often cultured in broth. Supplementing with mushrooms lowers the risk of breast cancer six times. Mushrooms consist of complex proteins, polysaccharides, terpenes, lactones, alkaloids and stimulate the cell based immunity. Mushrooms turns on macrophage and NK killer cells. Some examples of medicinal mushrooms include Reishi, Turkey Tail, Shitake, and Lentinus.
In summary, Dr. Hardy recommends checking Vitamin D levels; getting plenty of sleep; eat a healthy diet; take micronutrients; add mushrooms to the diet; take fermented wheat germ (Ave or Metatrol); and take adaptogens such as Ashwaganda.
Carolyn Gross
Immunotherapy: The Non-Surgical Approach to Heal Cancer
Carolyn Gross opened her presentation with the quote: “You cannot control 100% of the events in your life, but you can control the way you respond.”
She recommends the therapies that are used at Dr. Geronimo Rubio’s clinic in Tijuana. To destroy the cancer she suggests Immunotherapy, low dose chemo/radiation, Rife technology, and hormone therapy. To heal the body she recommends non-toxic medications, oxygen therapy, blood type diet, herbal medicines, detoxing and psychoneuroimmunology.
She discussed the process of cancer vaccine development to encourage apoptosis (death) of the cancer cells. After the vaccine, the body’s detox systems must be supported including the lungs, colon, liver, kidney, lymphatics and the skin.
Greg Burzynski, MD
Advances in Personalized Cancer Care
It is necessary to use multiple pathways to heal from cancer. Dr. Burzynski is with the Buzynski clinic where they have used antineoplastins since 1968. They are also using sodium phenylbutyrate. He recommends liquid biopsy which is a blood test rather than an invasive needle biopsy. Their clinic does personalized therapies. First they gather all the data from the patient. They determine which medications will work including the sodium phenylbutyrate or antineoplastins. This approach to immunotherapy is both active and passive.
As far as prevention, he suggests exercise, anti-inflammatory diet, supporting muscle mass development, intermittent fasting, supporting a healthy gut microbiome, acupuncture, mind/body imagery, sleep, and supplements including curcumin, EGCG (green tea) fish oil, vitamin D3, melatonin, mushrooms and probiotics.
Jill Ayn Schneider
Boosting the Immune System with Detox Juice Fasting
Jill Ayn Schneider’s website is Circle of Life Holistic Programs. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Rather than doing conventional medicine she chose to change her diet to a macrobiotic diet and use Chinese medicine. She went to South America for 5 1/2 months eating rice, nuts, seeds, beans and fruit. She believes the physical causes of disease include dehydration, exhaustion, and malnutrition and thus feels these need to be fixed first. The benefits of juicing include weight management, improved digestion, and concentrated nutrients. The juice fasting involves 3-5 days starting with mixed greens, apples, lemon, turmeric and ginger. Drinking water in between glasses of juice helps the body detox.
Scott Joseph
Perfect Human Food
Scott Joseph’s total premise is that other animals tend to eat only one category of food and do not seem to get cancer and other chronic illnesses. Due to this observation he has concluded that humans should eat only fruit. Each meal should consist of only one type of fruit but can be varied over the day. He modifies this by eating a salad at night.
Rick Sharpiro
Hope Never Dies
Rick Sharpiro has found that mind/body therapy, nutritional programs, and non-genetic chemotherapy is very effective. He uses Dr. Robert Nagourney testing called Functional Profile Test. In addition he believes in the chrono-modulated chemotherapy program where chemo is given at the time of day when the specific Chinese meridians are most active. For example, for colon cancer the treatment is infused when the Large Intestine Meridian is most active. He also believes in Valter Long’s Intermittent Fasting Program. Objectively he supports testing for Fibrinogen, A1C, C reactive protein, copper and Vitamin D levels.
George Love
Qi Gong for Health
Qi is the energy that runs through the body from oxygenated blood. Emotions effect the flow of the Qi through the Chinese meridians and thus can lead to stagnation and inflammation. He shared various movements that help stimulate Qi flow.
Ellen Kamhi
Herbs for Immune Support: Natural Plants to the Rescue
Ellen Kamhi emphasized exercise, caloric restriction and socialization to boost the immune system. If one is wondering about medicinal herbs, just go to PubMed where you will find much research on every medicinal herb. For the immune system she recommends mint, rosemary, leaf of life, bidens, cerassee, passion flower, saw palmetto, moringa, beauty berry, bougainvillea, sorrel, oregano, Echinacea, elderberry and chaparral.
Chris Wark
Cancer Can be Healed
Once a patient is diagnosed with cancer, they should not rush into surgery. The tumor is a symptom of a much larger problem. One goal is to make the body have an inhospitable environment for the cancer. Chemo does this with many side effects.
First, determine what allowed the cancer to thrive, which could be diet, lifestyle, environment, and stress. To begin with, he recommends eating fruits, vegetables, and juicing. Address lifestyle issues like smoking, obesity, and hormone issues. Make massive changes. Massive action brings massive results. He supports the use of IV vitamin C, targeted supplements and a support team.
Address the environment by eating organic, cleaning out the house of toxic chemicals (cleaning supplies and personal toiletries).
For stress, get rid of guilt, negative thoughts, and negative emotions. Learn the art of forgiving no matter what the hurt. Mostly learn to forgive yourself.
Dale Sky Jones
Methods of Ingestion and Delivery Systems of Cannabis
Dale Sky Jones is affiliated with the Oaksterdam University which educates doctors and the public on the use of Cannabis. For 45 years it has been known that the THC in cannabis kills cancer. All people have an endocannabinoid system which produces cannabinoids (anandamide and 2-AG) that are similar to the plant cannabinoids (phyto cannabinoids CBD and THC) found in marijuana and hemp. When this system is deficient it can affect one’s ability to learn, as well as cause migraine headaches.
One benefit of using cannabis is the inclusion of the terpenes and flavonoids as well as the CBD and THC. Since cannabis is not a central nervous system depressant it is not lethal like alcohol and other drugs. Instead it interacts with the limbic system rather than the brain stem. Cannabis is not clinically (chemically) addictive.
Smoking cannabis can cause bronchitis, but not COPD, emphysema, or cancer. Avenues to use cannabis include ingestion, sublingual, suppositories, topical, tinctures, and inhalation. As an example suppositories are beneficial for people who vomit. For more information on training, visit the Oaksterdam University website.
Jessica McCain, MD
Integrative Cannabis Therapy
Dr. McCain is the co-founder of the Southern Comfort Marijuana Clinic in Florida. Cannabinoids are well researched with 27,000 studies published. One very important application of cannabis is in the treatment of opioid addiction. Addicts can use cannabis, which is not chemically addictive, to recover from opioid addiction. The powers that be have done a good job of accusing marijuana of being a gateway drug when in fact it is an exit drug helping people recover from other drug addictions. Marijuana cannabinoids are safer than hemp, as hemp has a tendency to take up toxins in the soil like a sponge.
There is an interesting history to cannabis. The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House, according to John Erhlichman, had two enemies: the antiwar left and the black community. They could not make either illegal so they mounted a campaign to align hippies with the antiwar movement and attack the use of marijuana and align blacks with heroin use. As a result, they could make arrests and vilify marijuana.
Examples of conditions that could benefit from the use of CBD and THC include: ADD/ADHD, addiction, ALS, Alzheimer’s, anorexia, anxiety, asthma, ataxia, bipolar, cachexia, cancer, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, cramps, Crohn’s, diabetes, depression, epilepsy, fever, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, incontinence, insomnia, migraine, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, nausea, neuralgia, neuropathy, Parkinson’s, PMS, PTSD, rheumatoid arthritis, seizure disorders, sickle cell anemia, spasms, spinal injury, stroke, Tourette’s, and vomiting. As you can see, a dysfunctional endocannabinoid system can create a cascade of imbalances in the body. By simply supporting this system with the phyto alternative (CBD and THC) balance can be returned. Marijuana is not a plant to be frightened of, but rather a plant that offers multiple avenues for healing.
For more information about the Annie Appleseed Project and the annual CAM Conference for Cancer, visit the Annie Appleseed Project website.