Amanda Whittal, Ph.D., C.N.H.P., Health Psychologist and Resource Coordinator for the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) interviews Henning Saupe, MD, Medical Director of the Arcadia Praxisklinik in Bad Emstal, Germany.
Treatment Centers

Photo courtesy of Viva Modern Mayr Medicine clinic, Copyright 2011
The Viva Modern Mayr Medicine clinic is located in the mountains near Klagenfurt-Worthersee in Maria Worth, Austria. The clinic provides care on an inpatient basis with patients staying in 40 units at the clinic.
FAIM visits treatment centers all over the world in search of innovative treatments for the benefit of all society. These clinics are located in Europe, Mexico and South America.
Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen
The Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen (KfN) (hospital for natural healing methods), situated in the south of Munich, is a true embodiment of integrative medicine.
Otsuka Kampo Center
The practitioners at the Otsuka Kampo Clinic take a very patient-centered approach. From the world of precision (Western medicine) to the holistic world (Kampo), they can span all options depending on what a patient needs.
Naturheilzentrum Bottrop
The Naturheilzentrum Bottrop is one of the three most known centers in Germany. They have a wide array of competencies and create a truly unique healing experience.
Alpstein Clinic
The Alpstein Clinic in Gais, Switzerland, is situated deceptively quietly in the Swiss Alps. Despite its location, its holistic biological medicine approach has both a national and international reach.
Global Health Clinics, Auckland, New Zealand
Global Health Clinics (GHC) in Auckland, New Zealand, is a primary care center with a focus on improving holistic wellbeing, using a whole person, whole system approach, they work with their patients to restore and improve health. Their aim is not to cure disease, but to build optimal cell function and strengthen key body systems, including the immune system, the nervous system, circulation, digestion and hormones.
The Center for Complementary Medicine in Freiburg, Germany
The Center for Complementary Medicine, part of the Medical Center of the University of Freiburg, spans an impressive range of approaches within the field of complementary medicine. Learn about their patient-centered approach.
Mexican Treatment Centers
Mexico has long been a favorite destination for Americans seeking alternative cancer treatment for reasons of both proximity and cost. This article is meant to explore some of the options that are available there and what kind of experience you can expect.
Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers
Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers, located in Baja California, Mexico and Cancun, Mexico, are world-renowned integrative facilities, known for a groundbreaking healing approach, peaceful atmosphere, and devoted staff. A quick review of the many protocols offered will affirm the clinic principle of personalized therapies.
Arcadia Praxisklinik in Bad Emstal, Germany
The Arcadia Praxisklinik is located in Bad Emstal, Germany, with a primary focus on integrative oncology. They offer a broad spectrum of therapies and individualized treatments, including herbal therapy, energy medicine, vitamins, massage, naturopathy, homeopathy, yoga, meditation, hyperthermia, IV therapy, dental procedures (in cooperation with a local "biological" dentist) and immune therapy.
European Treatment Centers
European clinics offer effective integrative and complementary therapies for a variety of illnesses. FAIM has reviewed the literature and brings you information on the following clinics that we have investigated but have not personally visited.
Klinik im Leben
One should not be fooled by the retreat-like atmosphere that Klinik im Leben is merely a quiet space for relaxation. In fact, it is much more. It is, after all, a hospital. But it is not an ordinary hospital. It is one (successfully) seeking to integrate conventional and non-conventional medicine. It houses an impressive number of dedicated medical doctors, specialists, nurses, natural therapy specialists, psychologists and meditation instructors.
IOZK: Immun-onkologisches Zentrum Köln
The IOZK (Immun-onkologisches Zentrum Köln) clinic houses some of the most innovative therapy available for cancer treatment. The so-called 'immune therapy' is effective in slowing the course of the disease, and improving quality of life. The IOZK is a medium sized outpatient clinic, with a clean-room lab, diagnostic laboratories and all facilities on-site. The dedicated team of highly skilled professionals provides immune therapy to enhance the body's immune system to fight cancer cells, in contrast to traditional radiation or chemotherapy, which kills both the cancer cells and the healthy cells in the body.
And For My Summer Vacation I Had an Operation in India
Many people are finding it is cost effective to travel abroad for medical care and procedures. FAIM takes a look at this alternative.
Soukya Wellness Center: A Case Study for Integrative Medicine
Soukya means "wellness" in Sanskrit which is the foundation of Dr. Mathai's Soukya Wellness Centre in Whitefield, India. It is an excellent case study for integrative medicine with a highly diverse staff who are trained in both Western and Eastern medical practices.
Peruvian Institute for the Study of Andean Phytotherapy (IPIFA), Peru
The Peruvian Institute for the Study of Andean Phytotherapy was created to scientifically study and valorize the incredible wealth of knowledge in Traditional Peruvian Medicine.
The Hilu Institute
Dr. Hilu's clinic states that the trauma of fighting cancer can be very discouraging and one needs to treat the person as a whole as “the body is not separate from the mind and the heart.” Dr. Hilu uses a variety of energy medicine devices in his protocols.
Bio Center Reckeweg
Dr. Augusto Pazán is the director of the Bio Center Reckewig in Ecuador. It is a small multiple physician clinic of natural and non-toxic therapies.
Paracelsus Clinic, Lustmuhle, Switzerland
The clinic proposes a medical paradigm based on non-toxic biological medicine that, not only identifies, but also eliminates the root causes of acute and chronic diseases including cancer.
Guamani Clinic, Quito, Ecuador
FAIM visited Dr. Medina and the Guamani Clinic, a government supported public health centre situated in the homonymous, low-income and very populated section of Quito, Ecuador. On the outside, this clinic seems like the typical public health facility. Inside we discovered that it offers an array of complementary and alternative medicine therapies including various herbal protocols.
Viva Modern Mayr Medicine, Maria Worth, Austria
Modern Mayr Medicine therapy at the clinic is based on the F. X. Mayr, M.D. (1875-1965) therapy for a healthy person. Dr. Mayr's work was about the link between digestion, intestinal health and overall health. According to Dr. Mayr, "The intestines are to man what the roots are to the plant. Only when these roots are kept in an optimal condition of nourishment and cleanliness, can the plant (man) itself thrive and remain healthy."
Dr. John Humiston, William Hitt Center, Tijuana, Mexico
Dr. John Humiston received his medical training in the military. He determined he could practice medicine more effectively in Mexico using alternative medicine and unconventional therapies. His treatments include herbal therapies which work synergistically with other protocols.