Global Health Clinics, Auckland, New Zealand


front of Global Health Clinics building

Photo courtesy of Global Health Clinics

“…atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts”

- Werner Heisenberg

There is more to health than treating disease; much more broadly, it encompasses the optimal functioning of mind, body and spirit, and the ability to lead a purposeful, productive life. And there are innumerable potential ways to influence this.

Today’s developed world is more advanced than ever before, as scientific and technological progress have enabled unprecedented discoveries and lifestyle changes. Many of us work globally thanks to online meetings and accessible travel, information is at our fingertips and inundates us nearly every minute of the day, and the vast virtual network that interlinks our professional and personal lives is becoming increasingly complex.

We reap many benefits from these advancements, but they also come with a cost; a significant amount of individuals are plagued with increased burden on their health as a result of factors like chronic stress, exposure to toxins, insufficient connection with other people and the nature world, and consistent stimulation, to name a few. The implications of these factors can range from suboptimal health to disease.

Knowing this, what can we do to attain better health in alignment with its broad definition?

Global Health Clinics (GHC) in Auckland, New Zealand, is a primary care center with a focus on improving holistic wellbeing, and is thus working directly on this. Using a whole person, whole system approach, they work with their patients to restore and improve health. Their aim is not to cure disease, but to build optimal cell function and strengthen key body systems, including the immune system, the nervous system, circulation, digestion and hormones.

Their approach integrates biology, physics and psychology, their team includes conventional and complementary medicine experts, and their practices are based on high quality science and the use of supportive technology. It is not difficult to see that their focus on holistic wellbeing is achieved through a holistic, multifaceted system.

The team at GHC understand that our inner and outer environment affect our health. In the context of our modern world, many of us live in external environments filled with toxins (chemicals, building materials, exhaust, Internet waves, etc.). In the secret life of water, Masaru Emoto demonstrates how the form of water molecules changes to be a beautiful harmonious pattern when exposed to a supportive environment (e.g. prayer, positive words, nature), and to be fragmented and disharmonious when exposed to an unsupportive environment (e.g. negative words, chemicals).

Regarding our inner environment, or our mental and emotional world, many of us carry stress, or pent up subconscious trauma that we are completely unaware of, but which manifest in the body as exhaustion, tension, a more acidic environment, etc. One of the physiological benefits of effective psychology is that it can help alkalize the body and allow energy to be carried more effectively. Building optimized cell function requires the right nutrients, but is also easier in a stress-free environment, free of resentment, anxiety, worry, and other negative surface or underlying emotions.

At GHC, they address these numerous factors that affect health. They first run a health assessment to understand where your system is not functioning optimally. This can take the form of different tests, for example, a hair follicle test to check hormones and gut health, a live blood cell analysis to examine the strength and wellbeing of your blood cells, or a high-tech scanner that assesses you for 800 different environmental factors. All of these enable the team to provide a tailored and prioritized smart action plan for you.

Depending on the health assessment results, your personal action plan may consist of various recommendations from the point of view of the ‘basics’ (nutrition, exercise, sleep), as well as more specific recommendations such as meditation, particular treatment sessions (e.g. ozone therapy, massage, cranio-sacral therapy), or one of their wellbeing programs.

The results of their work are impressive. They have seen dramatic improvements in cell function, physical, mental health and overall wellbeing (see examples on their Client Testimonials page). 

The approach to health that GHC is unique in that they:

  • Examine your unique physiology and context thoroughly to develop a personalized plan
  • Integrate a number of evidence-based approaches from which they can draw on to support you in achieving more optimal health
  • Make use of high quality technology to support treatments and more accurate assessments
  • Address your health comprehensively, from the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual levels
  • Are continuously refining and expanding their programs as knowledge and science evolves

GHC could be well worth a visit to support you on your journey to health if you live in New Zealand, but they are also leveraging the positives of our modern world and are able to do international consultations.

If you would like to learn more about them, you can visit the Global Health Clinics website.

About the Author

Amanda Whittal

FAIM European Resource Coordinator

Amanda Whittal, Ph.D., C.N.H.P., is a health psychologist with a combined background in science and holistic health. She has and continues to work as a researcher on a wide variety of health topics, including patient-health professional communication, sleep and stress relief through with yoga and meditation, behavior change, rehabilitation, intercultural differences,