
Photo courtesy of Hope4Cancer
Hope4Cancer Clinic in Baja Mexico
The American Cancer Society projects that over 1.7 million cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the U.S. this year and over 600,000 will die of the disease. What happens when you (or a loved one) goes for an annual medical check-up and discovers that you are one of those cases?
Your doctor will likely refer you to the local oncology clinic where you will receive additional testing and recommendations for surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or possibly one of the newer immunotherapies. At the end of your initial visit you might feel overwhelmed by the treatment options, have fears about the side effects and concern about the sometimes financially devastating cost implications. You have probably heard about “alternative” treatments and wonder if they could help you. Your oncologist will probably dismiss these as useless or at best “placebo effect.” You might wonder about what options you do have. Can you afford to pay “out of pocket” for a kinder and gentler and possibly more effective treatment?
People often visit our FAIM website to address these very questions. Although some U.S. cancer treatment centers are becoming “integrated” and including more progressive therapy options, most still focus on conventional treatments. There are also Functional Medicine practitioners that can help with your treatment, but they can be expensive and may cover only part of your therapy.
Increasingly, people are opting to seek treatment in another country where newer options and lower costs are part of the process. Mexico has long been a favorite destination for Americans seeking alternative cancer treatment for reasons of both proximity and cost. This article is meant to explore some of the options that are available there and what kind of experience you can expect.
All the clinics visited in this article and most alternative cancer therapies place a huge emphasis on diet and detoxification. They stress that these should be lifestyle changes, not just something you do for the few weeks you are there. The amount of toxins introduced into our environment since 1950 has increased dramatically and there is much evidence that many/combinations of these can contribute to cancer. Such toxins include pesticides, petrochemicals, food additives, cleaning materials, plastics, glyphosates as well as questions about potential effects of microwaves, wifi, pharmaceutical drugs, stress and emotional upheaval.
There are many clinics in Mexico that treat cancer and other chronic illnesses. We visited some of them that have a reputation for success, innovation and proven results. This list is by no means conclusive. Although some of the clinics gave us basic price guidelines, costs generally vary considerably depending on the length of stay, the particular disease and the kinds of therapies used. Additional costs for home therapy and follow-up visits may not be reflected in the original quote.
Things to consider: Do your research. Most clinics have English and other language representatives to answer your questions. You can find some details about specific therapies and answers to basic questions on their individual websites, but you should call for a personal consult before making a decision.
Many of the therapies may be new to the reader but are commonly used in several clinics. To assist, I have included a glossary of many of the therapies discussed at the end of this article. You may find more information on some of them in other articles on our FAIM website or by investigating the websites of individual clinics.
Health Institute of Tijuana
This facility is licensed by the Gerson Institute to provide a therapy developed by Max Gerson, MD in the 1900s. Gerson’s philosophy was that one could restore health and vitality by removing toxins and increasing immunity. The body could then rid itself of many diseases. Their focus is to initiate a lifestyle change and to relax and heal. The initial stay typically lasts for two weeks. The treatment focuses on juicing with fresh pressed organic fruits and vegetables, up to 13 glasses per day, and an organic plant-based diet. Regular coffee enemas accelerate the elimination of toxins and supplements are given to support the metabolic process.
The facility is home-like and cozy with 10 rooms housing patients and a companion. The facility has a pool, a recreation room and a large, family-style dining area. Additional offerings include vitamin C drips, chelation therapy, yoga, meditation and group psychology.
After the initial visit, patients are encouraged to follow the protocol for two years. Certain conditions may not qualify for treatment. The cost of the two-week stay is about $6,000, and extra costs related to post-treatment therapy vary, depending on the patient.
- Website: Health Institute of Tijuana
- Address: Ave Del Agua 256, Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana BC, Mexico
- Phone: USA: (619) 272-3053; MEX: +52 (664) 631-8535
BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center
The facility is an accredited hospital specializing in integrative treatments for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Established in the 1970s by Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, their guiding treatment philosophy is to use a combination of the best and most up-to-date modalities in conventional and alternative medicine.
The facility can house up to 12 patients at a time, making for a family-like atmosphere. Most of the staff have been with the clinic from 20 to 40 years.
Treating cancer includes healing and strengthening the body so that the body can assist in repair, since a healthy body can’t host disease. Their approach combines conventional and integrative modalities including many of the latest treatments discovered through international biomedical research and clinical practice. Each person is treated individually and holistically depending on their unique needs.
Bio Care incorporates a phased approach that includes an individually tailored healthy organic diet, detoxification (coffee enemas, juice fasting, chelating agents), and treatments that might include heat therapies, stem cells, oxidative therapies (hyperbaric oxygen, ozone), blood irradiation, high dose nutrient therapy (vitamins, minerals, laetrile, SOD, glutathione and other substances), herbal combinations, proteolytic enzymes and others. Advanced diagnostic tools like live blood analysis are used as well as other tests for heavy metals, infectious agents, dental problems and microbiome status. If treatment suggests the inclusion of chemotherapy or radiation, they are made more effective by also augmenting the immune system.
Two newer therapies showing great promise include whole body hyperthermia and autologous dendritic cells vaccines, especially when more aggressive protocols are required. They employ counselors to encourage patients to develop healthy mental attitudes. Ultimate healing needs to address the mind and the spirit as well as the body. Patients typically stay for a three-week intensive treatment and leave with a protocol for home care.
Though this article focuses on treating cancer, BioCare has had much success treating other chronic conditions like Lyme, HIV and various autoimmune diseases. They also offer preventative programs for anti-aging and longevity.
- Website: BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center
- Address: De las Azucenas 3966, El Prado, 22105 Tijuana B.C., Mexico
- Phone: USA & Canada: 1+ 800-701-7345; Global: 1+ 619-309-2080
American Holistic Care / American Bio-Dental Clinic
This clinic is a multi-focused facility that incorporates both biologic dentistry and a medical group that features holistic care for cancer, chronic and degenerative diseases, rejuvenation therapies and chiropractic care. Originally separate organizations, they have combined into one facility now located in the Grand Hotel Tijuana.
Bio-Dental focuses on high quality biologic dentistry. Many people today suffer from heavy metal toxicity stemming from mercury amalgams or complications from root canals or other procedures. Mercury toxicity has been linked to gastrointestinal and neurological problems as well as a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s disease. Necrotic tissue can accumulate in cavitations, or toxic containing pockets in the jaw bone, and can become an underlying factor in cancer or other chronic illnesses. Biologic dentists use a particular removal protocol that safeguards patients from experiencing further toxicity during the removal process.
The Holistic Care branch treats cancer, chronic illness and other medical problems. Treatment varies depending on the patient’s condition. They incorporate a variety of modalities including detoxification, ozone therapy, prolotherapy, PRP, stem cell therapies (for many conditions), photodynamic therapy (PDT), transfer factor treatment, immunotherapies, hyperthermia, IV therapies, individual vaccines and nutritional drips. As with most of the facilities we visited, cancer treatment focuses on detoxification and healing modalities as well as an emphasis on mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Patients are sent home with a continuing protocol. The clinic also offers rejuvenation therapies that range anywhere from basic facial peels to those that incorporate PRP, stem cells and other protocols.
Patients stay on site at the Grand Hotel Tijuana which offers hotel style rooms with access to pool and fitness areas. Food plans are available from the restaurants on site.
American Holistic Care/Bio-Dental offers an extensive array of treatments and options. Because of this, costs can vary considerably.
American Holistic Care
- Website: American Holistic Care
- Address: Blvd. Agua Caliente 4558, Agua Caliente Blvd Ste. CC1B Tijuana, B.C., Mexico
- Phone: (877) 207-0824
American Bio Dental Center
- Website: American Bio Dental Center
- Address: Blvd. Agua Caliente 4558, Agua Caliente Blvd Ste. CC1B Tijuana, B.C., Mexico
- Phone: (877) 231-5701
Of all the clinics we visited, Hope4Cancer placed most of their emphasis on cancer treatment. They believe that cancer is not a destination, that there is always hope. Dr. Tony Jimenez founded Hope4Cancer in 2000 and has dedicated his life to researching alternative strategies to treat cancer and chronic illness for over 30 years. In 2016 he was given a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Truth for Cancer organization. His book “The Seven Key Principles for Cancer Therapy,” outlines his perspective on treating cancer.
Hope 4 Cancer now has Mexican treatment centers in both Tijuana and Cancun. They plan on opening a third location in Thailand in the near future.
Their Tijuana location includes an on-site hospital facility where they treat patients who need more intensive therapy. In Cancun, Hope4Cancer patients reside at a hotel facility and go daily to the clinic for treatment. The hotel facility provides organic meals in accordance with the center’s approach to dietary therapy.
In addition to the basic detoxification and nutritional approach, Hope4Cancer focuses on state-of-the-art therapies for oxygenation, immunomodulation, microbiome balancing and emotional and spiritual support. Of all the clinics visited, Hope4Cancer incorporates the greatest variety of treatment tools, including some of the latest innovations in light and ultrasound therapy, photodynamic treatment with multi frequency lasers and Sunivera Immunotherapy to activate the immune system. Other supportive therapies include hyperthermia, infrared saunas, Hilixor (mistletoe therapy), AARSOTA Bio immunotherapy, Maragen Ionic Calcium Therapy , IV treatments, PolyMVA, ozone, hyperbaric oxygen, ATP-I, Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, PEMF, Vibrational therapy and others.
They believe that emotions are the key to healing and incorporate BEST (Behavioral Emotional Spiritual Therapy) into their protocols. They also use an innovative therapy (PDIS) with infrared imaging to detect and kill circulating tumor cells. This tool is particularly useful for detecting potential metastases. Cost for the initial stay runs about $25,000 for 3 weeks.
For an in depth report on Hope4Cancer see the Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers article on the FAIM website.
- Website: Hope4Cancer
- Address: Av Del Pacifico 650, Playas, Monumental, 22504 Tijuana, BC, Mexico
- Phone: (888) 544-5993
Treatment Glossary
AARSOTA Bio immunotherapy: AARSOTA Bio-Immunology is a vaccine made up of proteins that are produced by cancer cells. It is typically injected intramuscularly at particular intervals to activate an immune response.
ATP-I: The anti-neoplastic activity of ATP (adenosine tri phosphate) was first demonstrated in the early 1980s, in studies that showed it could inhibit the growth of certain cancers. It has been shown to increase survival rates and improve cellular metabolism. ATP is the molecule that provides energy within cells.
Autologous dendritic cell vaccines: A cell-based cancer vaccine composed of one’s own immature dendritic cells that have potential immune stimulating and anti-neoplastic activities.
Blood irradiation is a procedure that exposes the blood to ultraviolet light to heighten the body’s immune response and to kill infections. Bacteria and viruses absorb five times as much photonic energy as do red and white blood cells so these pathogens can be reduced without harming healthy cells.
Cavitations are areas of dead bone caused by a lack of blood flow to that area. Commonly, they are found in the jaw, at extraction sites that have not healed and/or have underlying infections.
Chelation therapy removes metals that have built up in the body by using particular substances that accelerate the process. This detoxifies the liver and kidneys and improves blood flow.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy uses a pressurized chamber that helps to restore normal levels of blood gases and tissue function. Traditionally used to treat pressure disorders like “the bends,” it can also promote healing, fight infection and reduce tumors.
Immunotherapies are a type of treatment that uses various substances to stimulate or suppress the immune system in fighting cancer, infection or other diseases. Immune modulation in cancer refers to specific treatments designed to stabilize or reduce tumors.
Maragen Ionic Calcium Therapy uses Sigma Anti-Bonding Calcium (SAC) to raise calcium-ion concentration levels in the blood. By secreting lactic acid during metabolic processes, a tumor creates an acidic micro-environment that suppresses immune activity and encourages growth. SAC counteracts this effect and neutralizes lactic acid to a pH level of 7.4, normalizing the immune response around tumor sites and restoring healthy oxygen levels.
Micro biome balancing refers to a process that balances the microbes in the gut environment to increase immunity and restore health.
Multi Frequency lasers: lasers that can operate at different wavelengths and intensity, rather than just a fixed wavelength.
Ozone therapy: Ozone (O3) therapy seeks to reverse hypoxic conditions in the body, supporting healthy body environments that disfavor tumor growth. Ozone helps reduce hypoxic tumors by saturating them with oxygen.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field): Uses devices that emit low frequency electromagnetic waves to stimulate the body’s natural repair process This application was found to retard angiogenesis and tumor growth.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment that uses a drug, called a photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent, and a particular type of light. When photosensitizers are exposed to a specific wavelength of light, they produce a form of oxygen that can kill cancer cells.
Poly MVA is a uniquely-formulated dietary supplement comprised of proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, rhodium, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide energy for compromised body systems by changing the electrical potential of human cells and facilitating aerobic metabolism within the cell. It supports the liver and nervous system and also works as an antioxidant.
Prolotherapy is an injection therapy that contains a potential irritant, such as a dextrose solution, that is thought to trigger the body's healing response. Once activated, the body will start to strengthen and repair damaged ligaments, joints and connective tissue.
Proteolytic enzymes are enzymes normally produced and secreted by the pancreas that aid in the breakdown of proteins in the digestive tract. Supplementing with these enzymes can break down circulating pathogens and reduce inflammation
PRP: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints.
Stem cell therapies use stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. These cells can come from one’s own body (autologous) or from a donor.
Transfer Factor treatment uses a chemical that is taken from a human or animal that has already developed protection (immunity) against a certain disease. These treatments are used to reduce infections in people with weakened immune systems or to stimulate cell-mediated immunity to particular tumor antigens in cancer.
Vibrational Therapy is based on the idea that all matter vibrates at specific frequencies, and that these frequencies become out of balance with sickness, disease or stress. The term encompasses many different therapies from hands-on “energy healing” modalities to devices that deliver sound, light or inaudible frequencies.
Whole body hyperthermia is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissues are exposed to high temperatures (up to 113°F). High temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal injury to normal tissues.