Site Visit Summary
- Medical Director: Dr. Thomas Rau
- Date: April 24, 2008
- Website: Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle
- Site visitors: Ferdinando Pisani and Emory Oney
The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) representatives traveled to Lustmühle, Switzerland in the Canton of Appenzell to visit the Paracelsus Clinic. It is one of the world's most advanced alternative medicine clinics for the type of services offered. It defines itself as a clinic of natural healing to treat chronic health problems that do not respond to conventional treatments.
The clinic proposes a medical paradigm based on non-toxic biological medicine that not only identifies, but also eliminates, the root causes of acute and chronic diseases. The Paracelsus Clinic states that biological medicine improves quality of life and reduces medical costs through avoiding unnecessary surgery and lifelong dependency on chemical treatment. It also states that it is safe and does not cause any side effects.
The clinic believes that patients must make an active role in their own healing process. The basic principle here is that a responsible attitude to one's own health is the basic medicine that empowers the body to restore equilibrium.
Thus, at the Paracelsus Clinic, patients learn to critically examine their illness under the guidance of a doctor. Patients help identify the root causes of their illnesses and select therapies that will stimulate the natural healing process. With the full cooperation of patients and knowledgeable input from Paracelsus staff, susceptibilities can be detected and the course of the diseases reversed.
The clinic is not closed to conventional treatments. In fact, conventional remedies are sometimes used as a complementary measure.
Another outstanding feature of the clinic is the integration of a holistic dentistry service. If fact, all patients need to fix their dental problems before starting the main therapies. This is because many medical problems are actually caused or accentuated by dental problems. Jaw infections must be healed and all metals removed. The dental techniques have been so perfected that Paracelsus Clinic could be considered one of the world's best stand alone dental clinics.
It was fascinating to walk through the modern structures and witness the different therapies offered. A striking feature was the extensive use of intravenous drips with orthomolecular and homeopathic infusions. The clinic also houses an excellent organic food restaurant.
For people who are passionate about alternative medicine, the Paracelsus Clinic is a very exciting place to visit. More information and detailed descriptions of the clinic and its therapies are available on their website.
Thomas M. Rau, MD

Thomas Rau, MD
The clinic's medical director is a passionate proponent of proper nutrition. He is author of the new book The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health, which is an excellent introduction to biological medicine. Additional information about Dr. Rau is available at Dr. Rau's Way website. The first chapter of his book is downloadable from the website.
Read or listen to Dr. Rau's interview: Medical Director of Switzerland's Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution - 'Electromagnetic Load' a Hidden Factor in Many Illnesses
For more information, visit the Paracelsus Klinik Lustmühle website.