This TEDx talk is a starting point: it offers the option of rescuing the brain of people with Parkinson’s by replacing the proteins being consumed in the process of fighting the individualized cause.
Chronic and Degenerative Diseases

Photo by Pierre Amerlynck, Copyright 2005 /
Chronic and degenerative disease is a major health issue. With the goal of sharing anti-aging information, FAIM attends conferences and investigates protocols.
Treatment and Cure of Fibromyalgia
Since I note your editorial about changing times and open mindedness, I am taking the time to respond to the article “Fibromyalgia: Hope for Help.” I notice that the author states “We are searching for better treatment options.” She incorrectly states that a cure for Fibromyalgia does not exist. That’s...
Chronic Inflammation
Three out of 5 people worldwide die because of chronic inflammatory diseases, and the World Health Organization ranks these diseases as the greatest threat to human health.
Is Polio Coming Back?
In late July and early August 2022, there were a collection of news reports about finding poliovirus in the sewage systems of some communities. The question on a lot of minds: Is Polio making a comeback?
A Simple Approach to Complex Illness
Jill Carnahan, MD, interviews Teresa Holler, MS, PA-C, about her simple approach to complex illnesses such as mold illness, Lyme disease and other chronic infections. Watch and learn how you can improve your health by addressing the root cause of your problems!
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Packet
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Library Research Packet consists of approximately 365 pages of scanned material located within the WRF Health Library on the topic.
Parkinson's Disease Packet
The Parkinson’s Disease Library Research Packet consists of approximately 384 pages of scanned material located within the WRF Health Library on the topic.
Chronic Fatigue Packet
The chronic fatigue packet includes information regarding bioenergetic medicine, the effects of stress, homeopathic approaches, Swedish bitters, macrobiotics and remedies from God’s Pharmacy.
Ketone Therapy
Research is continually discovering conditions that are responding to the ketogenic diet. Many health problems that medical science has deemed incurable or untreatable are being reversed. People are discovering that a simple, but revolutionary diet based on wholesome, natural foods and the most health-promoting fats is dramatically changing their lives.
Mold and their toxic metabolites, mycotoxins have become increasingly known as drivers of chronic illness. Studies have shown that mold and mycotoxins have increased as the main driver in a whole host of illnesses.
A Potential Breakthrough in Alzheimer's Disease
Exciting research shows a possible new treatment for Alzheimer's, ALS, Parkinson's and other neurological disorders. BMAA is a neurotoxin produced by blue-green algae which inserts itself into the amino acid chain replacing L-serine. Scientists have found supplementing with L-serine blocks the insertion of BMAA, stops protein misfolding, and prevents neuronal damage. In cases of ALS it slowed the progression of the disease by 85%.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Dr. Cobb lays out a plausible case that Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is a variety of scurvy, lack of vitamin C, and therefore derived from the porous condition of connective tissue in the lungs. He describes how connective tissue integrity is a nutritional concern addressed by inexpensive amounts of vitamin C, copper, zinc, sulfur and rutin.
A Proposed Mechanism For Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is called the mystery disease but in reality is easily understood. This article gives hospital personnel who need to routinely deal with DIC another treatment option and/or an inexpensive way to prevent it.
Nanosilver Technology
FAIM has investigated the field of nanosilver technology for the treatment of virus, bacteria, and fungus. Much research has been done to confirm safety and efficacy for humans and animals. With the discovery of diseases caused by drug resistant "bugs" the technology of nanosilver is timely and essential.
AIDS Should Not Be a Life-Threatening Disease
The HIV virus could be more common that people realize but the immune system keeps it under control. Over time HIV can cause nutritional deficiencies leading to the symptoms of HIV/AIDS. Learn how supplementing can be helpful.
Onnetsu is a Japanese therapeutic system that uses heat to diagnose and cure. It is the brainchild of Mrs. Tomeko Mitsui, a Japanese schoolteacher who, at retirement, enrolled in an institute to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Onnetsu Therapy is simply the application of heat following the theory that heat heals.
Holistic Oral Health Summit with Jonathan Landsman
Dental practices can be detrimental to health in ways never imagined. See what 35 professionals shared to help you make educated dental decisions.
How Cannabidiol (CBD) Can Impact Your Health
Confused about the healing effects of hemp and marijuana? Learn about the differences between the cannabinoids THC and CBD and how cannabidiol (CBD) can impact so many diseases and imbalances in the body.
How Does the Mitochondria Have a Role in the Fountain of Youth?
MitoQ have shown excellent results in improving cellular and organ function and reducing the symptoms and progression of many of the most prevalent cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic diseases, all major contributors to age-associated mortality.
Colloidal Nanosilver: An Introduction
Silver has been used throughout the ages to address virus, bacteria and fungus. Current technology produces colloidal nanosilver solutions that help address a multitude of illnesses more effectively in many cases than prescription drugs.
Energy Medicine Going Mainstream
Energy medicine has been used throughout human history even dating back to 15,000 B.C. Dr. Binder gives a complete history, introduces various energy medicine therapies and describes specific examples of healing. We are energy beings. In order to experience total health, we must look at how energies are playing a role in our bodies.
CNN's award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a chief neurosurgeon, puts medical marijuana under the microscope. All three of CNN's current "Weed" documentaries compiled into one video.
Grain Brain
David Perlmutter, renowned neurologist, goes into great detail to educate the reader on the impact of wheat, sugar and carbs on the brain. He includes a 30-day plan to achieve proper brain health. Many people believe it is only unhealthy carbs that are devastating for the brain, but the facts...
Surprising Link Between Dementia and UTIs
The connection between urinary tract infections (UTIs) and dementia isn’t common knowledge among the majority of doctors and health care workers.If you are caring for elderly loved ones or friends, be on the lookout for changes in their behavior that could be indicative of an UTI. An imbalance of the gut bacteria can lead to recurring UTIs. Learn what to look for and how to address it. UTIs are not simply an annoyance. They can be life threatening.
The Safety of UBI
Is UBI safe? There has never been a death or even a major medical complication that has been recorded as a result of using UBI. This is a non-drug therapy that is simple to use and affects so many disorders.
The Medical Action of UV Light
How does it work? Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, the UVC (Ultraviolet C wave length – 254 nm) light dismantles the virus or bacteria that you have in your blood. As a result, many viral and bacterial diseases respond to UBI therapy.
History and Medical Effects of UBI
Over 100 years ago, Faroese-Danish physician/researcher Niels Finsen found that ultraviolet light could effectively treat skin disorders. Learn what has happened with this technology since then.
The Cure that Time Forgot
In light of the antibiotic resistant super bugs like MRSA, it is almost criminal that Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) therapy should not be considered as a common treatment.
Diabetes - A Wholistic Perspective on an American Epidemic
What are the types of diabetes? How can I learn more about causes and prevention? What can I do if I have a type of diabetes? Here is everything you need to know to answer all of these questions.
Galectin-3: Inflammation Marker
Galectin-3 is an essential protein that binds to sugars in order to respond to injuries and commence repair.
But, overproduction of galectin-3 is a biomarker for inflammation and is tied to chronic disease.
A small amount of elevated galectin-3 in the blood can triple your chances of dying from disease within 10 years. It’s important to arrest overproduction, as it drives the inflammatory process.
Do You Really Need That Surgery?
With many diagnoses, pressure to do something comes from a belief that action is preferable to inaction. But the reality is that the human body can heal and that all of our actions have unintended consequences. Thus, inaction can often be the preferred course.
How to Use Ozone to Treat Almost Any Illness in Your Own Home
Learn about ozone and how you can do treatments yourself. This article covers instructions on various applications and therapies for those who wish to treat at home.
Introduction to Oxidative Therapy
Gaston Naessens and 714X
Through the optical performance of his unique light microscope (the somatoscope), Gaston Naessens discovered the smallest unit of life: the somatid. Naessens’ knowledge and understanding of the somatidian cycle as a witness of the evolution of the disease, allowed him to create a restorative product for the immune system. 714X is a nontoxic health product capable of restoring the normality of the somatidian cycle, consequently restoring the inner balance.
Kaqun: The Life Element
Water. It is essential for our survival, but it can also contain healing properties that go far beyond simple sustenance. One of these waters is called Kaqun (pronounced “Cocoon”).
A New Fighting Chance: Silver Solution
Dr. Gordon Pedersen has put together a chronicle on the cutting edge ability of structured silver solution's ability to safely destroy bacteria, viruses and yeast. Learn the application of silver for many chronic and acute illnesses.
The Power of Probiotics and Fecal Transplant
Thousands of patients have reported treatment success with fecal transplant not only for ulcerative colitis and C. difficile infections but also Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and other difficult conditions. Australian researchers, for example, reported that 70 percent of patients with chronic fatigue had a positive response. Now, thanks to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, antibiotics are losing their luster, and – despite the “ick factor” – fecal transplant is coming into its own.
Parkinson's Disease: What Works, What Doesn't
With the help of stem cells, hyperbaric oxygen, glutathione and life style changes, patients with Parkinson's can often slow disease progression, improve function, and enhance overall health.
Food Allergy
Food allergy or intolerance can produce any symptom under the sun: from migraines, fatigue, PMS, painful joints, itchy skin to depression, hyperactivity, hallucinations, obsessions and other psychiatric and neurological manifestations. However, the most immediate and common symptoms in the vast majority of patients are digestive problems: pain, diarrhea or constipation, urgency, bloating, or indigestion.
Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Engineered Foods
Why are thousands of physicians advising patients to avoid eating GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and how did these high-risk foods get onto the market in the first place? The answers are disturbing, even shocking, but may help you get healthy and stay healthy.
Innovations in Nitric Oxide Diagnostics and Therapeutics
It is well-documented that the most prevalent cardiovascular, metabolic and cognitive disorders impacting healthcare are largely the result of the loss of available nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO deficiency is the basis for endothelial dysfunction which underlies the development of these disorders that plague the population. Consequently, NO is considered the molecule that now offers the means for profoundly altering the disturbing trends in public health.
ABCs of GMOs
The ABCs of GMOs is a great start towards understanding genetic modification. For decades, agribusiness has heralded advances that later were found to be poisoning the masses. It may have started with Rachel Carson's exposure of the dangers of DDT in Silent Spring. From there, we have an unending list of chemical additives that the population has been subjected to, without any meaningful testing. Yet, the arrogance of mankind continues as we tinker with the genetic code. Together, it amounts to the American public being unknowing participants in the largest uncontrolled science experiment ever conducted.
Anti-Inflammatory Superfoods for Energy and Immunity
Most medications for pain and inflammation can be avoided by simply eating superfoods, herbs, exercising and developing a positive mindset on a daily basis.
Ionic Footbaths - The Healing Power of Ions
The ionic footbath is a total body detoxification technology based upon the beneficial and purifying effect of ions on the body.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting allows your body 16 hours to optimize your metabolic machinery and your insulin and leptin signaling, thus, empowering your body's immune system. Dr. Joseph Mercola believes it has a profound impact on most cancers and heart disease and can be a useful approach to whatever strategy one is currently using to treat or prevent these diseases.
4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi: Is it safe?
Many people are still unperturbed by the possible consequences of exposure to mobile phones, wireless networks and other radiation producing apparatuses. With the exception, of course, of those people who have acute complaints and are quite aware of their effects. That is, however, a small group. Ultimately no living being escapes the influence of unnatural radiation on the cell structures of the body.
Walking therapy and pneumatic compression: the natural cures for poor leg circulation
Walking has been shown to have many unexpected health benefits, such as improving cognitive function of the brain, maintaining bone density, alleviate symptoms of depression and improving fitness. But what if you cannot walk due to various health issues? Paul van Bemmelen, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S., describes how simulation of walking, without the work of muscle-contraction or fall-risk, can be achieved with a non-invasive home treatment, which uses external squeezing of the leg muscles.
Using a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lower and Upper Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease
Do you have leg or arm pain from poor circulation? Dr. Steven Kavros discusses research that shows the value of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) in many areas of both upper and lower extremity vascular disease.
Autoimmune Thyroid
Statistics show that almost 80% of all hypothyroidism is actually the autoimmune disease of Hashimoto's. Often times Hashimoto's does not get diagnosed if the practitioner fails to run the proper antibody test. If the correct diagnosis is determined, then the treatment is actually for immune dysfunction more than thyroid dysfunction.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2011
The 19th Annual Anti-Aging Medicine Conference addressed critical areas of healthcare today including interventions for chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, new approaches to skin care, hormone balancing, detoxification protocols and many others.
Conquering Alzheimer's with Coconut Ketones
Can Alzheimer's be cured? The program outlined in this book by Dr. Bruce Fife is designed to provide the brain with all the nutrients necessary to quiet chronic inflammation, stop free-radical destruction, energize the brain cells, and stimulate repair and growth of new brain cells; thus allowing the brain to heal itself. With coconut ketones and a proper diet Alzheimer's can be conquered.
Lyme Disease Workshop
There are many problems confronting Lyme disease physicians seeking to help their patients. The threats to freedom in medicine posed by insurance companies, medical boards and peer review were covered in detail with examples.
What If There was a Cure for Alzheimer's Disease and No One Knew?
Dr. Mary Newport's husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at much too early an age. After much research, Dr. Newport reports on her experience with how MCTs and coconut oil have helped her husband in his return to health.
Paracelsus Clinic, Lustmuhle, Switzerland
The clinic proposes a medical paradigm based on non-toxic biological medicine that, not only identifies, but also eliminates the root causes of acute and chronic diseases including cancer.
Adrenal Health Solutions: Fatigue and Insomnia
Koren Barrett, N.D., describes the role of the adrenals, hormones, and adrenal fatigue/exhaustion and offers alternative and complementary treatments to return the adrenal to a healthy balance.
Buteyko Breathing Therapy
Occasionally FAIM will highlight a particular protocol. With the large number of asthma cases, it seemed prudent to share the Buteyko Breathing Therapy with our readers in this article by Eugenia Malyshev.
Cures for Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is one of the top – if not the top – complaints that most doctors hear about from patients. The good news is that the complementary medical community has a plethora of safe and natural therapies that work to alleviate pain. Dr. Susan Lark shares these with our readers.
Viva Modern Mayr Medicine, Maria Worth, Austria
Modern Mayr Medicine therapy at the clinic is based on the F. X. Mayr, M.D. (1875-1965) therapy for a healthy person. Dr. Mayr's work was about the link between digestion, intestinal health and overall health. According to Dr. Mayr, "The intestines are to man what the roots are to the plant. Only when these roots are kept in an optimal condition of nourishment and cleanliness, can the plant (man) itself thrive and remain healthy."
Yes, We Can.. think outside the box
Thinking outside the box means using our basic knowledge of science to understand underlying causes of disease. This conference presented protocols that were probably never covered in professional school.
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Lyme Disease Seminar
Lyme syndrome is a disease that results from a tick bite. It is also known as the “great imposter” since it mimics over 350 different medical conditions including, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, CPC, Lupus, reactive arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, vasculitis, chronic neck pain, chronic back pain, MS, ALS, dementia, Alzheimer's, chronic headache, migraines, Crohn's, interstitial cystitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) Conference
The Age Management Medicine Conference is an opportunity for practitioners to learn about options available to help their patients age gracefully. Many of the presentations deal with hormone supplementation, functional medicine and endocrine balance.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2009
The 17th Annual Anti-Aging Medicine Conference emphasized Regenerative Biomedical Technologies. These conferences cover a broad scope of topics in the field of anti-aging. Review the impressive list of speakers!
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2008
A4M hosts conferences throughout the world. Topics relate to anti-aging including vaccines, nutrition, hormone replacement and bioresonance, to mention a few.