19th World Congress on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine (A4M)
- Location: Orlando, Florida
- Date: April 6-9, 2011
- Presenters: Over 90 world renowned speakers
- Attendee: Kris Olson, L.Ac Dip.OM

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
The World Congress was sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, the academic leader in a worldwide movement involving 24,000 physicians, health practitioners, and scientists from 110+ nations aiming to advance research and clinical pursuits that enhance the quality, and extend the quantity, of the human lifespan. Over 2,500 physicians, health practitioners and industry leaders attended.
The Congress also featured an Exhibition area represented by over 150 different vendors offering a wide array of products including nutritional supplements, brain balancing tools, compounding pharmacies, innovative testing products, aesthetic devices and many more.
In the opening remarks Dr. Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, President of the A4M, reported on worldwide demographic trends and socioeconomic implications of aging. Robert Goldman, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP, Chairman of the A4M, highlighted the expansive global reach of the A4M's educational initiatives.
In addition to the general program, specialty workshops and fellowship classes educated attendees about specific health issues and treatment protocols. These sessions reviewed some of the most critical areas of healthcare today including interventions for chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, new approaches to skin care, hormone balancing, detoxification protocols and many others.
Highlights from the program involving over 90 world-renown speakers included:
- Dr. Larry McCleary, MD, offered insights into the neurobiology of brain aging.
- Dr. Richard Isaacson, MD, shared innovative non-drug approaches for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
- Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj, MD, presented a vision for "Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine."
- Dr. Sangeeta Pati, MD, coalesced anti-aging medical concepts by presenting case studies to "Put It All Together: Hormones, Nutrition, and Detoxification, and Body & Mind."
- Dr. Mark Rosenberg, MD, explained "Cancer Cell Manipulation Therapy."
- Dr. Pamela W. Smith, MD, MPH, presented the concept of "A Personalized Approach to Health."
There were many other excellent sessions. FAIM plans to post write ups on several of the speakers, so please look for these articles in the near future on new tests for anti-aging, Dr. Mark Rosenberg's cancer research and an article on biofeedback and cognitive disorders.
Dr. Klatz, A4M President, noted: "Aging is NOT inevitable. Until recently, medicine has presumed that there is little we can do to intervene in the process of aging, but new scientific data reveals otherwise." The Winter 2011 Session of the 19th Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine takes place December 8-10, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. To find out more about A4M or to attend future conferences, visit the A4M Conferences web page.