
Photos by Horton Group; Hector Landaeta; Loretta Humble / freeimages.com
The average life span of a person in the United States is 78 years old. Genetics could account for only 30% of a person's life expectancy. Taking good care of our health through diet, exercise, supplements and managing our emotions effectively plays an important part in achieving longevity.
Vagal Tone
How To Stay Young Forever: Top Habits To Live Longer & Prevent Disease
"Everything in our society automatically creates disease," says Mark Hyman, M.D., but we can do something about it. Watch this interview to learn Hyman's recommended habits to live longer and prevent disease.
Supercharge Your Mitochondria
Your health and longevity depend on your mitochondrial function more than any other single measurement of health. So read on, because the latest research is showing several very effective ways to improve mitochondrial function.
NDEs: Not Just Delirium
There’s clearly something to near-death experiences well beyond the ravings of a dying brain.
How To Create Your Optimal Health And Wellness
There is nothing – nothing – more valuable and important than your health. If you are going to live your purpose fully and happily, you simply must be proactive in creating and maintaining optimal health.
You Can Avoid Disease and Slow the Aging Process
The evidence is starting to become overwhelming. You can slow down the aging process and prevent disease.
Vinegar for Better Health
“Modern science” is confirming what Vermont “Folk Medicine” knew in the mid-1950s and very likely before: vinegar is good for our health! Vinegar reduces obesity, improves blood sugar and insulin response (lower numbers for both) to carbohydrate, and most importantly, vinegar very likely increases longevity and improves health at the same time!
Moving Into Your Mature Years: Keys to Successful Aging
If you are a woman over 65 years old, you are part of the largest group of older Americans ever seen in our country. Indeed, 10,000 people turn 65 years old every day, and those aged 85 and older now make up the fastest growing demographic in the United States. Use this guide to help make your next decades successful and healthy.
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine Concludes the 27th Annual World Congress
The 27th Annual World Congress concluded on Sunday, December 15th, 2019 at the Venetian/Palazzo Resort in Las Vegas. As the largest event in Anti-Aging medicine worldwide, the conference hosted over 6,200 of the industry’s leading clinical professionals including renowned practitioners, innovative companies, and like-minded partner organizations.
Introducing “Gastropause”
We have all heard of “menopause” in women and “andropause” in men. “Gastropause” occurs as we age when the stomach secretes suboptimal hydrochloric acid. The acid-suppression theory, which currently governs the conventional medical therapy of “acid indigestion,” is seriously flawed. Regrettably, many of the potential consequences of long-term acid suppression, including asthma, allergies, skin disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, insomnia, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal (GI) infection, depression, and many, many more can take years or even decades to develop. If you take Tagamet® (cimetidine), Zantac® (ranitidine), Pepcid® (famotidine), Axid® (nitazidine), Prilosec® (omeprazole), Prevacid® (lansoprazole), Aciphex® (rabeprazole), or Nexium® (esomeprazole) this is a must read.
A Brief History of Deuterium Depleted Water
Deuterium, although a hydrogen isotope, is something altogether “different” both biochemically and biophysically, being twice the mass. It was discovered in 1932. More recently the many health benefits of drinking deuterium depleted water have been uncovered. When the Hunza people of northern Pakistan were investigated for their increased longevity and lack of illness it was determined that the deuterium content of their water, from the glaciers of Mt. Ultar, was about 133 ppm, a deviation of 16% from the 155 ppm global standard.
A4M 2019 27th Annual Spring Conference Orlando, Florida
A4M curated a program that highlights the ways in which practicing clinicians and thought-leaders are changing the field of modern medicine. Presentations during the conference concentrated on Longevity, Fasting, Regenerative Medicine, Medical Cannabis, Anti-Aging, The Brain, Individualized Patient Care, Mitochondrial Function, 3D Printing and Medicine, Stress, Cardiovascular Health, and Cancer Prevention and Treatment.
Is NAD+ The Fountain of Youth?
Recent research suggests that scientists may be closer to finding the silver bullet to help us preserve our youth for longer. Called the “golden nucleotide” by some scientists, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) plays a central role in aging.
Dr. Valter Longo Explores Intermittent Fasting
This Redefining Medicine interview by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) features biochemist Valter Longo, PhD, Director of the Longevity Institute of the University of Southern California, speaking about his Fasting Mimicking Diet.
Longevity Now Conference 2018
The Longevity Now Conference (LNC) is the brainchild of David Wolfe, well-known author and American entrepreneur who believes in superfoods. Read the main takeaways and "pearls" from the presenters at the 2018 LNC Conference.
Feet, Forks, Fingers: Lifestyle as Medicine in the War on Alzheimer's
Dr. Katz believes the key to maintaining a healthy brain seems to be lifestyle – good diet that is mostly plants, no tobacco, plenty of exercise, adequate sleep, low stress, and a good supportive sense of community.
How Does the Mitochondria Have a Role in the Fountain of Youth?
MitoQ have shown excellent results in improving cellular and organ function and reducing the symptoms and progression of many of the most prevalent cardiovascular, neurological and metabolic diseases, all major contributors to age-associated mortality.
A4M World Congress 2017 Celebrating 25 Years Redefining Medicine
The A4M 2017 Congress was an opportunity for all the participants to learn about a wide variety of anti-aging topics from an incredible pool of experts.
Review of the 2016 A4M World Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine
The A4M World Congress offers an opportunity for practitioners and laypeople alike to become educated on the latest research and protocols for the health issues that are common place today. Review some of the topics and presenters from the 2016 conference and learn how you may participate in the 2017 A4M World Congress in December.
The Power of Your Own Blood! No need for Botox
You can improve your skin and hair by using your own blood components. This is a much more natural approach to skin care.
Heal Yourself with Food
Dietary modifications can help maintain the right pH within the body’s various systems, so the foods you eat have to include the ones that support organs that work so hard to maintain pH values within their optimal ranges.
Telomeres: Increase Longevity by Protecting Your DNA
One of the most important structures that safeguard DNA consists of what are called telomeres. There are a wide variety of herbs and nutrients that have been linked to healthy telomeres.
Brain Breakthrough!
No matter what you’ve been led to believe Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and cognitive decline are not a normal part of aging, and they are preventable. While prevention is always best of course, effective treatment for those who are already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline is important.
Hydrogen Water: Drink to Better Health
Is the effect of drinking hydrogen water too good to be true? Julian Whitaker, M.D., thought so at first. But the deeper he delved into the hundreds of scientific papers examining the effects of hydrogen therapy, also called molecular hydrogen or H2 therapy, on scores of health challenges, the more he became convinced this is a true scientific breakthrough.
Magnesium: Important in so Many Ways
Magnesium is almost as basic as air and water for healthy living. For those who are ill and magnesium deficient taking magnesium is almost like taking a breath, when one is out of air. When one combines transdermal magnesium therapy with magnesium bicarbonate water one can expect dramatic results as one would expect in an emergency room or intensive care unit when taking these medicines intravenously.
Inflammation-Aging Link Confirmed
Inflammation is vital to healing. The heat, tenderness, swelling and redness surrounding a wound show us that the body is marshaling its healing response. However, in many people, inflammation has escaped its local, temporary boundaries and is happening throughout the body, all the time.
Innovations in Nitric Oxide Diagnostics and Therapeutics
It is well-documented that the most prevalent cardiovascular, metabolic and cognitive disorders impacting healthcare are largely the result of the loss of available nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO deficiency is the basis for endothelial dysfunction which underlies the development of these disorders that plague the population. Consequently, NO is considered the molecule that now offers the means for profoundly altering the disturbing trends in public health.
Lifestyle for Longevity
What is a good lifestyle to insure great heart health and long life? Should you eat saturated fats or not? Does your cholesterol really matter? How much exercise is necessary? Read what Stephen Sinatra, M.D., cardiologist, has to share and take the Heart Health Questionnaire to see how you fare.
Telomeres: Major Discovery Reveals the Secret to Dramatically Slowing Aging
The telomere is the "tail" of each chromosome in your cells. When you were young your telomeres were long. As you age, and your cells divide, all your telomeres shorten. Wouldn't it be great if we could slow your telomere shortening process, or activate telomerase? Well, there is a way, says Dr. Robert Rowen.
The Healing Powers of Wild Chaga
Chaga grows on birch trees in cold regions such as Siberia, northern Canada, Alaska, and some northern parts of the continental United States. It is of particular importance because it has been found to have a wide range of medicinal properties. The life span of the Inuit, who lived in a climate similar to that of the Siberians, was only 40 to 50 years on average, whereas people in the Siberian tribes who consumed Chaga routinely lived to be 90 to 110.
The Latest Secrets to Younger-Looking Skin
Skin aging is driven by genetics, time, and environmental factors. Fortunately, your skin is wonderfully responsive to the right kind of self-care for both prevention and damage reversal. The trick, says Dr. Susan Lark, is to understand the biggest causes of aging skin and meet your skin's special needs.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2011
The 19th Annual Anti-Aging Medicine Conference addressed critical areas of healthcare today including interventions for chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, new approaches to skin care, hormone balancing, detoxification protocols and many others.
Telomere Rejuvenation: Key To Health and Longevity
Telomeres ordinarily shrink by 1% annually, from birth to death. The telomeres of people with unhealthy habits have much faster shrinkage, while those of people with the best habits and genes shrink at a slower rate, thus enabling such people to live to approximately 100 years. Ultimately, telomere health is a major determinant of health and longevity. Rejuvenation or regrowth of telomeres is, therefore, a major key to longevity and health.
Telomeres, Health and Longevity
For several years C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., has been measuring leukocyte telomeres initially and then observing telomere regeneration when individuals use the RejuvaMatrix Solar Homeopathy® mat 30 to 60 minutes daily. Twenty seven of 34 individuals followed at least one year had significant increases in telomere length. This is the first known demonstration of regeneration of telomeres.
Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) Conference
The Age Management Medicine Conference is an opportunity for practitioners to learn about options available to help their patients age gracefully. Many of the presentations deal with hormone supplementation, functional medicine and endocrine balance.
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2009
The 17th Annual Anti-Aging Medicine Conference emphasized Regenerative Biomedical Technologies. These conferences cover a broad scope of topics in the field of anti-aging. Review the impressive list of speakers!
American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference 2008
A4M hosts conferences throughout the world. Topics relate to anti-aging including vaccines, nutrition, hormone replacement and bioresonance, to mention a few.