
Photo by eskymaks, Copyright 2013 /
Our world is filled with pesticides, toxins, herbicides, heavy metals, chemicals, and air pollutants which we breathe and ingest on a daily basis. Removing waste from the body is the first step in healing. Know what your options are to keep you body as toxin free as possible.
Healthy Detoxification
The Surprising Way To Reverse a Fatty Liver
“Fatty liver” literally means your liver fills with fat, which paves the way for chronic disease and inflammation.
In this episode of a video series called Health Bites, Mark Hyman, MD, talks about how to identify if you have fatty liver, what’s causing it, and how to fix it.
Lymphatic Detoxification
Lymph is an integral part of the body’s circulatory system, being the connecting medium between enclosed arteries/capillaries/veins, and the cells/tissues outside of those blood vessels. It is composed of water, inorganic mineral salts, and white blood cells. Toxins in the environment accumulate in the lymph so it is vital to detox.
The Benefits of Sulforaphane
Over 25,000 different phytochemicals have been discovered so far. Sulforaphane is a sulfur-containing phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and is known for its potent anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and disease-fighting properties.
Gallbladder Cleanse: 5 Steps to a Healthy Gallbladder
In this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, Dr. Josh Axe talks about how to do a gallbladder cleanse and restore your digestive system to health naturally. These tips also work to remove gallstones.
SOPMed Annual Conference 2019 San Diego, California
The Society of Progressive Medical Education (SOPMed) held it’s annual conference in San Diego, California. There was an incredible array of speakers covering a multitude of topics, including dental health, detoxification, cardiac health, a vision for the future of health care, improving animal health with ozone and fecal transplants, breast cancer prevention, healing the blood brain barrier, deuterium depleted water and curing chronic disease.
15 Science-backed Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen You Need to Know About
Molecular hydrogen is going to be one of the biggest health and wellness trends in the upcoming years. Fortunately, by reading this, you’re ahead of the game. Learn how it works in the body.
Tyler LeBaron's H2 Discussion with Dr. Shigeo Ohta
A discussion about therapeutic hydrogen gas between Tyler W. LeBaron, Executive Director of the Molecular Hydrogen Foundation (MHF), and pioneer hydrogen researcher, Dr. Shigeo Ohta, Nippon Medical School in Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Hydrogen: Alternative Fuel to Alternative Medicine
Hydrogen has now been demonstrated to have therapeutic effects in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and in essentially every organ of the human body. The main reason for this is because H2 helps attenuate excessive oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are at the root of virtually every disease and pathology.
Dr Mark Hyman's Detox Smoothie
What do you have for breakfast if you get rid of pancakes, toast and, cereal? Learn about a great shake packed with protein and nutrients. An easy and great way to start your morning.
Why You Should Take Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Night
While some of the amazing abilities of apple cider vinegar (ACV) are anecdotal others are corroborated by clinical studies. But how would taking “ACV” before bed help you? It has the potential to drastically improve the health and wellness of half the population.
Help for Flint Water Crisis: Chelation Therapy
The Flint Water crisis brought lead levels to the forefront but the problem goes beyond Flint. Unsafe levels of lead have been found in nearly 2,000 communities across the country and many of the most dangerous levels have been found in schools and day care centers. Toxicity can also occur long after exposure has ended. Read about what can be done.
Homeopathy: A misunderstood science
What is homeopathy? What is a homeopath? How does homeopathy work? Does homeopathy work? What are homeopathic remedies? How are homeopathic remedies made? What is the difference between classical homeopathy and complex or combination homeopathy? What is a homeopathic proving? What is a repertory? What is a Materia Medica? Learn all you wanted to know about homeopathy.
Kaqun: The Life Element
Water. It is essential for our survival, but it can also contain healing properties that go far beyond simple sustenance. One of these waters is called Kaqun (pronounced “Cocoon”).
Detox Summit Audio Interviews
Dr. Minich is sharing three audio presentations on Movement and Health with Donovan Green, Emotions with Hugo Cory, and Toxic Food with Benjamin Brown. See how these audios can make you rethink moving your body, thinking positively, and eating right.
The 10 Day Detox Diet
The secret of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is this: we simply swap out processed foods, sugar, flour, and inflammatory foods and add delicious, whole, fresh, real, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying food, and the body does the rest.
Ionic Footbaths - The Healing Power of Ions
The ionic footbath is a total body detoxification technology based upon the beneficial and purifying effect of ions on the body.
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting allows your body 16 hours to optimize your metabolic machinery and your insulin and leptin signaling, thus, empowering your body's immune system. Dr. Joseph Mercola believes it has a profound impact on most cancers and heart disease and can be a useful approach to whatever strategy one is currently using to treat or prevent these diseases.
Seasonal Spring Cleanse Protocol
Spring and Fall seasons provide the best opportunities for deeply detoxifying and cleansing the body of harmful impurities that have collected in our organs and tissues over the past months and years. Dr. Isaac Eliaz offers this protocol.
Paracelsus Clinic, Lustmuhle, Switzerland
The clinic proposes a medical paradigm based on non-toxic biological medicine that, not only identifies, but also eliminates the root causes of acute and chronic diseases including cancer.