What if I told you that your breakfast habits might be sabotaging your entire day?
Nutrition and Diets

Photo by Rob Owen-Wahl, Copyright 2008 / freeimages.com
In an effort to seek out ways to address disease with proper nutrition and personalized diets, FAIM attends relevant conferences and does extensive site visits to clinics which emphasize this healing initiative.
These Foods and Habits Boost Brain Health and Reduce Inflammation
At every meal, we make choices of what to feed our bodies and our brains. Too much sugar and refined carbs, not enough good fats, inadequate intake of the right nutrients, and exposure to toxins can have a negative effect on our brains and even contribute to disorders ranging from...
A New Year's Resolution That Can Help You Lose Weight and Stop Cancer
News Caps for December 2023
Brain changes during menstruation, prescription drugs, banned food additives, and intermittent fasting.
Let Food Be Thy Medicine: How It Can Heal the Body
Globally, the rate of chronic disease is double the rate of infectious disease. The single most important thing you can do every day to reduce your risk of chronic disease and change your biology is choose the right foods.
The Six Foods You Should Never Eat Again
Eating ultra-processed foods – made primarily from wheat, corn, and soy – increases your death rate by 75 percent. How’s that for a sobering statistic!
In this episode of my Masterclass series, I am interviewed by my good friend and podcast host Dhru Purohit about foods that you should never eat again, foods to limit, and the food industry’s role in why these foods are so pervasive in our supermarkets.
How Fasting Can Prevent Disease!
We can use fasting to rebalance our body chemistry, reverse aging, and prevent disease.
Addiction: Why We Can't Fast or Keep a Diet
Pradip Jamnadas, M.D., details why many fasting and diet programs fail because of addiction.
Can Sleep Make It Easier to Lose Weight?
New research confirmed when people get regular and uninterrupted sleep they did a better job of sticking to their diet and exercise goals over a 12 month weight loss study.
Best Diet for 2023?
The results are in for the Best Diets in 2023 and the Mediterranean Diet wins again. U.S. News and World Reports released its annual rankings of the best diet plans.
Study Finds Red Food Dye May Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Problems
Through research, scientists have just discovered that chronic exposure to red food dye may lead to inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and colitis.
Mood Dragging You Down?
Lots of people think mood only relates to serotonin levels in the brain, but that’s only part of the story. Think of it this way:
Your brain is connected to the rest of your body. So your mood depends on the right balance of nutrients, hormones, and other chemical messengers throughout your entire body – including your gut, thyroid, and immune system.
How To Use Food as Medicine To Heal the Body and Prevent Disease
In today’s episode of a new series called Health Bites, I discuss how to use food as medicine. I share the principles of eating an optimal diet, a list of the foods we should avoid, my number-one food philosophy, and more!
Diet Plays Key Role in ADHD Symptoms in Children
Diet plays a key role in ADHD symptoms in children. This study finds more fruits and vegetables means less inattention.
The Effects Of Artificial Food Dyes
Rebecca Bevans, Ph.D., talks at TEDxCarsonCity about her family’s difficult and emotional journey to finding answers and living dye free.
Ending Myths About Protein
The Benefits of Sulforaphane
Over 25,000 different phytochemicals have been discovered so far. Sulforaphane is a sulfur-containing phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and is known for its potent anti-inflammatory, detoxification, and disease-fighting properties.
Essential Fatty Acids Are Essential!
For years establishment medical practitioners have told folks that supplemental vitamins and minerals were unnecessary, that what we eat is sufficient provided we eat plenty of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. One of the most overlooked foods when producing wellness is utilization of the proper oils and fats.
Eliminate These Foods to Lose Weight and Prevent and Reverse Disease
This video discusses David Perlmutter's new book, Drop Acid. It focuses on the pivotal role of uric acid in metabolic diseases.
Reducing high uric acid levels through dietary and lifestyle tweaks will help you lose weight, prevent (and reverse) disease, and live a long and healthy life.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS, and his wife traveled the world for almost 10 years to discover the secret to health. This ancestral wisdom was carefully documented by Dr. Price with photographs, observations, laboratory analysis and more demonstrating the importance of diet.
Anti-Fungal Ketogenic Diet
Learn all the dos and don'ts regarding the anti-fungal ketogenic diet.
Nutrition: The Gut Brain Axis and Human Performance
Join Dr. Zach Bush and top experts for a new panel discussion: Nutrition: The Gut Brain Axis and Human Performance.
Shiitake Mushrooms Proven to Benefit Dozens of Diseases
If you're looking for a superfood to support your immune system health and act as an overall health tonic, shiitake mushrooms are a top choice.
Fasting For Survival Lecture
Pradip Jamnadas, M.D., details the rationale behind dietary restriction and fasting.
Ketone Therapy
Research is continually discovering conditions that are responding to the ketogenic diet. Many health problems that medical science has deemed incurable or untreatable are being reversed. People are discovering that a simple, but revolutionary diet based on wholesome, natural foods and the most health-promoting fats is dramatically changing their lives.
Low-Carb Diet
Congratulations on taking your first step towards a low-carb diet. You might have heard a lot about low-carb, and are curious if this is something for you? Or maybe you have been advised to switch to a low carb-diet based on a health assessment?
Mental Health: The "Unpopular" Truth
NaturalHeatlh365 with Jonathan Landsman presents: "Mental Health: The Unpopular Truth" with special guest, Dr. Bob DeMaria - "America's Drugless Doctor."
How To Get the Most Benefit From Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting basically means you can eat all you want. You just have to limit when you eat during the day. Frank Shallenberger, M.D., shares the research and the benefits.
The Pegan Diet
“The Pegan Diet” explains how to take the best aspects of the paleo diet (whole foods, good fats, limited refined carbs, limited sugar) and combine them with the best aspects of a vegan diet (a plant-rich diet with loads of colorful, disease fighting phytochemicals) to create a delicious diet that is not only good for your brain and your body, but also good for the planet. This book is inclusive. It’s for meat eaters, vegans, keto folks, beginners, seasoned dieters who are looking for balance, and anyone in between.
The Basics of Juicing and 5 Healthy Juices
Are you looking for a way to get natural stamina, improve your digestion, keep you hydrated, get that natural glow, and provide your body with amazing building blocks? Try juicing every day.
The Sweet (and Not-So-Sweet) Truth About Sugar Substitutes
Dr. Carnahan reports on two of the most popular sugar substitutes – artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. She looks at exactly what these sugar swap-ins are, how they affect your body, and whether or not they’re truly safe.
The Party is Over - Time for Americans to Rebuild Their Health
Forty studies in the EU clearly say that raw milk is a super immune system builder. Those studies, which are NIH approved and PubMed published, show raw milk safety and proof of effectiveness in reduction of colds (virus-based infection), ear infections, asthma, respiratory infections, and allergies.
How To Overcome Sugar Addiction
Food impacts everything. We discuss the rising rates of infertility and how that relates to sugar, the sugar and cancer connection, how to protect our children’s health with food, and so much more.
The Craving Cure: The Nutritional Solution to Our Worldwide Dietary Crisis
Cravings for toxic, ultra-processed, nutrient-void foods have now precipitated a world-wide public health crisis. The building scientific consensus is that most of us have actually become full-fledged food addicts. Learn about the remarkable, almost unfailing benefits of brain-targeted amino acid therapy in thousands of cases of food addiction alone.
Three Reasons Why Eating Well Is Not Just About Food
The Mediteranean Diet was voted the best diet in 2020 by US News and World Report and it includes many foods that can help your health—but when it comes to eating healthy, this diet shows that it is not just about the food.
The Little Known Miracle of Life: Fulvic Acid
The microbes in the soil make the hidden treasure called fulvic acid, the miracle of life. Fulvic acid is not a vitamin or a mineral and science cannot synthesize this substance in a laboratory. Our bodies require it for optimal health, but, we no longer get fulvic acid in adequate amounts from our food.
Why Making Food Taste Better Makes it Healthier
On this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, Dr. Mark Hyman is joined by mastermind chef and regenerative agriculture advocate Dan Barber.
Join us for this fascinating discussion on promoting a more balanced and nutritious food system through the power of cooking, seed breeding, and more.
Healthy and Delicious Smoothies and Juices
Mixing together a smoothie or juice can be one of the best and fastest ways of getting so much good fuel within one glass. Here are several recipes to assure variety and balance.
Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century: An Online Course
Getoff's course, “Attaining Optimal Health in the 21st Century” is available online or in person. The comprehensive curriculum includes information about vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathy, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, depression, gingko, antioxidants, enzymes, algae, fluoride, chlorine, ozone, mold, vaccinations, water electro-magnetic radiation, and immunity.
Ryan Kennedy's Myths and Lies Podcast
Ryan Kennedy, one of my students who has taken my 10-week course numerous times and has accomplished the difficult task of becoming a board certified clinical nutritional (CCN), asked to interview me for the podcast he does.
Carrot Cake With Coconut Cream
This cake is made after I made carrot juice with my slow juicer, and wanted to use the pulp. It is so tasty, with many spices. This has a base of shredded carrots, and then from the pulp of making juice. Enjoy!
Food: What the Heck Should I Cook?
Dr. Hyman shares his food philosophy as there is so much confusion around "what to eat." He shows you how to create a kitchen that inspires choosing the right foods and how to cook from scratch in a way that's not complicated and packs a lot of flavor. This cookbook is loaded with his favorite recipes – everything from breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, desserts, basics, and more.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Everyone loves a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while! Here is a recipe that makes the grilled cheese healthy and gourmet.
The Budwig Diet and Cancer: Separating Flax from Fiction
The Budwig Diet is one of the most popular home remedies for cancer. Its most famous ingredient is a mixture of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. The inventor, Dr. Johanna Budwig, was a top European cancer research scientist, biochemist, blood specialist, pharmacologist, and physicist.
12 Foods You Should Eat to Reduce Chronic Pain
Research shows that foods and drinks that reduce inflammation can reduce chronic pain and improve your mood. Even small changes, such as switching to whole grains and eating more fish and less red meat, can make a difference in your health. Here are some suggestions for simple nutritional changes that can help you start feeling better.
Nina's Healthy Kitchen
Nina’s Healthy Kitchen is a free website where you can find a large variety of recipes that are easy to prepare and made with whole foods. You will find new recipes posted regularly including smoothies, pasta dishes, desserts, salads, juicing ideas, vegan lasagna, pizza crusts from ancient grains, rice, vegetables, breads, and soups, just to mention a few. The site includes videos to aid in the preparation of various dishes.
Thoughts on Weight Loss
Long-term, permanent weight loss requires a complete change in lifestyle, including rejection of all processed foods, adopting a schedule of regular meals and, above all, dedication to nutrient-dense foods. If your diet is not supplying all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, the urge to eat will eventually overcome the best of intentions and the strongest willpower.
Diet and Other Lifestyle Factors Reduce Alzheimer's Disease Risk
Positive findings of studies on diet in dementia are confounded by the fact that individuals who follow healthy dietary preferences also engage in other health-promoting behaviors that reduce risk of dementia, for example regular exercise and moderate alcohol consumption. These findings have led to recent studies on so-called ‘multi-modal’ interventions aimed at identifying specific combinations of lifestyle factors that play the most significant roles in preventing or delaying onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
The Plant Paradox
Lectins are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and dairy as well as in grains, seeds, skins, rinds and leaves of plants. They are designed to protect plants from predators. Once we eat lectin-containing foods, a chemical battle begins causing inflammation leading to weight gain and other serious health issues. Dr. Gundry tells you everything you need to know about lectins and how to improve your health by avoiding them.
Dr. Valter Longo Explores Intermittent Fasting
This Redefining Medicine interview by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) features biochemist Valter Longo, PhD, Director of the Longevity Institute of the University of Southern California, speaking about his Fasting Mimicking Diet.
One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison
Every diet suits some people and does not suit others. Why is that? Because it ‘takes two to tango,’ which means that there is no such thing as a bad food per se or a good food per se, without taking into account a very important factor: who is eating it! Not only who is eating it, but also what state that person is in.
Vegetarianism Explained
Vegetarianism Explained gives up to date scientific information on how plants and animal foods work in the human body and how Mother Nature intends us to feed ourselves.
Is the Ketogenic Diet Right for You?
Before you commit to a ketogenic diet, look at some of the most common exclusions and limitations. It’s a small but important list.
The Real Skinny on Fat
How do fats really affect us? How have we been mislead for so many years? Learn more in this videos series on "The Real Skinny on Fat."
The Best Answer for Cancer: Notes from the 2018 Conference
The Best Answer for Cancer Conference in 2018 had an emphasis on the Ketogenic Diet and Cannabis with their role in the treatment of cancer. Here is a summary of the presentations.
Longevity Now Conference 2018
The Longevity Now Conference (LNC) is the brainchild of David Wolfe, well-known author and American entrepreneur who believes in superfoods. Read the main takeaways and "pearls" from the presenters at the 2018 LNC Conference.
The Metabolic Mind: Rethinking the Ketogenic Diet and Neurodegenerative Disease
Ketone bodies derived from fats represent an alternative energy source to restore brain metabolism. Our capacity to use ketones increases with age.
Our Food System: An Invisible Form of Oppression
As a doctor, Dr. Mark Hyman took an oath to do no harm. Now he speaks out about the oppression and invisible form of racism that is mostly the result of our toxic food system which leads to chronic disease.
Should You Try a Ketogenic Diet?
The goal of the ketogenic diet is to shift the body away from using glucose, the preferred energy source, and into ketosis, or fat-burning mode. This is accomplished by drastically increasing fat and reducing carbohydrate and protein intake.
What Is A Ketogenic Diet?
Dr. Josh Axe describes what a ketogenic diet is, what is is not, and how it can work when nothing else does. He states that "medical studies are now proving that the ketogenic diet can help you lose weight, boost brain health, fight neurological disease, balance hormones, and do a whole lot more."
A Beginner's Guide to the Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is slowly gaining traction as an effective method of helping promote weight management, reducing inflammation and even reducing your risk of cancer. This guide will help you get started on the basics, and what type best fits your lifestyle.
Nutrition is Just One Part of Your Best Health
It is important to eat in a way that resonates with your body, but equally vital to have purpose, joy, and a sense of involvement in your life.
Dr Mark Hyman's Detox Smoothie
What do you have for breakfast if you get rid of pancakes, toast and, cereal? Learn about a great shake packed with protein and nutrients. An easy and great way to start your morning.
Why Coconut Oil Really Is Healthy, Despite the American Heart Association's Views
Recent articles have spawned from an article by the American Heart Association questioning the safety of coconut oil. The original AHA article restated AHA’s longstanding position against the use of saturated fats. Learn the truth about coconut oil specifically from the real experts.
GAPS Nutritional Program: How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism
Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride who presents a fascinating and elegant description of the foundational conditions that contribute to autism, along with a pragmatic approach to help circumvent and stem the autism epidemic, which has been a perplexing puzzle for most of us.
Can Foods Really Prevent and Treat Cancer?
For years, you’ve probably heard about one food after another that can prevent or treat cancer. But do foods really have the ability to fight cancer? After all, we’ve all heard stories of people with cancer who radically changed their diet, but still died from the disease. It’s good to...
How to End Constipation Without Laxatives
One issue that tends to plague women as they age isn’t fun to talk about. But resolving the issue can have significant benefits for your quality of life – and is often easier to do than you might think.
This issue is chronic constipation. It’s often a problem for women...
Finding Trigger Foods, The Right Amount of Fat and My Top Superfoods
Dr. Hyman answers questions about food sensitivities, eating fat, and powerful foods that support good nutrition.
The Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook
We can no longer afford to be a fat-phobic society says renowned physician, health advocate, and author Mark Hyman, MD, author of Eat Fat, Get Thin. Now, with The Eat Fat, Get Thin Cookbook, Dr. Hyman puts science into action with more than 175 mouthwatering recipes featuring nuts, coconut oil, avocados, and other superfoods to help you incorporate these good fats into your diet and continue on your path to wellness.
The Perils of Polypharmacy
Polypharmacy is a serious and increasingly common problem that makes patients sitting ducks for adverse side effects and dangerous drug interactions, raises risk of hospitalization and death, and drives up health care costs.
Put Your Heart in Your Mouth
Foods That Help Fight Alzheimer's
Heal Yourself with Food
Dietary modifications can help maintain the right pH within the body’s various systems, so the foods you eat have to include the ones that support organs that work so hard to maintain pH values within their optimal ranges.
Eat Fat, Get Thin
In his new book, Eat Fat, Get Thin, Mark Hyman, MD debunks the biggest myths about fat – starting with the myth that dietary fat makes us fat and sick. This book is going to change the way you eat and change the way you feel.
The Forbidden Fat You Should Be Eating
Dietary fats are greatly misunderstood. Most people don’t know which are healthful and which are harmful. Of all the fats, saturated fats may be among the most misunderstood of all. They’re found in red and processed meats, dairy, and eggs. Find out why they are essential and actually good for you.
Why Gluten Sensitivity May Not Be an Allergy to Wheat
People are avoiding gluten more and more, as they realize that they're sensitive to these wheat products. But it may not be the gluten that's bothering you at all. Unfortunately, the truth is much more toxic. When you eat non-organic wheat products, you're not just having a sandwich. You're also consuming the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate).
Fields of Athenry Farm Bone Broth
Fields of Athenry Farm offers nutritious whole food bone broth.
Detox Summit Audio Interviews
Dr. Minich is sharing three audio presentations on Movement and Health with Donovan Green, Emotions with Hugo Cory, and Toxic Food with Benjamin Brown. See how these audios can make you rethink moving your body, thinking positively, and eating right.
Find Real Food Mobile App
The "Find Real Food: The WAPF Shopping Guide for the Highest Quality Foods Available" helps you find WAPF approved foods, and rates them as "Best" or "Good" based on their nutrient density, and lack of additives and processing.
Is Raw Milk Safe for Babies?
The biggest concern parents have about making homemade formula is that it is based on raw milk which, according to medical orthodoxy, is a source of contamination and disease. The only possible way to protect our children, they say, is to be sure the milk is pasteurized. Sally Fallon Morell offers another perspective.
More About Raw Milk
We have been taught that pasteurization is a good thing, a method of protecting ourselves against infectious diseases, but closer examination reveals that its merits have been highly exaggerated. If you can find a farmer who will sell you raw milk from old fashioned Jersey or Guernsey cows, allowed to feed on fresh pasturage, then by all means avail yourself of this source.
The 10 Day Detox Diet
The secret of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is this: we simply swap out processed foods, sugar, flour, and inflammatory foods and add delicious, whole, fresh, real, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying food, and the body does the rest.
The Great Cholesterol Myth Cookbook
The Great Cholesterol Myth Cookbook provides a detailed, yet easy-to-understand explanation of what it really means to eat for heart health. Authors Stephen Sinatra, MD, Jonny Bowden, PhD, and Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD provide a robust, detailed meal plan and roadmap to prevent and reverse heart disease.
Personalized Lifestyle Medicine: Relevance for Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations
Personalized lifestyle medicine is a newly developed term that refers to an approach to medicine in which an individual's health metrics from point-of-care diagnostics are used to develop lifestyle medicine-oriented therapeutic strategies for improving individual health outcomes in managing chronic disease.
Colostrum: Nature's Perfect Food for Infants and Adults
Colostrum, the pre-milk substance that emerges from the mother's breast following the birth of a newborn, is nature's perfect first food. It is a mixture of immune and growth factors as well as important nutrients, all designed to activate newborn's immune system. Numerous studies show that colostrum and its components continue to exert important biological activities also when given to adults.
Confession of a Food Addict
Are you addicted to sugar and carbs? Read about this expert's own addiction and how you can recover from yours.
Bone Broth: One of Your Most Healing Diet Staples
First and foremost, homemade bone broth is excellent for speeding healing and recuperation from illness. You've undoubtedly heard the old adage that chicken soup will help cure a cold, and there's scientific support for such a statement.
ABCs of GMOs
The ABCs of GMOs is a great start towards understanding genetic modification. For decades, agribusiness has heralded advances that later were found to be poisoning the masses. It may have started with Rachel Carson's exposure of the dangers of DDT in Silent Spring. From there, we have an unending list of chemical additives that the population has been subjected to, without any meaningful testing. Yet, the arrogance of mankind continues as we tinker with the genetic code. Together, it amounts to the American public being unknowing participants in the largest uncontrolled science experiment ever conducted.
How Healthy is Your Food?
In the last year, the news media devoted much attention to the subject of GMO foods. As more research reveals the potential negative side effects associated with the consumption of Genetically Modified foods, we agree with those who advocate for people to have the right to know what they are eating.
General Diet Recommendations for Optimal Health
Dr. Isaac Eliaz has been practicing integrative medicine with a focus on cancer and chronic illness for 25 years. Today, Dr. Eliaz is the medical director of Amitabha Medical Clinic and Healing Center in Sebastopol, CA, where integrative health practitioners work with patients to treat cancer and other chronic illness. Designing individualized, synergistic healing protocols that draw from multiple medical systems including Western allopathic, Traditional Chinese, and a wide range of holistic therapies, allows for the treatment of the whole person: body, mind, emotions, and spirit, rather than just addressing the symptoms of the disease. Nutrition plays an important role in his therapies.
Anti-Inflammatory Superfoods for Energy and Immunity
Most medications for pain and inflammation can be avoided by simply eating superfoods, herbs, exercising and developing a positive mindset on a daily basis.
Wise Traditions Conference, San Francisco, California
The Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, provided the Wise Traditions conference.
Folate vs. Folic Acid
Discover the stunning truth behind this essential "vitamin" – and the simple switch that's much, much better for you.
Dispelling the Big Fat Myths: Part 1
There are many misconceptions about dietary fats and oils. This is unfortunate because fats are absolutely essential to maintain optimal health. Learn the importance of fats and which ones to avoid.
Dispelling the Big Fat Myths: Part 2
There are many misconceptions about dietary fats and oils. This is unfortunate because fats are absolutely essential to maintain optimal health. Learn which fats are good for you.
Weighing In on Wheat
An interview with doctor and author William Davis who shares insight into modern wheat woes from a human health perspective.
How to Grow a Healthy Baby with a Healthy Brain
By choosing a healthy well-balanced diet before you become pregnant, while you are pregnant, and while breastfeeding, you will greatly improve the chances of growing a healthy baby with a healthy brain.
Coconut Oil Dietary Guidelines and Suggestions
Ever wonder how to incorporate coconut oil into your diet? How much would be necessary to get the health giving effects? Is it safe for children? Learn more about these and other topics concerning coconut oil in the diet.
What's Cooking? Nutritional Series
Heart MD Institute has launched a cooking video series with Dr. Sinatra and his son, Step, preparing heart-healthy organic meals.
Nutritional Supplements for Individuals with HIV/AIDS
Millions of individuals worldwide continue to be newly infected with HIV every year. Nutritional supplements may prove to be a safe, effective, inexpensive, and easily accessible adjunct to standard care.
The GAPS Diet: Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Ever wondered how those nervous thoughts send the butterflies swooping through your stomach? Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how your brain and digestive track are linked together in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression And Schizophrenia. This article presents a summary of her recent presentation for the Weston A. Price Foundation conference. Learn about some simple things you can do to improve your own brain/gut health.
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Dr. Cousens' independent documentary film Simply Raw is about reversing diabetes in 30 days and chronicles six Americans with "incurable" diabetes switching their diet and getting off insulin.
Live with Dr. Gabriel Cousens
While at the Integrative Medicine Symposium in Miami, FL in April 2010, Dr. Cousens hosted a special event that gave an experience of his teachings and an opportunity to ask him questions. Marcela Benson, a Tree of Life food-preparation teacher, prepares a delicious organic, vegan, live-food and low glycemic banquet using Dr. Gabriel Cousens' nutritional methods.
The Hilu Institute
Dr. Hilu's clinic states that the trauma of fighting cancer can be very discouraging and one needs to treat the person as a whole as “the body is not separate from the mind and the heart.” Dr. Hilu uses a variety of energy medicine devices in his protocols.
Introduction to the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation is a public, nonprofit educational organization, providing information about whole foods and proper preparation techniques, soil improvement, natural farming and pure water, preventing disease and birth defects, avoiding personality disturbances and delinquency, enhancing the environment, and enabling all people to achieve long life and excellent health.
Bio Center Reckeweg
Dr. Augusto Pazán is the director of the Bio Center Reckewig in Ecuador. It is a small multiple physician clinic of natural and non-toxic therapies.
The Bioecology of Cancer
Jack O. Taylor, M.S., D.C., D.A.C.B.N., has developed a program for nutritional support to prevent disease and address and reverse degenerative diseases including cancer. An individualized Nutritional Assessment & Chemical Analysis is performed for each patient to determine an appropriate program.
Health and Nutrition Conference, Chicago,Illinois
Nutrition and Health: State of the Science and Clinical Applications was the premier nutrition conference for health professionals in the United States. It was co-presented by Dr. Andrew Weil and the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. The conference assembled internationally-recognized researchers, clinicians, educators, and chefs, all of whose work focuses on the interface between nutrition and healthful living.
Pablo Opazo: Fatty Acids and the Brain
Chilean agronomist Pablo Opazo, who has lived more than a decade of extremely challenging tribulations related to the health of his children, has accumulated a considerable amount of specific health related knowledge. Of particular concern to Pablo Opazo is the use of methylphenidate (well known by its brand name Ritalin) to treat children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. Opazo uses fatty acids to treat the brain.
Paracelsus Clinic, Lustmuhle, Switzerland
The clinic proposes a medical paradigm based on non-toxic biological medicine that, not only identifies, but also eliminates the root causes of acute and chronic diseases including cancer.
Alfred Vogel Museum and Organic Show Garden, Switzerland
Dr. Vogel was a renowned Swiss nutritionist, herbalist and naturopath. In the pursuit of helping people, he passionately practiced phytotherapy until he passed away in 1996 at the age of 94.
Viva Modern Mayr Medicine, Maria Worth, Austria
Modern Mayr Medicine therapy at the clinic is based on the F. X. Mayr, M.D. (1875-1965) therapy for a healthy person. Dr. Mayr's work was about the link between digestion, intestinal health and overall health. According to Dr. Mayr, "The intestines are to man what the roots are to the plant. Only when these roots are kept in an optimal condition of nourishment and cleanliness, can the plant (man) itself thrive and remain healthy."
Back to School for Doctors Conference
Back to School for Doctors is built upon the nutritional philosophy of Dr. Royal Lee who provided insight into improving the digestion, absorption of nutrients and prevention of cancer in the human GI tract that was ahead of his time.
Natural Food Fair, Boston, MA
Physicians and medical scientists are the tip of the iceberg of a myriad of people wholeheartedly working to help improve the health and livelihood of society. To these we include the entrepreneurs of the natural health products that are constantly trying to be ahead of the curve searching for the next great idea.
Fourfold Path to Healing, Raleigh, North Carolina
At a time in history when strongly held nutritional beliefs are beginning to be questioned, information shared at the Fourfold Path to Healing Conference shed new light on healthy living, eating and movement.