A fresh and nutritious tomato sauce for pasta.

Photo by ikon / Pixabay.com
Recipes for healthy eating from some of FAIM's Guest Writers.
Roasted Brussels Sprouts Salad
Enjoy this delicious Roasted Brussel Sprout Salad. A wonderful fall treat.
Sweet Potato Brownie
This delicious brownie is packed with amazing health benefits, and it is such a treat!
News Caps for October 2023
Benefits of coffee, breast health, fall superfoods, fall reflection, Halloween ideas, and the latest regarding the microbiome.
Home Made After-School Snacks and the Dirty Dozen
Life is happier when the kids are fed. If you think that’s easier said than done, try these build-your-own snack ideas to calm that ravenous after-school hunger. Plan the snacks using organic fruits and vegetables outlined by the Environmental Working Group.
Ten Superfood Snacks
If you strive to be healthy but struggle when it comes to snacks, this guide is for you.
Banana Bread: Super Spongy and Moist
This bread is such a treat and super delicious. It's gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free and packed with amazing nutrients! Excited?
This bread was inspired by the overly ripped organic bananas on my counter… Haha, we are not huge banana eaters. As I was looking at them, I remembered buying an amazing...
Grain Free Granola
Granola is an extremely popular breakfast and snack food with a wealth of health benefits, including its ability to lower cholesterol, regulate digestion, aid in weight loss, improve heart health increase energy, prevent anemia, and promote proper organ function.
The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet
FAIM would like to introduce you to Monica Corrado’s book series Part I, II, III and IV as well as The Complete Cooking Techniques for the GAPS Diet. These cooking techniques represent a healing protocol for GAPS as well as an avenue for healthy eating.
Cinnamon "Rolls"
Monica Corrado is “The GAPS™ Chef” and someone who likes to eat healthily. Here is a recipe that eliminates white flour and sugar, using the traditional cooking technique of fermenting the nut flour to make fluffy, light, and easily digested cinnamon "rolls."
Coconut Bar with Chocolate
These treats are easy and so good. They are perfect to store in the fridge. That way you can have a healthy snack whenever those cravings kick in.
Focaccia with Ancient Grain
This focaccia is made with ancient, organic dinkel /spelt flour. It`s so soft and yummy! How to make it? Here is the recipe .
These SuperBowls with dates, cacao, oats, and coconut are so delicious, fudgy, fast to make and actually good for you. They contain a lot of good nutrients and building blocks.
Soft Rolls (pull-apart-bread)
These rolls are amazingly soft, delicious. Make them with sifted, ancient flour for an amazing result both in texture, taste, and health benefits!
The Basics of Juicing and 5 Healthy Juices
Are you looking for a way to get natural stamina, improve your digestion, keep you hydrated, get that natural glow, and provide your body with amazing building blocks? Try juicing every day.
Falafel Fried in Coconut Oil
When craving something fried, but want something more healthy, these can be just what you need! These falafels are made with chickpeas, onion, garlic, spices and then fried in coconut oil.
Healthy Green Smoothie
Today, I am sharing HOW to make this amazing Healthy Green Smoothie. This Green Smoothie is my #1 favorite. It's perfectly combined, tasty, filling, gives you energy, and contains building blocks to get a stronger immune system.
Chocolate Mousse with Avocado and Banana
This is such a treat, so yummy and packed with goodies for your body. Avocados are packed with more than 20 nutrients, good fats, protein and more. Bananas provide energy, fiber, natural sweetness and even more creaminess combined with the avocado. Using them instead of other sweetening can be highly beneficial.
Nina's Pancakes
To eat delicious food that also nourishes your body is a good combination. There are many good pancake recipes, but this one turned out SOOO good.
Revitalizing Juice
This amazing revitalizing juice is a powerful combo to help the body regain its natural healing forces. Drinking this can be a great way to defend against illness, cleanse and naturally detox.
Healthy and Delicious Smoothies and Juices
Mixing together a smoothie or juice can be one of the best and fastest ways of getting so much good fuel within one glass. Here are several recipes to assure variety and balance.
Carrot Cake With Coconut Cream
This cake is made after I made carrot juice with my slow juicer, and wanted to use the pulp. It is so tasty, with many spices. This has a base of shredded carrots, and then from the pulp of making juice. Enjoy!
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Everyone loves a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while! Here is a recipe that makes the grilled cheese healthy and gourmet.
Nina's Healthy Kitchen
Nina’s Healthy Kitchen is a free website where you can find a large variety of recipes that are easy to prepare and made with whole foods. You will find new recipes posted regularly including smoothies, pasta dishes, desserts, salads, juicing ideas, vegan lasagna, pizza crusts from ancient grains, rice, vegetables, breads, and soups, just to mention a few. The site includes videos to aid in the preparation of various dishes.