
Photo by Jez Timms / Unsplash
Blood Pressure and Sodium
How almost anyone can lower their blood pressure in ONE WEEK:
I’m not making this up! This study was done at Northwestern University and recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
They found that 72% of all people could lower their blood pressure by 6-8 points – in one week…
Simply by reducing sodium in the diet .
The participants were in their 50s, 60s, and 70s.
To get this result, they limited their sodium intake to 500 mg per day, which is lower than the 1500 mg max recommended by the American Heart Association. The main culprits when it comes to high-sodium foods are processed, packaged, and fast foods, like:
- 3 slices of bacon has 411 mg
- 1 cup canned tomato soup has 471 mg
- McDonald’s Big Mac has 1007 mg
But an apple only has 2 mg of sodium.
Sodium is only one variable in the diet, but you can see how eating whole and fresh foods will win out over processed foods every time.
Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet could be the best diet for your brain.
If you’re heading into the new year thinking about healthier choices for your body and brain, consider this:
A new study spanning 12 years in people over the age of 65 in France found that those who followed a Mediterranean Diet had a lower risk of cognitive decline. The unique thing about this study was that it didn’t just rely on the participants to report their eating habits.
Instead, the researchers measured markers in blood samples and in the gut microbiome that relate to the Mediterranean diet pattern – which means more accurate and reliable results!
The Mediterranean Diet emphasizes:
- Fruits, vegetables, beans, & whole grains
- Healthy fats from olive oil, nuts, & seeds
- Protein from fish, poultry, beans, & eggs (only small amounts of red meat)
- Some dairy products
- Limited sugars
The Mediterranean Diet has not only been linked to a lower risk of cognitive decline but also better heart health and a lower risk of cancer.
New Research Alert
Can nutritional supplements help people with acne? Researchers asked that question in a review of 42 studies just published in JAMA Dermatology.
They found:
- The highest quality studies showed potential benefits from vitamin D, green tea extract, and probiotics.
- Other studies suggested benefits from vitamin B5, omega-3 fatty acids, and gamma linoleic acid.
Estrogen and Weight Gain
The fear of gaining weight is one of the main reasons women are often hesitant to take estrogen in any form – whether it’s for contraception or at menopause. So is the fear valid?
A recent report (involving a complex literature search and a summary of 10 studies) found that NO! Just the opposite, actually.
Estrogen taken as the pill or as hormone replacement at menopause INCREASED metabolism (resting energy expenditure) – suggesting it may actually protect against weight gain. I’m not suggesting women should take estrogen to lose weight, but information is power. The better we understand these mechanisms, the more informed choices we can make.
Gupta DK, Lewis CE, Varady KA, et al. Effect of Dietary Sodium on Blood Pressure: A Crossover Trial. JAMA. Published online November 11, 2023.
Tor-Roca A, Sánchez-Pla A, Korosi A, et al. A Mediterranean Diet-Based Metabolomic Score and Cognitive Decline in Older Adults: A Case-Control Analysis Nested within the Three-City Cohort Study [published online ahead of print, 2023 Oct 24]. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2023.
Weidlinger S, Winterberger K, Pape J, et al. Impact of estrogens on resting energy expenditure: A systematic review. Obes Rev. 2023;24(10):e13605.
Revised by Joanne Quinn, PhD; content provided by