In this episode of The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman M.D., Hyman talks with Sara Gottfried, M.D., a physician, researcher, author, and educator passionate about changing the way we view and treat autoimmunity.
Autoimmune Disease

Healthy Human T Cells, 2010 / Image courtesy of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Scanning electron micrograph of a human T lymphocyte (also called a T cell) from the immune system of a healthy donor.
The human body's immune system protects us from disease and infection. In an autoimmune disease, the immune system attacks healthy cells in the body by mistake. Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body. FAIM makes it a priority to study the latest in therapies for issues which create autoimmune disorders.
The Autoimmune Cure
Dr. Sara Gottfried reveals how trauma can rewire your body to trigger autoimmune diseases and provides a comprehensive plan to reset your immune system and finally heal.
The Autoimmune Fix
The Toxin Threat: Protecting Yourself from Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmunity is when your body has an inappropriate immune reaction toward itself or certain organs and tissues within the body – basically, the immune system attacks the body rather than protecting it. This triggers a cascade of inflammation and causes a host of often debilitating symptoms.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
Lupus Erythematosus and Scleroderma are classified as vascular diseases and can be treated in a similar manner with equally good results. Lupus Erythematosus is a chronic, nontuberculous disease of the skin marked by disklike patches with raised reddish edges and depressed centers, and covered with scales or crusts. These fall off, leaving dull-white scars. Scleroderma is a disease of the skin in which thickened, hard, ridged, and pigmented patches occur. During the course of the disease, the connective tissue of the skin layer beneath the epidermis (corium) and the subcutaneous structures are increased and a "hidebound" condition results.
Dr. Cynthia Li reveals How She Cured Her Autoimmune Disease
Dr. Mark Hyman talks with Dr. Cynthia Li about her personal journey through autoimmunity.
The Innate Immune System
The Innate Immune System webinar and live Q&A with Dr. Zach Bush, Dr. Cindy Fallon, Dr. John Gildea, Dr. Lee Cowden and Dr. Peter Cummings.
Mold and their toxic metabolites, mycotoxins have become increasingly known as drivers of chronic illness. Studies have shown that mold and mycotoxins have increased as the main driver in a whole host of illnesses.
Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Be Cured?
Are you among the millions who suffer from the various forms of arthritis? Learn how Perry Chapdelaine resolved his arthritis. From this life experience he formed the Arthritis Trust of America. This Trust has been retired and now shares with FAIM much of the information that has been previously posted.
Red Light Therapy Charges Your Mitochondria, Revitalizes Your Skin, and Reduces Pain
We are creatures that evolved to live in light. These days we spent about 90% of our time indoors and as a result have significantly reduced the amount of exposure we get to various light wavelengths. Also called photobiomodulation, red light therapy provides just the right wavelengths our body uses for rejuvenating processes.
Onnetsu is a Japanese therapeutic system that uses heat to diagnose and cure. It is the brainchild of Mrs. Tomeko Mitsui, a Japanese schoolteacher who, at retirement, enrolled in an institute to study Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Onnetsu Therapy is simply the application of heat following the theory that heat heals.
Datis Kharrazian: Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?; Understanding Iodine; Vitamin D & Autoimmunity
In this episode of The Ultimate Health Podcast, Datis Kharrazian, Ph.D., D.H.Sc., D.C., M.S., M.M.Sc., F.A.C.N., discusses how Hashimoto’s attacks the thyroid gland, balancing thyroid hormones doesn’t fully address Hashimoto’s, infections that can cross-react with the thyroid how chemicals can impact thyroid function, and more.
Bisphenol-A (BPA) Exposure and Autoimmune Disease
One of the most common and most overlooked autoimmune triggers is bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is found in all plastics, including water bottles, plastic coffee lids, the lining of cans, plastic utensils, and even in the ink on store receipts. Although it is impossible to completely avoid plastics, it is critical for you to reduce your exposure to plastics and BPA as much as possible if you have Hashimoto’s.
How Cannabidiol (CBD) Can Impact Your Health
Confused about the healing effects of hemp and marijuana? Learn about the differences between the cannabinoids THC and CBD and how cannabidiol (CBD) can impact so many diseases and imbalances in the body.
CNN's award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a chief neurosurgeon, puts medical marijuana under the microscope. All three of CNN's current "Weed" documentaries compiled into one video.
The Safety of UBI
Is UBI safe? There has never been a death or even a major medical complication that has been recorded as a result of using UBI. This is a non-drug therapy that is simple to use and affects so many disorders.
The Medical Action of UV Light
How does it work? Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, the UVC (Ultraviolet C wave length – 254 nm) light dismantles the virus or bacteria that you have in your blood. As a result, many viral and bacterial diseases respond to UBI therapy.
History and Medical Effects of UBI
Over 100 years ago, Faroese-Danish physician/researcher Niels Finsen found that ultraviolet light could effectively treat skin disorders. Learn what has happened with this technology since then.
The Cure that Time Forgot
In light of the antibiotic resistant super bugs like MRSA, it is almost criminal that Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) therapy should not be considered as a common treatment.
Understanding Your Thyroid
Your thyroid regulates your metabolism, creation of proteins and tissues, hormone utilitzation, management of calcium between blood and tissue, and brain development. Learn about autoimmune issues of the thyroid.
Ozone Therapy Summary and Its Application to Viruses, Particularly Ebola
The purpose of this article is to explain in simple terms the incredible physiological effects of oxidation therapy, particularly ozone, and why it might be of help to so many problems.
Hydrogen Water: Drink to Better Health
Is the effect of drinking hydrogen water too good to be true? Julian Whitaker, M.D., thought so at first. But the deeper he delved into the hundreds of scientific papers examining the effects of hydrogen therapy, also called molecular hydrogen or H2 therapy, on scores of health challenges, the more he became convinced this is a true scientific breakthrough.
Parkinson's Disease: What Works, What Doesn't
With the help of stem cells, hyperbaric oxygen, glutathione and life style changes, patients with Parkinson's can often slow disease progression, improve function, and enhance overall health.
Food Allergy
Food allergy or intolerance can produce any symptom under the sun: from migraines, fatigue, PMS, painful joints, itchy skin to depression, hyperactivity, hallucinations, obsessions and other psychiatric and neurological manifestations. However, the most immediate and common symptoms in the vast majority of patients are digestive problems: pain, diarrhea or constipation, urgency, bloating, or indigestion.
Colostrum: Nature's Perfect Food for Infants and Adults
Colostrum, the pre-milk substance that emerges from the mother's breast following the birth of a newborn, is nature's perfect first food. It is a mixture of immune and growth factors as well as important nutrients, all designed to activate newborn's immune system. Numerous studies show that colostrum and its components continue to exert important biological activities also when given to adults.
The Root Cause of Your Autoimmune Disease - and Why Treating It Can Be Easier Than You Think
All it takes is one look around the grocery store to see that gluten sensitivity is on the rise. Because of the increase in celiac disease, gluten-free foods are more in demand now than ever before. But did you know that even if you don't have celiac disease, you might be gluten sensitive and not even know it? Jonathan Wright, M.D. explains.
Autoimmune Thyroid
Statistics show that almost 80% of all hypothyroidism is actually the autoimmune disease of Hashimoto's. Often times Hashimoto's does not get diagnosed if the practitioner fails to run the proper antibody test. If the correct diagnosis is determined, then the treatment is actually for immune dysfunction more than thyroid dysfunction.