
Photo(link is external) by Syed Fahad / CC0 /
During this time of so many holidays and people celebrating in their own unique way, wouldn’t it be helpful to the promotion of peace if whenever a person saw the moon, he or she would think of peace? Can you imagine how much mental energy could be generated if every person in the world would think of peace every time he or she looked at the moon?
It has been proven that meditating on an idea or concept can bring remarkable results, as in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi project in Washington, DC in 1993. At that time, up to 4,000 people participated in a project lasting from June 7 to July 30, the purpose of which was to reduce violent crime in that city. The result of the project was that at the time a maximum number of people were meditating, there was a 48% reduction of HRA (homic assault) crimes in the District of Columbia. (For more information see the article “Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC(link is external)” on the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy website.)
Perhaps similar energy can be generated by the moon/peace association. While the moon/peace effort is less coordinated and organized, there are other advantages. The number of people involved can be much greater than in any organized event. Once a person becomes involved, the sight of the moon can trigger an automatic thought of peace; it can become second nature to that person. In a sense and in actuality it will lead to thoughts of peace being always in the person’s mind.
There is nowhere in the world that the moon doesn’t shine. Help this idea of the moon/peace association spread over the whole world. There could be a million – a billion – mini meditations on peace every night – perhaps every hour.
Help to spread this idea into the world to everyone who longs for peace. Call your friends, email them, and ask them to join in this new movement for peace. Go out into the peace of the night, look up at the sky and…. WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE MOON, THINK OF PEACE!
Source unknown