Sir David Attenborough explores the volcanic islands and biological wonderland of Galapagos in this three-part documentary. Here, he charts the archipelago's explosive rise from the ocean millions of years ago, and takes a look at its unique wildlife.
Planet Health

Image by R. Stockli, A. Nelson, F. Hasler, NASA / GSFC / NOAA / USGS
The Soil Within Us
Ever wonder what the difference is between dirt and soil? Journey deep into the earth with Zach Bush M.D., CEO and Founder of ION*, to discover where the intelligence of life itself forms on this planet, and how it impacts your health.
Turning Sewage Sludge and Food Waste into Carbon Free Vehicle Fuels
- Sewage dumped into the ocean harms sea life
- Sewage sludge converted to fertilizer has too many harmful chemicals in it
- Food waste and sewage sludge can be turned into valuable fuel, but toxic chemicals (e.g., glyphosate, prescription drugs) are still problematic
- Acid-loving microbes from Yellowstone Park produce versatile ...
David Attenborough's Wild City - Episode 2: Urban Wild
David Attenborough takes us on a journey through a day in the life of the wildlife that lives in Singapore's urban environments.
David Attenborough's Wild City - Episode 1: Hidden Wild
This documentary explores Singapore's hidden wilderness - overlooked areas of the island that are home to a variety of fascinating creatures.
In Conversation with Lynne McTaggart, Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi
Lynne McTaggart, Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi talk about how to navigate through these challenging times.
The Virome
In this video, Dr. Zach Bush, M.D. elaborates on critical distinctions pertinent to human and planetary health as we look for solutions to respond to pandemic and endemic viruses.
Should We Let the Amazon Burn?
Seventy-four percent of our pharmaceutical medicines come from plants (and 18% come from fungi). But apparently 25% of all western pharmaceuticals come from rainforest plants — and plants native to the Amazon rainforest in particular! According to statistics, 1.5 acres of pristine Amazon rainforest is lost every second.
The Importance of Water
Only 1% of the Earth’s water is freshwater that we can drink and use for other things. Some parts of the Earth are impacted more than others in an effort to procure fresh water. Data is suggesting it’s only a matter of time before the problem with our water reaches all our doorsteps, and becomes all our problem.
Toxic Legacy
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms – and food – every year in the US. Agrichemical companies claim this weedkiller is safe. But mounting evidence, and several highly publicized landmark legal cases, tell a very different story. Dr. Seneff shares the chemistry, the consequences, and what we can do moving forward.
Revisiting the Aether in Science
The “neo-aether,” as a proposed primordial substrate at the foundation of fields, matter, and sentience could lead to a unified field theory with truly novel applications. Learn about the historical transitions and how this relates to the present status in the universe.
The Living Planet: Jungle
David Attenborough explores the Amazon jungle, from the tops of the huge trees to the undergrowth which lies at their roots.
The Living Planet: The Northern Forests
An exploration of the various global forests in the northern hemisphere and how animal and plant life, both permanent and migratory, have to cope with changing seasons and climates.
The Moon as a Symbol of Peace
During this time of so many holidays and people celebrating in their own unique way, wouldn’t it be helpful to the promotion of peace if whenever a person saw the moon, he or she would think of peace?
The Living Planet: Seas Of Grass
David Attenborough explores the grasslands of the Americas, Eurasia and Africa, and encounters the rare maned wolf, a giant anteater, bison, prairie chickens and more.
The Living Planet: The Building of the Earth
David Attenborough examines the ways in which animals and plants adapt to their surroundings.
Desert Seas
Along the east and west coasts of Saudi Arabia are two seas that contain a treasure of marine life that few knew existed – and even fewer had ever seen.
Deep Ocean: Lost World of the Pacific, Part 1
The same submarine which successfully captured the world’s first moving images of a giant squid in its natural habitat is used for exploring the deep sea cliffs off the coast of New Guinea. The team encounters true living fossil species one after another. Join this exciting deep sea adventure!
First Life: Conquest
Sir David Attenborough goes in search of the very first animals. In Canada's Rocky Mountains, fossils document an explosion in animal diversity.
Just How Dangerous Is Glyphosate? The Answer is Shocking
What if there was a hidden danger slowly spreading across the country and lurking in places you’d never expect? A toxic chemical so harmful that researchers across the globe are working to have it banned from use? Sadly, the hidden danger we are referring to isn’t made up, and this isn’t the plot of a horror movie. It’s called glyphosate – the most widely used weed killer in the world.
Knepp Rewilding Program
Large mammals, birds, insects (including butterflies and bees), and reptiles are re-establishing on the Knepp Rewilding Program in Southeast UK.
Indigenous Cultures Face Multiple Threats in the Arctic
In the Gwich’in language, “Izhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit” means “the sacred place where life begins.” The term refers to the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge where some 200,000 caribou birth their young after making the longest land-based mammal migration on the planet. Where the caribou go and what happens to the Gwich’in culture are dependent upon decisions made far away from the remote Arctic. While these policy battles settle, there is a last stand being mounted, in a last place. A red line has formed, wilderness versus oil. At stake, the sacred place where life begins.
Our Lands
Our lands and soil are possibly the most underappreciated resources we have, yet their conservation is vital to humanity. We need to have an important discussion on what can be done to protect the planet through proper land management.
Glyphosate Is Being Inserted Into Your Proteins by Mistake
The reports of harmful effects of glyphosate are exploding within the medical and scientific community as well as the general public. This time we’ll talk specifically about the various ways glyphosate exposure could lead to devastating health consequences, one of which includes pretending to be glycine, an amino acid that is crucial for protein synthesis.
Why Climate Change is Worse Than You Think
Climate change is not moving as slowly as we’d like to think. In fact, half of all the damage done through burning fossil fuels has been just over the last 30 years. Learn how we can make a positive impact on the future of climate change by taking action now.
Time Value of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Life Cycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Analysis
The work in this paper seeks to address the shortcomings of current dynamic Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) by developing new methods to compare the monetized impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the future with monetized impacts of emissions in the present. The novelty of this work has two major components. First, the methods account for changing atmospheric carbon concentrations and nonlinear monetized impacts to society. Second, they include the dynamic monetized impacts of greenhouse gas emissions occurring in different years.
Ecopsychology and Environmental Hazards with Beverly Rubik
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., a biophysicist, is president of the Institute for Frontier Science. She is also currently president of the U. S. Psychotronics Association. She is also professor of integrative medicine at Saybrook University.
In this interview she points out that our global environment is being flooded with new forms...
America - Land of the Sick
How has the mineral content of our soils affected the nutrition in our food? Why is our society suffering from so many illnesses? Learn four things you can do to stay healthy in a polluted world.
The Ocean and Us
We all need a healthy ocean, so we must change our ways. Together, with the right management, we can re-populate the seas... We can reduce marine pollution… and minimize the impact of ocean acidification. The ocean’s power of regeneration is remarkable… if we just offer it the chance.
Facts first: Climate change is real
New data released by NASA shows that 17 of the 18 hottest years on record have occurred since 2001. CNN reports.
The Miracle of Remineralization
Because we have now completely exhausted the natural stores of rock dust in our top soils, we see chronic degenerative diseases on the rise. Rock dust represents the fullest spectrum of smallest sized mineral particles available to the entry level food chain. These minerals are essential for nutrition and wellness. The food chain supported by this operates as a gigantic "carbon sink" which is vital for our planet to address climate change.
The Health of Planet Earth
FAIM's founder shares his opinions on the health of the planet and what we can do to reverse the trend that has been created by climate change.