Sleep Issues

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Quality sleep ranks high on the list of requirements for optimal health, but its significance is often overlooked. The combination of deprivation of REM sleep plus other ill effects of sleep apnea, such as significant drops in oxygen levels in the blood, fluctuations in hormone levels, and elevations in blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac output, wreak havoc on the body. You can do something about it!
Walking Barefoot: The Key to a Healthier and Happier Life
Why We Breathe
Oxygen Advantage founder and breathing expert Patrick McKeown speaks to health professionals at the 2022 Health Optimisation Summit in London on &lquo;Why We Breathe: How to Improve Your Sleep, Concentration, Focus, and Performance.&rquo;
Can Sleep Make It Easier to Lose Weight?
New research confirmed when people get regular and uninterrupted sleep they did a better job of sticking to their diet and exercise goals over a 12 month weight loss study.
What is Circadian Disruption?
Do you know what happens when we eat, exercise, sleep, or stare at our phones at times that are out of sync with our internal clock? It is called Circadian Disruption.
Sleep: The Importance of Restoration, Recovery, & Regeneration
Sleep is as important to your body as water or oxygen. Without it, your body and mind cannot function at their potential. Getting an appropriate amount of sleep protects against a wide spectrum of diseases and has the potential to prolong your life.
10 Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body and is used in over 300 different physiological processes. Unfortunately, magnesium is also one of the most pervasive deficiencies in our society today. Could the lack of magnesium be influencing your health negatively? This article breaks down the signs of a magnesium deficiency and the best ways to get more in your diet.
Why You Should Never Sleep on Your Side
Dr. Peter Martone explains why you should sleep on your back, not your side, for a healthy spine.
How Cannabidiol (CBD) Can Impact Your Health
Confused about the healing effects of hemp and marijuana? Learn about the differences between the cannabinoids THC and CBD and how cannabidiol (CBD) can impact so many diseases and imbalances in the body.
How Sleep Affects Memory and Cognition
Sleep quality and quantity play an important role in the prevention and treatment of cognitive issues. Learn about sleep issues that affect brain health, sleep cycles, and how to improve your sleep.
CNN's award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a chief neurosurgeon, puts medical marijuana under the microscope. All three of CNN's current "Weed" documentaries compiled into one video.
The Perils of Polypharmacy
Polypharmacy is a serious and increasingly common problem that makes patients sitting ducks for adverse side effects and dangerous drug interactions, raises risk of hospitalization and death, and drives up health care costs.
Surprising Contributors to Weight Gain
It is not only what you eat. Gut microbes, drugs, lack of sleep and toxins can all contribute to being overweight or obese.
Healing Sleep
Hydrogen Water: Drink to Better Health
Is the effect of drinking hydrogen water too good to be true? Julian Whitaker, M.D., thought so at first. But the deeper he delved into the hundreds of scientific papers examining the effects of hydrogen therapy, also called molecular hydrogen or H2 therapy, on scores of health challenges, the more he became convinced this is a true scientific breakthrough.
Magnesium: Important in so Many Ways
Magnesium is almost as basic as air and water for healthy living. For those who are ill and magnesium deficient taking magnesium is almost like taking a breath, when one is out of air. When one combines transdermal magnesium therapy with magnesium bicarbonate water one can expect dramatic results as one would expect in an emergency room or intensive care unit when taking these medicines intravenously.
Sleep Better, Stave Off Serious Disease
Sleep medications can have serious side effects and are meant for short term use only. If you have sleep issues, learn about nature's sleep aids.
Breathing Life Into Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea carries an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease, stroke, elevated blood sugar and insulin, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, erectile problems, immune dysfunction, memory loss and concentration difficulties. If you snore, learn how a CPAP machine can change your life.