Women Through the Ages Series — Part 3

Image courtesy of Wayne Jonas
Women over 65 are part of the largest group of older Americans ever seen in our country. Indeed, 10,000 people turn 65 years old every day, and those aged 85 and older now make up the fastest growing demographic in the United States.
To some, it feels that this time of life is a time of endings. But it shouldn’t be. Because the more active you remain — both physically and mentally — the more successful this time of life will be. About the worst thing you could do is shut yourself off in your room and assume the best is over. In many ways, despite challenges, the best is yet to come.
Your goal should be healthy aging based on how you define healthy. For some women, that means playing tennis twice a week. For others, it means getting to church every Sunday and taking care of the grandkids. We know one woman who is thrilled with the active life she lives even though she is in a wheelchair. Meaning and purpose become the most important guide to a life of wellbeing.
So, before you dive into this article, take a few minutes and think about what successful aging means to you. Write it down and, once a year, take it out and review it. How close are you to meeting your goals? Is there anything you need to change?
Then follow the advice here — and listen to your doctors and other health care providers — to ensure that the next decades are as successful as can be.
Read the full article: Moving Into Your Mature Years: Keys to Successful Aging