Book review

The Plant Paradox by Dr. Steven Gundry
In The Plant Paradox Dr. Steven Gundry, who is a cardiologist and heart surgeon, points out that even though many people avoid gluten for health reasons, gluten is just one variety of a common, highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found in many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and dairy as well as in grains, seeds, skins, rinds and leaves of plants. They are designed to protect plants from predators. Once we eat lectin-containing foods, a chemical battle begins causing inflammation leading to weight gain and other serious health issues. Gundry has developed a clinically proven program to treat autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases by detoxing the cells, repairing the gut and nourishing the body.
A few recommendations include peeling vegetables as lectins are concentrated in the leaves, peels, and seeds of plants; shopping for ripe fruit in season because fruits at their peak ripeness have fewer lectins; and eat white rice in place of brown rice as white rice doesn’t have the hard outer coating which contains high levels of lectins.
The Plant Paradox has a full list of lectin-containing foods and recommendations for substitutes. It gives a step-by-step detox program. After reviewing the foods that contain lectins you may ask “What in the world is left to eat?” Gundry answers this by including 50 pages of recipe suggestions and “Yes, Please” lists of foods to include.
As FAIM covered years ago, A-1 caseins in dairy can cause a multitude of issues including lectin responses so be vigilant about proper dairy consumption and opt for A-2 dairy.
The bottom line includes four simple rules.
- What you stop eating has far more impact on your health than what you start eating.
- Pay attention to the care and feeding of your gut bugs, and they will handle the care and feeding of you. After all, you are their home.
- Fruit might as well be candy.
- You are what the thing you are eating ate.
Dr. Gundry has also written The Plant Paradox Cookbook with 100 delicious recipes to help you lose weight, heal your gut, and live lectin-free. Both books are readily available through major outlets.