Kristina Olson

FAIM National Resource Coordinator


Kris Olson

Kristina Olson, L.Ac, DipOM

Kristina (Kris) Olson, L.Ac., Dip.O.M., maintains an active clinic, The Center for Oriental Medicine, in Ft. Collins, Colorado. She incorporates functional medicine, energy therapies and various physical modalities into her practice, blending the best of both East and West. She completed her Chinese Medicine education at the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1996.

She is certified in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology and Oriental Medicine and holds additional certifications in Homeopathy, Nutritive Therapy and various Body and Energy Medicine techniques. She has served on the faculty of several colleges, teaching Chinese Medicine and other complementary health related subjects.

Prior to establishing her practice, she spent a number of years in the corporate world and holds an MBA from the University of Michigan. She has also served on the Board of Directors for the Acupuncture Association of Colorado and the International Institute of Visualization Research.

Articles by Kristina Olson

Zenergy Conference 2024: Putting Physics Into the Heart of Healing

Bioenergetics is a term that has been used sometimes interchangeably with Energy Medicine, which, in turn, refers to many modalities including homeopathy, energy psychology, indigenous healing techniques, biofield analysis, quantum energy, devices that use sound, frequency and light for healing, psychotronics and other modalities. Learn more in this report from the 2024 Zenergy Bioenergetic Conference.

ICIM 2024 Conference Summary: Cellular Detoxification

ICIM 2024 convened in Indianapolis, Indiana for its 40th anniversary conference with the focus on enhancing detoxification.

A4M Conference 2022: Longevity

This year’s American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) theme, Longevity, was brought to light by many amazing speakers and new products shown at the event. Read a review and learn which experts present at this event.

True Healing Conference 2021 Summary

Hosted by Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan, the program focused on bringing together a new generation of healers who embrace the “new biology” encouraging people to tune into Nature’s gift of healing by understanding that the ability to heal resides in nature and that we only need to tune in to it through consciousness.

Review of the 2020 A4M World Congress on Anti-aging and Aesthetic Medicine

The Science of Longevity: Exploring the Limits of the Human Lifespan. Learn from summaries of several of the presentations delivered at the 2020 A4M World Congress. Rooted in a forward-focused mission to redefine modern medicine, The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) is the established global leader for continuing medical education in longevity medicine, metabolic resilience, and whole-person care.

Mexican Treatment Centers

Mexico has long been a favorite destination for Americans seeking alternative cancer treatment for reasons of both proximity and cost. This article is meant to explore some of the options that are available there and what kind of experience you can expect.

Association of Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) 2019 International Energy Psychology Conference

The International Energy Psychology Conference 2019 covered many aspects of healing including human resilience, the properties of energy fields, innovations in health care and the nature of consciousness. Presentations described how to methodically intervene with human energy fields in elevating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

International Society for Medical Laser Applications: ISLA Conference 2019

Laser therapy, including photo dynamic therapy and photobiomodulation therapy, continues to make new inroads in treatment protocols for a variety of disorders. Once considered a fringe therapy, studies on laser treatment have recently found their way into medical journals like Lancet and Stroke.

26th Annual A4M World Conference Review 2018

The 26th Annual World Congress held in Las Vegas, NV, on December 12-15, 2018 focused on innovation and transformation in medicine. Every year, A4M holds two major conferences that present new research, innovative technologies and protocols designed to reduce chronic illness and improve longevity. In addition to many informative speakers, the venue provided booths for around 300 vendors offering a wide variety of products and information.

How Healthy is Your Food?

In the last year, the news media devoted much attention to the subject of GMO foods. As more research reveals the potential negative side effects associated with the consumption of Genetically Modified foods, we agree with those who advocate for people to have the right to know what they are eating.

And For My Summer Vacation I Had an Operation in India

Many people are finding it is cost effective to travel abroad for medical care and procedures. FAIM takes a look at this alternative.

Energy Psychology

Energy Psychology is an umbrella term that refers to techniques designed to heal physical, emotional or spiritual imbalances by correcting a person's "energy body" or "biofield."

Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?

Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us? Is a compelling and informative documentary about the plight of the modern honeybee.

Cancer Control Society 39th Annual Convention

Find out about the state of the art in alternative and integrative cancer therapy, why treating cancer is not just about treating the tumor, but healing the whole person.

Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative and Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How

In her new book Defeat Cancer: 15 Doctors of Integrative and Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How, author and medical researcher Connie Strasheim provides the reader with an informative overview of some new and innovative cancer treatments.

The GAPS Diet: Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

Ever wondered how those nervous thoughts send the butterflies swooping through your stomach? Natasha Campbell-McBride explains how your brain and digestive track are linked together in her book Gut and Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression And Schizophrenia. This article presents a summary of her recent presentation for the Weston A. Price Foundation conference. Learn about some simple things you can do to improve your own brain/gut health.