Book review

Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are autoimmune diseases and are becoming increasingly common, especially in the industrialized Western world. The role played by diet and lifestyle as disease-causing factors as well as genetic predisposition are increasingly coming to the fore. Diet and lifestyle are aspects which we can control to regain our health. Nevertheless, in so-called evidence-based medicine, IBD is considered chronic and incurable.
Realizing that conventional medicine could only offer her 16-year-old son a lifelong drug therapy for symptoms after his diagnosis with ulcerative colitis, Caro Beth chose to dig deeper to determine new options. Therefore, she took the treatment of his colitis into her own hands. The author, her son, and her partner embarked on a challenging healing journey. She writes her own prescription for Luca, which comprises the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), the GAPS diet, her unconditional love, and her son's right to self-realization, absolute self-care, and authenticity. FAIM has several articles about the GAPS diet available for review by Natasha Campbell-McBride.
Luca's journey back to health required determination, patience and trust in his self-healing powers. Today, his colitis belongs to the past, and he can live without symptoms free of lifelong medications harboring severe side effects. This book is a multi-layered, honest and moving account that gives hope and courage and offers a new perspective on IBD. If you, a friend, or a family member suffer from IBD this book will help in a search for options. The book is available from and other book sellers.