Thomas Aksnes

FAIM Norwegian Resource Coordinator

Guest Writer


Thomas Aksnes

Thomas Aksnes

Thomas Aksnes is a Norwegian independent researcher and entrepreneur. He is internationally recognized in the field of health technologies, self-regulating mechanisms and health optimization.

He has developed the Personal Therapy Device (PTD), a proprietary miniature technology that addresses symptoms using programmed series of electromagnetic signals.

He is the founder of HealthTech Sciences, the Health Optimizing clinic concept, now being developed into a franchise and expanding worldwide, and Holistic Ecohouse.

Articles by Thomas Aksnes

COVID-19: The Solution Is Within You!

This article is written by Thomas Aksnes, FAIM's Norwegian Resource Coordinator and founder of the international high-tech clinic group, Health Optimizing. It provides an enlightening overview of the COVID-19 situation in a way that is very different from other articles on the topic.

Holistic and High-Tech Energy Medicine Clinics

There are currently hundreds of different approaches aimed at solving health problems. Some are within conventional medicine, and most are categorized as traditional, natural, alternative or complimentary medicine. We can assume that almost every approach does some good, as it is highly unlikely that many people would engage for years...

Articles related to Thomas Aksnes

What is Health Optimizing?

Health Optimizing's Brand & Communications Manager, Hannah Kathleen, introduces you to Health Optimizing from our Regional clinic in Vilnius, Lithuania.