
Photo by Anna Shvets / Pexels License
The 2021 Dental Health Connection Summit was a seven day presentation with approximately eight expert speakers each day. It presented education on all aspects of biological dentistry and was essential for those seeking a healthy mouth. Biological dentistry is becoming more widely acclaimed due to vital research on the best therapies for all the dental issues. To find a biological dentist in your area go to The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology website. Following are summaries of all the presentations.
Masterclass: Dental Interference Fields with Christine Schaffner, ND
All living things emit low intensity glow that cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be measured by a photomultiplier. This is coherent light and is necessary for cellular communication. It is also known as the Biofield which was coined in 1994 by a panel at the National Institutes of Health. Is it possible that the mouth could impact this coherence?
In order to get to the root of the condition, begin in the mouth with coherence fields. Interference fields from scars, teeth, tonsils, organs, injuries or ganglia impacting the flow of energy throughout the body. A dominant focus from teeth, tonsils and scars can cause pain and dysfunction in other unrelated areas of the body. Panoramic x-rays or cone beam x-rays are great maps of the mouth. Looking for infections from cavitations from extracted teeth, root canals and amalgam fillings. There is an acupuncture meridian for each tooth with a chart that maps each interference potential. Look at each tooth to see if the patient is having issues along that meridian.
Amalgam fillings release 2-3 ug of mercury vapor daily over the life time of the filling (20 years). This mercury is neurotoxic and can get into the brain, gut, and can trigger allergies. It is important to properly remove these fillings working with a biological dentist. After removal it is important to detox the mercury out of the body. When there is a gold tooth next to a titanium implant or amalgam a current is produced called electro galvanism. This can impact the brain, heart, memory, palpitations, and tinnitus as well.
Root Canals are essentially dead teeth and become a breeding ground for pathogens in the dentin and tubules. Toxic sulfur compounds are produced and ultimately chronic inflammation results. DNA Connexions can test for virus, fungi, and bacteria. This is beneficial to know what toxins must be addressed systemically. DNA has many test kits for a variety of tests.
Cavitations can result from the removal of teeth, especially wisdom teeth. Dead and diseased bone results if the tooth is not extracted properly. Toxins and inflammatory cytokines are in this reservoir. Nerves and downstream lymphatics are impacted. SIBO can be the result of a wisdom tooth cavitation. In addition the heart can be impacted. The shoulder can also be a disturbed field as well.
When removing root canals one can use a zirconia implant which is immunologically neutral, metal free. There is a low risk with zirconia in comparison to titanium.
Biological dentist are very important. IAOMT.org, IADBM.org has lists of dentists for safe mercury removal, ozone, plasma rich in growth factors, zirconia implants, and pre and post-surgical support.
Dental support includes supporting microbiome support, antimicrobial support, drainage support, detox support, vitamins and minerals, and healing. Most importantly work with a biological dentist who is well trained.
Fixing the Great Dental Divide with Dr. Gerry Curatola, DDS
Dr. Curatola discussed sleep apnea and airway issues, cone beam scans, cavitations and root canal issues, and how to biohack your oral health in 5 steps.
Under diagnosis of cavitations is a number one problem. What are cavitations? They are dead bone, or holes that form from a tooth that is pulled without removal of the ligament and tissue. If a dry socket results after a tooth is pulled, a cavitation often follows. It can happen if a person is taking drugs to slow osteoporosis. This condition can also appear around root canals. The bone becomes necrotic (decays) and harbors bacteria, fungi, and parasites. A cone beam 3D x-ray will reveal the presence of cavitations.
One billion people suffer from airway disease, also called obstructive sleep apnea. This is diagnosed through a home sleep study and reveals how many times a person quits breathing in the night. Sleep apnea results from a deformity in the jaw. The arch is too narrow and the palate is too high, restricting the air flow through the nose. As the tongue falls back in the mouth during sleep the airway gets blocked. CPAP devices treat the symptom but they do not address the cause. Overtime, using the CPAP causes the muscles in the airway to become flaccid from lack of use and the individual becomes addicted to the device. David Sing has developed a device called the Vivo system which expands the upper and lower arch making a larger airway.
There are 5 vital steps to diagnosis. First is to get a sleep study and a cone beam which will show airway obstruction, toxicity in the jaw, infections, cysts, and cavitations. Second step is to remove all root canals and detox from heavy metals, BPA, and other toxins. Third is to remove all infections in the mouth. Fourth is to treat the airway obstruction. Fifth is to supplement adequate nutrition to support the immune system pre, during and post treatment.
It is important to support the oral microbiome by flossing once a day and brushing twice a day. The oral microbiome is a defender. The saliva brings mineral to the tooth for remineralization. Oil pulling is fine but not to be done daily. He has developed a toothpaste called Revitin. It is also important to not use commercial mouth wash as it destroys the good and the bad microflora in the mouth.
How the Oral Microbiome Rules Your Health with Kiran Krishman
The mouth is a reservoir of bacteria and pathogens. There are several ecosystems in the mouth. Everything enters the body through the mouth. Plaque is both aerobic and anaerobic. The anaerobic layers of plaque become acid and can decay the teeth. Bacteria can go to the digestive tract through swallowing and the blood system via the gums. 22% of all of the microbes in the body are in the mouth. Water pik and electric toothbrushes are the most effective in cleaning the teeth. How do we reduce the amount of spillage into the rest of the body? Stomach acid should be a gastric barrier so they cannot enter the small intestine. Stress reduces stomach acid. Antacids and PPI’s are a huge problem as they disrupt stomach acid. You can supplement with Hydrochloric acid. Silymaren can help the liver with bile production. Gum chewing stimulates the production of stomach acid which can deplete available supplies. Gums can be stressed by eating sugar. Fruits and vegetables dramatically reduces the bleeding of the gums. This decreases the amount of toxins that leak into the blood. LPS leaky gut, there is an endotoxin that comes from the gut and makes its’ way to the mouth through the blood stream. When this happens there is inflammation in the gum tissue, changing the types of microbes. Spore based probiotics helps with this. Inflammation in the brain and mouth originate in the gut. There are specific strains of gut flora that reduce this process. One is bifido bacteria longum with an exopolysaccharide. It is coated in a carbohydrate that interacts with the immune system to be anti-inflammatory. As far as toothpaste, it is good to rotate the paste. One can brush without toothpaste. One option is to use The Tooth and Gum Serum. Dentalciden tooth paste, Megaciden spore spray, and Tom’s tooth whitening paste as they help generally in the mouth. The spores interact to help with the immune response in the mouth. You can also use megaspore swish in the mouth to upregulate immunity. Open a capsule, put in water, and rinse the mouth. This can be helpful during flu season. Your gums are the canary in the coalmine. Some bleeding gums is an indication of other breakdown somewhere in the body. An important statistic is that 94% of the population have some degree of gum disease. Patients with periodontal disease were at a higher risk with complications in COVID.
The Shocking Truth about Plaque with Alvin Danenberg, DDS, CFMP
Dental plaque is healthy until it is not. Since the tooth penetrates the jaw, dental plaque is a protective biofilm barrier to prevent bacteria from migrating down the tooth into the bone. It defends the bone by producing hydrogen peroxide killing potential pathogenic bacteria. It is a neutralizer that buffers the pH to 5.5 preventing decay. It also is a gatekeeper allowing minerals from the saliva to enter the root surface to demineralize it. There are many bacteria in the dental plaque. You don’t want to destroy these with antimicrobial mouthwash, toothpaste, oil pulling daily, xylitol, activated charcoal or bentonite clay daily. If the dental plaque becomes unhealthy that can cause gum issues.
Eliminating sugar and processed grains and eating anti-inflammatory foods will maintain healthy dental plaque. Dental decay is diet mediated. The sugar feeds the bad bacteria, allowing them to overgrow and decay the tooth. Unhealthy plaque is caused by unhealthy gut and poor food choices. Irritants causing leaky gut include chemicals in food, gluten, phytates, oxalates, lectins, sugar, processed foods, stress, heavy metals, electromagnetic fields, over and under exercising, blue light exposure at night, lack of sun, sleep apnea, over the counter drugs, birth control, home bleaching trays, and low dose ionizing radiation. When the gut becomes leaky, with a reduction of good bacteria and over growth of the bad bacteria, the immune system is compromised. This can ultimately lead to periodontitis by contamination through the blood stream. The compromised immune system allows the bacteria in the mouth to change to an unhealthy state, causing gum inflammation, becoming a vicious cycle. It all starts in the food choices. Untreated leaky gut and untreated dental disease in the mouth contaminates the body so all areas of infection must be addressed. In the gut the epithelial barrier replaces itself every 5-7 days. The gut bacteria can change within 24 hours after diet change. If you remove the irritants you can heal. Heal the gut by eating healthy foods. In addition, exclude added sugars and carbs, agricultural chemicals like glyphosate, emulsifiers and preservatives, processed vegetable oils, and trans fats. Increase the diversity and quantity of the bacteria in the gut with spore based probiotics (Mega sporebiotic by Microbiome Labs or Terraflora Deep Immune by Enviromedica)). Repair the mucosal layer. You also need a clean mouth with flossing only between teeth, not under gum. Use TP easy pics to clean between the teeth.(interdental brushes) Brush at a 45 degree angle with baking soda or salt water and scrape the tongue a few times a day.
Treating the Root Cause with Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND
Dr. Williams wrote the Radical Medicine book indicating that you go to the root cause. She also has the publication 5 Post Cavitation Surgery Days. She started out doing cranial sacral work and realized a malocclusion was counterproductive to health. During cavitation surgery, many toxins are released, so follow the instructions for the 5 days following surgery. Vibrations can be problematic during these first few days. You need to be very quiet to let the body heal. There are helpful hints pre and post-surgery in her publication. Find a good biological dentist to get a good diagnosis and treatment plan. Have the surgery and then go to your holistic practitioner a week or two later. If there is a black hole on the cone beam x-ray there is clearly bone infection. If you see a problem there then you must do the surgery. If it is equivocal then one would want to change the diet and avoid allergic foods. It can be a gut tooth relationship so if you treat the gut you can heal. Zirconia implants seem to be okay. The most holistic option would be a flipper appliance with a fake tooth.
Be careful with ozone injections if it is going to stir up the resting bacteria. PFMs are porcelain fused to metal crowns with a metal sleeve which is often stainless steel with nickel. Nickel is the number one allergic trigger. Palladium is also a problem. It can be harder to detox than mercury. Gold is also be reactive. Zirconia crowns are inert. There can be a dental focus from pathogens, but also from galvanism behaving like a battery. You cannot combine metals in the mouth. On a subclinical level you can tell something isn’t quite right.
Epilateral relationships can be interesting. When someone has a right sided problem look at the right side of the mouth. It can also be contralateral on opposite sides.
The Lymph-Dental Connection with Kelly Kennedy
Health must start in the mouth. There is a dental, lymphatic, and emotional interaction. Cavitations, porcelain fillings, mercury fillings, root canals, and metal crowns, all create health issues. We must address lymph, drainage and detox. The liver is designed to detox. The drainage comes from the lymph. Lymph is a water substance that is housed by the fascia, where the bones and cells float. The lymph removes the waste, pumped through the blood and is removed by the elimination organs. If you move the lymphatics and the person sweats, urinates, etc. toxins can be eliminated. Drainage enhances the body’s ability to move out the toxins. You want your lymph to move well and not be stagnant or thick. When you have had a dental procedure, afterwards the body must get rid of the toxins. The lymph is the key for drainage.
Toxic burden plagues people. As one lets go of that they will feel so much better.
Are Your Teeth Causing Cancer? With Nathan Crane
The more you know about cancer, the more you can protect yourself and your family. Nathan covered the main dental procedures you need to be concerned about and the truth about dental toxins and cancer. If the immune system and lymphatic system are functioning properly then cancer should not be a threat. A cancer cell from DNA damage, begins to ferment and survive. It is caused by inflammation, elevated blood glucose, environmental toxins, stress, unhealthy diet and lifestyle behaviors. There are 13 top cancer causing culprits including plastics, bedding, body care products, animal products, processed foods, sugar, alcohol, EMF exposure, pollution in the air, chemicals in the water, carpet, dental toxins and stress, anxiety and fear. There are 5 types of fillings: gold, silver amalgam, composite, ceramic and glass ionomers. The mercury in amalgams is 10 times more toxic than lead. The vapors that come off the amalgam can be the cause of neurological issues.
The main challenges with dental practices include amalgams and root canals.
Root canals remove the pulp and the nerve and seal the void area. Bacteria, fungi become trapped in the void below the root. The small tubules in the remaining tooth harbor bacteria as well. Root canals kill the tooth. The oral microbiome can be contaminated by the root infections. These infections can be painless and go unnoticed for years. This chronic inflammation can lead to many other health issues. Nathan recommends removing root canals by a biological dentist (IABDM.org). A good option instead of a root canal is a Maryland bridge or a flipper with a replacement tooth.
Prevention is the best approach. Herbs heal diseases in the mouth including Aloe Vera, tobacco pepper, Mexican tea, prickly pear, avocado, knotweed, green tea, tryphala, pomegranate and cats claw. Horsetail has silica and is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and is an antioxidant. Herbs can be included in your toothpaste. Tooth and Gums Tonic, Christopher’s Herbal Tooth and Gum Powder and occasional use of charcoal toothpaste was recommended. Look for sugar and fluoride free products.
Natural anti-cancer compounds include carotenoids, vitamins A, C, D, E, terpenes (mushrooms, algae, tea tree oil, curcumin), and sulforaphane (cruciferous vegetables).
Cone Beams, Cavitations and Why You’re Not Getting Well with Daniel Pompa, PScD
Cone Beams are 3D x-ray which is more like a cat scan so you can see all infections. Dentists need to have the appropriate software to read a cone beam. Many dentists do not know how to read the cone beam. There is no safe root canal. Cavitations are very common if there have been tooth extractions.
Pompasolutions.com is a good resource to understand detox. It is vital to address the mouth first to eliminate the sources and then look to healing.
Dental CSI with Sabine Purps, DDS, APC
Dr. Purps presented information on how to discover the underlying causes for dental diseases. By looking at the facial nerves, the 7th cranial nerve, you can diagnose many issues. She looked to Dr. Lee for guidance. In a healthy mouth the jaw is seated in the socket, the front teeth are overlapped and the other teeth are seated nicely. Many times x-rays are suggested but do not give the whole story. If there is a bite problem the patient will have headaches and pain. The best is the cone beam where you can look at 35 different things in each panel. Do co-discovery with the patient and dentist.
Glyphosate, EMFs and Mercury with Sinclair Kennally, FNC
Amalgam fillings are composed with mercury, tin, silver and copper. Half the weight of the filling is mercury. Mercury vaporizes at room temperature which is harmful to the nervous, digestive and immune systems. 80% stays in the body, passing through membranes. Mercury has a 32 year half-life in the brain. It interferes with your ability to detox other heavy metals. It also acts as an antenna for EMFs (including all electromagnetic stimulation). Half of the mercury evaporates in the first seven years after being put in the tooth. However, a 30 year old amalgam filling will still significantly outgas. Any amount of mercury can still be harmful. Cilantro and chlorella will help detox the mercury.
Mental and emotional symptoms of mercury toxicity include anger, anorexia, anxiety, apathy, bipolar disorder, personality disorder, bulimia, depression, discouragement, forgetfulness, irritability, loss of self-control, manic depressive disorder, mood swings, nervousness, OCD, panic attacks, schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, shyness, and timidity. The neurological conditions linked to mercury toxicity include ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, aneurysm, autism, brain damage, cerebral palsy, dementia, developmental delays, dysarthria, memory loss, MS, nerve fiber degeneration, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, speech disorders, stroke, ankylosing spondylitis, and tremors. The physical symptoms of mercury toxicity are almost endless. Amalgams may be hidden under crowns.
Mercury toxicity symptoms show up in the digestive tract with acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, candida, colitis, constipation, flatulence, gastritis, IBS, leaky gut, nausea and vomiting. The skin will show signs of acne, blushing, bruising, candidiasis, dermatitis, eczema, mole formation, oily skin and rashes. The immune system can exhibit autoimmune disease eczema, fibromyalgia, Lupus, MS and immune dysfunction. The senses can have cataracts, deafness, floaters in the eyes, hearing loss, peripheral vision loss, photophobia, retinitis, and tinnitus.
Glyphosate is used with 4.5 billion tons of it being used worldwide. It is a chelating agent, stripping out our good metals that we need to function, leaving heavy metals. Glyphosate is also an antibiotic. 80% of our immune system operates in the gut. Glyphosate can disrupt the gap junctions causing leaky gut. These gap junctions are conductors of light and glyphosate turns out those lights. We can be leaky in other areas of the body with leaky blood brain barrier, kidney tubules and blood vessels. Dr. Stephanie Seneff is the pioneer in glyphosate research and is the expert. Neurodegenerative conditions have skyrocketed since the introduction of glyphosate running parallel to increased use on our food. We can avoid it in our food, but the water and air are contaminated. You can add apple cider vinegar to your diet daily to protect against glyphosate as it will help break it down.
EMF radiation and electrical fields in conjunction with glyphosate and amalgams can create a perfect storm in the body. The Wi-Fi router is a mini cell tower in your home. Mercury accentuates this impact. EMFs on their own create increased blood sugar, anxiety, insomnia sensitivity to mold, impaired detox, and slow tissue regeneration. Glyphosate bonds to aluminum, allowing it to travel freely and create damage in the body. Mercury and aluminum together are a potent neurotoxin. Mercury and EMF act as an antenna and sometimes cause electro hypersensitivity syndrome. The synergistic effect of these power drains is equivalent of 1 + 1 + 1 = 33.
Intelligent detox is vital. Heal the mitochondria, take nutrient support with minerals and missing nutrients, take herbs for detox, reseal the gut lining, supplement with binders to bind to the metals, and finally consume mobilizer herbs and supplements to bring toxins out of storage for elimination. Binders safely bond to metals and allow for excretion. Mobilizers are melatonin, glutathione, charcoal, and cilantro. Make sure you have binders in place before mobilizing. Consult a practitioner to help you through the process.
Why a Good Doctor Will Send You to the Dentist with Sharon Stills, NMD
Paracelsus clinic in Switzerland actually has a dental clinic on site. The teeth are where we begin. Chose a practitioner who has a relationship with a biological dentist. She uses thermography to scan the mouth. The wand takes a point reading on every tooth. This picks up blockages to show the patient that issues exist. If root canals are in the mouth it is recommended to take them out. Teeth are actually organs and when an organ dies, as what happens with a root canal, it should not be left in the body. Bacteria is trapped in the dead tooth which drains the immune system.
Biological terrain based medicine looks at dentistry first and requires a biological dentist. Dr. Stills uses the tooth meridian chart in combination with the panoramic x-ray. As an example, the wisdom teeth are connected to bipolar disorder. It can also be a reciprocal relationship. She uses Biociden on the toothbrush and oil pulling. When you remove the amalgams go to a biological dentist and to a holistic practitioner who will help you detox and clear. Take the time to investigate so it is done properly.
Your Dental Health and Happiness with Tia Trivisonno, ND, LAc
Dentistry should work side by side with the holistic practitioner. When getting to the root cause of illness often it begins in the mouth. In some cases that do not resolve, it can be the result of a cavitation or infected root canal. When the bone, gum, and teeth are considered, sometimes miracles happen. Even though the therapies at the dentist can be expensive, in the long run it can save money.
The cone beam x-ray, a three dimensional scan, is very important as a diagnostic tool. If it is done at an outside location you can get a copy on a disc or a thumb drive. It can also be sent to Beam Readers. Cavitations only show up on a cone beam. This can be draining your energy by this undiagnosed infection. If the circulation is blocked by biofilm there is an interference field and obstacle to cure. Cleaning this up will reset the circulation of all the fluids in the body.
Step two is to educate yourself. Get a clear understanding of the pre, during, and post procedures. You want all the doors of elimination open as well as having a good lifestyle. Castor oil packs, Epsom salt bath, infrared sauna, hydrotherapy, hot and cold showers, are all great beginning measures. The naturopathic doctor will guide you. Basically you will get a personalized treatment plan. Homeopathy is very beneficial including combination homeopathics for drainage. Unda and Picana make products for this purpose. Arnica is used pre and post-surgical up to two weeks. Elimination can be helped with magnesium and botanicals, including castor oil packs. Ozone is very important. When it is applied properly can rapidly oxygenate and eliminate microbes. It cleanses and heals. You can insufflate ozone rectally. There are also suppositories. In dentistry it can clean the gum line, will be used in cavitation recovery, and other applications. The oral microbiome needs to be healthy. Some ozone cleans things up but doesn’t destroy the essential bacteria. Then you can repopulate the good bacteria. With cavitation surgery some doctors recommend antibiotics. This is a person to person decision. There is a time and place where a short course could be helpful. It should be patient specific. Flora Restore can help restore bacteria.
Mental health is linked to issues in the mouth. Mood and energy can improve. Severe depression, anxiety, and panic attack have been linked to mouth issues. Work with someone who can detect these issues.
The Mouth-Whole Body Connection with Jonathan Landsman
Whenever there is disease in the body, the mouth must be addressed. Gum disease and dental issues are the root, not the result of a compromised immune system. He suggests removing the amalgams, treating gum disease, removing root canals, and getting a cone beam x-ray to rule out cavitations. Treat the gum pockets that are open beyond 3. A hydro floss helps heal these pockets including peppermint, clove, or neem in the water. Be diligent and do not give up if you experience bleeding. It will get better if you stick with it. Eliminate sugars including fruits, energy bars, and cookies to mention a few. The sugars will make healing a challenge. This includes alcohol and fruit juices. If you drink lemon water, rinse afterwards. Rinse with sea salt water to help calm the inflammation. You can make an essential oil blend with peppermint, clove and neem. Put a drop on your finger and rub on the teeth. This can also be used with a soft toothbrush. Take note of the tongue. If it is white then there is a possible candida infection in the gut to address. The mouth is the gatekeeper for the rest of the body.
Meet the Holistic Periodontist with Alex Volchonok, DMD, MS, FICOI, FIALD
Periodoncia pertains to the bones and the teeth. The bone is the foundation of the mouth. This is the balance point to find a balance of healthy and unhealthy bacteria. The gums are the first line of defense for the body. The periodontists manage soft tissue whereas oral surgeons focus on hard tissue procedures including reconstruction and bone grafts. Gum recession needs prevention. It can happen from aggressive brushing, whitening agents, abrasive toothpaste, orthodontics, invisiline, naturally thin gum tissue, and thin bone. Best to get screened for this early as the late stage requires invasive surgery. Factors can be modified to help change a bad outcome. He recommends an electric toothbrush. For much recession he recommends oral B oval brush. The pressure can be controlled with these brushes. Pinhole surgery is a technique to restore the desired gum location. Nothing is cut or sewn so the patient heals quickly. If it is caught early it restores well. People who grind and clench have occlusal trauma. Clenching can cause muscle pain in the jaw, headache, crowns chipping, etc. Grinding is when you add to that same force, movement side to side. The tips of the teeth start to flatten out. The forces that are generated by this muscle are very high. This damages the bone, creates loose teeth and gum issues. Over time if issues are not addressed the result will be bone loss and possible tooth loss. If you get your oral microbiome back intact it has a downward positive effect on the gut microbiome. Many mouthwashes are chemical or alcohol based creating an imbalance in the mouth and are ineffective in managing disease process. However, the bacteria balance is complicated. The bacteria forms an ecosystem for protection called biofilms. They can be healthy but can also be pro-inflammatory. Mouth rinses, oil pulling, activated charcoal don’t break this up. The way to manage this is to break up the biofilm with either mechanical treatments, laser therapies, cleanings or antibiotics. Then maintain a healthy barrier with an electric toothbrush and a water pik. This flushes out forming biofilm. In the water pik you can simply use water. To enhance it you can add essential oils, hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp) but that isn’t necessary. The key is the mechanical debridement.
Holistic Oral Health with Anne Hill, ND
The mouth is the entrance into the body. The oral cavity and the stool bacteria overlapped by nearly half in the Human Microbiome Project. The bacteria is shared up and down the digestive tube. We swallow between .75 and 1.5 liters of saliva daily. This bacteria is swallowed and can lead to gut dysbiosis. 700 species of bacteria, fungi, and virus are in the mouth. Each area of the mouth has a unique microbiome with a variety of species. Plaque forms a biofilm to protect itself. There are aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the layers. To date, over 50 different diseases have been associated with gingivitis/periodontitis.
The Oral Microbiome and Dysbiosis with Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP
Periodontitis is associated with a possible increased diversity of the microbiome. Saliva is a key. The body produces .5-1.5 liters each day. 90% is produced in the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual salivary glands with the minor salivary glands producing the remaining 10%. It is 99% water and 1% protein and salts. Parasympathetic stimulation produces watery saliva and sympathetic stimulation produces a more viscous saliva. The saliva has many functions including remineralization of teeth, restoration of soft tissues, lubrication, digestion, antimicrobial capacity, defensive action and acts as a buffering agent. It is a food for bacteria but at the same time controls the growth via antimicrobial factors. SIgA, lysozyme, lactoferrin, mucin and amylase comprise the saliva. The oral microbiome impacts the body and is associated with many systemic conditions. The oral microbiome has bacteria but also fungi, archaea, viruses, and protozoa. The mouth harbors over 50 bacterial species with the potential to have over 1000 species. On the tooth surface you will find Strep and Actinomyces. In the pockets where there is no oxygen Bacteroides and Spirochetes reside. Multiple species are found in biofilms on the dental surfaces. A category called firmicutes and bacteroidetes are the predominant phyla in a healthy mouth. Stevia and xylitol have been shown to help heal the gums. These microorganisms work as a community to work together. The diet either drives cavities or protects against it. Mitis streptococci is protective if the diet is not high in sugar. In animal studies, anti-inflammatory treatments inhibits periodontal bacteria. If inflammation is present the oral microbiome restructures. Prolonged biofilms become plaque. His oral exam includes looking at how wide the palate is, tongue morphology, gingiva condition, breath odor and sensitivity of teeth and past dental work. Treatments include xylitol having inhibitory effects on Strep mutans but protects the Strep mitis. It is used and spit out. Aloe Vera is as effective as fluoride for plaque development and bleeding gums. Arginine helps control herpes and has a prebiotic-like agent. It helps alkalize the saliva protecting against acidified biofilms. Oil pulling is believed to help in the excretion of toxic heavy metals. After brushing and flossing, a few teaspoons are rinsed in the mouth for about 20 minutes. It creates a surface membrane over all the structures in the mouth. The greatest benefit occurs in the last 15 minutes. This has antimicrobial and antibacterial benefits. There are rinses for gingivitis including glycothiamine. Green tea is beneficial by increasing alpha amylase.
Essential Oils and the Oral Microbiome with Eric Zielinski, DC
Since the mouth is the beginning of the gastric system it is behind 80% of all diseases. The mouth has to deal with pollution in addition to food. Start with the microbiome in the oral cavity. Do not use conventional mouthwash which kills the bacteria in the mouth. Oil pulling works to eliminate lipid soluble bacteria. It works like detergent. The fat basis is important. Essential oils are great in homemade mouthwash. The innate intelligence of the oils have self-selectivity. They will be drawn to harmful bacteria and fungi. When oil pulling with one drop of cinnamon, peppermint, tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, or orange you don’t have to worry about killing the good bacteria. In addition, the oils like clove are very high in antioxidants. When using coconut oil do not spit into the plumbing system as it will clog the pipes. Alternatively spit it into the trash. The home recipe for mouth wash is oil pulling. Another option is a shot glass of ever clear alcohol plus three drops of essential oil can be used to heal the mouth. It is not necessary to oil pull everyday but can be done several days a week.
The Cavitation-Stroke Connection: A Doctor’s Story with Harry Adelson, ND
Dr. Adelson shared his story of first having strokes, endocarditis, and preparing for open heart surgery. No one could tell him why this happened. He completed the open heart surgery to replace his aortic valve and recovered. Dr. Pompa suggested he get his teeth inspected. He got a cone beam and sent it to Gerry Curatola, DDS. They found two cavitations. He felt certain that his health conditions resulted from the presence of the cavitations.
Upgrading Modern Dentistry with Lane Freeman, DDS
She works with Dr. Nunnally in Marble Falls, Texas. They first worked with Dr. Hal Huggins and followed the principles of Dr. Weston Price. Now they have totally changed their practice over the last twenty years becoming truly biological dentists. Teeth are a complicated supply of blood supply, nerves, and thousands of tubules. With root canals, even though the main nerve is removed, the tubules remain filled with bacteria and dead tissue with no blood flow to flush. This can be a major source of infection. The questions to ask a dentist about amalgam removal include: 1. A rubber dam must be used. 2. Chlorella rinse. 3. High speed rinse and vacuum over the tooth. 4. Drape the patient to catch all materials. 5. IV Vitamin C or lypospheric vitamin C orally. IAOMT organization provides education including the smart protocol which should be followed. Their clinic will remove some amalgam over time and sometimes they will remove all of them at one time, if possible. For this they do IV sedation. With periodontal disease the bacteria in the mouth can travel to the heart valve or joint replacement. More recent research show it is related to disease due to a constant stream of bacteria. This increases cardiovascular disease, stroke, pregnancy issues, and other diseases.
The protocol that is recommended is to clean with ozone below the gum line. This is infused into water or can be delivered as a gas. At home the patient can use a water pik with hydrogen peroxide once a day. Their brushing protocol includes baking soda, salt and hydrogen peroxide and a person can add mint for flavor. Dilutions and making the paste are on her website. Alcohol based mouthwash dries out the mouth and kills all of the bacteria. There are great no alcohol based mouthwash products.
Mercury is extremely toxic. Aluminum is also in the dental products as is nickel. Stainless steel crowns have nickel. The old crowns have a metal structure with porcelain that is nickel. There are non-nickel alternatives. The Clifford test is a biocompatibility testing. A blood draw is sent to the lab that tells what materials were reactive. The Clifford has now closed down but there are other labs and many naturopaths will muscle test the dental products.
Options for root canals include removing the tooth and letting it heal for 3-4 months. A partial denture is on a retainer. A second option is a bridge with a crown on both sides and a filler crown. A third option is an implant. There are two types, titanium and zirconia. The titanium posts usually have other metals included. Zirconia seems to be the best with a crown attached. You don’t always have to replace a tooth.
Gum surgery has come a long ways. Gum graft was the only way. Now, new techniques are better. The pinpoint surgery can be an option. They use PRF, platelet rich fibrin, in gum grafting. This helps create a clot at the surgical site. This is weaved behind the existing tissue or into extraction site. When a bone graft is needed it is best to harvest the bone from the patient.
Cone Beam is required for biological dentistry. This is a three dimensional x-ray. This identifies a problem that cannot be seen in other x-rays. It reveals cavitation and is definitely needed for implant surgery. They are about $300. The dentist can read the film, but you can always send the film out to a professional radiologist. Sometimes they miss cavitations so be thorough. If the cone beam is done at an outside facility, be sure the dentist has the software to read the film.
There is not much information on bleaching the teeth if done in moderation. There are OTC products. Another option is the gel available in the dentist. Laser whitening puts a bleach accelerant on the teeth and gets exposed to light. It can cause sensitivity. An all-natural way is with coconut oil, baking soda and peroxide. Put on the teeth and leave for a while.
Fluoride is not healthy. There are no studies that actually show fluoride in the water prevents cavities. There are studies that show it can be toxic. The IAOMT website has research on this topic.
A Healthy Mouth is the Secret to Thriving with Kelly Blodgett, DMD, NMD
Dr. Blodgett has a clinic in Portland, Oregon. Composite fillings can have toxic materials and some people are sensitive to those materials. Biocomp does material testing. Root canals should be removed. Wisdom teeth don’t always need to be removed.
Substances in the practice of dental practices include mercury, aluminum, BPA, titanium, etc. All this goes to the gut via saliva. Dentistry can increase oxidative stress in various ways. In dentistry one can have root canal infection, cavitation lesions, and perio negligence. When these areas do not heal properly this affects the energetic flow through the jaw. Metals also impact health. The saliva is an electrolyte solution, the metals react to this. Lifestyle, diet, early use of braces, and the airway impacts health as well. It is important to breast feed as it helps broaden the jaw in the baby. This is a part of maxillofacial development.
Cavitation lesions can have a huge impact on health. Read Thomas Levy’s book Hidden Epidemic to learn more. This happens when a bone becomes necrotic after a tooth has been pulled. It harbors bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites.
Metal exposure with gold crowns, titanium implants, and root canals can all be in one mouth. It is vital to find a biological dentist to get these issues resolved.
IAOMT, IABDM, ACIMD, and HDA are all organizations where people can join. The ACIMD has a training program that teaches homeopathy and energy medicine.
Craniosacral Fascial Therapy with Kim Sherlock, LMT, CFT and Holly Steflik, LMT
They are in Westchester, Pennsylvania and Chapel Hill, NC. They have found a connection with the dental issues and fascia. Classes are done with an exchange of knowledge. This is a modality that is not well known. Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is based on the theory that the craniosacral and fascial systems are all one interconnected system. Dr. Gillespie developed this therapy to heal his own headaches. The fascia is a continuous layered web of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, ligaments, bones, and organs and is made of collagen tubules with cerebrospinal fluid. It influences the nerves and brain. The craniosacral structure is the structure of the brain, spinal cord and sacrum that pump the cerebrospinal fluid. When the fascia is released there is improved circulation. The fascia can pull and distort structures. This can cause TMJ as an example. CFT gently unwinds and releases accumulated fascial strain to facilitate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid to nourish and detoxify. The therapist can assess the brain cycle for timing to determine the tightness of the fascia. Tightness of this system can be caused by birth trauma, falls, surgeries, accidents, concussions, dental procedures and emotional trauma. Many infants experience this tightness. If not addressed as an infant, toddlers have a number of conditions. And as expected this can carry on to adulthood. CFT is also related to cranial nerve dysfunction to address tight fascia around the nerve.
Fascia wraps around the oral cavity. CFT can release and bring about a more optimal outcome of dental procedures. It integrates a fascial matrix pattern. This can help with braces to move teeth. Then afterwards do the release after the process. By working with infants, the practitioner can change the trajectory of the baby’s life. With orthodontics, by releasing the fascia before and after will protect against the teeth moving back. There is a fascia that begins in the tongue and goes all the way down to the toes. CFT addresses the tongue, the teeth, the jaw, and the entire body.
This therapy is so important for infants to prevent future health challenges. When the individual has a tongue tie, it is a part of the fascial web and also needs to be corrected. After tongue tie is repaired it is vital to balance the fascia. CFT is also important for airway development to avoid apnea.
Orthodontics and expansion therapies may inhibit the brain cycle and can cause issues with the endocrine, digestive and nervous systems. This happens when there is metal crossing the midline. The CFT is helpful during the entire orthodontic process. CFT is a therapy for TMJ to ease pain and tension. Tightness elsewhere in the body can cause TMJ pain. Dental appliances can impede the brain cycle. Patients can be tested to see which appliances are the most compatible for the patient.
Myofunctional therapy has 4 goals to encourage nasal breathing, lip seal, correct oral resting tongue posture and correct swallowing. Kim and Holly teach dentists and technicians on developing skills in CFT. For more information, visit the Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) website.
Do you Have a Mouth Full of Danger? With Ellie Campbell, MS, DO, FABFM, ABOIM
Dr. Campbell has a practice in Atlanta, Georgia. Be your own best detective. Learn about your symptoms, observe your diet and lifestyle, and keep a journal. Get to the root cause. The gut is a trigger, as are toxicities, EMFs, and dental issues. If issues linger, gut issues can originate in the mouth and vice versa mouth issues can originate in the gut.
Look at the digestive process. When food enters, chew slowly so the enzymes can help begin the digestion process. The stomach contributes acid and more enzymes and the food is then transported into the 20 feet of small intestine to absorb nutrients thanks to gut bacteria. Along the way it is tested for foreign invaders by the immune system. It then passes into the colon to pull out excess water and form the stool which is excreted. 80% of the immune system, called the GALT- Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissues, is located within the one cell thick lining of the intestine. The GALT’s job is to stop foreign invaders. Peyer’s Patches are located directly under the villi in the gut.
Gum health can be diagnosed by measuring the depth of the pockets. First is gingivitis, then early periodontitis (4 mm pocket), moderate periodontitis has receding gums and deep pockets, and finally advanced periodontitis is the most serious. The same bacteria that causes periodontitis can cause atherosclerosis. The mouth bacteria causes an increase in cholesterol, changing endothelial permeability and the binding of the cholesterol in the artery. When you add bacteria in the bloodstream from periodontitis it is a perfect scenario for heart attack, carotid artery plaque, cancer and autoimmune disease. The mouth bacteria is in the blood and can also be swallowed.
Diet can change your immune system and alter the oral microbiome. A high fiber diet with vegetables and leafy greens is favorable. The teeth have healthy dental plaque that is protective. It can become dangerous plaque if the gut microbiome is corrupted. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria. If you take out unhealthy processed food and put in nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods the bacterial dental plaque improves. This can be as quickly as 30 days. Eat fiber rich food and fermented foods.
Lab work can be beneficial. A PerioPath test will show mouth bacteria. Inflammatory markers include hsCRP, MPO, LpPLA2, F2-isoprostane, MACR, ADMA, SDMA, and OxLDL. Advanced lipid testing includes NMR, LDLparticle size and number, ApoB, Lipo(a), and Vitamin D.
Oxygen/Ozone Therapy in Dentistry with Phil Mollica, DDS
Dr. Mollica has been a pioneer in the use of ozone in dentistry. This approach supports the patient’s innate ability to heal using oxygen and water. Ozone offers rapid healing, activating red blood cell metabolism, activation of enzymatic antioxidants and radical scavengers, activation of immunocompetent cells releasing cytokines to modulate the immune system, increased antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory effect, increased circulation via nitric oxide, and high redox potential. When there is infection in the mouth it is systemic. There are bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasites in the mouth. We have many ways to destroy these and one avenue is ozone. There can be deep seated infection that needs to be treated with ozone. Once lesions are healed they do not reoccur.
When it is injected into the gum, ozone gas is used. White blood cell antibodies actually produce ozone and that is one way it attacks infection. Microorganisms lack antioxidant enzymes in their cell membranes. Normal cells have antioxidant enzymes endogenous and exogenous. Since ozone carries a negative charge it is attracted to biofilm, bacteria, virus, fungi, etc. which has a positive charge. The single oxygen that comes off the O3 ozone produces hydrogen peroxide H2O2. When ozone is introduced into the system and tissue it stimulates erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets to promote healing. The issues for dentistry are extensive. Biofilm diseases in the mouth can be healthy or pathogenic. But also in periodontal disease, cavities, and root canals. The principle of hormesis is that less is more. There is a sweet spot in ozone therapy. It is expressed as micrograms per milliliter of oxygen. Internal dose is 10-30 ug/m. For an infection it is 20-30 ug/ml. For healing it is 10-20 ug/ml.
Therapies in dentistry are for tooth decay, infection of the head and neck, periodontal disease, root canal therapy, enhanced wound healing, and soft tissue lesions. Ozonated water is also applied. Mouth is rinsed with ozonated water to debulk and break up the biofilm. Then they do the mechanical work putting ozone into pocketed areas desensitizing the roots and scraping the teeth clean. The goal is to increase nitric oxide to improve circulation. This also addresses the deep tissue. It is good to restore the microbiome. Good bacteria, HMF forte etc., is reintroduced. (HMF super powder by Genestra Brands). Home care includes ozonated oil or ozonated water. They also use microbaric trays for healing with an import and output for treatment. He found that using 40ug/cc for 60 seconds arrested the decay. Decay is oxidized which increases the pH so the remineralization can occur. Sensitivity can be an issue. Take 10cc of ozone gas injected into the sensitive area. Pit and tissue sealants with ozone are very effective. When they do a root canal they actually fumigate the tubules with ozone to sterilize the tooth as much as possible and nurture surrounding tissue. Laser therapy can also be used, which cleans the tubules with ozone water and then gas. Ozonated water is made with distilled water. Ozone gets trapped within four water molecules. It is great for rinsing. He uses the German Wog. Ice cubes of ozone water can be taken home to influence healing. Ozonated water will break up biofilm. He uses the ozonated water to clean his water lines in his practice as a disinfectant.
Fluoride, Mercury and Finding a Biological Dentist with Griffin Cole, DDS, NMD
Dr. Cole was the past president of the IAOMT organization. Biological dentist do a systemic review and don’t use dangerous metals. Treatments are personal. Fluoride is toxic, should not be in the water, it is not necessary to use topically, and the science shows it is negative and does damage systemically. There has never been a study to show that fluoridated water helps.
Cavitations according to Dr. Cole: GV Black discovered cavitations years ago. Often it occurs where wisdom teeth were pulled or around root canals. Surgery cleans out the hole and then heals. Injections with ozone gas are another way to treat this. It takes 5 weeks of injections and has great results. You can do a biopsy to find out what bacteria are present. IAOMT.org has a list of dentist and lists if they are ozone certified. In order to be a part of the IAOMT you can register and must attend one meeting a year. There are accredited courses. Patients can see how much education the dentist has had.
Ozone in the home requires medical grade oxygen. Ozone has many uses and is used as an antifungal on contact. It can be used in the mouth and all over the body. It can be injected into the muscle for pain. For a nasal push up the nose, patient holds their breath and it gets into the sinus. Nasal insufflation is where the ozone goes through oil. This is systemic and mold exposure can also be treated as an adjunct.
Daily care includes brushing with a clean toothpaste. Baking soda is a good option. Do this twice a day. Flossing is critical. Warm salt water gargle is also antibacterial. The bottom line is diet. Eat green leafy vegetables and follow the principles of Weston A. Price.
Healing Your Airway, Jaw and Alignment with Theodore Belfor, DDS
First look at the cause when it comes to apnea. The cause of apnea and head posture all has to do with cranial development. The tongue goes back in the throat and blocks the airway. He stimulates genes that have not been expressed. He uses the Homeo Block which looks like a retainer. It is designed for signaling. When you bite, strain is created on the cranial sutures that generates a signal for bone growth. The jaw expands by expanding the appliance. It is pain free and can do no harm. It is just worn at night. The epidemic is the lack of a full growth of the jaw in the beginning. Young people also have issues with breathing at night. They wake and are not rested. You tone the airway to address this. He has a daytime appliance (Preventive Oral Device) that tones the tongue muscle and the hyoid muscle. It supports the upper jaw, grows down and forward. The Homeo Block helps jaw alignment. Sacral bones must be aligned as well. The bite block widens the sutures in the cranium. Cranial Sacral therapy is very effective but it is not permanent repositioning. He trains doctors so go to a dentist in your location. Find doctors at doctortheodorbelfor.com. The cost is $7000 to 10,000 for a two year program. 3-6 months show changes in the face structure.
The Mouth-Total Body Connection with Brandy Zachary, DC, IFMCP
She originated Body Love Café. When the microbiome is dysfunctioning in the mouth it is linked to obesity, diabetes, immune conditions, Alzheimer’s and other neuroinflammatory issues. Since the mouth is the start of the gut, each part has its own environment. Sometimes mouth bacteria which is swallowed isn’t destroyed by the acid in the stomach and actually appears in the stool test. Klebsiella and Fusobacterium (gram negative bacteria) are opportunistic. Research shows that these bacteria can cause obesity and autoimmune conditions. Signs of oral issues include a change in taste and smell. Bitters are great for the liver, gall bladder, and brain. Bitters help alert the receptors to avoid biofilm development. Bitter foods include grapefruit, kale, arugula, watercress, and lemon. Bitter herbs are goldenseal, yarrow, dandelion, burdock, and wormwood. Bitters help suppress overactive bladder. The tongue is the only internal organ we can see. Notice size shape, color, edges and coating. If it is enlarged it is associated with hypothyroidism, GALT issues, sleep apnea, and allergy. Scalloped edges are associated with teeth grinding, sleep apnea, insulin resistance, and food allergies. If it is bright red it can mean low B3 or liver issues. If it is red and slick it indicates a B vitamin deficiency, and protein malnutrition. A white coating is associated with candida or a deficiency of B9 and B12. A black and hairy coating is associated with dead skin cells being sulfur bacterial dysbiosis, yeast or tobacco. A geographic tongue looks like a map is associated with low iron, zinc, B vitamins, asthma, allergies and smoking. A central Fissure is associated with immune and autoimmune issues, psoriasis, or genetics. Leukoplakia are thickened white lesions due to nutritional deficiencies, EBV/HPV.
Snoring is a mouth breathing issue. The nose is a filter and increases nitric oxide. It can cause overweight, sleep apnea, structural issues, and chronic allergies. Lack of sleep can impact daytime focus, deep sleep, heart health, mood levels and risk of MVA. If you do not address sleep apnea you can have many health issues develop.
Biofilm is a slimy matrix that holds the bacteria or fungus together. It traps and encourages abnormal overgrowth of germs and bacteria. Dental plaque is the biofilm in the mouth. It can also be in the gut. Use proteolytic enzymes to break up gut biofilms. In the mouth, mucolytic enzymes (NAX, bromelain) or gentle stimulation will help. Clean up with anti-microbial herbs like GSE, garlic, clove, olive leaf that help break up biofilm. Antifungal/antiparasitic like wormwood, red leaf horopito and oregano are useful. Clean up even more with fiber, aloe or binders.
You can do a leaky gut test to determine dysbiosis. Since the gut is only one cell layer thick it can get compromised. Zonulin controls the tight junctions. Diamine Oxidase, LPS IgA, IgG, IgM and histamine are also markers.
The Cancer-Oral Connection with Leigh Erin Connealy, MD
There are about 49,000 cases of oral cancer per year. Breast, lung and colon cancers are the most common. Prevention is the key. US ranks 43rd in the world in healthcare. 1,600 people die daily of cancer. When a person comes in with cancer the clinic looks at their lifestyle, stress, sleep, history, diet, water, detox practices, nutrient deficiencies, thorough blood work, nagalase levels, etc. There is a Greek RGCCC testing lab to determine if there are circulating tumor cells. You can also test what will work on the circulating tumor cells which typically is a natural therapy. They determine if heat will work to address the cancer. From one cancer cell to tumor manifestation it takes ten years. Mouth cancers can have HPV which must be addressed. Bugs cause chronic inflammation which must be removed. The human body is quite toxic and this must be cleared. The emotional aspect of disease is critical. The dental history is reviewed and the periodontal disease must be corrected and restored. Root canals are removed. Dental implants will create their own issues. Mercury fillings must be removed. Mouth cancer happens twice as often in men as in women. The number one problem today is pollution, where nine million people die a year of pollution. Patients go on a 21 day cleanse, take baths, and detox the liver (fatty liver). It can take one to two years to get the body back into homeostasis. Find an integrative functional medicine doctor. Nutrival test is helpful. Infrared saunas will detox thalates from plastic. However there are so many toxins that it is important to detox daily. Diet must be good. Hormones must be balanced. Remove the xenoestrogens which are endocrine disruptors. She uses essential oils and clay for toothpaste. Hydrogen peroxide is great. Get a proper evaluation at the dentist. Floss daily. The body detoxes at night. In the morning put 1 tbsp. of coconut oil in mouth and then spit in the trash to get rid of the toxins. Parasites are everywhere. They do a fecal swab to find the parasites. They do an EAV device to find parasites checking the acupuncture points and can identify these bugs. Natural remedies are tried and sometimes need to use a prescription like Ivermectin. It is not about the bug but rather it is about the terrain. You must mend the terrain.
What an Integrative Oncologist Learned About His Teeth with Paul Anderson, NMD
His story started with getting amalgam fillings in the 60’s and 70’s. He developed a lot of tooth grinding due to neck trauma which was a bad combination. He realized about 2010 that he needed to get rid of his amalgam fillings. He removed the amalgam in one quadrant and had gold replacement work done. At this time he was consulting with Sanoviv clinic in Roserito, Mexico. Dentistry is a part of this experience at the clinic. He was developing a detox program to go with the amalgam removal. He had the assessment done looking at damage and the amalgams. He did all three quadrants at once. The depuration detox is a whole body detox—sweating, hydrotherapy, and colonics. Also they used IV therapy during the extraction. In between, a patient does colonics, lymphatic massage, hydrotherapy treatment, and sauna with hot and cold. It was convenient as all the therapies were under one roof. His doctor set up a program and noticed there were many German homeopathics and anti-inflammatories, but he did not need pain medications and he did not experience swelling. The cost was much less than it would have been in the US. Afterwards he noticed that his teeth grinding was almost eliminated. His health slowly improved. He noticed improvement in his upper neck and head issues. It is necessary to take binders and IV vitamin C (noncorn source if one is sensitive). Oral vitamin C products are made from corn so look at the label to assure the supplement doesn’t have corn. It is still good practice to sweat, exercise, move the lymph, take vitamin C even if you are not doing major dental work.
The Heart Attack-Dental Connection with Thomas Levy, MD, JD
The tooth heart connection comes from the chronic inflammation that results from infection in the gums. This infections circulates via the lymphatics and blood stream and uses up the antioxidant reserves in the vessels of the heart. This form of vitamin C deficiency, scurvy, results in inflammation and cardiovascular disease. Monocytes carry vitamin C and deliver to the site of concern. Within the plaques that have been harvested, they found bacteria that originated in the mouth. Lymphatic delivery ends up in the breast and venous delivery ends up in the heart. All disease is excess oxidation where you don’t want it. Pathogens contribute toxins. Leaky gut cannot be cured unless you end the stream of bacteria from the mouth. When the pathogens die they release iron. Free iron causes a negative impact. In general, it can be dangerous to supplement iron. Iron causes pro-oxidant damage in the body. There are three toxic nutrients: iron, copper and calcium. Ferritin stores the iron. Anemia should not be treated with iron which is a dangerous action. It is important to eliminate ongoing infections from teeth, tonsils, root canals, cavitation, and pathogens in the nose and throat. Everyone who has had a cold still has the pathogens until the biofilm is broken down and eliminated. This is done by hydrogen peroxide nebulization. It destroys chronic pathogenic colonization. When you stop the infection with pathogens and bacteria with this nebulization, the gut can heal very quickly.
Infected tonsils are likely if you have had gum disease, root canals or a cold. They are designed to protect but they actually infect. In order to treat infected tonsils, inject the tonsils with ozone gas. It takes 3 or 4 injections over several months.
Planktonic is free floating. It is the nature of any bacteria that when it is colonizing, it forms biofilms. The only time antibiotic can be effective is if it is used immediately. Now there is no prescription that can dissolve the biofilm. DMSO dissolves the biofilm as well as hydrogen peroxide. The benefit of hydrogen peroxide is the safety. The airways naturally produce and release hydrogen peroxide and breaks down to hydrogen and water.
Vitamin C: If doing it to maintain good health determines the amount. Humans don’t make vitamin C as the liver has lost that capacity. Oral consumption dose is 2-3 grams 2 to 3 times a day. IV’s are good as they flood the extracellular space. Avoid calcium ascorbate. Never miss the opportunity to have magnesium added to the vitamin C drip. Magnesium chloride is the best supplement and is equally if not more important than Vitamin C. Any form of magnesium is good, but when you supplement cations and anions are important. That is the reason for using magnesium chloride. Magnesium glycinate, citrate and chloride are all good.
When brushing your teeth, stay away from fluoride. He suggests eliminating floss but use the water pik instead. Add peroxide to the water pik tank. One cup water with 3 tsp hydrogen peroxide can help regenerate gums.
Cone beam x-ray are needed to detect any infections. If you are young and healthy it is good to get one as a baseline. Then if any health issue ensue you can follow up with another cone beam. When children get sick always check the mouth.
Treat your Airway and Sleep Better with Dean Raio, DDS
Buckle corridor is evident when the upper and lower jaw are too narrow. A narrow upper jaw means a high palate. A high palate closes off the nasal cavity. There is a new treatment to make permanent treatment to the structure. Vivos is the device. He trains doctors on how to implement the Vivos. A person can suspect sleep apnea if you have headaches, need a nap daily, and have co-morbidities. Co-morbidities result from an original problem like apnea. Obesity is an issue but is not required for apnea. It is vital for infants to nurse for three years to grow the palate and face, and chew hard foods as a toddler. Our tongue is what we are choking on while we sleep. Unexpected symptoms of sleep apnea include waking in the night, grinding, clinching, and a quiet snore.
CPAP is positive airway pressure forcing air down your airway and inflates it like a balloon. Upper airway is soft tissue and muscle. Long term this tissue becomes weak and flaccid and the condition gets worse. It gets you through but it is not healing. There are a variety of devices to move the palate. The goal is to get growth that the person didn’t get as a child. Width brings the palate down, even if it is millimeters. Forward growth also increases the size of the oral cavity. The appliance gets adjusted regularly and tracks the growth. There are also appliances for children.
Mouth breathers typically have enlarged adenoids because they are breathing in all the toxins through the mouth. This also closes off the airway. When a child wets the bed, it is often due to airway obstruction. When the body restricts oxygen it will draw from any organ and typically this comes from the kidney and the result is bed wetting.
American Sleep and Breathing Academy is a place where they have people who are trained in improving airways. Vivoslife.com also has information.
The Amazing Oral Microbiome with Jocelyn Strand, ND
Jocelyn works with the Biobotanical Research and the Biocidin Company. 77% of Americans over 30 years of age suffer from gingival disease. There are 700 species of bacteria in the mouth. We swallow one liter of saliva each day which delivers the bacteria to the gut. There are many environments in the mouth including the tongue, gingiva, cheek, lip, hard and soft palate and teeth. The teeth will not shed so biofilm can form easily. In addition dental restorations, crowns, bridgework and removable appliances do not shed either. Candida is a main player in the development of a biofilm. These are communities of microbial cells surrounded by a secreted polymer which is an inflammatory endotoxin. It is typically comprised of multiple organisms including aerobic and anaerobic bacteria or fungi. Over 80% of microbial infections develop biofilms within two weeks. They release signaling molecules and communicate with each other. The biofilm protects them from antibiotics and the human immune system. Biofilms can be the source of a refractory infection. Biofilms in the GI tract are gram negative bacteria and can lead to leaky gut. So as you break down the biofilms you must use a binder to transport the toxin out of the body.
Plaque biofilm does not shed naturally. The biofilms reseed the mouth with bad bacteria. The systemic impact leads to autoimmunity, atherosclerosis and neuroautoimmunity through the release of lipopoly saccharides. Patients with periodontal disease are 2.7 times more likely to have cardiovascular disease. In addition, we inoculate the bacteria from the mouth to the lungs. In every lung disease the lung microbiome is altered. Mouth biofilms can lead to Alzheimer’s disease.
The toxins that are swallowed including LPS creating leaky gut. The first stop is the liver which filters as well as it is capable. LPS is found in metabolic endotoxemia with many problems including chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, mitochondrial stress, etc. Translocation of bacteria from the mouth or the gut can become systemic and be found in the fat around the heart and on heart valves as biofilm. This is a constant source of toxins. Biofilms can be beneficial but often they are toxic and create LPS and other metabolites causing inflammatory damage. These biofilms can also hold heavy metals.
How is this managed? Botanicals have been shown to help eliminate biofilms. When using an herb to bust the biofilm, add in an herb that is antimicrobial/antibiotic and an herb for healing. Essential oils can eradicate bacteria within biofilms. Biocidin is 17 essential oils and herbs. It works synergistically with other applications. The essential oils for antimicrobial activity and biofilm removal include Lavender, Galbanum, Grape Seed, and Bilberry. There are stages for the development of biofilms. First is quorum sensing. The products that disrupt this stage are garlic, oregano, bilberry, bladderwrack and goldenseal. Stage two is the initial attachment phase. Effective herbs include oregano, thyme, lavender, tea tree, grapeseed and bilberry. The third stage is swarming motility where grapeseed and bilberry are helpful. The fourth stage is antimicrobial compounds where goldenseal, black walnut, raspberry, bladderwrack, and garlic are beneficial. The last stage is Drug Resistance efflux pump inhibitors. Echinacea, gentian, goldenseal, shitake mushroom, bilberry, black walnut, garlic, grapeseed, olive leaf, lavender oil, oregano oil and tea tree are useful. Biocidin has many of these ingredients. Does Biocidin destroy beneficial microorganisms? In research the beneficial bacteria generally increased.
Introducing Whole Body Dentistry with Pascal Nguyen, DMD, AIAOMT, NMD
He is in the Portland, Oregon area at PJN Dental. His new patient exam includes a test for heart rate variability, MEAD(meridian measurement), Ragglands adrenal fatigue test, 3D cone beam, occlusion, tooth by tooth exam, TMJ, airway screening, vitamin D, nitric oxide screening, A1C screening, pH testing in the mouth, voltmeter, biocompatibility testing, and DNA testing of potential oral pathogens. A greater heart rate variability allows the body to adjust to stress.
Treatment modalities include doing safe mercury amalgam removal technique, cavitation surgery, teeth replacement with zirconia implants, metal removal, safe extractions and surgeries including Platelet Rich Fibrin, Platelet Rich Plasma, melatonin, Mitronidazol, Vit C IV, nutrition protocol, supplement, PBM, Hilotherapy, Piezoelectric surgery, Laser, ozonated water, and ozone fumigation. When it comes to ozone they do nasal insufflation, ear insufflation, and injections into soft and hard tissue. They use procaine as an autonomic reset, pain management and TMJ. Periodontitis is addressed with measurement, DNA analysis, microscopy, microbiome, ozone and laser. Decay is managed by looking at the risk index, pH, nutritional component and hygiene. Laser is used for decay removal, disinfection, frenectomy, SWEEPs, cosmetics and Nightlase. Dr. Tennant’s 4 step protocol using a voltage device can e applied. They work with sleep apnea using myofunctional therapy, nasal breathing, tongue exercises, sleep testing, Nightlase, Homeo Block and Invisalign. They also do orthodontics and address joint issues. For more information, visit the PJN Dental website.
Chronic Inflammation and Oral Health with Madiha Saeed, MD
She suffered from many chronic conditions. She recovered by lowering inflammatory conditions beginning with the mouth. Bad diet kills 11 million people a year. Why are chronic disease and oral diseases on the rise? Inflammation happens when there is a need for repair to start the healing process. Chronic inflammation is when the immune system gets stuck in the on position and doesn’t turn off. A strong immune system will offer good oral health. Tooth decay can be related to acid, over brushing, but it actually can be caused by diet. Weston A. Price found this to be true. Diet determines oral health. This includes key nutrients and micro minerals. Diets high in phytic acid (grains, legumes, seeds) with high phosphorous content is very damaging. It affects bone and tooth health.
Root causes must be found. There are many things to investigate, including the gut and nutrition. The first step is to eliminate industrialized foods. Replace with whole foods that have healthy fats. Fats include coconut and olive oils. Nutrient dense foods have fiber, soluble and insoluble. Add fermented foods to the diet. One spoonful of sauerkraut at the meal is helpful. Raw dairy including kefir and yogurt is recommended. Prebiotics are what the microbes consume through fermentation. Artichokes, asparagus, onions, leeks, dandelion greens, garlic, apples are examples. Repopulate the gut with prebiotics and probiotics. The gut lining can be repaired using bone broth, vitamin D, omega 3, and supplements. Finally rebalance the body.
There are many avenues to detox. Keep the fluids moving, Epsom salt baths, dry brushing, oil pulling, tongue scraping, eat fruits and vegetables, keep the body alkaline, use safe cookware, use natural cosmetics and body products, drink filtered water, detoxify your body and mind, and eat plants. Spiritual health is important including gratitude, pray, and meditate. Social health is vital. Additional aspects include sleep quality and quantity, stress and breath (abdominal breathing, meditate, progressive muscle relaxation, exercise and get out in nature), gargling for 60 seconds, cold showers, hum, breath (nasal breath for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds), take supplements (Vit D3 from the sun, K2, magnesium, Vitamin A, zinc, fermented cod liver oil).
Gum disease is linked to inflammation in the body. When it is present there is something else going on. Remineralize the bone and the teeth by adding minerals to the diet, as well as fat soluble vitamins, and sprouting the grains and seeds. Legumes can be cooked in the instant pot to lower phytic acid. Pasture raised eggs, bone broth, grass fed meat and butter will help with remineralization.
In summary, to optimize oral health lower inflammation, optimize gut health, fix nutritional deficiencies, balance hormones, lower toxins, manage stress, sleep, have a strong social and spiritual belief and find a biological dentist.
Tongue Tie, MTHFR, and Fertility with Carolyn Ledowsky, ND
Cleft lip and cleft palate are due to a folate deficiency. What form of folate is best? Folic acid or folinic acid? The only active form in the body is methyl folate. In order to make this a person must have the gene of MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). If you have a MTHFR polymorphism, what do you do? Tongue tie is common. Our folate status is affected even without genetic issues. We can change the outcome.
Cleft lip and palate is an anomaly where the lip and palate is not fused. It is a midline disorder. Tongue tie restricts the range of motion of the tongue. Folate is the key. Does the person have an MTHFR polymorphism, an enzyme that controls the development of folate? There is a big difference between folic acid and folate. Folic acid is artificial which cannot be metabolized which fortifies many foods. This increase may cause a deficiency of our methyl folate.
Research shows that if you have the MTHFR polymorphism you are more likely to have a child with cleft lip or palate if your folate levels are low. If you have MTHFR and you take folic acid rather than methyl folate you have 4 times the risk of having a baby with cleft issues. If the child has MTHFR and the mom does as well, the susceptibility is increased.
MTHFR helps the body make methyl folate. Methylation is critical as it turns genes on and off, repairs and builds DNA and RNA, reduces aging, detoxifies chemicals and heavy metals, processes hormones, builds immune cells, turns the stress response on and off, provides us with energy, reduces histamine, repairs cell membranes and produces myelination of nerves, and supports neurotransmitters to prevent depression, anxiety, insomnia and aids in brain function. Stress affects methylation. Also chemicals and heavy metals, medications, age and diet play a role. Leafy green vegetables are the best way to get this.
One eats leafy green vegetables and the folate gets converted by an enzyme into the active 5-MTHF. The two genes that encode for MTHFR are C677T and A1298C. If you have both copies then your ability to make the methyl folate is compromised by 70%. If you are stressed it is very hard to fill the folate bucket. With folic acid it is hard to convert methyl folate from your food. The good folate gets pushed out. A prenatal vitamin with folic acid downregulates the good pathway. Methyl folate is the only one that can cross the placenta. That has far reaching implications. The oral microbiome can be affected by this. Loss of function due to the inherited number of genes can vary from 20-70% loss of function to convert.
So what do you do? Find out if you are at risk. Use prenatal vitamins without folic acid. Don’t smoke or drink. Eat a diet rich in greens. Avoid medications like anticonvulsants and bronchodilators. For more information on this: info@mthfrsupport.com.au
How to Test for Oral Parasites with Leslie Douglas, PhD
Dr. Douglas works with DNA Connexions which is a thorough testing lab. It is a biosafety level 2 detection laboratory. All panels are PCR based. The samples they test can potentially harbor parasites. This is in comparison to a culture. Polymerase Chain Reaction targets the DNA if it is present in the sample. It is a non-cellular based process that is simply amplified. The oral panel they do looks for 88 different organisms including bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. Except for the state of New York, some of the samples can be done through a home test called Super Floss as a full mouth survey or you can do it site specific if you have a tooth that is a problem. This can be ordered by the patient. Dental offices also have kits. Dentists can order more elaborate tests.
There are sample reports on the website as an example. It will show all the organisms and rank them as to whether they should be in the mouth, are there toxins, how much is there, is it antibiotic resistant, is there a pathogenic organism and how much is there, and are there organisms that are related to chronic conditions. The report includes general characteristics of the organisms, CDC recommendations, and symptoms of infection. The best scenario is to be under the care of the practitioner. The flora will vary from tooth to tooth. Each has its own ecosystem.
They can test teeth, root canals, and cavitations. An average report will show 18 microbes. A root canal can go as high as 35 microbes. The root canal harbors so many microbes and this is confirmed on the test. Cavitations harbor bacteria. The hole left heals over and traps the bacteria. The treatment includes flushing with ozone and cleaning out the pocket which is sterilized and heals.
If a person has a sore tooth they can do a Super Floss kit. There is a pretreatment sample called a Paper Point. It is a dental tool. With a root canal, when it is done, is flooded with bleach and then must dry. A Paper Point is about an inch long and is inserted in between the gum and the tooth to determine the flora around the tooth.
There could be something in the environment that continually infects the mouth. Unhealthy water can affect the flora. Microbes are invisible to the eye but are very real.
The Meta-Physical Side of Oral Health with Tamara Payne, BSBA, BSMS, CYT, HTP, LMT, CMT, CORE SC, SN
She had a near death experience as a child when she bled to death. As a result she could see and smell the energy fields around people. Twenty years later she continued her education. In her studies she learned about meridian dentistry. She used it to address her own health. Then she put her practitioner team together.
Each body is 70% water, just as the earth is 70% water. So visualize that we are all our own ocean. There are specific pathways that feed into that ocean. There are meandering rivers, and some pollution. There are 14 meridian lines in our body, they all begin in our ears and our mouth and they all end in our hands and our feet. There is a study called Science of Life from ancient India and those systems are called the chakras which are the puddles that feed into the meridians. How they interact together is called the nadis (72,000 unseen forces of energy that move all over the body). All lines lead back to the mystery school that can help determine health. It adds a new dimension to dentistry.
When we are working with the mouth there is a three fingered moodra from the Indian culture. For tooth number 15, for example, you can run the three fingers (thumb, first and second fingers) along the tooth, side to side and in a circle as a self-healing technique for two minutes. Then sweep from your crown down to the floor. Then hold the area for 30 seconds. This is a gentle rebalancing.
The meridian points also relate to organ systems. In foot reflexology, by touching points on the feet we are sending energy and light to the zero point chakra and can address health issues within the body.
The Mouth-Nervous System Link with Tim Jackson, DPT, CNS
Dental imbalances serve as a major component of many chronic diseases. Periodontal tissue harbors the microbiome and when gram-negative bacteria release lipopolysaccharides, an inflammatory condition results. In addition, when the upper jaw is too narrow, it decreases one’s ability to fully oxygenate the body. The brain and the teeth come from the same tissue. Even a cleaning can cause a stress response.
If a child is not breastfed long enough the jaw doesn’t develop properly. This creates an imbalance with the cranial bones. It is vital to have proper jaw alignment. The glymphatic system is how the brain circulates lymph fluid. Incline bed therapy 6 to 8 inches helps the brain drain.
Every time you chew you activate specific areas of the brain. The primary connection between the brain and the mouth is the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. This nucleus contains the cell bodies of the primary afferent sensory neurons. Information from the body is carried to the brain in this manner. The Locus Coeruleus (LC) contains the noradrenergic fibers, providing another strong connection between the mouth and the nervous system. This is a norepinephrine rich area. Too much can cause anxiety, panic attacks, drug addiction and alcoholism. Every time the mouth opens and closes the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus gets activated. (Me5). In addition, the ascending reticular activating system (RAS) is also activated. This facilitates activation of the cerebral cortex. Research shows that chewing gum increases IQ tests.
Any dental work is invasive and impacts the body. The jaw bone attracts many toxins because there is poor circulation in the mandible and maxilla. The optimal width of the maxillary is 40 mm. Most people are less than this. There are devices that can widen the upper jaw. The ability to chew hard crunchy foods is a strong predictor of cognitive decline.
Dental issues influence the autonomic nervous system. The Me5 can modulate motor, postural control and the autonomic system when clinching and grinding is present or a misaligned jaw. It can increase sympathetic dominance being in flight response continuously. It is a structural and functional issue. Fixing jaw alignment is an Advanced Lightwire Functional expander (ALF). This is different from the traditional mandibular expander. It widens the lower jaw. This can have downstream effect on the width of the maxilla. It can be applied to the maxilla and the mandible.
Mercury is a major body contaminant. It comprises 50% of the silver amalgams Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, DDS is the pioneer in this research. There are many symptoms of mercury toxicity. There is so much mercury in the environment, that even the newborns have mercury. It contributes to Alzheimer’s disease and Lyme disease. It suppresses the immune system. Candida can cause many problems. If you treat it and it doesn’t resolve it is an indicator that mercury is present. Therefore the mercury must be addressed first. Mercury is also responsible for the death of brain cells. It binds to the myelin sheath in the central nervous system, killing neurons. It latches to the sulfur groups causing the immune system to attack that compound resulting in autoimmunity and allergies.
Ways to detoxify mercury are many but first the mercury source, which is usually amalgams, must be removed. Then chelation such as DMPS, EDTA which can be done through IV or oral. Support the lymphatic drainage. Irminix/Emeramide was developed by Dr. Haley and increases intracellular glutathione and helps remove mercury. It is hard to detox if the body is exposed to high EMF environment. The fillings must be properly removed. Contact the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), and the IAMSD (International Academy for Mercury Safe Dentistry), and the HAD (Holistic Dental Association) to find a biological dentist. Ask questions of the dentist to learn the extent of their education and experience.
Cavitations are areas of necrotic bone or where the wisdom teeth have been removed and the periodontal ligament remains. These areas release biotoxins impacting the brain and the CNS. This area can be treated with minor surgery or with photon devices. Use a cone beam or a Cavitat device to test for this. Cavitation infections activate the Cell Danger Response leading to altered mitochondrial energy production. The central nervous system is very mitochondrial dependent so this ultimately impacts the brain.
Proper dental work includes no fluoride as it impacts the pineal gland in the brain. It can become calcified from fluoride use. If you get an implant use zirconium oxide. Consider the ALF device prior to braces. Consider a oral microbiome test. You can find someone who does Lanap procedure can restore balance along with ozone. Brush your teeth with Livionex and Revitin. These must be ordered on line. These helps break up oral biofilm and support the microbiome. Lasers can whiten teeth. There have been mixed reviews as they are new technology. Use a water pik twice a day. Get a cleaning three times a year.
The Scary Truth About Mercury with David Kennedy, DDS
Dr. Kennedy had patients who recovered from MS after getting their amalgams removed. Mercury is a unique poison. It is a very large molecule and can take the place of other essential metals combining with sulfur. It binds and distorts proteins and binds tubulin and goes through membranes causing leaky issues. Mercury vapor strips neurons in the brain. It is invisible under ordinary light, cannot taste it, and accumulates over a life time. It impairs the kidneys, impacts the fetus in the womb, it enters all areas of the body, circulating for a minimum of 3 minutes, entering the mitochondria and dislodges iron that starts the Fenton Reaction and produces free radicals.
Traditional-Turned-Biological Dentist with Richard Porcelli, DDS, MS
Dr. Porcelli is in South Carolina. The IAOMT is the best place to find a dentist trained in removing mercury fillings. Their protocol includes a lot of draping, medical grade oxygen, rubber dam around a single tooth, air vacuum system drawing away fumes, and a slurry drink starts the protocol. This is a SMART certification.
Biological dentistry means no fluoride. Fluoride competes with iodine it will stress the thyroid gland. Use clean toothpastes that are not chemical filled (disrupts the microbiota in the mouth) to help with remineralization. These include Revitin toothpaste citrus or baking soda-coconut oil-mint when you make your own toothpaste.
When you have airway deficiencies you have cellular degeneration. Sleep apnea is a real problem. They do a full airway assessment. Many people have under development of the jaw since babies were not nursed long enough. Longer nursing drops the palate to open the airways. He uses Vivos to resculpture the jaw. For more information, visit the The Vivos System® website. Grow the palate and then do the restorative dentistry.
He quit doing root canals six years ago. The infection gets into the bone below the root of the tooth resulting in bone infection. There is infection that remains in the tubules and the body attempt to wall it off. You then have a low grade chronic infection. He only does zirconia transplants. If you place the post properly you will have success.
Biocompatibility used to be done with Clifford labs but that is no longer being used. He now does muscle testing for materials.
For cavitations, he has found the best way to treat is to look at old wisdom teeth extractions. IN the past dentists didn’t clean out the ligament, or use PRF and PRP. It is important to totally clean out the cavitation. You can biopsy the hole to determine the parasite or infection. He finds Lyme spirochetes there, for example. He uses bone grafts, and re-establishes the blood flow for proper healing.
Cancer and Oral Health with Veronique Desaulniers, DC
She developed breast cancer and had to determine why this happened. In this investigation she realized there were pieces of the puzzle she had missed. She developed 7 essentials. 1. Let food be your medicine. 2. Eliminate toxic exposure. 3. Balance your energy. 4. Deal with emotions. 5. Therapeutic plants. 6. Biological dentistry. 7. Early detection. In 2015 she had recurrence. This time she monitored her blood sugar, did the ketogenic diet for six months, then did intermittent fasting, and blended instead of juicing. In addition she did coffee enemas, rectal ozone, vaginal ozone, hyperthermia sauna, Bio Mat, and lymphatic drainage. She used chiropractic, deep tissue massage, grounding, PEMF mat, monitored hormones, took methylation support, heart math, got sunshine and improved her sleep. Then she healed her emotional wounds with Evox, NES, EFT, meditation and journaling. Biological dentistry was an additional step. She got a cone beam scan, addressed cavitations, and did root restoration and dental extractions along with ozone injections. She used therapeutic plants and herbs. She did the RGCCC Greek test to determine which herbs would help her personally. She did high dose IV vitamin C, poly MVA IV, high dose enzymes and numerous supplements. She used HilioHealth to monitor. She also attended Hope 4 Cancer.
She embraced biological dentistry. She followed the work of Dr. Weston Price. Silver amalgams need to be removed. Mercury mimics and stimulates estrogen in the body. It is also a neurotoxin. It acts as an antenna and attracts exposure. It stimulates the growth of breast cancer. You can get a serum compatibility blood test at Clifford Consulting & Research Inc. and BioComp Labs to determine sensitivity to dental materials. Remove root canaled teeth. 42 different species of bacteria have been found in root canals that cause autoimmune, cardiovascular and neurological issues. There is a great film called Root Cause. Thermograms will show issues around a root canal tooth. After pulling a root canal tooth you have options. It can interfere with the meridian flow if you use an implant. Cavitation is simply a hole in the bone where the ligament is not cleaned up after tooth extraction. This will eat away at the bone. This must be cleaned out, ozone, laser, and IV Vit C. The teeth each are aligned with a meridian. Periodontal disease can increase the risk for breast cancer two times. She found a biological dentist in Naples, Florida. After dental work has been done do a dental detox for 4-6 weeks afterwards including chlorella, modified citrus pectin, glutathione, cilantro and homeopathic formulas. Coffee enemas can also be beneficial as they flush the liver using a light roast. Drink water, including lemon water. Skin brush daily. Use castor oil packs and fast. Lymphatic cleansing by sweating helps remove heavy metals and environmental chemicals, as well as stimulating Heat Shock Proteins. Stimulate lymphatic drainage with massage or dry skin brushing. Rebounding also helps the lymph move. Oil pulling is the process of putting a few tsps. of coconut oil in the mouth and swishing for 20 minutes. Spit it into the trash can. The Perio-Path Oral DNA Test is a great way to measure the level of bacteria in your mouth. She uses Orawellness.com products, Hydroxyapatite from bones and cinnamon essential oil as an antibacterial. She likes Uncle Harry’s bentonite tooth paste. Dental floss actually has Teflon. Burst floss is her choice.