Body Electric 2.0 2021 Summit

Following is a review of several of the presentations given at the Body Electric 2.0 Summit. These presentations have been summarized by Dr. Joanne Quinn.

The 4th Phase of Water by Dr. Gerald Pollack, PhD

Dr. Pollack has been studying the various phases of water for many years. During this investigation he determined there is an exclusion zone where a 4th phase of water exists, often called EZ water. This phase is a structured (ordered) water that is different from water as we know it. In an effort to clarify this concept, Dr. Pollack has written the book “Cells, Gels and The Engines of Life.” The premise is that water is structured, suggesting there is an order that is essential to life. Water goes through a phase transition back and forth from structured to unstructured. This initiates cellular events, like muscle contraction, secretory events and so on. Within this orderly process, structured water is like a crystal, as in ice formation. During this process debris is pushed into the exclusion zone. In previous articles on the FAIM site we have discussed the importance of deuterium depleted water. This process of clearing debris includes the exclusion of deuterium, assuring that only deuterium depleted water enters the cell. Dr. Pollack determined that the sodium potassium pump just didn’t make sense. To pump sodium out of the cell to create a negative potential made no computational sense. The cell didn’t have enough energy to power the pump. So he concluded something else was in play. In the same vain, to embrace the channel theory in the cell membrane made no sense, as well. If there are specific channels, what is to keep the smaller ions from entering larger channels, thus confusing the process? What did make sense was the application of EZ water. This 4th phase of water has a negative charge which is needed for all cell function. This charge must surround proteins so they can do their work.

It is important for the functions of the body to maintain enough EZ water in the system. For this reason it is vital for the body to be hydrated, to assure there is adequate EZ water available. The avenue of hydration matters as water that is already structured as it enters the body becomes EZ water more readily. Other sources include spring water and juicing. Herbs that are beneficial include turmeric, holy basil, willow bark and ghee. Another important aspect is body pH as this is the same as charge in the body. An acid system with low pH carries a net positive charge whereas high pH being alkaline carries a negative charge which is vital for EZ water.

The more EZ water you have in your body the greater the negative charge being of benefit to general health. The healthier you are the more negative electrical potential can be measured. Earthing is one avenue to add negative charge to the body. For those unfamiliar with Earthing it involves grounding, walking barefoot on the beach, grass, etc. Other ways to increase the amount of EZ water in the body include exposure to sunshine. Light in the infrared range builds EZ water. The metabolic heat in the body is close to infrared energy and will convert water into EZ water. Infrared saunas are beneficial for this reason. Research shows that EZ water increases circulatory flow within the body. Exposure to infrared energy builds EZ water and ultimately increases flow in the capillaries. How does this happen biologically? Where does the energy come from? Infrared energy gets converted into mechanical energy, propelling the lymph and blood in the capillaries. The question often arose as to how the blood at the end of the capillaries was propelled back to the heart, having no obvious pump there. In addition, the capillaries are tiny and the red blood cells need energy to be pushed through the tiny vessels. In order to accomplish this, much energy is required that cannot be delivered by the heart alone. As EZ water transforms from structured to unstructured and back, energy results that powers the system. Infrared energy serves to speed up the flow. It can be found in the literature dating back 100 years that the heart drives blood through the larger arteries, but an additional mechanism is needed to accomplish these flow requirements, including blood and lymph. This is the same principle that drives fluids to the tree tops against the influence of gravity.

Dr. Pollack published “The 4th Phase of Water” in 2013 confirming the electrical charge in the body is vital. He is preparing to publish a new book that will further explain the application of charge in nature, heating, biology, etc. He will discuss what makes the earth spin, the wind blow, why clouds float regardless of gravitational pull, what makes the weather and will explain how birds remain in flight.

For more information Dr. Pollack can be reached through the University of Washington.

Heart Coherence and the Planetary Energetic Field by Dr. Rollin McCraty, PhD

In life there is “heart coherence” as the physical heart is integrated with many systems including the nervous system which delivers a large source of electrical energy. One can gain a great deal of information on the health of an individual by monitoring Heart Rate Variability. This will monitor the autonomic nervous system including the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. Measurements of the vagal rhythm relate to the self-regulatory capacity of the body. The electrocardiogram (EKG) also measures current energy flow through the magnetic field, conveying biological information and feedback regarding our emotional state. If we are filled with love, gratitude and appreciation we can raise the coherent state of others around us. Dr. McCraty has researched how the heart affects the brain. Heart math is the study of heart coherence and the brain, facilitating the thalamus and its ability to create cohesion. He has initiated the Global Coherence Initiative. This is a global initiative what collects data from around the world. There are measurable magnetic field lines around the world that can be plucked by things such as solar wind creating a resonance. These magnetic waves work much like a tuning fork that will vibrate when an identical tuning fork is struck nearby. 20 years of data collection shows that when something global happens it affects many people as the global field environment is modulated. He believes we must feed the field with love, and compassion. This can affect people’s consciousness worldwide.

For more information go to and the Globalcoherance app.

Impact of Sulfate and Glyphosate on Cellular Energy by Stephanie Seneff

Sulfate is needed to enhance the 4th phase of water, EZ water, so that protons, through proton tunneling, can be delivered into the cell. As explained in Dr. Pollack’s presentation, the EZ water pushes the deuterium into the exclusion zone so that all water entering the cell is deuterium depleted. This deuterium depleted water (DDW) delivers protons into the cell unencumbered. The sulfate, which is activated by the PAPS molecule, basically guarantees the cell will get deuterium depleted (DD) protons insuring proper function of the cell. It can all be quite complicated, but the cell needs energy to operate and this is created through the process of phosphate movement within ATP back and forth to ADP. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and Adenosine diphosphate (ADP). The “tri” represents three phosphates and the “di” represents two phosphates. As phosphate is transferred back and forth between ADP and ATP, energy results. Dr. Seneff has studied the impact of glyphosate (Roundup) on the various processes within the body and is considered the expert. The body naturally creates DDW unless the mechanisms are interrupted by glyphosate. From the previous summaries it is easy to see how disrupting the creation of DDW impacts health. In COVID-19 fluid develops in the lungs. The body produces hyaluronic acid where the carbonate makes gelled water in the alveoli. The deuterium is trapped in the gel and so the other water in the lungs is DDW. The white blood cells of the immune system can then become strong using the DDW water that remains. The virus can be cleared by the white blood cells (WBC). However, these extreme symptoms are necessary to initiate all the clearing mechanisms in order to remove the virus. The water in the lungs is rich in mitochondria (where ATP is generated) from stem cells, platelets, and macrophages. WBC engulf the mitochondria and DDW to give them the strength to eliminate the virus. So how does a person support the body during this healing process? Sun feeds the electrical system. Eat sulfur containing foods including broccoli, seafood, cheese, organic liver, flavonoids, polyphenols, licorice, and rosemary. All of these help maintain the electrical system in the body and help with the proton tunneling in the cell.

The mitochondria activity is key to healing. As protons are pushed into the mitochondria by enzymes, a charge is created. This charge is used to add a phosphate to the ADP, turning it into ATP. If deuterium replaces the hydrogen proton, mutations result and the mitochondria dies. This debris must be removed by the lysosomes which also must be deuterium depleted to function properly. Heparin sulfate controls what is delivered to the cell. The sulfate breaks off and provides a buffer so that lysosomes can remain acid to break down the dead mitochondria.

Since we know that the proton exchange is vital, how do we get more protons into the body? Research shows that drinking hydrogen water can help this process. The gut bacteria makes gases that carry hydrogen. Enzymes that make the gasses are deuterium depleted gas. Flavo proteins recycle the gas. This entire cycle is supported by hydrogen water. Collagen which is made of glycine gets disrupted by glyphosate creating issues in the joints. Collagen binds to heparin sulfate and decreases the stiffness. When cells bind to stiff surfaces they create pits that stick to the surface of the tissue. To help explain the process further we must discuss the role that the thyroid hormones play. Reverse T3 is an inactive rogue molecule that gets in the way of T3. Stiff collagen accumulates RT3 creating a hypothyroid issue. The receptor cell engages the inactive RT3 rather than the active T3. It is easy to see that glyphosate can impact the body in ways that one would never suspect.

So how does this all fit together? Body systems are intertwined and dysregulation of one impacts many others. Dr. Seneff has found that areas where glyphosate is used are at higher risk of viral infection. Glyphosate use contaminates our water, but also other ways that may not be as obvious. For example, glyphosate is used in the farming of corn. This corn is transformed into biofuel. As the biofuel is burned, glyphosate permeates the air we breathe and contaminates the lungs. Knowing that COVID impacts the lungs, the risk factor increases. Cities that have air pollution and biofuel use have statistically greater issues.

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Why Deuterium Depletion is Essential by Petra Dorfsman, ND

What is deuterium? It is a hydrogen atom with an extra proton in the nucleus making it twice as heavy as a standard hydrogen atom. This is known as an isotope of hydrogen. All water contains atoms of deuterium. Since 60-70% of our body is water, and we have 62% of the atoms in our bodies are hydrogen, it is impactful. Around the globe, deuterium is found to be about 150 parts per million in water. When these levels are exceeded it affects the mitochondria which are the nano motors of the cell. Deuterium levels have changed, being more concentrated due to evaporation. Many aspects of our environment are also impacting deuterium concentration. We have more pollution of heavy metals which affect how deuterium moves in the body. Glyphosate has an impact on deuterium by lowering B2, B3 and NAD. Water consumption impacts how much deuterium enters the body. If a person drinks a lot of water, they are consuming more deuterium. Spring water has been found to have slightly less deuterium being at 140 ppm. Lack of sunlight plays a role as does the need to eat good fats and reduce vegetable oils. High deuterium gives rise to metabolic dysfunction, low Vitamin D levels, increased EMF sensitivity, neurocognitive disease, and genetic variations impacting the conversion of Vitamin D from the sun. In addition, deuterium acts as a growth factor for microbes. One way to avoid consumption of additional deuterium is to eat only animal proteins that have been naturally raided. Deuterium gets stored in the fat in large amounts in improperly raised animals and once consumed it is almost impossible to get rid of this added deuterium. Biologically we release deuterium through our tears, saliva, stool and sweat. The goal is to release more than we take in. In testing tissue levels, anyone who has chronic disease, inflammation and insulin issues has elevated levels. So what are the best lifestyle approaches to limit deuterium? Eat healthy fats as they are naturally deuterium depleted. Ketogenic diets with some organ meats are beneficial. Intermittent fasting, which we cover on the FAIM website, increases the body’s production of DDW. Get plenty of sunshine as the infrared light increases DDW. Heat therapies that promote sweating are helpful. Research also show that use of CBD which crosses the blood brain barrier helps produce DDW in the brain. There is a lot of information available regarding drinking DDW. This is crucial for cancer patients. Discussion regarding DDW is relatively new, but moving forward it will be understood the incredible impact DDW has on health.

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Microcirculation and Beyond by Joshua Berka, NMD

Often times, when the heart is discussed, someone relates that the heart is really not a pump. Dr. Berka agrees with this. It is, however, a relay organ for circulation. Smooth muscles contact and relax to control micro circulation of the blood based on metabolic tissue needs. This is a self-regulation neuro vascular system that is impacted by nitric oxide. This is influenced as well by the environment and the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. Microcirculatory dysfunction happens first and late shows up in the arteries. Using Heart Rate Variability you can track pathological changes so they can be mitigated. There are various indicators of dysfunction including the observation of Rouleau in the blood where the red blood cells stack one upon the other. If the vessels have a healthy glycocalyx the red blood cells do not touch the vessel wall resulting in health and low pressure within the vessel. So how do we improve our microcirculation? Hydro therapy is one approach using hot and cold variations. Micro current therapies are beneficial. Low level laser therapy including phototherapy, LED with various wavelengths is used. PEMF vascular therapy helps with autonomic dysregulation and muscle contractions.

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Your Biofield and Health Challenges in the Wireless World by Dr. Beverly Rubik

Following are excerpts from the presentation. Dr. Rubik was asked what her thoughts were regarding the pandemic as it related to her scientific research. Dr. Rubik responded “Well, let’s take a look at the beginning of the pandemic. It was Wuhan, China. And interestingly, they had just lit up 5G, city-wide, late October 2019. Then it was December, 2019, when the pandemic began in Wuhan. And then of course it spread. But, is that a coincidence? But, look where it spread. Initially, there were high spots in South Korea, in Northern Italy, and Southern California, and Seattle, and Silicon Valley, and New York City. These were areas where there was some 5G roll out. Now, the 5G rollout is certainly not complete in the West, or in the East. But, we saw the beginnings of the pandemic worldwide, in areas where 5G was in part turned on. Is that a coincidence? It could be. I know there are some other papers coming out looking at that. There was a study by Spanish researchers, on looking epidemiologically at the densification of antennas, the new 5G antennas, and their placement in the world, and where cases went up the most. And that’s published in Spanish. But it was translated into English by Claire Edwards. And it is online. And I’ve given you the link for that, for people to take a look at. So, it’s hardly a coincidence if you really statistically analyze that correlation between the 5G enhancement or proliferation of antennas, and the number of cases of COVID, especially early on in the pandemic. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. And they show statistically, because they compared regions where there was no 5G, no antennas, and very low cases there. So, it’s quite an extensive statistical study. So, we have that. But then there is more. The virus is disrupting the blood, causing clotting. Even in advanced cases, the hemoglobin level in the blood, and that’s the protein that carries oxygen, goes down. And the number of red blood cells can also go down. Those are essential to respiration. It’s not just all about air in the lungs. It’s about blood, the binding of oxygen to that blood, and the transport of that oxygen around the body. So, the blood is indispensable in respiration. And COVID shows a lot of effects on the blood. And, guess what? So does the wireless radiation from our technology, when we’re exposed to it. I did a study back in 2014, and reported on it at your first summit, showing morphological changes in the blood from very short term exposure. Somebody just wearing a smartphone in a backpack that was turned on for 45 minutes. And then I examined the blood again and saw serious stickiness of the red blood cells. The formation of stacks of red blood cells that we call Rouleau or rolls. And, in the end, the cells also broke up upon further exposure, like use of the cellphone. And formed the shriveled red blood cells, even echinocytes, spiky red blood cells that cannot transport very well through the micro capillaries“. Dr. Rubik continues siting other common factors including oxidative stress and reduction of the master antioxidant glutathione. She covered additional similarities between COVID and 4G and 5G including siting research from over one hundred studies on wireless radiation in microwave and millimeter waves that disrupted the immune system. Wireless radiation has also shown impacts on the heart with irregular heart rhythms for example. The presentation continued to cover similarities and links. The bottom line presented by Dr. Rubik is that the World Health Organization and the CDC should be having discussions about this at the very least. She presented options to protect your environment from these frequencies including Earthing practices, turning off wireless devices when not in use, placing a cell phone in airplane mode, and many other helpful suggestions. Even though there will be thousands of satellites used in the 5 G technology Dr. Rubik felt that the greatest exposure will come from personal device usage and for that we have more control. Beverly recommended worldwide research to determine a universal standard of safety.

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About the Author

Joanne Quinn

Executive Director of the Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine

Joanne Quinn, Ph.D., R.M.A., has an extensive background in science with a doctorate in holistic nutrition. She has studied both allopathic and alternative approaches to health care, studying alternative therapies since 1989.