Jill Carnahan, MD, interviews Teresa Holler, MS, PA-C, about her simple approach to complex illnesses such as mold illness, Lyme disease and other chronic infections. Watch and learn how you can improve your health by addressing the root cause of your problems!
Lyme Disease

Photo by James Gathany, 2007 / Image ID#:9875, Public Health Image Library, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The typical "bull's-eye" rash at the site of a tick bite is a common early symptom of Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is a condition typically spread by ticks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that there are nearly 325,000 new cases each year – making Lyme disease an epidemic larger than AIDS, West Nile Virus, and Avian Flu combined. FAIM reports on the epidemic and potential treatment options.
Lyme Disease: Arthritis by Infection
The unlucky invasion of Borrelia burgdorferi, the spiral-shaped microbe injected by at least one species of tick, Ixodes scapularis, seems to present the unwitting victim with arthritic symptoms that also may require more than one approach for its solution.
Silver Nanoparticles as a Novel Approach to the Treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease and Associated Diseases
Hydrosol silver, specifically silver nanoparticles, provides a novel and effective approach to the treatment of chronic Lyme disease and its multiple infections without the complications of antibiotic therapy.
Preventing Lyme Disease: Simple Steps to Keep You Safe
Summer is Lyme season. Fortunately, there are some simple and effective ways you can protect yourself and prevent Lyme disease. Here are Dr. Jill's best Lyme disease prevention tips.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Ticks infected with Rickettsia rickettsii cause Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Dive into exactly what this is, it's dangerous and potentially fatal side effects, and most importantly – how you can protect yourself.
Dr. Rawls' Complete Guide to Lyme Disease and Coinfection Tests
Lyme disease tests can serve as valuable resources for the diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne disease. Learn from Dr. Rawls’ Complete Guide to Lyme Disease and Coinfection Tests.
Do You Have Lyme Disease? What You Need To Know About COVID-19
If you have Lyme disease, this is a must read regarding COVID-19.
Lyme Disease Treatment Options
Lyme disease is personal at FAIM. After our founder, Berkley Bedell, was bitten by a tick in Maryland, his life changed dramatically. Over time he became extremely ill. He received conventional treatments including oral and IV antibiotics and received no benefit, so he began to look outside the box.
Lyme Disease, Homeoprophylaxis, and Wildcrafted Herbs
Staying informed on the ever-changing landscape of medicine and natural therapies can be downright impossible. One way to keep current on research and clinical practice is to attend professional conferences. Learn about Lyme disease, homeopathy, and wildcrafted herbs reviewed at the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) Conference 2019.
Can Therapeutic Peptides Revolutionize the Future of Precision Medicine?
Peptide therapy has been gaining great interest and popularity in recent years as a novel approach to slow down aging and treat diseases. This article discusses what peptide therapy is and how it might benefit your health.
DNA Connexions Lab Testing for Lyme Disease
DNA Connexions is a CLIA certified BSL-2 clinical molecular laboratory specializing in the detection and identification of the genetic footprint of pathogenic microbiota, identifying bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic microbes in human biological samples. For a long time the traditional testing for Lyme disease has been based on antibody presence, but DNA testing is proving to be more reliable for the Lyme spirochete and the co-infections.
Cowden Support Program
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease and/or the co-infections, the Cowden Support Program (CSP) could provide an answer to return to health. It uses holistic supplements in a doable step by step program.
Ozone High Dose Therapy or 10 Pass
10 pass ozone has been found to treat colds, flu, Lyme, infections of all kinds, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more. Most people, the overwhelming majority, simply felt better, performed better, or rapidly recovered from their acute infection.
The Missing Link to Treating Digestive Problems and Chronic Fatigue
Biofilms are complex communities of microbes living within protective “cages” which prevent antibiotics and antifungals from reaching and destroying pathogens. This can lead to chronic infections. A three-step process to disrupt the protective shell, destroy the microbes inside the biofilm, and pre-and probiotics to increase friendly bacteria may help you regain health.
Colloidal Nanosilver: An Introduction
Silver has been used throughout the ages to address virus, bacteria and fungus. Current technology produces colloidal nanosilver solutions that help address a multitude of illnesses more effectively in many cases than prescription drugs.
The Safety of UBI
Is UBI safe? There has never been a death or even a major medical complication that has been recorded as a result of using UBI. This is a non-drug therapy that is simple to use and affects so many disorders.
The Medical Action of UV Light
How does it work? Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation, the UVC (Ultraviolet C wave length – 254 nm) light dismantles the virus or bacteria that you have in your blood. As a result, many viral and bacterial diseases respond to UBI therapy.
History and Medical Effects of UBI
Over 100 years ago, Faroese-Danish physician/researcher Niels Finsen found that ultraviolet light could effectively treat skin disorders. Learn what has happened with this technology since then.
The Cure that Time Forgot
In light of the antibiotic resistant super bugs like MRSA, it is almost criminal that Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) therapy should not be considered as a common treatment.
A New Fighting Chance: Silver Solution
Dr. Gordon Pedersen has put together a chronicle on the cutting edge ability of structured silver solution's ability to safely destroy bacteria, viruses and yeast. Learn the application of silver for many chronic and acute illnesses.
Lyme Disease: What Works, What Doesn't
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial infection, Borrelia burgdorferi, although many patients are also infected by other tick-borne pathogens that may cause even more problems. Infected ticks are not limited to the Northeast but are found throughout the US. More than 300,000 Americans are infected every year – 10 times more than previously believed. Learn about natural ways to approach the disease.
Introduction to the Byron White Formulas and Their Use in Lyme Disease
Dr. Anderson uses formulas known as the Byron White Formulas to address not only Lyme disease, but the co-infections which typically are present in most Lyme cases.
Lyme Disease: Misdiagnosed, Underreported, and Epidemic
Lyme disease is an epidemic larger than AIDS, West Nile Virus, and Avian Flu combined with 325,000 new cases reported each year.
Lyme Disease Workshop
There are many problems confronting Lyme disease physicians seeking to help their patients. The threats to freedom in medicine posed by insurance companies, medical boards and peer review were covered in detail with examples.
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Lyme Disease Seminar
Lyme syndrome is a disease that results from a tick bite. It is also known as the “great imposter” since it mimics over 350 different medical conditions including, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, CPC, Lupus, reactive arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, vasculitis, chronic neck pain, chronic back pain, MS, ALS, dementia, Alzheimer's, chronic headache, migraines, Crohn's, interstitial cystitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis and asthma.