Learn what your body does with stress.
Hormone Therapy

Photo by ronnieb, copyright 2006 / morguefile.com
Hormone replacement therapy refers to any form of hormone therapy in which a person receives hormones to supplement a lack of naturally occurring hormones or to substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones. Find out how your hormones affect your health and what you can do about it safely.
Men's Health and Hormones
In the natural health space, women’s hormones get a lot more attention than men’s. But guess what? Men can struggle with hormonal imbalances, too! Learn the signs and what can be done.
Five Steps to Better Periods
If you struggle with period problems, you are not alone. Whether you dread the discomfort of menstrual cramps, can’t manage the mood swings of PMS, or struggle with erratic and irregular cycles, this guide is for you.
Could It Be My Hormones?
Estrogen dominance is a pattern in the body where estrogen levels are too high in comparison to progesterone levels. Learn what causes it and how to address it.
The Bad News Continues for HRT
Considering how much news comes out on the consequences of taking conventional HRT, I think it is important to stay abreast of the latest research on the subject. It's so compelling that I wanted to share some important new findings from this past year alone.
Yes, We Can.. think outside the box
Thinking outside the box means using our basic knowledge of science to understand underlying causes of disease. This conference presented protocols that were probably never covered in professional school.
Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG) Conference
The Age Management Medicine Conference is an opportunity for practitioners to learn about options available to help their patients age gracefully. Many of the presentations deal with hormone supplementation, functional medicine and endocrine balance.