Stephanie Seneff, PhD, presents mounting evidence that the active ingredient in the world’s most commonly used weedkiller is contributing to skyrocketing rates of chronic disease. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most commonly used weedkiller in the world. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms – and food – every year.

Photo by Jeff Vanuga, courtesy of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service / Public Domain
Pesticide application on leaf lettuce in Yuma, AZ
Glyphosate, a key ingredient of Roundup®, was first introduced in 1974 as an herbicide. Since then, its use has increased dramatically. Some forms of glyphosate are used to regulate plant growth and ripen specific crops. When people ingest glyphosate, it may act as a broad-spectrum antibiotic in the gastrointestinal tract. It has been shown to disrupt gut bacteria in animals, killing beneficial forms and causing an overgrowth of pathogens which then affect our immune health.
How Pesticides and Herbicides Affect Farmers
These cancer-causing chemicals are a risk in our food. They are even a greater risk for the farmers who grow them.
Context and Convergence: An Open Dialogue on Glyphosate, Human and Planetary Health
Watch the replay of this exclusive Farmer’s Footprint event as we bring together expert voices in human health, land stewardship, policy, and advocacy to discuss the topic of glyphosate. Speakers include US Senator Cory Booker, Zach Bush MD, Kelly Ryerson, Calla Rose Ostrander, and Matt Nicoletti, with lead moderator and journalist Carey Gillam.
Toxic Legacy
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms – and food – every year in the US. Agrichemical companies claim this weedkiller is safe. But mounting evidence, and several highly publicized landmark legal cases, tell a very different story. Dr. Seneff shares the chemistry, the consequences, and what we can do moving forward.
Conversations With Tom Cowan & Friends: Episode 7: Stephanie Seneff
Episode 7 of Conversations with Tom Cowan and friends is with MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff. In this interview, they cover many subjects having to do with circulation, COVID, glyphosate and the role of vitamin D in health and illness.
Glyphosate, Deuterium and COVID-19
This article is a whirlwind tour through many concepts in biology. Hopefully you can appreciate the science enough to realize that glyphosate can be predicted to disrupt the body’s ability to fractionate deuterium and keep the deuterium levels in the mitochondria at a healthy state. The resolution of the inflammatory response coincides with the resolution of the deuterium excess problem in the mitochondria. These processes get derailed by glyphosate, and this can have life-threatening consequences for someone who is infected with COVID 19
COVID-19 Reveals a New Metabolism Paradigm
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., proposes that glyphosate, found in RoundUp, could play a role in the mortality caused by COVID 19. Learn how the body has self supporting mechanisms to recover from viral infections and how contamination from glyphosate and other toxic chemicals disrupt this healing process.
Just How Dangerous Is Glyphosate? The Answer is Shocking
What if there was a hidden danger slowly spreading across the country and lurking in places you’d never expect? A toxic chemical so harmful that researchers across the globe are working to have it banned from use? Sadly, the hidden danger we are referring to isn’t made up, and this isn’t the plot of a horror movie. It’s called glyphosate – the most widely used weed killer in the world.
Glyphosate Is Being Inserted Into Your Proteins by Mistake
The reports of harmful effects of glyphosate are exploding within the medical and scientific community as well as the general public. This time we’ll talk specifically about the various ways glyphosate exposure could lead to devastating health consequences, one of which includes pretending to be glycine, an amino acid that is crucial for protein synthesis.
GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health
In this podcast Rich Roll interviews Dr. Bush, a triple board certified physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism. Roll reports "This is a mind-blowing conversation that explores new insights into the mechanisms behind human health and longevity. It's about the massive and misunderstood impact of industrial farming, chemical pesticides, the pharmaceutical industry and even errant Western medical practices have on both human and planetary health."
Does Glyphosate Substitute for Glycine in Proteins of Actively Dividing Mammalian Cells?
A paper was recently published by Antoniou et al. with the bold title, "Glyphosate does not substitute for glycine in proteins of actively dividing mammalian cells." This article is a response from Dr. Stephanie Seneff, an expert in glyphosate research. If glyphosate is indeed substituting for glycine during protein synthesis, the consequences are mind-boggling, and the insidious cumulative toxic effects of glyphosate can easily explain the rise we are seeing today in the prevalence of a long list of autoimmune, metabolic, neurological and oncological diseases.
What We Can Learn From Mouse Models of Autism
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder whose incidence has been rising dramatically in the past two decades, in step with the dramatic rise in the use of glyphosate (the active ingredient in the pervasive herbicide Roundup) on core food crops. While correlation does not necessarily mean causation, there are multiple mechanisms by which glyphosate's disruption of human biology, and the biology of the gut microbiome, could cause many of the observed symptoms and biological metrics associated with autism.
Why Gluten Sensitivity May Not Be an Allergy to Wheat
People are avoiding gluten more and more, as they realize that they're sensitive to these wheat products. But it may not be the gluten that's bothering you at all. Unfortunately, the truth is much more toxic. When you eat non-organic wheat products, you're not just having a sandwich. You're also consuming the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate).
Moms Across America educating the world about GMOs and dangerous chemicals on our food
Once upon a time, all food was organic. Then a war ended and the chemical companies that supplied toxic chemicals to the military no longer had a market. They declared war on bugs and weeds. “Let’s make farming EASIER for the farmers,” they said. “Let’s give them chemicals to spray on the land, the seeds, and the food crops.” They didn’t say “Let’s make the food more nutritious, or safer.” They didn’t test the combination of chemicals on human blood cells. They claimed that testing these chemicals on humans was unethical.
Dirtier than the Dirty Dozen: What Parents Need to Know about GMO
There is a category of toxic foods that has been creeping into our food supply since the mid 1990s. The safety of these foods has never been proven. Two of the most prevalent genetically modified foods are soy and corn.