What if instead of managing diabetes with drugs, we focused on reversing it? In this episode of The Dr. Hyman Show, Mark Hyman, MD, sits down with Sami Inkinen, CEO and co-founder of Virta Health, and Greeshma Shetty, MD, a board-certified endocrinologist, to discuss an approach that’s transforming how we treat metabolic disease. They share groundbreaking research and real-world results that prove type 2 diabetes isn’t a lifelong sentence – it can be reversed with the right nutritional and care model.

Photo by Jane M. Sawyer, Copyright 2006 / morguefile.com
Over eight percent of the American population suffers from Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. FAIM investigates clinics around the world which implement protocols for Diabetes. Findings show nutritional protocols, diet and life style changes are effective in addressing these issues.
Blood Sugar
Learn about the myths, truths, and signs of blood sugar. See how it impacts your health and well being.
Uric Acid
Casey Means, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Levels, chatted with Dr. David Perlmutter on the discovery of how the elevation of uric acid in the body is a causative mechanism in the development of metabolic diseases, and one of the key links between obesity, diabetes, heart disease, neurologic diseases like dementia, ADHD, fatty liver disease, and more.
Insulin Resistance: The Invisible Condition That Comes Before Diabetes
Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond to insulin (the hormone that allows sugar to enter cells). That means sugar cannot effectively enter the cells to be burned for energy.
The Surprising Cause of an Enlarged Prostate
Metabolic syndrome is incredibly common and is responsible in large part for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes. But what you might not realize is that metabolic syndrome is also a big cause of BPH (prostate enlargement) and bladder symptoms.
Diabetes Packet
The diabetes packet includes how to naturally control the blood sugar levels in the body including with herbs, cinnamon, cassia bark, chromium picolinate, blueberry leaf extract, color, exercise and many other natural approaches.
Woman Sees Peripheral Neuropathy Virtually Disappear After One 20-Minute Treatment
Peripheral neuropathy is a problem for many people. The good news is that this condition is now seeing the light – and responding. The light is monochromatic low-level near-infrared light. Here’s what we’re finding out about this groundbreaking treatment.
Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Sustained release dihydroberberine (DHB) is a dietary supplement that has therapeutic value for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases associated with chronic inflammation, including pre-diabetes and diabetes, heart diseases, viral infections, chronic neuroinflammatory diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, and as adjunctive treatment in a variety of cancers. This article describes the rationale for such use, relevant research, add-on therapies, and suggested treatment protocols.
The Sweet (and Not-So-Sweet) Truth About Sugar Substitutes
Dr. Carnahan reports on two of the most popular sugar substitutes – artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. She looks at exactly what these sugar swap-ins are, how they affect your body, and whether or not they’re truly safe.
Vinegar for Better Health
“Modern science” is confirming what Vermont “Folk Medicine” knew in the mid-1950s and very likely before: vinegar is good for our health! Vinegar reduces obesity, improves blood sugar and insulin response (lower numbers for both) to carbohydrate, and most importantly, vinegar very likely increases longevity and improves health at the same time!
A Timeline for Intravenous Disodium Edetate (chelation) as a Treatment for Vascular Disease
Chelation, from the Greek word “chele” meaning claw, implies that an organic molecule binds a cation (charged mineral) in a pincer-like fashion, removing it from the body through the kidneys. The most widely accepted use of chelation therapy is for the removal of toxic minerals such as lead from the body. In addition it is used for the treatment of all forms of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
How Cannabidiol (CBD) Can Impact Your Health
Confused about the healing effects of hemp and marijuana? Learn about the differences between the cannabinoids THC and CBD and how cannabidiol (CBD) can impact so many diseases and imbalances in the body.
Colloidal Nanosilver: An Introduction
Silver has been used throughout the ages to address virus, bacteria and fungus. Current technology produces colloidal nanosilver solutions that help address a multitude of illnesses more effectively in many cases than prescription drugs.
What Is A Ketogenic Diet?
Dr. Josh Axe describes what a ketogenic diet is, what is is not, and how it can work when nothing else does. He states that "medical studies are now proving that the ketogenic diet can help you lose weight, boost brain health, fight neurological disease, balance hormones, and do a whole lot more."
CNN's award-winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a chief neurosurgeon, puts medical marijuana under the microscope. All three of CNN's current "Weed" documentaries compiled into one video.
Dr Mark Hyman's Detox Smoothie
What do you have for breakfast if you get rid of pancakes, toast and, cereal? Learn about a great shake packed with protein and nutrients. An easy and great way to start your morning.
The Stevia Myth
Stevia and other non-caloric sweeteners promote weight gain, GI disorders, and diabetes to a greater extent than sugar does. Learn about the myths and the facts surrounding stevia.
Diabetes - A Wholistic Perspective on an American Epidemic
What are the types of diabetes? How can I learn more about causes and prevention? What can I do if I have a type of diabetes? Here is everything you need to know to answer all of these questions.
You Can Cure and Prevent Gestational Diabetes
Research confirms that gestational diabetes can be linked to autism in the newborn. So what is a mother to do who develops this? Gestational diabetes can be addressed with a simple vitamin supplement. If you know someone who suffers from this, read on.
Why You Should Take Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Night
While some of the amazing abilities of apple cider vinegar (ACV) are anecdotal others are corroborated by clinical studies. But how would taking “ACV” before bed help you? It has the potential to drastically improve the health and wellness of half the population.
The Connection Between Glaucoma, Alzheimer's, and Diabetes
New research suggests it isn’t just Alzheimer’s that’s linked to diabetes and glaucoma. Less severe forms of dementia also could be a complication of diabetes. The eyes are so directly connected to the brain that many in the medical community believe they are an extension of the brain. The impact of diabetes on your eyes is now gaining even more attention. One group of researchers in India hypothesized that the eye disease glaucoma is actually diabetes of the brain.
A New Fighting Chance: Silver Solution
Dr. Gordon Pedersen has put together a chronicle on the cutting edge ability of structured silver solution's ability to safely destroy bacteria, viruses and yeast. Learn the application of silver for many chronic and acute illnesses.
Hydrogen Water: Drink to Better Health
Is the effect of drinking hydrogen water too good to be true? Julian Whitaker, M.D., thought so at first. But the deeper he delved into the hundreds of scientific papers examining the effects of hydrogen therapy, also called molecular hydrogen or H2 therapy, on scores of health challenges, the more he became convinced this is a true scientific breakthrough.
Magnesium: Important in so Many Ways
Magnesium is almost as basic as air and water for healthy living. For those who are ill and magnesium deficient taking magnesium is almost like taking a breath, when one is out of air. When one combines transdermal magnesium therapy with magnesium bicarbonate water one can expect dramatic results as one would expect in an emergency room or intensive care unit when taking these medicines intravenously.
Avoid the Metformin Bandwagon
What are the preferred natural alternatives to metformin? The botanical berberine stands out as the obvious number one alternative. Berberine is safer and equal to or superior to metformin. For example, for treatment of type-2 diabetes, insulin resistance and the high lipid levels resulting from insulin resistance, berberine is equal (in blood sugar and insulin resistance regulating effect) or superior (in lowering high lipids) to metformin. For heart disease Berberine has not been reported to cause low blood sugar, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency, raise homocysteine levels, or increase the risk of heart attacks.
Innovations in Nitric Oxide Diagnostics and Therapeutics
It is well-documented that the most prevalent cardiovascular, metabolic and cognitive disorders impacting healthcare are largely the result of the loss of available nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO deficiency is the basis for endothelial dysfunction which underlies the development of these disorders that plague the population. Consequently, NO is considered the molecule that now offers the means for profoundly altering the disturbing trends in public health.
The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook
In The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook Dr. Mark Hyman shows you how to take an assessment of your own health status and how to prepare your kitchen to follow the principles of eating healthy for life. Best of all, it has more than 175 recipes to fill your kitchen with the enticing aroma of world-class meals.
Using a Pneumatic Compression Device for Lower and Upper Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease
Do you have leg or arm pain from poor circulation? Dr. Steven Kavros discusses research that shows the value of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) in many areas of both upper and lower extremity vascular disease.
Why Women Should Stop Their Cholesterol Lowering Medication
Dr. Mark Hyman discusses a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine that found statins increase the risk of getting diabetes by 71 percent in post-menopausal women. Since diabetes is a major cause of heart disease, this study calls into question current recommendations and guidelines for women to take statins to prevent heart attacks (called primary prevention) and suggests they may do more harm than good.
The Blood Sugar Solution
The Blood Sugar Solution has a bold central goal: to address and begin to reverse a global epidemic of diabesity. It is a personal guide and plan, as well as a program for helping people get healthy together, based on functional medicine, and it is a blueprint for us to take back our health as a society.
8 Steps to Reversing Diabesity
Dr. Mark Hyman shares a comprehensive 8-step plan for overcoming diabesity in all its forms.
Fifty Percent of Americans Suffer from Silent Killer: Diabesity
Diabesity describes a continuum of disease from from optimal blood sugar balance to insulin sensitivity to full-blown diabetes. It affects 1 in 2 Americans and is the leading cause of most chronic disease in this country including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer, not to mention its leading role in weight gain and obesity.
Can This Herb Completely Replace Drugs for Type-2 Diabetics?
Frank Shallenberger, M.D., reports on his experience and two studies on the effects of berberine on blood sugar control and triglyceride levels and discusses berberine as an effective treatment for diabetes.
There is a Cure for Diabetes
There is a Cure for Diabetes has been an interesting collective effort of over thirty-five years of input from clients and pioneers of the live-food movement to heal diabetes naturally.
The Diabetes Epidemic
In the U.S., as well as other places around the world, the number of people living with diabetes continues to rise at an astounding rate. Our sedentary lifestyle, coupled with the typical western diet rich in sugars, bad fats and low fiber suggest that this problem will continue to grow.
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Dr. Cousens' independent documentary film Simply Raw is about reversing diabetes in 30 days and chronicles six Americans with "incurable" diabetes switching their diet and getting off insulin.
Bio Center Reckeweg
Dr. Augusto Pazán is the director of the Bio Center Reckewig in Ecuador. It is a small multiple physician clinic of natural and non-toxic therapies.
A Constitutional and Dietary Approach to Diabetes
Dr. Sacha Barrio is a Peruvian-American OMD trained in the United Kingdom. Successively, he received a scholarship to study in China and became apprentice to Dr. Huang Huang in Nan Jing, China. Dr. Huang uses traditional diagnosis based on body types and applies classic herbal formulas from the Shang Han Lun. Dr. Barrio also integrates his practice with Peruvian medicinal herbs which are part of the traditional Amazonian and Andean pharmacopeias.
Tree of Life Symposium with Dr. Cousens
Dr. Gabriel Cousens is challenging Conventional Medicine head-on by curing people of Diabetes, a disease considered by most as incurable. He believes that by focusing on this disease he is tackling the tip of an iceberg of a whole dysfunctional medical system. To this end, Dr. Cousens' strategy is to speak directly to the student body of medical schools. His lectures are scientific and break paradigms. Some schools have received him with open arms; others have rejected him outright. A dean of a school (that has a prestigious Complementary and Alternative Medicine program) wrote back to him: "we do not want you or anybody like you to ever speak in our school."
Devil in the Milk Research Update
In this article Keith Woodford, author of the Devil in the Milk, provides updates on recent research on BCM7, what he calls "the milk devil."
Devil in the Milk
FAIM is always on the lookout for interesting concepts in health. It has come to our attention that there is a possible issue with milk. Since the public consumes so much dairy we felt it was important to share Keith Woodford's research.