Back in 1915, a French surgeon, Prof. Pierre Delbet, M.D. discovered that Magnesium Chloride solution was not only harmless for tissues, but it had also a great effect over leucocytic activity and phagocytosis; so it was perfect for external wounds treatment.
Wound Healing

Photo by ocskaymark, 2016 /
Complementary and alternative methods for helping wounds heal.
Red Light Therapy Charges Your Mitochondria, Revitalizes Your Skin, and Reduces Pain
We are creatures that evolved to live in light. These days we spent about 90% of our time indoors and as a result have significantly reduced the amount of exposure we get to various light wavelengths. Also called photobiomodulation, red light therapy provides just the right wavelengths our body uses for rejuvenating processes.
The Use of Hypochlorous Acid Solution in Wound Management
Sodium hypochlorite solutions have been used in wound care for a hundred years and are familiar to practitioners as Dakin's solution. In the last 15 years more advanced hypochlorous acid solutions based on electrochemistry have emerged as safe and viable wound-cleansing agents and infection treatment adjunct therapies.
UBI in the Treatment of Antibiotic Resistant Super Bugs
With the overuse of antibiotics, resistant forms of bacteria have developed. See how Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) can be an answer.
Silver Coated Dressing and Microcurrent for Wound Healing
Burn injuries account for up to 20% of conventional combat casualties, and expose their victims to infection, organ dysfunction, and severe dehydration. The efficacy of direct microcurrent in combination with an FDA-approved silver nylon dressing evaluated in the treatment of skin donor sites for partial thickness thermal injuries.