
Gurdev Parmar, ND, FABNO
President Nixon declared "War on Cancer" decades ago ...... and so far surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy have been losing the war. In the meantime a number of successful new weapons have become available but haven't been recognized by the allopathic medical "experts."
The latest and by far the best new weapon in the war on cancer is Oncothermia. Not only does it successfully treat newly diagnosed cancers, it can deal successfully with stage IV cancers .... and has been used successfully even when treating advanced cancers of the colon, lung, liver, pancreas and our all time favorite, glioblastoma (brain cancer).
Oncothermia has been used successfully in a large and growing number of cancer Kliniks (medical centers) in Western Europe for the last several years. (Learn more in FAIM's article Oncothermia: A complementary method in tumor-therapy.)
In the United States FDA approval is eventually going to be sought, but the time and money to complete the needed research is likely to delay entry into the US medical mainstream for at least the next ten years. However, there's some really good news.
Oncothermia will become available in Vancouver, Canada in a few weeks. As this message is being written the first installation of an Oncothermia device is being completed at the Integrated Health Clinic under the direction of Dr. Gurdev Parmar, ND, FABNO.
Integrated Health Clinic
23242 Mavis Ave., 2nd floor
Fort Langley, BC, V1M 2R4
Phone: 604-888-8325