The International Ayurvedic Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro March 12-15, 2018. Hosted together by the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the First International Congress of Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Public Health and the Third International Ayuveda Congress, attracting more than 4,000 participants.
Traditional Medicine

Image by Ferdinando Pisani, ©2010 / FAIM
A pharmacy in Cuba offering traditional, natural, and herbal medicines.
Traditional Medicine refers to the practices of different cultures based on theories, beliefs and experiences. In order to be versatile in maintenance of health FAIM believes all areas of healing are important to investigate.
A Constitutional and Dietary Approach to Diabetes
Dr. Sacha Barrio is a Peruvian-American OMD trained in the United Kingdom. Successively, he received a scholarship to study in China and became apprentice to Dr. Huang Huang in Nan Jing, China. Dr. Huang uses traditional diagnosis based on body types and applies classic herbal formulas from the Shang Han Lun. Dr. Barrio also integrates his practice with Peruvian medicinal herbs which are part of the traditional Amazonian and Andean pharmacopeias.
Traditional Medicine Conference, Tarapoto, Peru
The conference “Traditional Medicine, Interculturality and Mental Health” was a bold initiative to summon experts and traditional healers from nearly two-dozen countries to discuss issues rarely addressed in other international forums.
Visit with Dr. Marcos Díaz
Dr. Marcos Díaz is an eminent Cuban psychiatrist who is an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He is now a consultant to international projects promoting TCM.
Shamans: New Mexico, Florida, and Ecuador
In an effort to study and understand health, FAIM investigates all facets and traditions of healing. Three of these include Kundalini Yoga, Harmonization and Homa Therapy.
The International Conference of Traditional, Natural, and Bioenergetic Medicine, Hoguin, Cuba
This conference is an event organized every two years in Cuba. It is an opportunity for medical professionals from South America and the Caribbean to exchange ideas, research findings and life passion.
World Summit for the Harmonization in Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Lima, Peru
The World Summit for the Harmonization in Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Medicine (TACM) is the brain child of Dr. Martha Villar, FAIM's principle collaborator in Peru. The summit health ministers and practitioners of TACM came together to discuss how these diverse medical systems fit into the legal framework.