Tirza Derflinger

Guest Writer


Tirza Derflinger

Tirza Derflinger, MBA, CTT, Educator

Tirza Derflinger is the Founder and President of The Thermogram Center, Inc.

For more information, visit the Thermogram Center.

Articles by Tirza Derflinger

Better Breast Health for Life

“Better Breast Health – for Life!,” by Tirza L. Derflinger, MBA, CTT, isn’t just a book; it’s your guide to a life of wellness, designed to inspire and empower you, in a journey that goes beyond conventional health approaches.

Breast Cancer Prevention or Detection: What Women Really Want

We hear so much about the importance of early detection for breast cancer to save lives, but women really want to know how to prevent breast cancer. Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging, RATI, offers the ability to observe potential inflammatory processes in the breasts (and body) early enough to intervene and reverse risk factors, thereby reducing the risk for cancer's development.

The Relevance of Dental Issues

The most common and potentially life-threatening thermal finding observed with Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging isn't one suggestive of breast cancer, it's tooth issues and infection.