“Better Breast Health – for Life!,” by Tirza L. Derflinger, MBA, CTT, isn’t just a book; it’s your guide to a life of wellness, designed to inspire and empower you, in a journey that goes beyond conventional health approaches.

Image courtesy of Martin Möhrke
With over 97% accuracy, thermography has the ability to warn women 8-10 years before any other imaging method, that a cancer may be forming.
Breast Cancer Prevention or Detection: What Women Really Want
We hear so much about the importance of early detection for breast cancer to save lives, but women really want to know how to prevent breast cancer. Risk Assessing Thermal Imaging, RATI, offers the ability to observe potential inflammatory processes in the breasts (and body) early enough to intervene and reverse risk factors, thereby reducing the risk for cancer's development.
Infrared Screening and Medical Thermography
Thermography is uniquely suited to observing dynamic physiological changes on the body and is a compelling screening tool. The skin is the body's central communication hub for the network of interconnections between all body systems. The skin has the information and the infrared screening software can tell the story as it is happening.
Medical Thermal Imaging for Preventative Screening
With over 8,000 journals published worldwide, medical thermal imaging has plenty of research to support its use for non-invasive and preventative screening. Most recently it has been promoted for use in early detection of breast cancer.
Thermography for the Prevention of Breast Cancer
With over 97% accuracy, Donna Tomey reports, thermography has the ability to warn women 8-10 years before any other imaging method, that a cancer may be forming, alerting women early enough to begin the process of actually reversing this abnormal development before it even becomes a tumor.