Fibromyalgia is a neuro-endocrine chronic pain condition that affects the immune system, the endocrine system, the thalamus, the PAG, the insula, and the cortex; and fibromyalgia affects the gut, and the brain and influences everything the patient thinks, feels, and does. You need to know that fibromyalgia has at least five different causes. The most important thing you need to know about fibromyalgia is that it can be cured.
Energy Medicine

Image courtesy of Thomas Aksnes
Thomas Aksnes of Bergen, Norway, with the Electro Intersticial Scanner and patient.
“Energy medicine is the diagnostic and therapeutic use of energy – heat, light, sound, gravity, pressure, vibration, electricity, magnetism, chemical energy, electro-magnetism – basic forces that surround and interpenetrate us. Energy medicine includes a whole range of hands-on methods, hands-off methods, energy techniques, and devices. Energy medicine involves energy of particular frequencies, intensities, wave shapes, and other characteristics that stimulate the repair and regeneration of one or more tissues.” ~Dr. James L. Oschman
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding
"The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding" is directed by Sundance Award-Winning filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell. This is a feature-length documentary based on their viral short film entitled "Down To Earth," that reveals the scientific phenomenon of how we can heal our bodies by doing the simplest thing that a person can do: standing barefoot on the earth.
A Letter From Silvia Binder on the Ondamed and Biofeedback
It’s time for us to review the unique method that we teach practitioners to use in combination with the ONDAMED device.
Understanding Biofield Science
Biofield science is an emerging field of study that seeks to explain the subtle energy fields that surround all living organisms. Take a deep dive to advancing your understanding through the investigation of five research studies.
What Is Energy Medicine?
This brief video contains an excerpt from the speech given at the 2009 Annual World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine by James Oschman, Ph.D. explaining energy medicine
PEMF to Reduce Bladder Pain
In this video Dr. Mandy LaGreca discusses the role of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) for managing bladder pain for patients suffering from IC and Bladder Pain Syndrome.
An Integrative Collaborative Care Model for People With Mental Illness and Physical Comorbidities
Meet the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance
Philanthropist and medical publisher Dr. Robert L. Bard helped to spearhead the formation of a brand new network dedicated to a grouping of pain and injury care professionals called IPHA - the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance. It is a private self-funded professional community assembling a synergistic collective of clinical specialists, therapeutic technologists, diagnosticians, innovators, public educators, advocates and patient resources dedicated to supporting physiological care. Learn about their PEMF research.
Woman Sees Peripheral Neuropathy Virtually Disappear After One 20-Minute Treatment
Peripheral neuropathy is a problem for many people. The good news is that this condition is now seeing the light – and responding. The light is monochromatic low-level near-infrared light. Here’s what we’re finding out about this groundbreaking treatment.
Health Buzz: Kimberly Schipke - Healing with Energy Medicine
FAIM's International Resource Coordinator, Kimberly Schipke, MS, a guest on Health Buzz, shares her research into the biofield with energy based therapies and the SpectroChrome Laser she developed.
Body Electric 2.0 2021 Summit
Forty nine experts in frequency medicine presented scientifically proven tools and cutting-edge research on a multitude of energy, frequency and vibrational healing modalities that promote and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. Here is a summary of several of the presentations at this year's Summit.
The Mineral Power for Your Body’s Electrical Supply
We know that water conducts electricity in our bodies. But would you like to see how? What if you learned about a little something extra that could add a lot more zap to your zip? Dr. Seneff has all the data that you need.
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities – A Unified Hypothesis
What do fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and chemical sensitivities all have in common? It could be the vagus nerve through its role of suppressing the immune system, regulating gut motility and gut pH and therefore gut bacterial flora, and the connection of the vagus to the brain and limbic system. The role of Frequency Specific Microcurrent addressing the vagus nerve has shown fairly quick improvements.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Devices in the Care and Management of Neurological Disorders
PEMF has been shown to support progress in neuro-chemical conditions that include addiction, ADHD, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, depression, PTSD, and sleep issues. Research also indicates benefit for neuro-pathologies such as concussion, memory loss, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and tremor.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Stress
The use of personalized precision medicine to address COVID-19 using energy medicine, and specifically the ONDAMED technology, is an advantage for physicians and their patients.
What is the Biofield?
The biofield is an exciting frontier of discovery that has endless research potential. Emerging research and cross-disciplinary collaboration is bringing greater understanding to the anatomy and physiology of the human biofield. New technologies are being developed daily to investigate even more subtle signals from the body.
Energy Medicine Overview
One of the most exciting areas of research at FAIM involves energy medicine. This is an area of medicine that will likely be the future. There are so many facets and I will try to share information about three of the therapies FAIM finds most promising.
Ecopsychology and Environmental Hazards with Beverly Rubik
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., a biophysicist, is president of the Institute for Frontier Science. She is also currently president of the U. S. Psychotronics Association. She is also professor of integrative medicine at Saybrook University.
In this interview she points out that our global environment is being flooded with new forms...
Energy Medicine Going Mainstream: From ancient history to modern medicine
Silvia Binder lecturing on “Energy Medicine Going Mainstream” at the General Session of A4M's Conference in Las Vegas, December 2014.
Lighting up the Brain: Photobiomodulation Meets Neurofeedback
In episode 14 of the Evolving Past Alzheimer's podcast, host Dr. Nate Bergman talks with Dr. Marvin Berman about two different and distinct technologies: Photobiomodulation and Neurofeedback. Dr. Berman explains how he connected Neurofeedback and Photobiomodulation in the development of a comprehensive treatment model.
International Society for Medical Laser Applications: ISLA Conference 2019
Laser therapy, including photo dynamic therapy and photobiomodulation therapy, continues to make new inroads in treatment protocols for a variety of disorders. Once considered a fringe therapy, studies on laser treatment have recently found their way into medical journals like Lancet and Stroke.
Red Light Therapy Charges Your Mitochondria, Revitalizes Your Skin, and Reduces Pain
We are creatures that evolved to live in light. These days we spent about 90% of our time indoors and as a result have significantly reduced the amount of exposure we get to various light wavelengths. Also called photobiomodulation, red light therapy provides just the right wavelengths our body uses for rejuvenating processes.
Dr. Mercola Interviews James Carroll on the Benefits of Photobiomodulation
Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews expert James Carroll on the benefits of photobiomodulation, and what the research says about this form of therapy.
Introduction to Frequency Specific Microcurrent
What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)? Frequencies are pulses per second measured in hertz. They can be sound waves or electronic pulses. The frequencies used in FSM are electromagnetic pulses used on two channels firing at the same time. The frequencies are delivered using a ramped square wave that includes high frequency harmonics to create the square wave.
The Human Story: The Living Matrix
Dr. James Oschman's presentation at the Annual World Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine.
PEMF - A Primer: what is known (and what is not known about PEMF)
The most important thing to know about pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is that, based upon the reports of physicians and health care providers with many years of clinical experience using a wide range of different products, some forms of PEMF clearly have beneficial effects on chronic pain as well as a wide range of other medical conditions that are difficult or impossible to treat by conventional means.
Intravenous and Interstitial Photodynamic Laser Therapy: New Options in Oncology
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a promising treatment option for oncology. It is easy to apply and is no longer limited by technology. This article reviews the science of PTD, successes, and applications. It is more effective when used with GcMAF and hyperbaric oxygen. PDT could soon be considered a mainstream treatment for cancer as an adjunct therapy.
Immortality Now: Energy Medicine and The Ondamed
Energy Medicine Going Mainstream
Energy medicine has been used throughout human history even dating back to 15,000 B.C. Dr. Binder gives a complete history, introduces various energy medicine therapies and describes specific examples of healing. We are energy beings. In order to experience total health, we must look at how energies are playing a role in our bodies.
Homeopathy: A misunderstood science
What is homeopathy? What is a homeopath? How does homeopathy work? Does homeopathy work? What are homeopathic remedies? How are homeopathic remedies made? What is the difference between classical homeopathy and complex or combination homeopathy? What is a homeopathic proving? What is a repertory? What is a Materia Medica? Learn all you wanted to know about homeopathy.
Endless Energy the Essential Guide to Energy Health
The emerging fields of energy psychology, energy kinesiology, and energy medicine have vastly altered what is known about how we function.
Giving Energy Medicine a Chance: A Proposal
Medical crises of our times, such as the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the breakdown in pain medications show that the need for an institution to evaluate new and promising methods that are coming into widespread use but that are not well regulated or tested by existing institutions. What is being proposed is the equivalent of the Underwriters Laboratory specializing in the evaluation of new medical devices and techniques.
Holistic and High-Tech Energy Medicine Clinics
There are currently hundreds of different approaches aimed at solving health problems. Some are within conventional medicine, and most are categorized as traditional, natural, alternative or complimentary medicine. We can assume that almost every approach does some good, as it is highly unlikely that many people would engage for years...
Quantum Medicine Conference 2011, Brazil
The second international symposium on Quantum Health and Quality of Life was held September 15-18, 2011 in Recife, Brazil and was one of the largest quantum health conferences in the world with over 2,000 attendees. These numbers signify the growing interest in the field of safe, holistic healthcare and the desire for a more preventative approach to health.
Measurement of the Human Biofield and Other Energetic Instruments
Understanding more about the human biofield in connection with psychophysiologic states such as healing and altered states might help facilitate an understanding of mind-body regulation and help build a bridge between energy medicine and mind-body medicine.
Thomas Aksnes: HealthTech Sciences
Thomas Aksnes of HealthTech Sciences has developed the PTD, a proprietary miniature technology that treats a series of symptoms using programmed series of electromagnetic signals.
Energy Medicine in the United States
Dr. Karl Maret provides an overview of energy medicine in the U.S. including key perspectives, authors, organizations, educational institutions, and professional associations. Pioneers in the field are introduced and leaders in the the future of energy medicine are discussed.
The Hilu Institute
Dr. Hilu's clinic states that the trauma of fighting cancer can be very discouraging and one needs to treat the person as a whole as “the body is not separate from the mind and the heart.” Dr. Hilu uses a variety of energy medicine devices in his protocols.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Denver, Colorado
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)is used to successfully treat myofascial pain from trigger points, tendonitis, nerve pain, peripheral neuropathies, shingles, herpes, kidney stone pain, fibromyalgia and medical conditions associated with inflammation.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent for Pain
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) uses microamperage current and the resonance effects of frequencies on tissues and conditions to create beneficial changes to symptoms and health.
International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE) Conference, Cancun, Mexico
The International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE) is a group of scientists, therapists and entrepreneurs dedicated to promoting a new quantum-field energy based medical paradigm.
Microcurrent Case Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
Dr. Edward Kondrot and Dr. Darrin Starwynn hosted this 2nd annual microcurrent conference. In general these devices are believed to improve circulation, reduce scar tissue, and stimulate cellular activity.
The Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting (BEMS)
Established in 1978, BEMS is an independent organization of biological and physical scientists, physicians and engineers interested in the interactions of non-ionizing radiation with biological systems.
International Medical University of Natural Education (IMUNE) Conference, Norway
The 3rd International Seminar by IMUNE was held in Bergen, Norway. The theme was The Science of Self Regulation.