Biofield science is an emerging field of study that seeks to explain the subtle energy fields that surround all living organisms. Take a deep dive to advancing your understanding through the investigation of five research studies.
Subtle Energy Medicine

Photo by Irish Eyes, Copyright 2007 /
The term "Subtle Energy" describes the vital force within all of us, the energetic dynamic that drives our body function, personal relationships.
Revisiting the Aether in Science
The “neo-aether,” as a proposed primordial substrate at the foundation of fields, matter, and sentience could lead to a unified field theory with truly novel applications. Learn about the historical transitions and how this relates to the present status in the universe.
United States Psychotronic Association (USPA) Conference 2018
The United States Psychotronic Association (USPA) defines psychotronics as the science of mind-body-environment relationships, an interdisciplinary science concerned with the interactions of matter, energy and consciousness. Psychotronics involves the study, research, and applications of the physics and technology of the mind, brain, spirit, consciousness, and the underlying forces of life and nature – hence the term psychotronics.
Eileen McKusick Describes Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning is a unique non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body. Biofield Tuning was developed by pioneering researcher and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick.
37th Annual United States Psychotronics Association Convention
The July 2011 US Psychotronics convention showcased presenters discussing such diverse topics as methods for improving your garden and your personal health, wearable nutrition and emerging new scientific theories.
Quantum Medicine Conference, Recife, Brazil
The principle focus of the conference on Quantum Medicine held in Recife, Brazil, was to understand the involvement of the mind in the processes of health and healing. Nearly 900 people attended this fascinating event where the latest ideas in science were discussed by a panel of international specialists.
ISSSEEM Conference on Sacred Synthesis: Science with Heart
The theme for 2009 ISSSEEM conference was "Sacred Synthesis: Science with Heart." ISSSEEM is an interdisciplinary society with interest in the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, and the understanding of our multidimensional existence.
Quantum Energy Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
The epithet phrase “exploring, expanding and challenging the boundaries of health concepts and systems” was most descriptive of the life-changing intellectual environment experienced by all those in attendance.
34th Annual United States Psychotronics Association Convention
The 2008 conference was an effort to combine the paranormal with explanations regarding elements of healing which the world does not generally understand.
ISSSEEM Conference Explores the Role of Intent on Healing
Scientific studies continue to demonstrate "intent" as a unique determinant of outcome. This influence is perhaps greater in the field of medicine and health than in any other aspect of scientific endeavor.