
Tina Craig
Since the release of EFT in the early 90's, practitioners have been encouraged to create, combine and experiment with the basic instruction. One look on the internet today will show the wide variety of EFT practice and instruction. There are seemingly endless opportunities for EFT instruction and credentials, provided by individuals as well as organizations, and offering many different versions of EFT. While it's exciting to have all those variations available, it can be confusing to those who prefer to master the original first.
The original source of EFT was founded by Gary Craig. He spent many years refining EFT in his own way, and his powerful approach, now called Gold Standard EFT, has yet to meet its match.
In order to provide a new level of clarity and consistency, his daughter Tina Craig has completely redesigned the Gold Standard EFT instruction. Since 2005, she has brought a unique perspective for translating his effortless EFT delivery into valuable teaching material. She has also been the director for the all the certification efforts endorsed by the founder and has been mentoring licensed mental health professionals in their EFT applications since 2010.
While the Gold Standard EFT Tutorial is available to the public, Tina Craig offers high quality professional training. Her goal is to preserve the EFT founder's original instruction and provide an opportunity for professionals to obtain solid credentials in the purest version of EFT.
Certification in Gold Standard EFT includes three levels of skill:
- Certified Practitioner
- Certified Advanced Practitioner
- Certified Master Practitioner
Professional experience is required for eligibility and licensed mental health professionals can fast track to the Advanced Level if they have an established practice. Certification can be completed entirely from your own location and each level includes the following:
- Home Study of the Gold Standard EFT Tutorial with Workbook/Study Guide
- Additional articles, videos, audios to develop professional skill
- Monthly group mentoring calls
- One-on-one Consultation by video review
- Work 50-100 hours with EFT before completion, depending on experience
Please see Professional Training in Gold Standard EFT website for more information.