
Jane McLelland, Grad. Dipl. Phys
Jane qualified as a Chartered Physiotherapist, gaining a distinction in her exams and winning the Sarah Leeson Memorial Award for the most promising student. After qualifying she worked in the National Health Service in the United Kingdom (NHS) and private practice for 12 years specializing in Neurology and then Orthopedics.
From 1994 until 2004, Jane battled two aggressive cancers with metastatic spread, both were classed as terminal.
Using her medical knowledge and researching heavily, she put together a cancer-starving formula, using natural therapies, exercise and diet. When she developed a second cancer, leukemia, the result of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for her first cancer, she knew she only had weeks to live. With nothing to lose, she put together a unique cocktail of old drugs. To her enormous relief, joy and surprise, her cancer just melted away. Her cocktail was more powerful than she had ever hoped.
Now Jane is campaigning for off-label drugs to be recognized as effective cancer treatment. She has visited parliament, helping to change legislation for off-patent and off-label drugs. She continues to push for the vast Cancer Drug Fund to be used to investigate these – something the cancer charities are failing to do.
She is the author of How to Starve Cancer ...without starving yourself, a powerful speaker, and a brave and passionate advocate of fellow cancer sufferers.