Marcus Laux

Guest Writer


Marcus Laux

Marcus Laux, ND, DHom

Marcus Laux, N.D., D.Hom., is a licensed naturopathic physician who received his doctorate in naturpoathic medicine from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) in Portland, Oregon and his doctorate in homeopathy from the College of Homeopathy in California. His focus is on researching, writing and lecturing on science-based natural medicine.

For nearly two decades, Laux maintained a full-time private family practice in Beverly Hills and Malibu, CA. He has served as an assistant adjunct professor at Emperors College of Traditional Oriental Medicine (CA), as Clinical professor of OB/GYN at NCNM, and is currently an Adjunct faculty member at Bastyr University of Natural Health (WA).

He has traveled extensively throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas to experience indigenous healing practices and learn native pharmacy and medicines first-hand.

To learn more visit Marcus Laux's website.

Articles by Marcus Laux

Healing with Magnets

Dr. Marcus Laux travels the world to bring the latest in natural healing solutions for their health. There has been a long standing argument whether magnets heal or not. Dr. Laux shares information regarding his take on what the science says about magnets and pain relief, body healing, stroke rehabilitation and urinary incontinence.