Debra Greene


Debra Greene

Debra Greene, PhD

Debra Greene, PhD, is an Energy Health Specialist and frequently quoted expert in the field of energy medicine and mind-body integration. She combines the best of ancient wisdom with modern science in her clinical practice, writings, lectures, and nationwide media appearances. Debra has worked with thousands of clients and taught hundreds of workshops.

Author of the acclaimed book, "Endless Energy: The Essential Guide to Energy Health," Debra is an engaging instructor, a dynamic presenter, and sought-after practitioner. She started her energy health practice in 1993 and is the founder of Inner Clarity (IC), an integrative balancing method that uses energy kinesiology to pinpoint hidden core beliefs and a variety of energy based techniques to facilitate lasting improvement.

Learn more on Debra Greene's website.

Articles by Debra Greene

Endless Energy the Essential Guide to Energy Health

The emerging fields of energy psychology, energy kinesiology, and energy medicine have vastly altered what is known about how we function.