The Remarkable Journeys of Ordinary People Healing Themselves of Dis-ease in Extra Ordinary Ways
Book announcement

Sarah Dawkins is the author of “Heal Yourself”
Exploring the fascinating and insightful, pharmaceutical-free, self-healing stories of incredible people – including the author’s very own life changing journey, “Heal Yourself” gives you, the reader, a highly emotional and eye-opening look into the lives of ordinary people healing themselves of many, often lifelong and debilitating, health issues and diseases. Some, from the depths of suicidal despair, to wellness and vibrant health.
Utilizing a variety of techniques, the author learned the secret of self-healing naturally, without the use of pharmaceutical and prescription drugs.
Seventy-four other self-healers share their methods of healing, giving insight into how you can use them too, whether you are simply interested in natural self-healing or are on your own journey back to health and wellness.
Healing knows no boundaries and comes from a sense of wholeness of self and a loss of symptoms. Follow the author and other healers, on their very personal journeys to health and well-being.
As the author says: “If I can do it, so can you.”
My story ………….
Healing myself and finding my purpose
I had a difficult and strict upbringing, growing up in a deprived town in northern England. My mother a nurse and father a fireman; separated then divorced when I was around four years old. Both my parents remarried and shunting between parents, visits were highly emotionally charged.
Around the age of nine, I was sexually abused by an elderly male neighbor and during secondary school, I was physically, emotionally and verbally bullied by three separate girls. I was reduced to tears on a daily basis and didn’t understand why any of this was happening to me.
I struggled terribly for many years with my mental health. I just never felt “good enough.” This led to me training as a Registered Nurse, followed with an honor's degree (BSc Hons), then on to a master’s degree (MSc).
Throughout my adult life, I suffered from a multitude of health problems. These included; eczema, psoriasis, acid reflux, bulimia nervosa, candida, an underactive thyroid, severe and debilitating headaches, adrenal fatigue, back, hip and knee pain and two frozen shoulders. I was sexually assaulted by a person I trusted and was diagnosed with two bouts of depression. It was during the second episode of depression that I became lost in an abyss of darkness, drank alcohol in excess and became suicidal. I believed my family would be better off without me around. I had refused the pharmaceutical medication from the doctor because they had left me zombie-like and devoid of emotions previously.
Before my second episode of depression, I had started researching how lifestyle choices affected health because I was fed up with feeling unwell and lethargic on a daily basis. There was so much information on the internet! Armed with this new knowledge, I improved my eating habits by cutting out sugar, processed foods, dairy and gluten, then later meat and alcohol. I also started a regime of supplements; vitamins B, C and D3, zinc, selenium, magnesium and bone broth, to support the nutritional deficits causing some of my symptoms. These new eating habits and supplementing nutrients led to me healing the acid reflux, eczema, psoriasis and candida. With the use of holistic treatments including chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy and acupuncture, the severe headaches and joint pains were healed, no pharmaceuticals needed.
I felt empowered and realized that there was so much more I could do. I started to clean up my lifestyle and found recipes online for homemade, chemical free cleaning, laundry, beauty and health products. Making and using these new products helped me to remove many toxins from my environment, which in turn, helped my body to detoxify. This, alongside my clean eating, healed both my thyroid and adrenals.
I needed to reduce the levels of stress that I felt, so I started walking more. I learned the art of practicing gratitude and mindfulness which played a huge part in healing the suicidal depression and bulimia nervosa I suffered from. It truly was the little things that I had gratitude for, the blue sky, flowers, birdsong, listening to the wind rustle through the trees and the love of my family. Being aware of my surroundings, using my senses to ground myself in the present moment, all had a role in the lifting of my mood.
As I was starting to heal, I realized that I still firmly held onto some beliefs that were passed on to me from key people in my younger years. I actively made conscious changes to the beliefs that no longer worked for me in the world I now live in and found new strengths and coping abilities from doing so. This was liberating and was a huge part of my finding my true authentic self that I had lost along the way.
Finally, I understood the need to practice forgiveness; to forgive myself for not having the skills and knowledge to deal with the situations I had found myself in throughout my life. This took me out of the victim mentality that I had spent much of my life in. I then went on to forgive others too, as I realized that we are all the product of our life experiences. This was a huge awakening for me and I now see that forgiveness, or the lack of, is at the core of much dis-ease.
Utilizing all my research and practical knowledge gained in my own self-healing, I now coach clients on natural self-healing and have had some amazing results in clients who have been left sick, failed by their doctors. I have found my purpose in this life. Coaching others on how to naturally self-heal is my dharma.