Book announcement

“Rapid Viral Recovery” is a book written by Dr. Levy and is available as a free download. It is a must-read in this day and age of pandemic virus invasion. Following are excerpts from the book.
The foremost intent of this book is to show that hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization and other clinical interventions will completely stop the pandemic dead in its tracks. Yet perhaps there is another lesson of greater long-term benefit. It now appears that there are clear-cut ways to lessen and even eliminate some chronic diseases felt not only to be incurable, but also clinically unimprovable. This is due to the fact that the primary and secondary effects of chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) and chronic focal infections in the oral cavity and aerodigestive tract are the reasons for many diseases starting in the body, as well as for all diseases worsening or not readily responding to different therapies.
The main point of this book is to make the public aware, as rapidly as possible, that the COVID pandemic can literally be ended in one to two weeks with the widespread dissemination and application of the proper therapies. For reasons given earlier, HP nebulization is the single most important of these therapies, due to:
- insignificant expense
- easy access and availability
- lack of toxicity
- breakdown by-products (water, oxygen) that enhance healing
- ease of administration
- ability to be utilized without mandatory hospital, clinic, and/or physician intervention
- an incredibly powerful positive clinical impact as a monotherapy
- clinical compatibility and synergy with other therapies
However, multiple clinical interventions for COVID and other respiratory viruses should always be implemented along with HP nebulization whenever available. In particular, the vigorous administration of vitamin C is always indicated.
Bio-oxidative therapies therapies include HP, vitamin C, ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, and hyperbaric oxygen treatment. There are also a significant number of different ways in which these therapies can be administered for optimal clinical impact, especially with HP, vitamin C, and ozone. However, until a patient is clearly responding and resolving their viral infection, there should also be no hesitancy to utilize effective anti-COVID prescription agents, such as hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and ivermectin.
HP and vitamin C are natural physiological partners, and together they are the optimal tandem agents for dealing with any infections. Of course, additional therapies can always be added, but properly administered HP and vitamin C should nearly always do the job.
Nebulization offers a number of unique benefits not realized with other forms of drug administration, especially for pulmonary conditions. These benefits include the following:
- Provides a direct route of drug administration to affected cells/tissue without needing to circulate throughout the body, such as with agents that ease breathing or that kill pathogens.
- Moistens the areas nebulized, helping to mobilize and expel tenacious mucus and other secretions, such as infected sputum.
- Reliably lessens cough long-term after tenacious secretions get mobilized and expelled.
- Permits the use of lower amounts of the therapeutic agents needed in the lungs than would be needed if given systemically, which would lessen any potential toxicity of those agents as well.
- Permits a limited degree of systemic assimilation of the nebulized agent throughout the body.
- Permits a direct attack on areas of chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) in the sinuses, oral cavity, throat, esophagus, and airways (aerodigestive tract).
To keep the Fenton reaction functioning optimally and producing sufficient hydroxyl radicals to complete the destruction of a pathogen or infected host cell, three factors must be present:
- A continuing supply of electrons
- A continuing supply of free, reactive iron (not protein-bound or stored in ferritin)
- A continuing supply of HP
1. A sufficient supply of electrons is satisfied by having enough vitamin C inside the pathogens and host cells. High-dose vitamin C administration assures the presence of enough new electrons to continue the Fenton reaction to completion.
2. The pathogens themselves contain large amounts of iron, as they literally “feed” on iron and replicate more rapidly as more iron is assimilated. As such, iron-sated pathogens are already self-targeted for their destruction via the Fenton reaction. However, protein-bound and stored forms of iron cannot participate in the Fenton reaction. The entry of new HP into the pathogens/cells stimulates the release of iron from its storage.
3. HP is the primary “fuel” of the Fenton reaction, and new HP needs to continually be supplied in order to realize the complete destruction of the pathogen and host cell, as only water and oxygen remain after its metabolism to hydroxyl radicals. This is achieved by the massively increased amount of HP production that occurs when a large amount of vitamin C is in the extracellular space. This new HP is then free to move into the cells and pathogens, along with more vitamin C to serve as the needed source of electrons.
4. All of these properties explain why highly-dosed infusions of vitamin C are uniquely suited to rapidly cure acute viral syndromes, along with many other acute infections. As the premier electron donor in the body, vitamin C works perfectly with HP by the ease with which it can donate its electrons. Other antioxidants are far less effective and efficient in fulfilling this function. And when the vitamin C has been administered in high enough doses so that a large amount of it is outside the cells or pathogens in the extracellular space, it works to naturally produce large amounts of new HP that can easily diffuse into the cells/pathogens and provide more fuel to the Fenton reaction until pathogen destruction is complete. As such, when someone has an overwhelming and life-threatening infection, intravenous vitamin C in high enough doses can be expected to save the patient. This is because vitamin C produces the HP, which then releases the stored iron to an unbound, reactive form. This iron then receives and passes the electrons of vitamin C origin to that HP, resulting in the production of sufficient hydroxyl radicals to complete the pathogen kill. No other antioxidant will come close to the importance of vitamin C in fueling the Fenton reaction and clinically resolving all variety of infections and infectious diseases. Simply stated, vitamin C is the ultimate anti-pathogen agent since, directly or indirectly, it results in the continued supply of electrons, free iron, and HP that can produce hydroxyl radicals until pathogen/host cell death and destruction is complete.
In a nutshell, then:
- Resolve all pathogen colonizations and infections in the aerodigestive tract.
- Eat well and digest well.
- Balance the microbiome and heal the leaky gut.
- Normalize critical hormone levels.
- Supplement optimally.
- And then eradicate CPC throughout the body.
- And finally, stop being afraid and start working on improving your health, not just avoiding the pitfalls that worsen your health.
To download the free book go to the Rapid Viral Recovery page on the MedFox Publishing site.